
Oct 28, 2017
I liked this a lot . It was different then what I expected and I think it made for a much better film. Dev was amazing in this. I kept thinking let him make an 8 man after movie.

On a side note I found it really strange the music was edited with the film being rated R.


Oct 25, 2017
People are mostly using John Wick as a shorthand for it being a neo-noir action/thriller revenge story. If anything it's more like The Raid and The Night Comes for Us.
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Oct 27, 2017
How does the shaky cam compare to, say, the Bourne trilogy? Because it added to the experience there. MCU shaky cam? Not so much.


Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 10, 2018
7/10 for me. It's not going to make waves like The Raid did, but it's a fun action flick.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked it but my friends hated it, but I can't really blame them because they thought they were going to watch an action movie because of the trailers.

This is a drama with some action scenes in it.

That's odd. There's quite a lot of action in this. I would still quite definitely call this an action movie. It's an action movie with drama, not vice versa, imo.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
I would say it's a pretty good debut for an action film. The action itself is pretty good and it goes hard on the current far-right government in India. But it does have issues in a number of ways.

First off, thank you Jordan Peele for making it possible to watch it in the first place (as well as another fuck you to Netflix for almost killing it).

Second, yes there is some censorship with the party in question where the flags are changed from saffron of the BJP to red of the Communisf Party. That said... they didn't get all the flags. And the clothes are the same color too. Plus it's message is so blunt it's hard not to tell which party is being critiqued even with the color change.

Monkey Man follows a simple revenge story akin to Korean films of a
similar nature with the simplicity of John Wick. Yet I also see a bit of the Bourne and The Raid series when it comes to its camera work (which ends up being it's weakest part). It's story is sprained out throughout the story but in a way that keeps people engaged throughout the movie. It also points out the nature of the antagonists and it's party as well as areas you wouldn't expect. It has the rare appearance of the trans hijra community kicking ass (with me stupidly missing the context until after the movie).

The action scenes are pretty damn good here too with a dynamic series of fights that drags out protagonist into many different environments. The biggest issue ended up being the camera work, making the high impact scenes difficult to follow for much of the film.

As stated before, it also does have some potentially troubling alternatives to try and reclaim Hinduism from the extremists. I also agree to an extent that accusing the current establishment as a bit off the mark given good number of the group are true believers. That said, it's not to say that political leaders at the top have the same belief if we go with examples from Islam and Christianity. And what counts as true Hinduism would still be up to debate (I don't know enough about it to argue that).
Criticisms aside, this feels like a pretty good debut for an action film which still has enough teeth to provoke the populace, no matter how long they delay it's debut in India. 7.5/10


Oct 25, 2017
Good fight scenes but thin plot and underdeveloped/under fleshed out side characters. The few that were there seemed to exist only for the main character. Also the villains couldn't sustain the movie. It would have been better if there were more of them and they were fleshed out like the bosses in Yakuza 0. Speaking of which this movie made me want a Yakuza style game in this setting. The small glimpses we got into the underworld were interesting.

Overall 4/10. Boring movie that felt too long and had me checking my watch during the last half. Wait for streaming.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't even know Netflix wanted to kill the film because it didn't want to offend India. Like wow.


Oct 25, 2017
Gotta say, I didn't have temple of trans warriors on my 2024 bingo card. Thought I misheard a line from one of the news casts earlier in the movie, but no, they went all in.

Regarding the level of violence: At first I was finding it relatively tame until teeth got involved. Just escalated from then on


Nov 15, 2017
This movie would have been so good if it wasn't frickin zoomed in this much (and less shaky).

Frickin eye strain


Oct 27, 2017
meandered in places (though I was knackard so) but I realled liked the action in general and thought Dev's performance was excellent, brought heart and violence to it. I hope he can get more action roles now he's proved his point.
This movie would have been so good if it wasn't frickin zoomed in this much (and less shaky).

Frickin eye strain
Some times I thought it worked well but overall it did feel overused
Mar 21, 2018
I read that Indian metal band Bloodywood did music for the film which is reason enough for me to see it. Dev, you have great taste.


Oct 28, 2017
I would say it's a pretty good debut for an action film. The action itself is pretty good and it goes hard on the current far-right government in India. But it does have issues in a number of ways.

First off, thank you Jordan Peele for making it possible to watch it in the first place (as well as another fuck you to Netflix for almost killing it).

Second, yes there is some censorship with the party in question where the flags are changed from saffron of the BJP to red of the Communisf Party. That said... they didn't get all the flags. And the clothes are the same color too. Plus it's message is so blunt it's hard not to tell which party is being critiqued even with the color change.

Monkey Man follows a simple revenge story akin to Korean films of a
similar nature with the simplicity of John Wick. Yet I also see a bit of the Bourne and The Raid series when it comes to its camera work (which ends up being it's weakest part). It's story is sprained out throughout the story but in a way that keeps people engaged throughout the movie. It also points out the nature of the antagonists and it's party as well as areas you wouldn't expect. It has the rare appearance of the trans hijra community kicking ass (with me stupidly missing the context until after the movie).

The action scenes are pretty damn good here too with a dynamic series of fights that drags out protagonist into many different environments. The biggest issue ended up being the camera work, making the high impact scenes difficult to follow for much of the film.

As stated before, it also does have some potentially troubling alternatives to try and reclaim Hinduism from the extremists. I also agree to an extent that accusing the current establishment as a bit off the mark given good number of the group are true believers. That said, it's not to say that political leaders at the top have the same belief if we go with examples from Islam and Christianity. And what counts as true Hinduism would still be up to debate (I don't know enough about it to argue that).
Criticisms aside, this feels like a pretty good debut for an action film which still has enough teeth to provoke the populace, no matter how long they delay it's debut in India. 7.5/10
What is the hijra context you missed?


Oct 26, 2017
I saw this movie last night. The camera work was atrocious at times but for aome of the fights it was great. I don't really see the comparison to The Raid….i did feel like I was watching something inspired heavily by John Wick.

Probably didn't help me that I have spring/summer allergies and was trying to watch a movie.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
What is the hijra context you missed?
I thought they were women. I didn't know they were intersex/enby as well. Honestly, the duality of gender talk should have clued me in, but I hadn't even heard of that community until after the movie. Cis bias at work.
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Oct 25, 2017
That kicked ass. I absolutely understand some of the critiques of the film and also that was exactly what I wanted from that movie.

The shaky cam and rapid cutting actually worked for me, like it's deliberately impressionistic because we spend so much time practically inside his head, and with those three second first person shots mixed into the action sequences, the whole thing drew me into his adrenaline addled perception


Oct 27, 2017
I saw it this afternoon. I didn't have any real expectations. One trailer is all I had weeks beforehand. I think this movie needed 20-30 minutes cut and it could be a nice, tight movie with a very solid third act. There were some good scenes and great shots, but damn there were also some extremely bad shots and I was very bored at times, especially during the first hour. I probably would've walked out if I wasn't with a friend. The third act was legit great though, so I'm actually glad my friend was there.
Oct 27, 2017
Here is my eight word review.

Cops bad. Trans folk good. Dev Patel hot.
I came here to write a lengthy thought out post but.... yea this covers it.

Didn't read reviews, so was jazzed to see prominent trans representation in the film.

Criticisms aside, this is pretty impressive as a directorial debut, and I really hope he keeps polishing his directing (he clearly has an eye for it)

Also need more hot Dev Patel action movies. Give me a Dev Patel/Andrew Koji team up movie, already.
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Really enjoyed it. It's main problem is the pace grinds to a halt in the middle of the movie and takes a little longer than it should before getting back to the action, a few trims would have fixed that but overall it was a decent action flick.
Oct 25, 2017
It's really good. I had no problem with the pace, found it quite engrossing. It's a story we've heard many times before but I really bought into the hero's journey this time. Usually a training arc can feel jarring in the before and after but it really worked here.

The shaky cam was a bit distracting but I could tell it kinda had to be to make the choreo have impact. I was generally very impressed with the shots in the movie, there were some very pretty stills and like I already said, was engrossi to the world.


Oct 25, 2017
Really enjoyed it.

Only issue I had was not understanding how he leveled up so much from just hitting a punching bag in isolation for presumably a few weeks.


Oct 25, 2017
Saw this tonight.

I liked it, but wasn't blown away. Dev is a fantastic actor, and has talent as a director too. There were moments in this that were really cool, some solid action and a few shots here and there were really great, but it did feel strangely underdeveloped at times while also being a bit drawn out in places.

Still, excited to see what he does next.

Really enjoyed it.

Only issue I had was not understanding how he leveled up so much from just hitting a punching bag in isolation for presumably a few weeks.
He was already a capable fighter, he just lacked the proper will. Those scenes - while involving physical training too - were more about teaching him to focus and properly channel his pain/anger I think.


Jan 12, 2021
Enjoyed the first half (I'd say the split would be when he fell into water) better than the latter half ,but decent movie. Overly long though. Could definitely be tightened up.


Jul 31, 2021
I thought this was kind of a mess structurally. Just establish his deal up front, this modern trend of drip feeding flashbacks does not work for me. Some fun action though, hopefull for his next thing.


Oct 28, 2017
I thought this was kind of a mess structurally. Just establish his deal up front, this modern trend of drip feeding flashbacks does not work for me. Some fun action though, hopefull for his next thing.
I don't know if this was an inspiration or not, but the movie follows an Indian movie structure where they nearly always have drip fed flashbacks.