Oct 25, 2017
I don't share the excitement so far (I've had the frog guy for an hour or two), because I find the game to be so extremely generic. The level design is never interesting, the gameplay is very unoriginal and doesn't have anything fresh going for it, and I can only play in 20-30 minute doses because it just doesn't captivate me.

I've heard the game will pick up, but so far, I suppose I'm just the type who needs something creative and new in my game experiences, and this game feels like one of the million average 90's platformers, but with nicer graphics.

Maybe I'll change my mind soon though, who knows!

Frog form is when the game clicked for me. If frog form isn't doing much, I don't think the other forms and levels will either.


Oct 27, 2017
I've got to agree. Something about it really clicked with me. Everyone owes it to themselves to play this gem.

To be honest, I like it better than Hollow Knight and Ori. Ori in particular feels like a lot of pretty art but no depth, whereas Monster Boy is packed with devilish puzzles.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Really enjoyed getting 100%. One of the finest game experiences from last year for sure.

Not sure if I'd label it the best "genre" game though. But it excelled on its own terms certainly.

(Agreed that it had a rough start until Frog form...then i couldn't put it down until 100%)

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
Started playing this a couple weeks ago and been getting back to it at a casual, steady pace, and I'm enjoying the hell out of it.

With all the great Indie side-scrollers out there, games like Wonder Boy: Dragon Trap, this, the upcoming Bloodstained (and the NES-inspired Curse of the Moon) and even Capcom's Mega Man 11, I feel like we are in a new Great Age of 2D side-scrollers. In my deepest part of me, where nostalgia and wishes exist, I'd love to see some classic game franchisess revived in this style. It's a far cry given how some of their developers seem MIA, but playing Monster Boy and such, I think, "Wouldn't it be cool to have a new Clash at Demonhead like this? A new take on Monster Party? A new, but ACTUALLY GOOD Rocket Knight Adventure game?!!" One could dream!
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Oct 26, 2017
Late last year I finished Wonder Boy and enjoyed it a lot. I can't wait to get started with Monster Boy. I keep hearing great things about it.
Oct 25, 2017
I hate to keep bumping this, but this will be my last bump.

I managed to get to, what I presume, is the final dungeon of the game. I progressed all the way until the game essentially halted my progession. Now I need to go back into the world and hunt pieces all over the map, just to be able to progress.

Up until the Volcano dungeon I was loving the game. After that, it started to go down hill, but I still stuck with it. Now, it's basically just wasting my time with, quite frankly, what feels like more filler to prop up the game length.

I'm dropping it despite being so close to the end. The more I play it at this point, the less I'll like it and I'd probably have a better opinion of it if I just stopped now.


Oct 28, 2017
Its very good so far, full of charm, wonderful graphics and interesting puzzles and traversal mechanics.
I prefer it to Hollow Knight so far, the pacing and rewards are way better, it's more focused. It has that Nintendo design philosophy but with a different progression that makes it different.


Oct 28, 2017
On my way to platinum. Loving it, especially the colorful graphics and classic soundtrack. Skipping most of the scenes. Not much better than Shantae in that regard.