
The Fallen
Nov 17, 2017
Principality of Catalonia
The rock shot can be triggered accidentally by doing the five-shot combo too fast.
Whenever I push circle twice by accident I cant help but think "Oh, shit. I'm sorry buds." because I've been on the receiving end. They should have put that on a different button like triangle to avoid accidental use and let us put coatings with a different button combination.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
You need to break uncovered Shara's head twice. 2nd break knocks off a part of the scalp which you can carve for two guaranteed tenderplates.

There's gotta be some other way as well. I use flare for multiplayer, as that's most fun for me, and after several successful Shara hunts I've never seen or carved that scalp piece and I have one tenderplate and one Shara gem. I didn't notice how I got them though...


Jan 12, 2018
There's gotta be some other way as well. I use flare for multiplayer, as that's most fun for me, and after several successful Shara hunts I've never seen or carved that scalp piece and I have one tenderplate and one Shara gem. I didn't notice how I got them though...
Yeah you can get them as rewards, the rate that it's given is extraordinarily low though. Cutting off the scalp is guaranteed plates or gems.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
God the story in this game. Every story mission so far: "Some external force must trigger these changes in the ecosystem!"

Now we ran into a Nargacuga.

Commander: "A Glavenus has been sighted as well. What do you make of all this Field Team Leader?"
Field Team leader: "Well, we have seen this happening before with the Elder Crossing. So.......... I bet something external is making these monsters come out of hiding!"
Commander: "Case closed, let's get drunk."


Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Well Brute Tigrex is fucking crazy lol! What a monster.
Oct 28, 2017
God the story in this game. Every story mission so far: "Some external force must trigger these changes in the ecosystem!"

Now we ran into a Nargacuga.

Commander: "A Glavenus has been sighted as well. What do you make of all this Field Team Leader?"
Field Team leader: "Well, we have seen this happening before with the Elder Crossing. So.......... I bet something external is making these monsters come out of hiding!"
Commander: "Case closed, let's get drunk."
Monster Hunter has a story? :P


Oct 25, 2017
Big Body Bash - (Tempered Brachydios/Glavenous - Elders Recess) - Removes MR 69 Level Cap and Guiding Lands to level 6


Pokemon Master
Nov 23, 2017
I'm midway through High Rank and was curious if anyone had suggestions for late HR blademaster and bow armor sets to transition into MR. I'm still wearing LR clownsuits (disguised by the Gala set, of course), and I'm not even sure where to begin. I'd also like to not get too invested in farming HR event armor pieces if possible.
Oct 25, 2017
1. Any way to disable the camera from following as a monster dies or whatever.
I got shit to collect.
Any way to skip this?

2. Is free meal deco as completely worthless as I think it is? I got 2 Mil zenny. Do I need to save 500z?

Deleted member 11517

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
1. Any way to disable the camera from following as a monster dies or whatever.
I got shit to collect.
Any way to skip this?

2. Is free meal deco as completely worthless as I think it is? I got 2 Mil zenny. Do I need to save 500z?
Free meal gives you a chance to not consume items during q quest, it's not about money it's about needing to stock up less, it's pretty great really.


Oct 29, 2017
Guiding lands is kinda meh to me because it basically completely separates end game augment grinding from part farming. In the regular end game you could choose which tempered monsters you wanted to fight and while it was not a great way to farm parts you could still get parts you needed while grinding for decos and streamstones. With the guiding lands you have no control real control over what monsters spawn so you basically have to choose to loo for augment stuff or to look for parts for armor/weapons.

Deleted member 11517

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Oh god I hate what they did to KT now if you leave a session you lose your progress and it says "KT complete" and gives you trash rewards...

At that rate I'll never get my super bow >.<


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Does anyone know how to make the quest to upgrade the Rocksteady mantle pop?. I've fought Black Diablos but still nothing pops, I do have an optional quest to fight it but not the one to get the upgrade.

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
Still haven't killed Velkhana but it's mostly for lack of trying at this point. That 3 minute run just to get back to the fight if you cart kills me every time.


Oct 25, 2017
Does anyone know how to make the quest to upgrade the Rocksteady mantle pop?. I've fought Black Diablos but still nothing pops, I do have an optional quest to fight it but not the one to get the upgrade.
I haven't unlocked that one yet, but have you cleared out all other optional quests first? I've noticed some will trigger in a bunch at once, and others won't trigger unless you clear earlier ones first.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I haven't unlocked that one yet, but have you cleared out all other optional quests first? I've noticed some will trigger in a bunch at once, and others won't trigger unless you clear earlier ones first.

I forgot some only pop after doing the previous one so it may be that, thanks for that.


Dec 8, 2018
To me it barely feels any different from the high rank version if you slot some effluvium jems in

That and I only ever fight it using an insect glaive because it has like zero anti air options haha
I think the location hurts it as well, fighting that thing on Ancient Forest is such a pain, hate it so much that I just joined SOS's that were 30-40 mins in just to get the parts I needed for the LBG.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the location hurts it as well, fighting that thing on Ancient Forest is such a pain, hate it so much that I just joined SOS's that were 30-40 mins in just to get the parts I needed for the LBG.
Oh for sure the forest is an awful place for the fight, especially since it it just loves going into some of the more cramped areas and setting its traps


Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't using HR armor just kill me super quickly? I mean, I have defeated it but its so unfun to play.

just the ones that give you effluvia resist lvl 3 and the rest can be MR armor

Vaal Hazak Coil a - lvl 1 effluvia resist
Vaal Hazak Greaves a - lvl 2 effluvia resist


or just the greaves and a misama gem


Oct 25, 2017
Effluvial Resistance is a common level 1 decoration, it can be easily slotted into your existing armor.
Oct 25, 2017

This works? Huh, thought I already tried this. Ok I'll try it. Thanks.
Free meal level 3 with Tigrex bonus is almost broken if you are playing Wide-Range support.
Free meal gives you a chance to not consume items during q quest, it's not about money it's about needing to stock up less, it's pretty great really.

Ohh, I thought free meal was at the canteen or something. My bad.


The Fallen
Nov 17, 2017
Principality of Catalonia
Ohh, I thought free meal was at the canteen or something. My bad.
I'm almost convinced that the 75% activation of free meal is incorrect, it seems even higher. I posted a video with a hunt with the era squad in this previous post.
I'm using Wide-Range level 5 and, with the Tigrex bonus, Free meal level 3. However, I use a lot of First-aid Med+ during the quest. After all is said and done I've actually consumed one of the four I picked at the start of the quest and I didn't consume a single Megapotion. It almost feels like a bug.


Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't using HR armor just kill me super quickly? I mean, I have defeated it but its so unfun to play.

This currently what my bow uses in Rotten Vale (with food buffs) it's not great but at least I feel comfortable with the damage I receive.

and how it takes hits from Blackveil



Oct 25, 2017
I'm midway through High Rank and was curious if anyone had suggestions for late HR blademaster and bow armor sets to transition into MR. I'm still wearing LR clownsuits (disguised by the Gala set, of course), and I'm not even sure where to begin. I'd also like to not get too invested in farming HR event armor pieces if possible.
I'd just make whatever pieces you can as HR armor gets outclassed quickly in MR, that's what I did. I ended up running around fighting elder dragons wearing a clown suit primarily comprised of bone armor with the Rathalos helm and Nerg waist thrown in.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Still haven't killed Velkhana but it's mostly for lack of trying at this point. That 3 minute run just to get back to the fight if you cart kills me every time.
There are camps to unlock in regions 7 and 15 (I think) that you may want to look around for if you haven't yet. I don't recall Velkhana death runs ever being bad when I was running through it.

Seraphis Cain

Oct 25, 2017
Man. Just in the span of today, I've gone from "only used IG a handful of times back in 4U" to "beat Velkhana with IG first try". Think I'm gonna stick with IG for a good while.


Oct 25, 2017
Are the craftable layered armours all the ones from the base game? So no need do the HR AT fights?

Also why aren't all armours available as layered still?


Oct 25, 2017
Get the MR Girros gloves before you fight Vaal. The level two resist is really all you need.