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A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Fade slash seems to be for re-positioning without having to stop attacking. You can use it to move any direction, not just retreating.
At least that's what the Gaijin Hunter guide says (my LS skills are seriously lacking)

I think that variation is the key to keeping the game fresh. I use the wishlist a lot and have 6-8 things I want to craft at any given time. I rarely do the same monster twice in a row, and rarely use the same weapon for more than a couple of missions in a row.

My only problem is that I use lance as a crutch a bit too much. I find it the easiest weapon to use by far, since I don't have to worry about dodging.
Black diablos is nothing when you have a lance. I don't even bother using screamer pods, since the burrow move already gives me a free power-guard-counter.

Azure rathalos in the arena is being a bastard though. I thought the DS would be an easy win since you've got 6 flash pods plus a load of bombs and sleep/para knives. But I burnt through those in no time and the bastard still has tons of health and won't fucking land despite me breaking his head and tail.
I really miss having an insect glaive for that fight.

By the way, how are you supposed to use a bounce bomb? I tried using them as a 'Anti-air rocket' but they do very little damage that way. I've never had a reason to use them in regular missions.


Oct 29, 2017
I don't even know how you guys can use the regular menu mid-fight. Radial is essential to me.
I just can't stand losing access to R-Stick for the camera when I'm looking for items. Of course, looking for items is much faster with the radial.... so the whole thing is just dumb.

PC version will be definitive for the hotkeys alone.


Oct 26, 2017
I just can't stand losing access to R-Stick for the camera when I'm looking for items. Of course, looking for items is much faster with the radial.... so the whole thing is just dumb.

PC version will be definitive for the hotkeys alone.

I see that, but it's usually very fast. Switching items with the standard menu is a pain. I only use for the on-screen item and the one next to it at most.


Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Oct 26, 2017
Hunting Horn will probably be my next weapon. I wanna be loved by everyone.

After watching GH's tutorial today that's what I'm thinking too. I always like playing support so there's no other option really.

Any idea on the first Horn you'll get?

Support Sword & Shield is more like your regular support class/healer than HH, just in case you guys didn't know. It's also way more fun too imo, never could tolerate playing HH notes. :D


Oct 27, 2017
So the DevilJho L7 Upgraded Bow doesn't have a socket in it. Should I augment it with a socket or just go ahead and augment it with health restore?


Oct 25, 2017
So the DevilJho L7 Upgraded Bow doesn't have a socket in it. Should I augment it with a socket or just go ahead and augment it with health restore?

I would say, unless you need a level 1 socket for your build, it's not a very good augment. Affinity and health recovery have been my preference on the Jho weapons.

Bob Beat

Oct 25, 2017
I've been running tempered Vaal all day now and people really seem to struggle with the most basic stuff. Especially close range hunters with dual blades, hammers etc. So here's a couple of tips if there's anyone in the thread that has a problem with this monster.

• When at least one person is at a greater distance from Vaal he will do his powerful effluvial ray attack and it always goes from right to left and then back to the middle. In some rare instances it will start off more to the center but in general: when he starts to waggle his head in the air it's time to either move far back and block (if you can) or close enough so that you can get behind his head. Powerful attacks to the weak spots will interrupt the attack or a well placed flashpod.

• When he is about to use the powerful effluvial ground attack where he goes up on his two legs and then spews effluvium it straight down he always makes a funny squeaky noise. It almost sounds like he is about to sneeze. Always start running when you here this noise, and if you are unsure then run anyway. It's better to take the risk of losing damage instead of health. If you are a Lance user the charge is a great way to escape, and you can also do a 180 when it's safe to go back for an immediate attack.

• Do NOT fight him in the corridor close to the camp if it's absolutely not necessary to do so. He is big enough to cover the entire area of the corridor with his attacks and his effluvial ray is absolutely devastating if you don't react quick enough and run behind his head. This is where most people die in my experience because they get too greedy and interrupt his flight so that he stays and fight in this bad position.

• Don't go into this fight without at least level 2 effluvium resistance. It's just hopeless trying to heal you whenever you get struck with the blight, as it's hard to tell when you will heal yourself from it or not. Also pay attention to his launches as he will easily single you out when you try to stay back and heal.
What's better? Effluvial resistance or expert? I see two different charms. Clear mind and miasma.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
What's better? Effluvial resistance or expert? I see two different charms. Clear mind and miasma.
Resistance protects you against the halved HP status effect, Expert against the continous chip damage. Both is best obviously. You could get Resistance level 3 purely from decorations, for example, and use a charm or the Girros Coil for Expert. But if I had to pick one against Vaal, I'd definitely go for Resistance.


Dec 23, 2017
I think I've been turtling way too much with Lance and HBG and so I should spice things up, I guess IG is the best choice since it is so flashy and I find mounting monsters pretty fun and useful.

It's a shame females don't get the pretty cool wings from Xeno and instead the veil, sure it looks cool but I would kill two stones with body having power prolonger + style points. I had to sacrifice power prolonger for style points using the vail T-T, I'm really bad at making build and that's the best I could do.

IG Build and pretty cool build maker.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally got 50 arena quests done with. Pretty sure Kulu as a species is close to extinction, but whatever. As long as I don't have to touch the arena any time soon, I'm fine.

It's gonna feel so weird to go back to a CB build with Focus 3 though.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
My second failed quest against Tempered Vaal Hazak in a row. Again when I got it close to dying.

It definitely feels like they buffed its attacks, though the last cart was just plain weird. I got 510 defense fully buffed, I had about 80% HP left and damage reduction from the Palico drum/horn/whatever. Yet somehow he OHKO's me with what looked like a basic attack.


Oct 26, 2017
You get a head piece that looks like his head

I just can't stand losing access to R-Stick for the camera when I'm looking for items. Of course, looking for items is much faster with the radial.... so the whole thing is just dumb.

PC version will be definitive for the hotkeys alone.
Xbox One Elite controller
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Anton Sugar

Oct 27, 2017
Running a Support build with Wide Range + Mushroomancer = two Tempered Vaal kills in a row. Fun keeping your team alive just by trying to stay alive yourself.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually prefer the hand-made look of the Wiggler helm. This Kulu one is a bit too realistic.

Still getting it though.


Oct 27, 2017
Hunting only for rewards is a mistake. RNG and low % drops ensures you'll come to hate it.
I believe that once you can no longer hunt for the fun of the hunt one should stop playing MH until new content drops.
Optionally if you haven't used many weapons try to learn one you have hardly used. You may find it refresshing. You may not.

But my odagaron gem... it will never drop.
Jan 10, 2018
I've seen some builds lately with rarity 7 weapons and I wonder why. I thought that rarity 8 was the way to go when you finally got the mats for them? They are more powerful after all?


Oct 29, 2017
I've seen some builds lately with rarity 7 weapons and I wonder why. I thought that rarity 8 was the way to go when you finally got the mats for them? They are more powerful after all?
Rarity 8 isn't always more powerful. A lot of the diablos stuff is rarity 7 and is more powerful than the rarity 8 stuff. Plus rarity 7 gets 2 augment slots while rarity 8 only gets 1

Dental Plan

Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
After using the Bow and Gunlance for 100+ hunts I have moved onto the Hammer. I forgot how much fun it is to use. I used it in Generations. My only concern is that in the MP hunts I've done I try and attack the head but other hunters are doing the same with blade weapons. It's kinda stinks but oh well.

Geist 6one7

Oct 29, 2017
After using the Bow and Gunlance for 100+ hunts I have moved onto the Hammer. I forgot how much fun it is to use. I used it in Generations. My only concern is that in the MP hunts I've done I try and attack the head but other hunters are doing the same with blade weapons. It's kinda stinks but oh well.
Level 2 charge will clear that path to the promised land.
Jan 10, 2018
Never realised how much of an impact the speed eating skill has. Running a build with level 3 now and it takes like a second to drink a full mega-potion. When you drink the boost potions the character also only takes one gulp and then the buff applies.

These are my favourite perks in the game tbh. I don't care much for damage numbers, I just want a good quality of life build where I don't need to worry about roars, stuns, long downtimes etc.

Dogo Mojo

Oct 27, 2017
Can someone give me some pointers or point me in the direction of quality material on fighting Teostra? It doesn't really help much that I'm trying to do this fight with randoms but that's really my only option.

I'm just having a tough time getting through this fight, between his fire shield, and his nukes. I almost made it to the end last night but then he went back to his cave and the lava jets roasted me because he jammed me into a corner.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm tired of running investigations. Especially when two out of my four slots are gold and I keep killing Elder dragons but I can't seem to get them to drop their gems. Already blew my Weekly on another elder Gem and it won't be available until Friday. Sigh, frustration...


Oct 28, 2017
Can someone give me some pointers or point me in the direction of quality material on fighting Teostra? It doesn't really help much that I'm trying to do this fight with randoms but that's really my only option.

I'm just having a tough time getting through this fight, between his fire shield, and his nukes. I almost made it to the end last night but then he went back to his cave and the lava jets roasted me because he jammed me into a corner.

Keep at a distance, staying towards his sides to avoid his headon attacks. Don't act unless he is. Attack when does, heal when he attacks etc.

oh and bring am ice elemntal weapon
Jan 10, 2018
Can someone give me some pointers or point me in the direction of quality material on fighting Teostra? It doesn't really help much that I'm trying to do this fight with randoms but that's really my only option.

I'm just having a tough time getting through this fight, between his fire shield, and his nukes. I almost made it to the end last night but then he went back to his cave and the lava jets roasted me because he jammed me into a corner.

If you use a shield he actually has a small spot between the arms and the head where you are safe from most of his close distance attacks. I mostly place myself there with my lance and attack his head. If he runs around just wait him out till he stops. And when he flies up be ready with a flashpod or just start sprinting. Don't know what mantles you have but fireproof mantle is really good.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
Can someone give me some pointers or point me in the direction of quality material on fighting Teostra? It doesn't really help much that I'm trying to do this fight with randoms but that's really my only option.

I'm just having a tough time getting through this fight, between his fire shield, and his nukes. I almost made it to the end last night but then he went back to his cave and the lava jets roasted me because he jammed me into a corner.

The best way to learn a fight is hit and run until your comfortable. Circle strafe him outside of melee range always chasing his until he turns, plants his feat and fire breaths which he does frequently. 3 hits and roll out. Flash bomb him out of every supernova. You know it's coming after he has been at max fire aura for a minute.

Geist 6one7

Oct 29, 2017
Can someone give me some pointers or point me in the direction of quality material on fighting Teostra? It doesn't really help much that I'm trying to do this fight with randoms but that's really my only option.

I'm just having a tough time getting through this fight, between his fire shield, and his nukes. I almost made it to the end last night but then he went back to his cave and the lava jets roasted me because he jammed me into a corner.
First off, try it by yourself at least initially. He'll have less HP and you'll have an easier time identifying when he's targeting you and learning his attacks. Also it will make it easier to get staggers if you're attacking the head. If you get afflicted with blast blight rolling it off should be a priority so the next attack won't kill you. Bring flash bombs and after he summons his flame aura be on the lookout for the start up animation for the supernova. Immeadiatly sheath and flash him. It will cancel the attack and create a nice opening for you.


Nov 9, 2017
My second failed quest against Tempered Vaal Hazak in a row. Again when I got it close to dying.

It definitely feels like they buffed its attacks, though the last cart was just plain weird. I got 510 defense fully buffed, I had about 80% HP left and damage reduction from the Palico drum/horn/whatever. Yet somehow he OHKO's me with what looked like a basic attack.

What were the parameters of the Investigation? (Time Limit, Max Players, # of Faints, and Reward Boxes.)


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Kulu-Ya-Ku event is live. If you didn't have the large golden crown for Kulu yet, you will have it after the event quest. That thing is huge. So huge actually it often ran right over me with its clawing attack, missing me completely.

Headpiece stats:

Rarity: 5
Base defense: 46
Slots: 3, 1
Fire res: 2
Water res: 0
Thunder res: 2
Ice res: 3
Dragon res: 2

Skill: Pro transporter 1 (max)

Mats needed:
3 x Kulu-Ya-Ku Ticket (from the event quest)
1 x Kulu Beak+
4 x Kulu Plume+
5 x Kulu Hide+

What were the parameters of the Investigation? (Time Limit, Max Players, # of Faints, and Reward Boxes.)
50 minutes; dunno, I only play solo anyway; 3 faints; 3 reward boxes.

Honestly it was my own fault for re-aggroing it after it started limping, instead of chasing it back to its nest and blasting its head off with mega barrel bombs.

But I thought I had my bases covered (plenty of defense and HP, damage reduction) and it really did look like a random basic attack. So no tail/head sweeps or other shenanigans.


Nov 9, 2017
50 minutes; dunno, I only play solo anyway; 3 faints; 3 reward boxes.

Honestly it was my own fault for re-aggroing it after it started limping, instead of chasing it back to its nest and blasting its head off with mega barrel bombs.

But I thought I had my bases covered (plenty of defense and HP, damage reduction) and it really did look like a random basic attack. So no tail/head sweeps or other shenanigans.

Yeah, I'm asking because I've run a lot of Tempered Vaal Investigations (literally over 100) solo and I've noticed sometimes the damage it does is wildly out of proportion with others. I've basically narrowed it down to happening in cases where there's more than the normal number of Reward Boxes but no other apparent restrictions that would justify it (15 minute time limit, 1 faint limit, 2 players max); I'm pretty sure what's happening is that the monster is getting a significant Quest Modifier to damage and possibly also health in these instances, which is the entire reason the Investigation has more than base number of rewards.

It's been hard to absolutely nail down, though, because these types of Investigations seem to be the rarest ones compared to just normal low-reward totals (2 boxes) or ones with obvious restrictions.


Dec 23, 2017
So is it safe to assume most crowns if not all can be obtained eventually from events? That way I don't have to torture myself hunting them that all it is going to end up doing is souring my love of this game.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Yeah, I'm asking because I've run a lot of Tempered Vaal Investigations (literally over 100) solo and I've noticed sometimes the damage it does is wildly out of proportion with others. I've basically narrowed it down to happening in cases where there's more than the normal number of Reward Boxes but no other apparent restrictions that would justify it (15 minute time limit, 1 faint limit, 2 players max); I'm pretty sure what's happening is that the monster is getting a significant Quest Modifier to damage and possibly also health in these instances, which is the entire reason the Investigation has more than base number of rewards.

It's been hard to absolutely nail down, though, because these types of Investigations seem to be the rarest ones compared to just normal low-reward totals (2 boxes) or ones with obvious restrictions.
I see. Now that you mention its health: it took me unusually long to kill it. About 20 minutes, whereas normal Vaal investigations usually take me around 10 minutes to clear. I chalked it up to me playing more defensively because it's tempered, but now I'm not so sure.

I think I have a Tempered Vaal investigation with two rewards and nothing out of the ordinary. I will do that one tomorrow and see how I fare and how long it takes me.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
Grinding elders is easier since the rooms for them are so available.

On a pure odds level your doing yourself a disservice even if elder rooms SOS fill up faster. Seriously, double the single digits chances of an elder. It's such a huge waste of tickets. Especially since so many end game augments and last level charms require elder gems.
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