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Oct 25, 2017
So I never broke through my HR cap. Other games came out.
Thought I'd come back and do it today. Warmed up on a few other monsters.

The quest is the 2 x tempered beetle juice. Boy, people sure do love carting on this don't they.


Oct 28, 2017
So I never broke through my HR cap. Other games came out.
Thought I'd come back and do it today. Warmed up on a few other monsters.

The quest is the 2 x tempered beetle juice. Boy, people sure do love carting on this don't they.

Tempered Bazel does a ridiculous amount of damage with bombs, so the quest featuring 2 of them is a lot easier than fighting just one. Let them blow each other up for a bit, fight whichever one is left, and repeat. It's probably more feasible solo.


Oct 27, 2017
as someone who does support I refuse to wear that headset (>_<)


hmmm now should I buy the ryu gestures ???


You don't really need Mushroomancer for support build. My personal support build only have Wide Range 5, Speed Eating, and Free Meal, then use offensive skill like Weakness Exploit and Attack Boost. Mushroomancer only really helps you save items by using Mushrooms instead of Potions or Drugs.


Oct 27, 2017
Absolutely disgusting. ;) :P
Play in whatever way you have the most fun.


I just calculated my total weapon's over 1200 in 400 hours playtime...

80 GreatSword, 104 LongSword, 262 SnS, 40 DualBlades, 62 Hammer, 56 Hunting Horn, 142 Lance, 60 Gunlance, 78 Swax, 30 ChargeBlade, 29 InsectGlaive, 142 LBG, 101 HBG, 20 Bow.

Every single one of them is sooooo good to use.


Oct 25, 2017
84 total Diablos later and I finally have the large gold crown. That's officially all of the crowns that I can get from the available event quests.

in the process I got:

- 10+ Majestic Horns
- 5 Prism Hercudromes
- at least 5 Diablos killed by guard points
- way too many dead Kulus and Barroths

I'm taking a loooooooooong ass break before I tackle the monsters that aren't in events.


Nov 21, 2017
What is an awesome dual blades build?
One with Protective Polish and Fast Sharpening. With those two skills, not only can you maintain your sharpness in best condition, but it also allows for more skill flexibility as you would only need fewer pieces of Handicraft gears, which usually have few slots left for customizations.

Earplugs can help you survive the times when Bazel and/or Jho join your fight, and they start screaming as the other monster attacks you. Or just good old keeping your momentum regardless of roars.

Evade window can also help since you can't really block, and you can even use it to roll through roars, as you do, if you opt to use this instead of Earplugs, though this does require knowing the exact moment to roll, and it doesn't allow you to attack during that roaring time, since you would be rolling. On the other hand, it does keep you safer since you're protected from more than roars.


Oct 27, 2017
Can someone explain to me why Azure Rathalos and Deviljho have disappeared from my optional quest list after I beat them twice? How come other quests are still there but those two aren't? How do you farm for their materials if they disappear?


Nov 21, 2017
Can someone explain to me why Azure Rathalos and Deviljho have disappeared from my optional quest list after I beat them twice? How come other quests are still there but those two aren't? How do you farm for their materials if they disappear?
I am not sure why they disappeared, but you should look to farm them in Investigations, those bronze, silver and gold brackets will be extra rewards, with the latter two giving you extra chances for rarer drops too.

I believe unlocking investigations are just location-based, I'm sure I've gotten Diablos and others investigations from sniffing Barroth's footprints, but, perhaps it's just placebo, if there is a specific monster I want for investigations, I would look on the world map and go on expeditions in the map that has them(if they are amongst the three monsters), then sniff their feet as much as I could. I would usually call it a day after my feet-sniffing expedition saw 3 or 4 of those investigation unlocked messages.

Also, the event quests for mushroom gathering will get you a lot of tempered investigations, with the easier one giving normal large monsters, and the higher star one giving tempered elder dragon. Though if you're hunting for materials, tempered quests aren't exactly great.


Oct 27, 2017
To me it has way longer legs because the gameplay is so much better and more demanding. I went back to PSO recently and also played PSO2 patched... The gameplay is just not very engaging. I should have kept it in the past.

The gameplay is better for sure, but the long term chase isnt there for me. I see people who get right into it because they ask whats the best db build for example , but I just dont see that as engaging when there isnt much difference to get excited about. There is only so many times I can fight the same thing over and over just for the sake of fighting it

PSO2 is not a great game at all, but PSO is just in a league of its own. Nowadays people would cry too much over the drop rates, but that kept it engaging and if people hadnt learned to GS or dupe it would have meant that having a 13* weapon really was prestigous as not many people would have it. In MHW its too easy to get everything imo.

Sounds like im against the game but I love it and its my favourite game in years, Im just surprised after 200 hours I have shelved it waiting for more content.


Oct 25, 2017
Never felt like I was wasting my time more in this game than retrying events for crowns over and over just to come up empty each time. On the other hand, maybe this next run will give me that mini Dodogama. The conundrum.


Oct 25, 2017
Can someone explain to me why Azure Rathalos and Deviljho have disappeared from my optional quest list after I beat them twice? How come other quests are still there but those two aren't? How do you farm for their materials if they disappear?
Some of the quests appear to rotate in the 7* optionals - keep checking and they'll be back. If you're farming for gear though as has been said you want to be doing normal investigations with gold/silver rewards.


Oct 25, 2017
I just saw a video of a Wyvern Ignition Impact GS and when was that added? a fell off a few weeks back and haven't heard of anything new outside Jho, is there anything else new? Updates are hard to google i guess lol

If GS is the only weapon getting an extra entry thats kinda shitty :/


Oct 25, 2017
The gameplay is better for sure, but the long term chase isnt there for me. I see people who get right into it because they ask whats the best db build for example , but I just dont see that as engaging when there isnt much difference to get excited about. There is only so many times I can fight the same thing over and over just for the sake of fighting it

PSO2 is not a great game at all, but PSO is just in a league of its own. Nowadays people would cry too much over the drop rates, but that kept it engaging and if people hadnt learned to GS or dupe it would have meant that having a 13* weapon really was prestigous as not many people would have it. In MHW its too easy to get everything imo.

Sounds like im against the game but I love it and its my favourite game in years, Im just surprised after 200 hours I have shelved it waiting for more content.
I am of the opinion no thing in a game should be prestigious to have. Everything should be gainable with an acceptable amount of time, and MHW was amazing for that because I didn't have to treat the game like a chore to get things I liked. Games are not jobs, and outside of esports and tournaments, theres no reason to force an absurd amount of playtime/skill gaining for that one extra thing beyond like the Crowns in KH2. Small trophies, sure, but nothing thatd fit in or be essential for builds.


Oct 29, 2017
Just did the mini odogaron event in a group of 4 and man was that rough without flinch free lol. Usually I can find a clear spot to do my own thing but not with that tiny guy


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I found mini odogaron easier to solo with the IG. Had to use a shock trap on him as well, nippy little fucker


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
They need to make solo arena challenges. I have zero problem going solo against tempered nergigante but I can't beat the nergigante slay challenge. It's stupid.


Oct 25, 2017
Alright Capcom, I wasn't sure how committed to the bit you were, but when I heard the MM3 stage intro theme when I picked LS, I knew you did a good job.


Oct 26, 2017
I did it with a friend that used dual blades and it was hell.
I don't want to imagine what it is like with 4 people.
My hell would probably be Mini Odo with 3 dual blades users (all at the head, obviously that's where DB should be!) and me on hammer, getting tripped out of the first hit of big boop combo all day.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, I've ran tempered Jho 4 times today and failed every one. People carting left, right and centre. Think I'll stop after completing once, if I do manage to find 3 competent randoms.


Oct 25, 2017
I just saw a video of a Wyvern Ignition Impact GS and when was that added? a fell off a few weeks back and haven't heard of anything new outside Jho, is there anything else new? Updates are hard to google i guess lol

If GS is the only weapon getting an extra entry thats kinda shitty :/



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
What is it with people calling themselves Guts in this game? Am I missing a previous reference or are there just that many Berserk fans playing this game?


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
What is it with people calling themselves Guts in this game? Am I missing a previous reference or are there just that many Berserk fans playing this game?
I haven't noticed that in MH, but I sure noticed it in Dark Souls 3. So many uncreative Guts "cosplays" all wearing the same outfit and the same weapon... haha

Nelo Ice

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Well it took me forever to get the hunter trophies for the Aloy armor. Don't have enough Anjanath parts yet but I swear it took me forever to fight that thing again. Yet after multiple failed attempts I can now safely kill an Ajanath again lol. Don't know why I always play stupid when it comes to Anjanath.

Only took me 3 attempts to take down the Pink Rathian just now. Also I've worked on the Horizon event stuff and the Ryu armor. Any other event only stuff I can work on?. Guessing I need to beat the game before I can get to the wyvern ignition great sword. I definetely want to try and get that since I'm loving the great sword ever since I switched to it.

Edit: Just saw it's a low rank quest guess I've been able to try it lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Got real lucky today. Got an attack jewel and spread jewel in one hunt. Got and Warrior Jewel: Lance. I think I have three of them now. Unfortunately I don't do lance. I need a couple more Range Jewels.


Oct 25, 2017
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
They need to make solo arena challenges. I have zero problem going solo against tempered nergigante but I can't beat the nergigante slay challenge. It's stupid.
I think it's fine for solo. This game is lacking in proper fights with monsters that don't just flinch when you breathe on them too hard. A rank is perfectly doable. Of course if you are trying to use something other than hammer, SA, or LS on that quest (assuming event 1?) you will have a harder time. But that's an issue with Capcom being bad at balancing arena sets, and that's always been the case.


Oct 27, 2017
Got my final two crown (Large Kirin and Small Black Diablos) back to back, what are the chance lol.

I'm missing four more achievement (marked ??? in Guild Card), anyone knows what they are ?

H3rTz DoNuT

Oct 30, 2017
Finally got my last crown, Tempered Teo was kind enough and gave it up rather fast =)

(I won't stop playing, will just take a break for GoW lol)

Some stats so far...






Dec 23, 2017
Now that I platted this game I'm not sure what to do anymore, my survivability Vaal set is too good to try to make another set and I as like "ehh lets farm for an army of SA" and I had most if not every mat I needed.


Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Oct 26, 2017
Gaijin Hunter translated the famitsu interview:

At 6m 41s they were asked about what's next and apparently full development never stopped after launch, not that we needed a confirmation but hopefully expansion isn't far off.


Oct 27, 2017
Get into a Tempered Jho hunt with two other Lance users, it was so smooth with the three of us poking him nonstop.

Then a Bow user joins, I already have bad feeling and of fking course he carted twice, literally one shotted from full health. Then instead staying at camp, he entered the fight again...
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