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Oct 29, 2017
Is there any way to tell how many times you've completed the Kulve siege? It doesn't say in the hunters notes or guild card...


Oct 26, 2017

Also, man I want the R8 Thunder Lance. Seems like a pretty good alternative to the Kirin one, but needs a different armor set for Free Elem.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands

Yeeessssss. Finally!


Oct 27, 2017
I think I'm starting to lose my sanity on Kulve Taroth. I actually got three gems early on when the event started, but since that time, I've had no luck on a 4th. Not sure if I'm doing anything wrong, but as we near the end, I'm honestly not sure if I'm going to get it before Thursday.

I'm also crossing my fingers that the gem will also join Deviljho in the sense that we can just make it ourselves. Really getting warn out by these hunts and even my break playing GoW can only divert me for so long before I realize I'm running out of time.


Oct 29, 2017
If they're going to make monsters flash immune they should also limit the amount of time they can be in the air. Tempered Azure Rathalos is a chore now...


Oct 25, 2017
Kulve came out a little bit too late for me. It's the same problem with Jho and other future new DLC monsters. Like what is the point of me Kulve, or Jho? Like the base game was so easy that the new gear only shaves off like what 30 seconds from a kill time?


Oct 26, 2017
Kulve came out a little bit too late for me. It's the same problem with Jho and other future new DLC monsters. Like what is the point of me Kulve, or Jho? Like the base game was so easy that the new gear only shaves off like what 30 seconds from a kill time?

The fun of fighting new monsters and getting new weapons and armor? The point of new DLC isn't just for upgrades.

A G-Rank expansion down the line will up the difficulty.


Oct 25, 2017
Kulve came out a little bit too late for me. It's the same problem with Jho and other future new DLC monsters. Like what is the point of me Kulve, or Jho? Like the base game was so easy that the new gear only shaves off like what 30 seconds from a kill time?
I appreciate what they were going for with the Kulve weapons at least because the normal elemental offerings are so terrible so at least there's some new effective builds to be made. I'm with you on Jho though, I got nothing out of that.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Kulve alone has extended my overall playtime with 50 hours, so no complaints there. Fun event and nice new weapons.

Deviljho... I like his weapons and armor, and I like it when I see him grab a monster and take it for a walk. But I don't like fighting him. So mixed feelings there.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
I stopped playing prior to the devil Jho update right when I hit the 300 hour mark.

Today, I hit 350 hours. So adding Jho, and especially Kulve Taroth gave me quite a bit more play time which is super awesome. This monster hunter rules. I'll keep playing as long as they keep throwing things at me.

panama chief

"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Man in all this grind I made over a million in sold dupes and didn't see one rarity 8 hammer, LS, bow, or charge blade. It's like they saw what you used most and said 'fuck you'. One of my squad mates got done in the same way. He didn't see a single great sword. Not on any level and it's the only weapon type he uses. Capcom has to do better here.


Oct 28, 2017
So, quick question for likely the ill informed, as I only really use the Charge Blade and very little else, as I decided to lock this specific character to the use of only that weapon for thematics purposes. ( Yes, I'm weird. I know. )

I have lots of Rarity 7, and 6 weapons from the Kulve Taroth hunts. Should I sell anything that is generally not rarity 8? Or should I hold onto the rarity 7 items?


Oct 27, 2017

Finally got my 4th Gem after almost a week of grinding the damn giant golden goat! And not a moment too soon since I almost have filled out all 1000 of my equipment storage! I am on track again to making all weapons, armors, and charms in this game! :D

Also I'm not counting the golden weapons as apart of that.

Now to do the weekly bounties and I can get back to farming out monsters again after a month of events and golden goats!


Oct 25, 2017
I finished the main game too late to do the Kulve event, but I'm playing it as a single player game so decided not to check it out. Not sure I'll keep at it anyways, except maybe to knock around with my kids.


Nov 9, 2017
Finally got my 4th Gem after almost a week of grinding the damn giant golden goat! And not a moment too soon since I almost have filled out all 1000 of my equipment storage! I am on track again to making all weapons, armors, and charms in this game! :D

Also I'm not counting the golden weapons as apart of that.


(Kidding. They really need a Meld Taroth Weapons option so I can at least pretend all these duplicates are worth something.)


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Heh, got my second R7 Kirin SnS in one night, after not getting a single one in nine days of farming. The RNG once again proves to be a fickle creature.

I finished the main game too late to do the Kulve event, but I'm playing it as a single player game so decided not to check it out. Not sure I'll keep at it anyways, except maybe to knock around with my kids.
You still got three full days to do the Kulve event. With a little luck, you could gather at least the 2 gems needed for one full armor set. Plus a nice collection of relic weapons.

As for the 'single player only'... I was like that, too. Hoped I could get some armor and a few good weapons just from attempting the event solo. I caved, bought PS+ and never looked back. I'm not sure about normal hunts, but multiplayer sieges are an absolute blast.


Oct 25, 2017

Perhaps I'm over thinking this, but to me this implies that the second siege might be different from the first.


Oct 25, 2017
I think somebody in here mentioned that the second part of the fight will be different, yeah. I haven't backed this up however.
Wonder if round 2 will drop relic armors?


Oct 25, 2017
Definitely want to use Thn Attack +5 and also look into working in Critical element (Rathalos 2 piece bonus). Only consider the 2nd part if you can stack crit high enough, otherwise just general damage skills work well.

Is there a reason to stack maximum elemental deco? Does it push beyond the cap it shows?

How high is your reward level when you break the horns in one hunt?

I have had some hunts where we managed to chip the horns at pursuit level 1, but that was in the fourth area and at that point you still have a long way to go before you're able to break them. I'm honestly surprised it's even possible in the first place without a coordinated effort and highly aggressive builds.

From my experience, breaking the horns at level 1 is the most efficient way for farming Taroth weapons. How fast you can do depends on what you do in area 1 & 2, assuming if you can clear area 4 consistently.

Builds doesn't have to be aggressive but there's a few rng involved mostly in Taroth choice of attack.

You always get Lv 14 rewards and 3 golden boxes when you retrieved them after clearing lv1.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
I still fucking hate Nergigante, the tips from yesterday did help so thanks for those (I died only once, and wasn't to the divebomb. Unfortunately I had others doing the dying this time)!
Gonna focus on getting to the actual last boss now and just farm for upgrades afterwards.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Is there a reason to stack maximum elemental deco? Does it push beyond the cap it shows?

From what I've read, the cap on elemental damage is a percentage of the base damage on the weapon. Because the 600 is so high, you can use all 5 levels and not hit the cap.

For this weapon I've confirmed it myself. Level 4 gets you to 730 attack ( i think) and level 5 gets you to 760 (10 percent plus 100). [/QUOTE]


Oct 25, 2017
Catalogued my decorations last night, to see which decorations I still need more of to max out that skill (ignoring skills from the armour itself). I haven't seen a single release, handicraft or refresh gem in more than 400 hours with the game! I'm short of the required amount for focus, furor, sprinter, physique, attack (surprise! Although I do actually have 4 of them), blaze, frost, artillery, ironwall, trueshot and fungiform.


Oct 26, 2017
Is there a reason to stack maximum elemental deco? Does it push beyond the cap it shows?

From what I've read, the cap on elemental damage is a percentage of the base damage on the weapon. Because the 600 is so high, you can use all 5 levels and not hit the cap.

For this weapon I've confirmed it myself. Level 4 gets you to 730 attack ( i think) and level 5 gets you to 760 (10 percent plus 100).

Capped to 1/3. If you had 300 elem, the most you'll get is 100, so Thunder Attack 3 is all you need.

With 600 elem though, you can get up to 200. TA3 gives 100, TA5 gives 160.[/QUOTE]


Oct 25, 2017
Thinking of picking up Monster hunter on this recent sale on PS4. How much fun is it playing the game completely solo? And does anyone have any spoiler free reviews or introductions or whatever, that kinda shows off what the game is all about?
25 hours of gameplay later...

So yeah, it's been pretty fun. The gear situation is a little overwhelming at times though, at the point where I'm at. I feel like certain monster don't necessarily go down faster the "better" my gear becomes, like the Anjanath. Am I supposed to be learning other weapon types? Like, it's not entirely clear if certain weapon types are better against certain monster, except for maybe the Paolumu, for which ranged weapons seem way more suited.


Oct 25, 2017
25 hours of gameplay later...

So yeah, it's been pretty fun. The gear situation is a little overwhelming at times though, at the point where I'm at. I feel like certain monster don't necessarily go down faster the "better" my gear becomes, like the Anjanath. Am I supposed to be learning other weapon types? Like, it's not entirely clear if certain weapon types are better against certain monster, except for maybe the Paolumu, for which ranged weapons seem way more suited.
In your hunter notes you'll find general information on which elements are useful against each large monster (once you've researched it enough) as well as how effective the type (blunt/severing/ranged I think) of weapon is in breaking the various parts.

You'll determine whether one class of weapon is better against a monster from trying it out though. After maining bow exclusively throughout the entire story and beyond, now that I've branched out to melee weapons it's great being able to switch it up for different fights. At a minimum I'd say to try and be proficient with one melee and one ranged weapon so you have options when you come to a wall in your progress - but in most cases it's not necessary once you know the fight well.


Oct 25, 2017
So, quick question for likely the ill informed, as I only really use the Charge Blade and very little else, as I decided to lock this specific character to the use of only that weapon for thematics purposes. ( Yes, I'm weird. I know. )

I have lots of Rarity 7, and 6 weapons from the Kulve Taroth hunts. Should I sell anything that is generally not rarity 8? Or should I hold onto the rarity 7 items?

Keep the Rarity 7 ones also, some are really good. And they come in especially handy should you decide to branch out down the road.

Geist 6one7

Oct 29, 2017
So, quick question for likely the ill informed, as I only really use the Charge Blade and very little else, as I decided to lock this specific character to the use of only that weapon for thematics purposes. ( Yes, I'm weird. I know. )

I have lots of Rarity 7, and 6 weapons from the Kulve Taroth hunts. Should I sell anything that is generally not rarity 8? Or should I hold onto the rarity 7 items?
The best CB is rare 7. It's basically just the Diablos one with an added defense stat. There are some other good rare 7s like spread HBG (if you even want to try another weapon).


Nov 22, 2017
I've only got tomorrow off work so I've got to get a second Kulve Gem then. Too much pressure! It would be nice if we could eventually meld them.

I don't really have any good weapons from it yet either but I'm less worried about that.


Oct 28, 2017
MHW is the perfect loot game, but it wouldn't have been GOTY unless it was released in the launch year window.

As much as I dig the game I think it's pretty bad as a loot game in the post game. Compared to games like Diablo and Warframe the loot aspect is pretty undercooked. Doing investigations for the same crappy decos the game has been dishing out since the beginning is deeply unrewarding. Even the pleasure of getting a hero stone after the first one is lost since you can only use one of them on the weapon. I'm still doing tempered investigations because the gameplay is just so much fun but getting the same crappy decos again and again is rough :(.

Needs more stuff like the siege for sure.

Iori Fuyusaka

Oct 26, 2017
Got really excited when an IG warrior's streamstone dropped last night.
Got really sad when I found out I need an IG hero's streamstone to augment Catastrophe's Light.


Oct 29, 2017
Got really excited when an IG warrior's streamstone dropped last night.
Got really sad when I found out I need an IG hero's streamstone to augment Catastrophe's Light.
Streamstone drop rates still aren't where they should be.

Also, and I know this has been rumored for ages, but does it feel like Tempered Monsters had their attack buffed? I'm running like 450 defense and getting rocked by attacks I barely noticed before. I've done T2 Odogaron and Legiana with my eyes closed for weeks, and they seem much tougher after the latest update.

I actually have to pay attention to them now instead of my usual "Rocksteady -> Throw turds at Bazel -> chain knockdowns and stuns w/ Hammer" 4-minute routine.

Iori Fuyusaka

Oct 26, 2017
Low mobility weapon users:

How do you get out of Kulve's flame pool?

One of the nice things about Kulve Taroth's siege is the fact that I can try weapons I've never tried before. I joined a siege last night using a golden sleep lance and it seemed okay up until Kulve spit fire on the ground. I carted twice to this attack and we ultimately ended up failing the mission (although another group completed the siege). I've only ever used Lance in the Arena where it is mandated. As an IG user who typically just pole vaults out of the lava, how do you survive this attack?

I was using a full set of Kulve Alpha armor if that matters.


Oct 25, 2017
Low mobility weapon users:

How do you get out of Kulve's flame pool?

One of the nice things about Kulve Taroth's siege is the fact that I can try weapons I've never tried before. I joined a siege last night using a golden sleep lance and it seemed okay up until Kulve spit fire on the ground. I carted twice to this attack and we ultimately ended up failing the mission (although another group completed the siege). I've only ever used Lance in the Arena where it is mandated. As an IG user who typically just pole vaults out of the lava, how do you survive this attack?

I was using a full set of Kulve Alpha armor if that matters.

Use Fireproof mantle and just sheath your weapon to run away. Never try to tank it. His animation for the attack is pretty noticeable.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Low mobility weapon users:

How do you get out of Kulve's flame pool?

One of the nice things about Kulve Taroth's siege is the fact that I can try weapons I've never tried before. I joined a siege last night using a golden sleep lance and it seemed okay up until Kulve spit fire on the ground. I carted twice to this attack and we ultimately ended up failing the mission (although another group completed the siege). I've only ever used Lance in the Arena where it is mandated. As an IG user who typically just pole vaults out of the lava, how do you survive this attack?

I was using a full set of Kulve Alpha armor if that matters.
Lance and Gunlance can completely block the molten pool by having the Guard Up skill. This can either come from a decoration or from wearing three pieces of Uragaan armor.

I suppose Lance can use Power Guard (R2 + X after counter thrust (R2 + O)) to block it as well, but I don't know if it lasts long enough to survive the entire attack.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
It can matter, if you wear armor that gives you Guard Up (Uragaan) or have the decoration for it you can block the lava pool as long as you keep moving so your stamina regens.
If you invest in Guard (I personally tend to use the Uragaan alpha greaves and slot in one Guard deco for a total of 3 levels) you don't even have to worry about stamina running out.


Oct 25, 2017
As much as I dig the game I think it's pretty bad as a loot game in the post game. Compared to games like Diablo and Warframe the loot aspect is pretty undercooked. Doing investigations for the same crappy decos the game has been dishing out since the beginning is deeply unrewarding. Even the pleasure of getting a hero stone after the first one is lost since you can only use one of them on the weapon. I'm still doing tempered investigations because the gameplay is just so much fun but getting the same crappy decos again and again is rough :(.

Needs more stuff like the siege for sure.

Diablo was worse with drop rates until Blizzard started raining loot when 3 was revamped, and in doing so actually cheapened the experience. Can't comment on Warframe.


Oct 25, 2017
Some good Kulve rewards just now. Got the 450 Sleep Lance, the ~400 Ice IG, and the 390 Blast SnS. I probably wont use the sleep Lance because I keep seeing too many randos attacking drowsy monsters, but the other two sound great.

Now I actually have to build stuff with free element though...

Use Fireproof mantle and just sheath your weapon to run away. Never try to tank it. His animation for the attack is pretty noticeable.
Fireproof mantle is basically necessary for KT as far as I'm concerned. It's so easy to get caught in an animation and eat shit from the magma breath given the range and Fireproof just mitigates so much of that.

Also makes area 3 more of a breeze when you can walk around wherever you want
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