
Oct 27, 2017
God when will all the "everything should be on the Switch" crap end?

Probably never.

Yeah it's getting really annoying. Like every Monster Hunter World thread filled with Switch talk. There is a MH for the Switch. Go play it for Christ's sake. The next MH Switch game will come out when Capcom decides its time to come out. Right now MHW is not on the Switch.It wasn't made to be on the Switch and it isn't planned to be on the Switch. Deal with it.


Oct 25, 2017
But yea they have an exclusive deal in asia, so its playstation only there.

Please stop posting baseless rumors as fact. The XB1 has sold 90k units in Japan, LIFETIME. It's clear that Capcom didn't think it to be worth it to release a game on a platform with an installed base of 90k. Could you blame them? There is no exclusivity deal, it's just smart business.


self-requested temp ban
Oct 27, 2017
Stick to the truth and I wont have to address misconceptions that people have
For some reason, I'm inclined to believe you don't post in all these Switch threads (literally about every single thing that happens with the console like 5 port threads a day!) with the same manner of fairness.

Game has been PS2-Era graphics, on handhelds, and more recently on Nintendo only platforms. Lot of fans are going to express how excited they are. I think you arguing over trivial debates about how we should classify the changes as nit picky. Why not just let the thread run it's course.


Oct 25, 2017
Happy the long overdue stab at a console version is working out.

Hope MonHun has a long, healthy multi platform future.


Thats the future I envision and hope for

One game, All platforms (hopefully crossplay someday?), Tons of support

MHW could be the first step to never worrying that we will get the next entry in the series..... lets hope so


Oct 28, 2017
This is absolutely the wrong takeaway and a cynical way to look at what should be cause for celebration among fans of the series worldwide

A base that has been second fiddle and always had to worry about how long we would have to wait before Capcom took a chance on us again. Getting 50% of the releases is not a healthy Western Presence

World represents a better future. Yall need to get on board.
It's great news that the have a hit world wide, but XX on Switch still doesn't have any indication for localization and they undermined it's release in Japan in order to prop up World, so it's hard to say this is a mark of better treatment of from Capcom for the franchise going forward. Also of course a multiplatform console game given a huge marketing push is going to do better than an exclusive game to one handheld in the West where handhelds (and playing together locally) simply isn't as big and doesn't fit everyone's lifestyle.

Looking at the numbers in the series in Japan:
French journalist Oscar Lemaire has made nice graphics based on Famitsu reports.

MH physical copies sold in Japan.

Blue = first week. Red = after launch. Green = cheaper re-release


it may be a huge hit for the PS4 (which just isn't as big as handhelds have historically been there) but it hasn't done anything above the average of the series there. Until the PC release comes out, it may as well be a PS4 exclusive in Japan so unless you are a Sony cheerleader, I don't know how below average sales for the real core base of this game is great news for the franchise.
Oct 25, 2017
God when will all the "everything should be on the Switch" crap end?

Probably never.

It was pretty tame in the beginning because they were being creative with their wording. Won't be long before mods appear. RIP. Also I'd like to add that I see MonHun being #1 for the month of February unless something else major is coming out that I don't recall.


Oct 25, 2017
it has a lowest entry Release on Japan than 4. G or X
It's the best selling Monster Hunter game ever. Just like we can stop perpetuating the "MH only works on portable" myth, we can also stop thinking about MH as a Japan-first franchise. Monster Hunter is now a multiplatform franchise with world wide appeal.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
It was pretty tame in the beginning because they were being creative with their wording. Won't be long before mods appear. RIP. Also I'd like to add that I see MonHun being #1 for the month of February unless something else major is coming out that I don't recall.
Monster Hunter is in January NPD. It will certainly be first.


Oct 25, 2017
It's great news that the have a hit world wide, but XX on Switch still doesn't have any indication for localization and they undermined it's release in Japan in order to prop up World, so it's hard to say this is a mark of better treatment of from Capcom for the franchise going forward. Also of course a multiplatform console game given a huge marketing push is going to do better than an exclusive game to one handheld in the West where handhelds (and playing together locally) simply isn't as big and doesn't fit everyone's lifestyle.

Looking at the numbers in the series in Japan:

it may be a huge hit for the PS4 (which just isn't as big as handhelds have historically been there) but it hasn't done anything above the average of the series there. Until the PC release comes out, it may as well be a PS4 exclusive in Japan so unless you are a Sony cheerleader, I don't know how below average sales for the real core base of this game is great news for the franchise.

One could argue that propping up World was the right call much like locking the series to 3DS (as much as i hated it) was the right call at the time when they were in financial restructuring and couldnt take a chance on making another WIIU port

That hurt but i accepted it


Oct 25, 2017
Its doing incredible world wide and that was the goal of the game. Its also doing really well in Japan on top of that. The game is a huge success no matter how you look at it and is only just getting started


Oct 31, 2017
It's the best selling Monster Hunter game ever. Just like we can stop perpetuating the "MH only works on portable" myth, we can also stop thinking about MH as a Japan-first franchise. Monster Hunter is now a multiplatform franchise with world wide appeal.
and still under performed in Japan, not gonna Argue World Wide.


Oct 25, 2017
This is just the first few days

I expect the global legs of world to dominate all previous efforts at this point

Essentially rendering comparisons to previous titles moot


Oct 28, 2017
lol it's doing fine without it
Why do we get posts like this when people who are praising the success of this game are pointing to the accessibility of more people playing it in the West and multiplatform, like some sales make it okay to shit on people's preference to play portably or locally when more options and more accessibility is a good thing? It's almost like people act like because it's not coming to Switch they are just salty it's not exclusive when I'm sure millions of MH fans got used to playing it wherever they can for years and in a way locally with friends that just isn't possible anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
and still under performed in Japan, not gonna Argue World Wide.

This is the opposite of underperforming

Why do we get posts like this when people who are praising the success of this game are pointing to the accessibility of more people playing it in the West and multiplatform, like some sales make it okay to shit on people's preference to play portably or locally when more options and more accessibility is a good thing? It's almost like people act like because it's not coming to Switch they are just salty it's not exclusive when I'm sure millions of MH fans got used to playing it wherever they can for years and in a way locally with friends that just isn't possible anymore.

Ho boy

I sympathize with those who are stuck waiting(hang in there PC bros) but cmon man


Oct 25, 2017
User has been banned (1 week): continues to derail the thread with console wars bullshit. History of warnings for similar behaviour.
No im pretty sure most here are just salty it's not on the Switch.

Most of those complaints are just smoke screens to hide what they are really salty about.


Oct 25, 2017
and still under performed in Japan, not gonna Argue World Wide.
They aren't dependent on Japan sales so it's a moot point. And this is pretty rich, considering it still beat the expectations of most people here even in Japan.

Why do we get posts like this when people who are praising the success of this game are pointing to the accessibility of more people playing it in the West and multiplatform, like some sales make it okay to shit on people's preference to play portably or locally when more options and more accessibility is a good thing? It's almost like people act like because it's not coming to Switch they are just salty it's not exclusive when I'm sure millions of MH fans got used to playing it wherever they can for years and in a way locally with friends that just isn't possible anymore.
I didn't respond to someone saying they like playing local multiplayer. I responded to someone in a sales thread saying it "needs" local multiplayer. The same person that called people crazy for thinking MHW could outsell RE7, and then when it did, lies and claims he expected it to sell this well all along.
Last edited:
Oct 28, 2017
It's great news that the have a hit world wide, but XX on Switch still doesn't have any indication for localization and they undermined it's release in Japan in order to prop up World, so it's hard to say this is a mark of better treatment of from Capcom for the franchise going forward. Also of course a multiplatform console game given a huge marketing push is going to do better than an exclusive game to one handheld in the West where handhelds (and playing together locally) simply isn't as big and doesn't fit everyone's lifestyle.

Looking at the numbers in the series in Japan:

it may be a huge hit for the PS4 (which just isn't as big as handhelds have historically been there) but it hasn't done anything above the average of the series there. Until the PC release comes out, it may as well be a PS4 exclusive in Japan so unless you are a Sony cheerleader, I don't know how below average sales for the real core base of this game is great news for the franchise.
When sales are 3x higher outside of Japan, making it the best selling Monster Hunter ever, maybe Japan isnt the core base anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes seriously because you see the switch is gods gift to gaming. If it was on the Switch it would have been the best selling game ever because you see the Switch is where everything sells amazingly. Forget the fact the fact the PS4 is a high selling consoles well worldwide and the project is one with world wide ambitions. Forget the fact that a million + sales in Japan on a console is fantastic. If it was on the Switch it would do better because the Switch is the best console ever.

Deleted member 21

User requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
It's disappointing that the big success of an hardcore franchise like Monster Hunter World is being seemingly overshadowed by obvious console war rhetoric.

This is NOT the thread to a) beg for a Switch port, b) forcing the Switch into the conversation and c) discrediting either Capcom or Monster Hunter World because Capcom decided against bringing World to the Switch. It's frankly speaking pretty obnoxious and does not only take focus from the game's accomplishments but also fuels a stupid feud that we don't want to give much air to breath.

This is also NOT a thread to complain about moderation; if you see a post that is clearly breaking the ToS, please use the report button. We can't keep tabs on every single thread on a message board that generates tens of thousands of messages per day. Saying that we do not care or that we even support something just because there hasn't been any action made about it yet is incredibly unfair and very cynical.

The thread is reopened and I hope that we can focus on Capcom's success again. Considering the amount of heat this thread has generated, we are also forced to be stricter with moderation in case someone does one of the above.

Thanks for your understanding!
Oct 25, 2017
Getting brave here but I see 10 million LTD or more for MHW. It will be interesting to see how long it will stay on the charts. Word of mouth and it being the top streamed games right now gives me confidence.


Oct 25, 2017
Getting brave here but I see 10 million LTD or more for MHW. It will be interesting to see how long it will stay on the charts. Word of mouth and it being the top streamed games right now gives me confidence.
I think it'll be interesting to see how Capcom handles future support. Deviljho already hints at more robust post-launch support, so they might be breaking from the pattern of past games and transition into more of a GaaS model -- something like Destiny.


Oct 31, 2017
Getting brave here but I see 10 million LTD or more for MHW. It will be interesting to see how long it will stay on the charts. Word of mouth and it being the top streamed games right now gives me confidence.
As long as teh game didnt sell on Novelty, it will likely reach 10M if not before, once it reaches PC

im actually wondering about the legs of the game. in a sense that will Capcom stick with World for a long time, or play the U/G version game and we will see a new game release next year?? if world itself took 4 years to make I dont see em releasing a brand new for at least 2/3 years.


Nov 13, 2017
How will the Monster Hunter gatherings and what not in Japan work without a local multiplayer option? Is it easy to set up lan areas with tons of systems a la the Splatoon tournaments (but for the general audience not just competing teams) now that people can't just bring their PSP/3DS along and play with anyone they meet? Or have those events not been a thing for a while now anyway? Well, I suppose they will just do online events with special quests and rewards anyway but that's not as hype...


Oct 25, 2017
As long as teh game didnt sell on Novelty, it will likely reach 10M if not before, once it reaches PC

im actually wondering about the legs of the game. in a sense that will Capcom stick with World for a long time, or play the U/G version game and we will see a new game release next year?? if world itself took 4 years to make I dont see em releasing a brand new for at least 2/3 years.

I fully expect them to go the SF5 route

expansion will come to the base game and they will sell a complete edition


Oct 31, 2017
I fully expect them to go the SF5 route

expansion will come to the base game and they will sell a complete edition
wasnt those things done cause the base version was not well received (SFV and MvC:3). maybe a Game of the Year Edition, or the G versions. but there is the risk to create series fatigue like with XX


Oct 27, 2017
I fully expect them to go the SF5 route

expansion will come to the base game and they will sell a complete edition

That will be the best way to do it. Treat MHW as a platform instead of a single entry.

wasnt those things done cause the base version was not well received (SFV and MvC:3). maybe a Game of the Year Edition, or the G versions. but there is the risk to create series fatigue like with XX

I think people got tired of MH on 3DS. The 3DS got 5 MH games during its life. That's a lot of MH.


Oct 25, 2017
wasnt those things done cause the base version was not well received (SFV and MvC:3). maybe a Game of the Year Edition, or the G versions. but there is the risk to create series fatigue like with XX

In those examples sure but its not uncommon for games to release "season passes" and expansions to base games and sell them all at once in complete editions

In fact I expect them to follow standard AAA game practices in this regard as opposed to selling the Expansion as a separate title


Oct 27, 2017
Please stop posting baseless rumors as fact. The XB1 has sold 90k units in Japan, LIFETIME. It's clear that Capcom didn't think it to be worth it to release a game on a platform with an installed base of 90k. Could you blame them? There is no exclusivity deal, it's just smart business.

Yeah, you might want to look into Occam's razor
Oct 26, 2017
United Kingdom
Wow, this thread turned into a shitshow.

How can this level of sales performance for MHW in Japan be seen as anything other than a success?

"Underperforming" vs. previous portable titles in a traditionally portable-centric region?... Yeah, that's some kind of ridiculous spin if I ever heard it.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, this thread turned into a shitshow.

How can this level of sales performance for MHW in Japan be seen as anything other than a success?

"Underperforming" vs. previous portable titles in a traditionally portable-centric region?... Yeah, that's some kind of ridiculous spin if I ever heard it.

it's a roaring success. people are lying trying to spin otherwise. it's as simple as that.

unfortunately Monster Hunter has been a vehicle for console wars for a long time so there's always two factions doing the tango over the top of everything related to the franchise.
Oct 25, 2017
10 million lifetime sales is very likely. Indicators:

- 5 Million shipped at launch, already selling out. Expect another 2 million to be shipped/sold digital on PS4/XBO just this year.
- The Steam release alone will sell 2 million LTD minimum. If we look at the most similar Capcom game to MHW, it's Dragon's Dogma, which sits at ~1 million LTD on Steam. MHW has far more appeal to the PC audience, it'll crush DD's numbers.
- Massive Twitch presence and excellent word of mouth. This game was under most people's radar, but it isn't any longer. Legs for months, which supports the above sales.

And if they ever release a Switch version with appropriate scaling (engine stuff so it runs well), this thing could go to 15 million lol.
Oct 26, 2017
This might be the first Monster Hunter I get really into, assuming my friends jump in, so I'm happy to see it doing well. None of my friends own a 3DS or would be interested in playing a game like Monster Hunter on a portable so this works out nicely for me. Hopefully, Capcom also continues the series on the Switch so we can avoid anymore console war-esque posts about Monster Hunter (Maybe Monster Hunter World Ultimate?) as being able to play on a portable is always more convenient

They didn't fucking localize it. Hence the problem.
Yeah, I found that a strange point to bring it up. I don't even think that version is available in English so it's hardly a viable option