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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Ontario, Canada
Found this through Paul Tassi's tweet


Midnight Society is building the next AAA competitive PvPvE first-person shooter, and we're doing it openly and transparently, one Snapshot build at a time.

We will release Snapshots, which are playable experiences focused around specific milestones, every six weeks. Every milestone has feedback parameters around weapons, player abilities, gameplay, and play spaces within the game. Our team will be collecting feedback, prioritizing it, and applying it to upcoming Snapshots.

Our first game, "Project Moon" is a vertical extraction shooter (VES).

Our high-level gameplay goals are to capture the essence of arena shooter level design with the scale and scope of battle royale player counts, and the session-to-session gameplay mechanics of extraction-based shooters.

The bolded bit above sounds like the most buzzword bullshit ever

Snapshots from the Future

Snapshots aren't the full game, but rather vertical slices of key aspects of the game meant to focus the community's discussion around specific features or mechanics we're actively building. Every six weeks these Snapshots are updated with additional features, mechanics, and assets based on the discussions with the community.

The content of each Snapshot is complete enough to have actionable conversations and discussions around with the community so that we can create specific tasks and iteration goals coming out of these sessions.

We firmly believe that communities deserve access to games currently in development, to begin playing games earlier, and offer feedback to help steer development.

Oh and you had to pay to mint your own NFT if you were granted access



Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it sounded like they were fully being NFT bullshit before so that's not surprising.

Trying to then have the very intelligent people who get in try to steer development sounds like a...winning combination.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
the idea of this game sounds exactly and I mean EXACTLY like something I've wanted for a long time but I ain't about to get suckered into some NFT grift bullshit


Oct 27, 2017
Piece of shit streamer is a piece of shit game developer. What news.


I agree this game sounds like a big NFT shitstorm, but he was a solid game developer long before becoming a streamer? The maps he worked on in Advanced Warfare are basically some of the best maps in that game (other than Terrace, which he didn't work on).


Oct 27, 2017
To me it kinda sounds like they have no vision and try to sorta "outsource" it to the community. I dislike this "lets throw a bunch a shit on a wall and see what sticks" approach, which wastes tons of work from so many talented professionals because of lack of talent of people at helm. If you keep throwing shit and wait for something good to stick, you're no game designer/director, but a hack.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

I agree this game sounds like a big NFT shitstorm, but he was a solid game developer long before becoming a streamer? The maps he worked on in Advanced Warfare are basically some of the best maps in that game (other than Terrace, which he didn't work on).

Doesn't stop him being a piece of shit. Even if he's the best map maker in the world, he's a piece of shit dev for this grift. Probably a good job he wasn't able to call the shots of Advanced Warfare.


Oct 27, 2017
Making a playable build for the public every 6 weeks sounds like an absolute fucking nightmare. Holy shit I would never want to be doing that.


Oct 25, 2017
Delivering snapshots in an interval of 6 weeks between them based on feedback of the players sounds crazy. I wouldn't want to be one of the devs on this project, they'll burn out very quick.


Oct 27, 2017
Doesn't stop him being a piece of shit. Even if he's the best map maker in the world, he's a piece of shit dev for this grift.

Sure, I agree he sucks as a person currently (long before this, even), but that's a bit different than saying someone is a piece of shit at their job. He's clearly talented at at least map design for competitive multiplayer FPS.


Prophet of Regret
Jul 4, 2018
Sure, I agree he sucks as a person currently (long before this, even), but that's a bit different than saying someone is a piece of shit at their job. He's clearly talented at at least map design for competitive multiplayer FPS.
While true, I don't think his ability to make a map supersedes him being a seemingly terrible person. He is extremely dangerous due to his audience skewing younger. His game also seems less like making a great game as it does on catching on to a (dying) trend.

A few choice quotes from a Kotaku piece:

First, Dr Disrespect read an article from The Hill, which Musk had retweeted, titled "The data is in—stop the panic and end total isolation." The article, published to the site's opinion section, argues that it's time to "open most workplaces and small businesses with some prudent large-group precautions" because the virus is only really a danger to a relatively small number of people.

While reading through this article, he also highlighted a graph suggesting that some hospitals aren't actually suffering from overcrowding. This drew quite a response from his chat, with viewers frantically typing that some hospitals only have capacity because social-distancing efforts are working. In general, chat was animated throughout. Many were incredulous at what Doc was implicitly endorsing.

"My grandpa died of this shit. Do you have a degree in virology? Speak what you know," said one viewer. Others implored Doc to Google the Stanford study and read about how scientists had largely debunked it. But others cheered him on, praising him for pushing back against "the liberal establishment."

Then Doc moved on to an even less credible piece of media: a viral video in which a doctor named Thomas Cowan, who is on disciplinary probation enforced by the Medical Board of California, makes the widely debunked claim that 5G cellular technology causes covid-19. Doc did not openly agree with the video, instead saying, "I'm gonna show something that is not directly related to what I just talked about. Something else, what I'm about to show you, along with what I just read, combining the two together—that's what gets me upset."


Oct 27, 2017
While true, I don't think his ability to make a map supersedes him being a seemingly terrible person

Like I said to the other person, I am fully 100% onboard with him being a shitty person currently, that really needs to grow up and get a clue on a lot of things. That's why the post you replied to opens up with "Sure, I agree he sucks as a person currently (long before this, even)".

But the original person I replied to said he was a "piece of shit game developer", so I was just saying "actually he's pretty talented at at least level design, even if this seems to be an NFT scam".

I am not taking issue with him being a bad person at the moment at all. Just saying the guy is actually pretty talented at competitive FPS level design from what we've seen, so I wouldn't say he's a piece of shit game developer. Solar is still in my book one of the best levels there's ever been in a Call of Duty game imo.
Feb 16, 2022
Like I said to the other person, I am fully 100% onboard with him being a shitty person currently, that really needs to grow up and get a clue on a lot of things. That's why the post you replied to opens up with "Sure, I agree he sucks as a person currently (long before this, even)".

But the original person I replied to said he was a "piece of shit game developer", so I was just saying "actually he's pretty talented at at least level design, even if this seems to be an NFT scam".

I am not taking issue with him being a bad person at the moment at all. Just saying the guy is actually pretty talented at competitive FPS level design from what we've seen, so I wouldn't say he's a piece of shit game developer. Solar is still in my book one of the best levels there's ever been in a Call of Duty game imo.
He was a game developer, he was a piece of shit. He's a piece of shit game developer.


Nov 3, 2020

I agree this game sounds like a big NFT shitstorm, but he was a solid game developer long before becoming a streamer? The maps he worked on in Advanced Warfare are basically some of the best maps in that game (other than Terrace, which he didn't work on).
I'm sorry but nah those maps are not the best I don't even like the map he did for rogue company this dude got wack ass map ideas and this is some crypto scam

Dark Ninja

Oct 27, 2017
Delivering something playable every 6 weeks sounds crazy. If it is a scam it'll get exposed super quickly just on that alone either way.


Oct 27, 2017
It didn't sound like a horrible idea to me... until the pay to participate part, and it only got worse by being an NFT. I don't follow Dr. Disrespect much, so I thought maybe what I was reading was in earnest in wanting to make a great game (not thinking they'd have the audacity to charge people for the privilege of spending their time to give feedback).


Dec 26, 2017
Fucking gross. Wouldn't touch this project with a 10 foot pole. Led by an asshole, and tied deeply into crypto to exploit their audience (amongst many other problems with the tech and how it's used).


Feb 4, 2020
Releasing builds to a group of "insiders" to test could potentially be viable depending on how in-depth those builds are. Trying to put out working builds of your game every six weeks seems like a nightmare, but it sounds more like they want to sandbox basic ideas as their own prototype builds for their community to give feedback on, to ultimately shape the "real" game. Still probably not the most efficient way to go, but I don't know what kind of money is behind this project.

I actually kinda get the basic psychological idea behind the $50 buy-in helping to bind together a "community", but it seems pretty gross to essentially have people paying $50 to help you playtest. I'm sure they'll say people are enthusiastically volunteering to do it so what's the problem, but you're still exploiting the passion of your community for free labour. Plus the whole "NFT's are a scourge on the human race" thing.

It didn't sound like a horrible idea to me... until the pay to participate part, and it only got worse by being an NFT. I don't follow Dr. Disrespect much, so I thought maybe what I was reading was in earnest in wanting to make a great game (not thinking they'd have the audacity to charge people for the privilege of spending their time to give feedback).

I don't doubt that he wants to make a good game. He's brought in some notable talent from franchises like CoD and Halo to work on it. I think the biggest risk to this project is simply dependent on how much control DrD has, and how much the development is driven by fanciful, unrealistic ideas of what he thinks game dev "should be" like versus established best practices.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Ontario, Canada
Releasing builds to a group of "insiders" to test could potentially be viable depending on how in-depth those builds are. Trying to put out working builds of your game every six weeks seems like a nightmare, but it sounds more like they want to sandbox basic ideas as their own prototype builds for their community to give feedback on, to ultimately shape the "real" game. Still probably not the most efficient way to go, but I don't know what kind of money is behind this project.

I actually kinda get the basic psychological idea behind the $50 buy-in helping to bind together a "community", but it seems pretty gross to essentially have people paying $50 to help you playtest. I'm sure they'll say people are enthusiastically volunteering to do it so what's the problem, but you're still exploiting the passion of your community for free labour. Plus the whole "NFT's are a scourge on the human race" thing.

I don't doubt that he wants to make a good game. He's brought in some notable talent from franchises like CoD and Halo to work on it. I think the biggest risk to this project is simply dependent on how much control DrD has, and how much the development is driven by fanciful, unrealistic ideas of what he thinks game dev "should be" like versus established best practices.

They way its explained on the website sounds like a nightmare to me for the developers to maintain


SnapshotCL1000 – Player Hideout

The first Snapshot represents two key elements of the game: the first weapon and the first playspace. This experience was designed to elicit feedback on topics like recoil, balance, reload, accuracy, etc.

Time to practice and showcase your skills! We're offering three different Shooting Range experiences throughout the Player Hideout. Anywhere you see a red button, you'll be able to activate a unique target practice, each designed to hone a unique skill with the first assault rifle. Stats on your performance are shared and stored locally, share them with the community to compete for the best accuracy, time, headshots, or scores.

Every six weeks this play space will continue to grow and expand, introducing new elements tied to key new features and mechanics from each build.

Like a ever growing vertical slice you have to maintain sounds like something you would need a dedicated group exclusively for


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
They way its explained on the website sounds like a nightmare to me for the developers to maintain

Like a ever growing vertical slice you have to maintain sounds like something you would need a dedicated group exclusively for

There are games that maintain such things throughout their development to ensure that core mechanics can always be tested, iterated, prototyped and playtested. It is a very smart idea that, if supported by lots of automation, can be highly successful.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 22, 2018
"members can vote on what features to pursue or cut"

As a professional game designer let me just say good luck and god speed.


Oct 25, 2017
My other question is how do you design and build a game based off of your hardcore fan input throughout the actual development process? You usually want a pretty good framework as you start to guide you through and just iterating things on the fly as the fans demand it sounds like a recipe for a disaster. This isn't even just for videogames. Imagine trying to make a movie or TV show like this. It would be a mess.


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
NFTs = hard pass. Covid conspiracist asshole frontman = even harder pass.

Did we ever find out what got this guy banned off Twitch?


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
Graphically it looks fine. The lack of recoil on the shots is the biggest stand-out, but it seems fine for early footage. NFTs or some shit though? lol
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