
May 10, 2018
With the movie being out in some part of the world, full rips going around and entire fight scenes being uploaded to Youtube, I figured a spoiler thread could be useful for those who seen it/doesn't want to see it/want to see it but get spoiled beforehand.
However, I'm asking you keep the spoilers in tags, just in case someone wants to know a specific detail about the movie !

Anyways, here's a full plot summary :

In the 17th century, Hanzo Hasashi lives a happy and calm life with his wife and two children in Japan. Suddenly, the Hanzo family is attacked by a group of fighters led by a warrior with special abilities - Sub-Zero. Hanzo Hasashi's wife manages to hide her youngest daughter in a hiding place. Sub-Zero infiltrates the dwelling and kills his wife and eldest son in search of Hanzo Hasashi. When Hanzo returns, he finds his eldest son and wife frozen to death and is overcome with anger and rage. In a fit of rage, Hanzo uses a metal spear for farming, killing Sub-Zero's warriors. In total, there is a fight between Hanzo and Sub-Zero, in which the latter wins, not without great difficulty. The wounded Hanzo hears the cry of his daughter, who was previously hidden by his wife, but due to the injuries received, he cannot reach her and dies, falling into the underworld.

Today, mixed martial arts fighter Cole Young competes in a $ 200 MMA fight but loses the fight by submission. In the locker room, being with his daughter, Cole meets a visitor who turns out to be Jackson Briggs. After the fight, during dinner, Cole and his family are attacked by Sub-Zero, who was sent by Shang Tsung to kill the "chosen ones." Sub-Zero's attack was watched from the car by Jax on behalf of Sonya Blade. He helps Cole and his family escape from Sub-Zero, however, he is left alone face to face in an abandoned building with Sub-Zero. Jax loses the fight with the ninja and loses both arms due to Sub-Zero's freeze.

Cole, at the direction of Jax, hiding his family, goes in search of Sonya Blade at the address that Briggs managed to give him. Cole meets with Sonya, who tells him about the mysterious Mortal Kombat tournament, and that only the "elite" take part in it - people who have a special mark in the form of a dragon. This is exactly the mark that Cole, Jax and Kano have, who was held captive in Sonya Blade's house. Suddenly, Kano, Cole and Sonya are attacked by a reptile sent by Shang Tsung to kill the chosen ones. During the fight, Kano manages to free himself from the chains and handcuffs with which Sonya chained him, and defeat the reptile, tearing out his heart.

After the fight with the reptile, Sonya invites everyone to go to the temple to Raiden. Kano is at first skeptical about this venture, but agrees for the three million dollars offered by Sonya in the form of a bluff. All three take the plane of Kano's friends towards the temple and disembark in the desert. In the desert, Kano makes a lot of aggressive jokes and even gets into a small fight with Sonya, in which he loses. Then a young guy appears in the desert, who introduces himself as Liu Kang, who has special skills - he sends fireballs, spawns with his hands and controls fire. Liu Kang brings his friends to the temple to see Raiden, who tells the visitors that they are not ready for the decisive tournament and that they need to start training immediately to find and develop their special skills.

Liu Kang and Kung Lao, an older friend of Liu Kang and a descendant of the great champion of the same name, are preparing the charges. Kano, after a small staging by Liu Kang and Kung Lao, has a new skill - directing a fiery laser from the eye. Cole, in turn, fails to learn and develop his gifted skill. Sonya discovers Jax in the temple, who was brought to the temple for treatment and further preparation for the tournament. Shang Tsung comes to the temple in the company of Sub-Zero, Kabal, Reiko, Nitara and Milina. Raiden makes it clear to Shang Tsung that he will not allow attacks on his charges before the start of the tournament on his own and defends the temple with the help of a dragon statue. Shang Tsung and the company leave with nothing. Raiden also sees that Cole is unable to reveal his abilities and purposefully sends him home to his family.

Shang Tsung arranges a meeting with his warriors, during which the Cabal states that he knows Kano well, indicating that the latter can be won over to his side. During the meeting, Prince Goro also appears, which greatly pleases the sorcerer. Cabal comes to Kano and after a short joking conversation persuades Kano to betray his companions and use a laser to destroy the dragon statue to disable the temple's defenses. Kano betrays his team, destroying the dragon statue with a laser. There is an attack by Shang Tsung and his company on the temple, during which Nitara is killed by Kung Lao's hat (cut it in half), and then Kung Lao himself is killed at the hands of Shang Tsung, who takes Kung Lao's soul for himself. In parallel, Goro attacks Cole and his family. In the process of the fight with Goro, Cole manages to reveal his abilities: he has armor, which reflects all blows and collects energy from the damage done for its carrier, and also from Cole can create elements of melee weapons from armor. Goro is killed after a fight with Cole.

Raiden, observing what is happening, moves the entire team to the space between the Earth and the Outer worlds. During the conversation, Cole suggests that Raiden move them back to fight Shang Tsung's fighters in order to catch them by surprise. Raiden agrees and moves the heroes to fight according to Cole's plan: Reiko vs. Jax, Sonya vs. Kano, Liu Kang vs. Cabal, and Cole himself went out to fight against Milina. The heroes, although not without difficulty, successfully cope with their opponents. During the battles of the heroes, Sub-Zero kidnaps Cole's wife and daughter and provokes the latter to move to an abandoned building for battle without other persons. During the fight with Sub-Zero, Cole grabs the pike of his ancestor Hanzo, which causes a ninja in a black and yellow suit to appear, calling himself the Scorpion, which, as a result, turns out to be Hanzo himself. Scorpio immediately engages in combat with Sub-Zero. The fight takes place at an equal pace. Cole then joins in and, along with his ancestor, defeats Sub-Zero. Scorpio, seeing the exhausted Sub-Zero, says that all this time he was in the underworld and learned to control the hellfire and burns Sub-Zero.

After the defeat of Sub-Zero, Shang Tsung reappears and declares that he has many more fighters, and that he will soon send armies to Earth, after which Raiden drives him away, teleporting him to the outside world. Raiden reminds the heroes that the tournament is ahead and very close, and that they need to find a few more favorites according to the list he has. At the end of the movie, Cole retires from the fight, telling his manager in the dressing room that he is going to Hollywood. As it later becomes clear from the posters in the locker room, Cole is going to visit the next chosen one - action star - Johnny Cage.

Feel free to ask me anything.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

Spoiler thread of spoilers.

I haven't seen the movie yet so I'm fucking off as soon as I hit the "post thread" button.



Oct 30, 2017
I (and many other people, presumably) called it!

I'm expecting the ending to be something along the lines of "Actually, my birth name is Johnny Cage", or "Hey Cole, now that you're a big action movie star you should have a big action movie name, like 'Johnny Cage' or something!" so the audience can hoot and holler in recognition.


May 10, 2018
CaptainKashup , can you confirm where the new rendition of Techno Syndrome plays?

There's two different rendition. One is more orchestral and honestly kinda dope, it plays during two fight, Cole vs Goro and Cole + Scorpion vs Sub-Zero

We all knew Reptile would go out sad, but Goro too? mahalo G 🤙

Goro being a dumb henchman that gets killed before the actual tournament, instead of being the Champion, is absolute bullshit. And Reptile.. He's just a human size godzilla in this.


May 10, 2018


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Very disappointing. It throws too much at the audience too fast. It's been a while since I saw the original, but I feel like they build up to the crazy stuff at a better pace.

There were some good bits, like the joke about always doing leg sweeps. And that Kano was such a piece of shit. Hanzo's flashback fight with the LinQuay ninjas was pretty good, too. And Kabal was good costuming.


May 10, 2018
Thought I could do a rapid recap of each character.

Cole Young :
Scorpion's descendant. His power is to have plot armor and this isn't a joke. He's the main character and that's pretty much all there is to him.

Kano :
Possibly the best character translation from game to movie. If you like Kano in the games, you'll like him there too. Gets to do his heart fatality. Oh and he dies.

Sonya :
Not that different to her video game counterpart neither. So kinda boring.

Jax :
His arms gets taken by Sub-Zero. Gets his new arms because of magic.

Liu Kang :
I'm not a fan of him in the game and even I am offended by what they did to him. He's no longer the chosen one, just one of many. He's younger then Kung Lao for some reason. For the Liu Kang fans out there, don't expect much from him.

Kung Lao :
Score the best fatality in the movie and dies right after, so pretty much the same guy from the games.

Goro :
Just a henchman who gets killed like a chump.

Reiko :
Just a henchman who gets killed like a chump.

Mileena :
Just a henchwoman who gets killed like a chump.

Reptile :
Just a henchreptile who gets killed like a chump. Even as someone who likes some of his more reptile-like design, the one in this movie is just lame. He's legit just a human reptile.

Kabal :
The only henchman who gets to do something else then fighting and getting killed. He turns Kano to the darkside. He still dies tho.

Raiden :
Absolute waste of a character. His only contribution is teleporting people around, that's it.

Shang Tsung :
Only there to stand menacingly and throw insults at the main characters.

Scorpion :
Dies as Hanzo at the very start and only re-appears for the last fight as Scorpion, that's it.

Sub-Zero :
A glorified horror movie monster who doesn't say more then three words before getting killed by Scorpion.

Johnny Cage :
He's a stinger for the next movie, like many people predicted.

Kitana :
Not in this movie lmao
May 26, 2018
Thought I could do a rapid recap of each character.

Cole Young :
Scorpion's descendant. His power is to have plot armor and this isn't a joke. He's the main character and that's pretty much all there is to him.

Kano :
Possibly the best character translation from game to movie. If you like Kano in the games, you'll like him there too. Gets to do his heart fatality. Oh and he dies.

Sonya :
Not that different to her video game counterpart neither. So kinda boring.

Jax :
His arms gets taken by Sub-Zero. Gets his new arms because of magic.

Liu Kang :
I'm not a fan of him in the game and even I am offended by what they did to him. He's no longer the chosen one, just one of many. He's younger then Kung Lao for some reason. For the Liu Kang fans out there, don't expect much from him.

Kung Lao :
Score the best fatality in the movie and dies right after, so pretty much the same guy from the games.

Goro :
Just a henchman who gets killed like a chump.

Reiko :
Just a henchman who gets killed like a chump.

Mileena :
Just a henchwoman who gets killed like a chump.

Reptile :
Just a henchreptile who gets killed like a chump. Even as someone who likes some of his more reptile-like design, the one in this movie is just lame. He's legit just a human reptile.

Kabal :
The only henchman who gets to do something else then fighting and getting killed. He turns Kano to the darkside. He still dies tho.

Raiden :
Absolute waste of a character. His only contribution is teleporting people around, that's it.

Shang Tsung :
Only there to stand menacingly and throw insults at the main characters.

Scorpion :
Dies as Hanzo at the very start and only re-appears for the last fight as Scorpion, that's it.

Sub-Zero :
A glorified horror movie monster who doesn't say more then three words before getting killed by Scorpion.

Johnny Cage :
He's a stinger for the next movie, like many people predicted.

Kitana :
Not in this movie lmao

Thanks. Guess I'll skip this one.


Oct 29, 2017
I seen it last week. Something that confused is

Why does Cole have a Mortal Kombat mark? I understand that he gets it from being a descendant of Scorpion, but shouldn't Scorpion's mark have been transferred to Sub Zero when he was killed by him?

Update: Read the synopsis. It makes sense now. The version I seen just started with Cole having a MMA match

It was a super poor film btw. I think what struck me the most was just how low budget it looked. There is roughly 3 sets in the entire film.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
Fucking Nitara is in this? Kung Lao getting bodied is stupid.

Actually this whole thing with Cole sounds stupid. They should have just made him Liu Kang with a different backstory.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
Thought I could do a rapid recap of each character.

Cole Young :
Scorpion's descendant. His power is to have plot armor and this isn't a joke. He's the main character and that's pretty much all there is to him.

Kano :
Possibly the best character translation from game to movie. If you like Kano in the games, you'll like him there too. Gets to do his heart fatality. Oh and he dies.

Sonya :
Not that different to her video game counterpart neither. So kinda boring.

Jax :
His arms gets taken by Sub-Zero. Gets his new arms because of magic.

Liu Kang :
I'm not a fan of him in the game and even I am offended by what they did to him. He's no longer the chosen one, just one of many. He's younger then Kung Lao for some reason. For the Liu Kang fans out there, don't expect much from him.

Kung Lao :
Score the best fatality in the movie and dies right after, so pretty much the same guy from the games.

Goro :
Just a henchman who gets killed like a chump.

Reiko :
Just a henchman who gets killed like a chump.

Mileena :
Just a henchwoman who gets killed like a chump.

Reptile :
Just a henchreptile who gets killed like a chump. Even as someone who likes some of his more reptile-like design, the one in this movie is just lame. He's legit just a human reptile.

Kabal :
The only henchman who gets to do something else then fighting and getting killed. He turns Kano to the darkside. He still dies tho.

Raiden :
Absolute waste of a character. His only contribution is teleporting people around, that's it.

Shang Tsung :
Only there to stand menacingly and throw insults at the main characters.

Scorpion :
Dies as Hanzo at the very start and only re-appears for the last fight as Scorpion, that's it.

Sub-Zero :
A glorified horror movie monster who doesn't say more then three words before getting killed by Scorpion.

Johnny Cage :
He's a stinger for the next movie, like many people predicted.

Kitana :
Not in this movie lmao
Mind blowing that they
kill most of the iconic villains in one movie.
That's like a troll move that Boon would be proud of.

Clearing the way for Hsu Hao, clearly.


Oct 30, 2017
lol oh boy, and I was kinda excited by the good reviews. My expectations were still low so I'll prob watch it at some point.

MK 1995 stays on top
Oct 27, 2017
Sheesh, at this point, I would have preferred if they loosely remade the first with beefier roles for Scorpion and Sub Zero.

I don't really mind characters being jobbed or chumped out as most MK characters have gotten chumped out at one point or another in the series and story. Also, they usually come back as death means nothing.

That said, however, Goro should be a bigger deal than just a run of the mill henchman.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
Sounds disappointing to be honest, So weird that the actual sequel will be the MK tournament.

Is there any set up for the next Subzero, do they get into the Lin Kuei at all? Subz is my favorite colored ninja so would be disappointing if he's just a henchman who says lil and gets killed.