
Feb 21, 2018
BotW almost delivered. Left me slightly disappointed by the lackluster narrative (and characters for that matter) and lack of proper dungeons.

My true victor is Astro Bot. It brought me out of my "ignore PSVR" shell on release and filled me with overwhelming anticipation from then until Christmas (didn't have the $$$ to shell out for the bundle at launch). Delivered in spades with it's exceptionally immersive and creative approach to 3D platforming in VR and even managed to dethrone my previous GOAT Majora's Mask (sth I never would have expected)


Nov 3, 2017
Holy crap thanks for this. I'll take a look!
No pb.
Just be aware that it's a game made with a specific niche in mind and you can very well absolutely hate everything the game offers.
the game is 50bucks on Amazon and doesn't have a digital release at all.
It's also not a PAL game at all so if you don't have a way to play NTSC ps2 games, it's gonna be a big commitment to even try the game.
My advice would be to try recent remakes (RS2 for now because RS3 is not out yet) or the mobile games to see if the battle system gel with you.
Also watch a small part of a walkthrough because trailers don't really show well what you'll mostly be interacting with in most cases anyway.
And again it's a big commitment to play the game now so better get more info if you wanna try.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Original Mass Effect was the reason I bought a 360 over a PS3 and is still one of the best games I've ever played and the only modern single player AAA campaign that I have played over two times (7 and counting).


Oct 25, 2017
Bloodborne is an obvious pick. However, more recently, I would have to give it to the Resident Evil 2 remake. It was really, really good. Top three of this generation for me (easily) and it has been an amazing generation (and a return to form after the last one).


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Most recent one is probably Assassin's Creed Odyssey. History is one of my greatest passions, and Ancient Greece is one of the time periods that fascinates me the most. Being able to explore the entirety of it, on such a large scale, sounded like a dream come true. That said, I also expected to maybe dump 20 - 30 hours into the game before getting bored and moving on. It was supposed to be a quick action-adventure romp, so to speak.

The gameplay loop proved to be much more addicting than I thought it would. 30 hours at most quickly became 170 hours and counting. Not surprising, perhaps, when the game world was easily triple the size of what I had anticipated. Odyssey takes more than a few liberties with the country's geography and social conventions, nor does it pretend to be completely historically accurate. But at the end of the day you still feel like an actual inhabitant of Ancient Greece. Add what in my opinion is one of the best new protagonists to grace video games in years — I am talking about Kassandra of course, so perfectly voiced by Melissanthi Mahut — and, yeah, you have a game that exceeded all my expectations, even in areas I knew I would love.

Another one I want to mention is Persona 4 The Golden. I already knew how good the base game was and the two long years between Golden's release and me buying a Vita gave me plenty of time to get a good impression of all the new features and QoL stuff introduced in Golden. But it wasn't until I finally played it that I realized just how much they really improved the game.


Oct 25, 2017
The first Portal to me is a perfect game and I couldn't wait for the sequel. Portal 2 exceeded every expectation I had for it.


Oct 30, 2017
BOTW the thread? Because thats how I felt about BOTW after I finished the first time.
Oct 28, 2017
Dead Space 2 - the first was awesome and it had a really silly 'your mom will hate it" marketing
Skyrim - hundreds of hours of adventure
Witcher 3 - Game of the generation so far for me

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
A few I can remember:

Fallout 3
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3

I had max hype for all of them and they all delivered.
Oct 25, 2017
Bayonetta. I had just figured out who this Kamiya guy was, quickly realizing that pretty much all of my favorite games growing up were directed by him. Now he's finally making his own proper follow-up to the GOAT DMC1? It's got a female protagonist with an actual style and personality? It's satanic as fuck and you are invading heaven? Holy shit, sign me up. The game came out, I plopped it in, I watched every cutscene and read every single bit of lore I came across in the game. Yet the train just kept going... there was more and more and more stuff to unlock, defeat and learn. To this day, after 2000+ hours, I still only feel like I have merely scratched the surface of what the game has to offer. It way exceeded any expectations I may have had, which were already sky high.

Dota 2. I've played Dota 1 since 2006 and sunk an immense amount of hours into it. I was there when people figured out solo mid was a smart thing to do (curiously, Lich was the first hero to take on that role in most games, presumably because people valued his early ult highly) and I still remember when Razor's main nuke was a regular ol' Chain Lightning. Along comes Valve literally out of nowhere and announces Dota 2 which is honestly the most insane announcement I have witnessed so far. Like, what are you even doing? How do you make a sequel to a game that has literally nothing to do with your company? What is even happening? Ok, we've got some artwork and a name and people kinda trust the company to create quality games, hype is rising.
A few months (I think) later... a single screenshot leaks. This is what it looked like:

I lost my fucking shit. It was everything I wanted in terms of art style after being incredibly frustrated with Heroes of Newerth being way too gritty and busy visually to the point of getting in the way of gameplay readability and me just being dissatisfied with League of Legends feeling like a flash game more than anything (no pun intended, heh). From this moment onward, I was in a frenzy to play Dota 2 ASAP. Took a while for me to get a beta key, but after that... I never really stopped playing until a relatively recent hiatus due to frustration over the general attitude in the pub community (blame others rather than improving etc). Clocked close to 5000 hours by this point and still feel like it is one of the greatest games of all time. I love the way the game is patched making everything super broken and exciting, contrasting with the Blizzard approach since World of Warcraft where everything is being streamlined and "cleaned up" in the name of balance. Yuck. Give me utter chaos and give me Dota 2, please.


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
Mass Effect 2 and it exceeded my expectations. Mass Effect 1 was so good that i was on the verge of exploding waiting for 2. Being able to carry a character over that I designed to look like me was game changing.

I haven't experienced that level of hype for any other game. Sekiro is very close because I really like Nioh.
Last edited:


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
This is it for me as well.

Dark Souls 1 ended up being a fucking cornerstone of my gaming history, and I was sorta let down by Dark Souls 2.

So when the news for Bloodborne started seeping in, I got on the hype-train quite quickly.

It delivered everything I could have hoped for and more.

Sekiro...please...keep that train a going.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Floater’s Cemetery
BOTW, Mario Odyssey, every Souls game + BB, A Link Between Worlds = probably the biggest for me.

God of War is on the opposite end of that spectrum (massive hype but eventually massive, massive disappointment)
Oct 28, 2017
That first Gears of War just blew me away. It's graphics seemed like a whole different console generation than something like Heavenly Sword.

I never expect to see a leap like that again graphically in my lifetime.


Oct 28, 2017
I guess killzone 2 on ps3.

And boy, that thing was hyped to the stratosphere and then some.

But it really delivered.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Monster Hunter World, Bloodborne. Bloodborne particularly shocked me with how deep the Yharnam rabbit hole goes.

Virtua King

Dec 29, 2017
Sonic Mania. I had complete faith in everyone that was a part of the project, so I had no reservations over being mega hyped.


Oct 27, 2017
I could say The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild like others have before, but I don't think I could add much more that hasn't already been said.

Hollow Knight for one. I went in with relatively high expectations as someone who typically enjoys Metroidvanias and having really loved the art style. The game truly blew me away when it came to Switch last year. I could not put it down to save my life.

Strangely, Bloodborne was another. I liked Demon's Souls and really enjoyed Dark Souls and had skipped DS2 at the time due to school commitments. I dove into Bloodborne with relatively little knowledge or expectation and it instantly became one of my top three games of all time that I still return to today between other games.

All three of the above examples are something that I would call masterpieces.

Le Dude

May 16, 2018
Breath of the Wild, easily.

I bought the entire console on a whim day one for that single game, so I was hyped through the roof.

In retrospect the game has many flaws and lots of room for improvement, but I'd attest that playing through it for the first time is one of the best experiences I've ever had with a video game.


Oct 26, 2017
I've never been THAT hyped, but most games that I look froward to end up pretty great.

Deleted member 19702

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Zelda OOT

Before the release it was hyped as the GOTY by all major outlets. All the world have their eyes on it when it came out. And yes, it turned out to be... OOT.


Oct 27, 2017
God Of War : Currently playing the game. Was expecting a braindead combat and corridor-level design and braindead puzzle but with amazing story and production value. Did not expect the combat to be so fun and the abundance of great puzzle.

Dragon Quest XI : Expecting a very traditional JRPG story, did not expect that Act 2 and Act 3 story moment.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
This gen?

RDR2 (One of the greatest games made)
Witcher 3
Halo 5 Multiplayer (I'm hooked)
Forza Horizon 4
Batman Arkham Knight (loved the Batmobile)


Oct 27, 2017
I was really excited for Bloodborne as I loved the Miyazaki Souls games and wanted something more like those than Dark Souls 2.

What I got was the Game of the Generation and one of the greatest games ever made

And I pretty much bought a Switch for Mario Odyssey expecting a very good game that combined elements of the Galaxy and 3D World games.

What I got was the Mario game I dreamed of as a kid: A Super Mario 64 successor that took itself less seriously and went hard with creative level ideas while offering customization options.