
Oct 26, 2017
Some woman in the bar said I had a Matthew Broderick vibe and I angrily said, 'you better be talking 80s Matthew Broderick and not now!'
Oct 27, 2017
So I used to take public transportation or walk all the time in college:

  • A homeless dude started talking to me about his tats and I humored him since I felt like he just needed someone to talk to. It was very chill. He ended up telling me something about how beautiful my soul was lol.
  • An older dude (60s?) who was pretty tipsy struck up a conversation with me and went on about his whole life story. This was an intercity bus and we talked the whole time. Everything from how hard it was a few years earlier watching his wife die in his hands from cancer to how he likes the gays but doesn't want them to get too much or else they won't stop until their on top of the food totem pole (I explained to him how that's not what it was about yadda yadda). We exchanged contact info and he sent me the longest update email ever later on. The guy had to be in marketing or something, he could talk forever.
  • The only other person at the bus stop immediately started talking about how he was just released from jail and how it sucked so bad. The only prior exposure I had to the criminal justice system was watching The Wire and Law & Order so I had no idea what the fuck he just experienced but told him I hope everything goes okay for him now.
  • Some dude sees me taking smoking weed from a glass pipe while walking home (empty street late at night) and asks for a toke. He looked depressed so I said sure whatever and then he goes into a whole thing about how he just caught his gf with a black guy and that that qualifies the black guy as an N-word. I told him don't use that word and that therapy is a good thing especially when you're down and doing/saying things you regret.
  • I was carrying a pizza and some dude in the back seat of a car at a red light is super stoned and asked if he can please have a slice. I respected his candor and gave him a slice.
  • A couple of times where dudes walked up to me and asked to hook up within the first ten words (I just said I'm not gay). Also once got catcalled by some girls driving by who went to the same high school but I never knew them. It's the weird overlap between feeling objectified and flattered.

I guess I mostly just have a very inviting vibe?

Deleted user 119316

Account closed at user request
Jun 22, 2022
A person, with whom I have almost never spoken, turns around in during a test in an adult language school - i.e. a school for adults to learn languages and not for learning sex talk.

"Hey, my Roman friend*, do you want a trip to Bali? I have friends in Indonesia who can get you a really cheap trip to Bali. It'll be great."

"No thanks. I don't want to go to Bali right now."

"Yeah, but it's going to be really cheap. You can stay with my friends. It'll be great."

I thought I would lose a kidney if I took the offer. It smelled like a scam, especially given how random it was.

*they may not have said these 3 words.


Oct 25, 2017
A homeless guy on the street was mumbling "you can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes". Sounded like it would be a cool lyric for a metal song.


Oct 27, 2017
This one time I was sitting down at a rail station and feeling really really upset, and a woman came and gave me a hug and said I had a beautiful energy or something similar. I didn't find it strange what she did, but the timing was ridiculously perfect because I really needed a hug.


Oct 27, 2017
Not to me but to a friend. We were standing outside in a group of three, talking. A guy on a bike came towards us, stopped, looked at my friend and said: "Hmnnn, small head". Then he went on his way again. To this day, 30 years later, my friend still thinks of this. Wondering if his head is a normal size.


Oct 27, 2017
Over 10 years ago a girl randomly told me you walk like you think you're all that. I just laughed because we were walking by each other and it was completely unprompted.

Lmao! A girl told me i like the way you walk as I passed her on my way into a grocery store about ten plus years ago. Weird random memory that you triggered lol. I think I just said thx and kept it moving. She wasn't really my type if I recall 🤔🤷‍♂️


Feb 10, 2021
When I was working retail I had a random lady try to set me up with her daughter. Now, her daughter was probably really nice and hot as hell, but she wasn't even there and the whole situation felt weird as fuck. I just politely said I was already with someone (I wasn't).

The woman in the queue behind her was trying so hard not to laugh.


Oct 25, 2017
I look really approachable for some reason, so I have an unfortunate number of stories. Thankfully, I've repressed most of those memories.

I've had many weird encounters with homeless people apparently thinking they know who I am and asking me about people I've never met. But the strangest encounter was one time when I was waiting at a bus stop late at night, where it was just me and some man. The street lamp wasn't working, so it was pitch black.

I don't think anything of it until he walks up to me and asks why "we" are doing this to him and are following him everywhere, torturing him. He says it's all a lie and he didn't do those things "to those women and children". (Paraphrasing since he was unnecessarily explicit.) He ends with saying he's not responsible for what happens next and it will be my (or my "organization's") fault, and that he'd kill me and then himself. Definitely thought I might die that day.

Jetsun Mila

User requested ban
Apr 7, 2021
Waited for the bus, two guys sat beside me and asked for directions. Kinda connected with them, talked a bit and joked around. Then one of them said that he has a few days off from JVA (kinda a jail for youths here in Germany) and I throught he was joking. Nope, pulled the documents and all out that prove that they both were in jail for killing some guy at a party.
Tbh it killed the vibe a bit


Oct 25, 2017
someone once told me i looked homeless early in the morning. idk why. they were white people in a mexican neighborhood tho so maybe they were just on their bullshit


Oct 25, 2017
"I've been watching you. I saw you talking to yourself. O.O"

She says to me with the most confident look on her face. My only question was the most obvious one: "You were doing what now?"

It got very awkward because she started arguing with me on whether or not I was talking to myself.


Feb 23, 2018
I have very thick eyebrows. A cashier at a kiosk gasped and asked "wooooow are those eyebrows real? I thought eyebrows like these only existed in movies". didn't really know how to respond and was like… yes? another customer bursted out laughing. Still not entirely sure whether I should feel flattered or offended.


Oct 27, 2017
One time on a flight, the woman sat next to me who I'd never met before decided to strike up a conversation. She told me that she was a psychic, and that the spirit of a dead flight attendant was standing in the aisle.

What am I supposed to say to that 🤷


Dec 5, 2018
I was on a train on my way home. It was noon, so I was having a sandwich for lunch. Then this Ned Flanders looking mofo comes sit across from me, leans forward and says: "You eat bread, but you do not eat truth". Then gets up and leaves.


Oct 30, 2017
Oh man, I just had this come up.

I was at a gas station about a week ago and guy pulls up to the pump behind me. I'm going to get the window squeegee and some towels and the guy just out of nowhere is like "Hey, I like your zippee!" Having no idea what he was talking about, I assumed he wasn't talking to me. Then he's like "Your zippee, you car. I like those little cars." (Its a Focus hatchback, its nothing special). I'm kind of barely acknowledging him with simple responses and finish pumping and to get the hell out of there. Then I hear him yell out again "Hey zippee your thing is still open!" In my haste I forgot to close the gas cap. I briefly thank him and he's like "Sorry if I rattled ya, I'm high, but not that high."

Fucking weirdos.
Between him repeatedly calling your car a zippee and that "I'm high, but not that high." line, this shit is gold 😂 thanks for the laugh!


Dec 22, 2017
Around 2000 or 01 I was browsing the GBC aisle in an electronics store. There was also a mother with her son looking for a Batman game. The boy didn't seem to know wich one to pick, so suddenly she asks me wich Batman game was the best. So being the nerd I was I told her how each game reviewed across various magazines and why. Then she silently stared at me like I'm some sort of maniac and continued with her kid as if nothing had happened.


Oct 26, 2017
La France
I was on my way to a friend's house, and the guy walking in front of me in the street looked at me and said : "Are you okay sir? You should head home."

What lol
Maybe he thought I was following him or something


Oct 25, 2017
"How do I get laid?"

I was working at the airport. A lady said that to me and I didn't know what to say. I simply said "What?", to which she replied, "How do I get laid?" I stopped for a bit trying to figure out what I just heard and replied back, "Excuse me, what was that? How do you get… laid?" I had actually went to a nightclub for the very first time a few days earlier, so I was thinking of mentioning the name of the club, but I felt that was inappropriate to say while at work. And by then, the friend of the lady had figured out the misunderstanding. It wasn't "How do I get laid?" It was "How do I get lei'd?"

She was looking at another family who were fully lei'd and I didn't make the connection. I'm from Hawaii.


Oct 29, 2017
I was just washing my car and this dude just stopped and out of the blue asked of I wanted to go to his place and he'd give me a BJ. That's all he said as he stood there smiling. I was taken aback and just stammered no thank you. After about 2 min his partner came rushing out and grabbed him and apologized that he's not well. I was 17 at the time but looked younger.
Nov 6, 2017
"Spoken like a real guy with glasses, huh ?"

I guy wanted to get exactly in front of me at a concert, and was much taller than me. To this day I don't know what he meant. This was 10 years ago. And yes I wear glasses.


Oct 25, 2017
Once when I got Pizza delivered and I guess it was because the light was weird in the hallway but the delivery guy was shocked by my eye color. He said: "Why are your eyes almost white?, I've never seen eyes like yours".
I still can't say if it was a compliment or if I scared him.


Oct 31, 2017
"Caught any new pokemon?!"

While I was looking at my phone while selecting a spotify playlist.


Nov 27, 2017
I was at a laundromat in WestLA minding my business. Some guy asks what I feel about cocaine. Then he suggests we should hang out some time at the Griffith Observatory and get high and look at stars and planets and stuff. I was, no thanks dude, and just buried my face into my phone to avoid all further contact, haha.


Nov 1, 2017
Someone came up to me in a shop in London yesterday. He told me how cool it was to meet me in person, but I didn't want to be an arsehole and gladly signed anything he had, took photos with him etc.
Then he said, "Oh, come to my house later, we're having a party."

I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical interference," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

After he left, the cashier and I just looked at each other and laughed.

Strange day.


May 20, 2019
When I was working retail I had a random lady try to set me up with her daughter. Now, her daughter was probably really nice and hot as hell, but she wasn't even there and the whole situation felt weird as fuck. I just politely said I was already with someone (I wasn't).

The woman in the queue behind her was trying so hard not to laugh.

This happened to me with my optometrist once. Weirdest fucking thing. She's doing the usual,
"Does this one look better or this one?" and she all of a sudden says, "Do you like middle eastern girls?" I wasn't sure how to respond and said something like, "Sure?" Then she pulled out a picture of her daughter who couldn't have been older than 20 (I was 33 at the time) and asked if I wanted her to set up a date. I declined. Rest of the appointment was super awkward


Oct 25, 2017
Last week I was walking through a smaller side street with houses and this old man was walking towards me.
The sidewalk was pretty narrow so when he got closer, I slowed down a lot and kinda turned sideways to let him pass easier.
Suddenly he stop in front of me so I stopped as well and he said "Doesn't this look SO much better?" and kinda gestures towards the sidewalk.
I was just super surprised and looked around and what he was gesturing at and I couldn't see at all what he was talking about so I said "oh it does! that must have been a lot of work!" and he smiled widely and said "yeah it was! I'm gonna continue in a bit but this heat is killing me!" so I just said "well your health is more important than how this looks so please take care of yourself! have a good day!" and walked off. He wished me the same as I turned.

I still have no idea wth he was doing and meant XD


Oct 28, 2017
"Go back to the reservation!" I'm half Asian/half white, but I guess I look Native American to some people. An albino guy with long hair came riding up on a bicycle while I was pumping gas - dude looked just like Johnny Winter. He started yelling a bunch of racial slurs at everyone at the gas station, including something about "Uncle Tom" to a black guy. He then rode away as quickly as he came. We all looked at each other like WTF just happened.


Oct 26, 2017
Some hoon in a car drove up to me on the sidewalk and asked me if I can cook noodles in an exaggerated Chinese accent. This was when I was living in Aus.

I mean I can, but it was weird out of the blue you know?
Oct 25, 2017
"Bro suck my dick please I just need my dick sucked"

Yeah that was a weird night. The guy had asked me for directions just a minute ago.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Texas, USA
One day I was at Target picking up some groceries, and this guy out of nowhere started talking to me about Star Citizen. I have no idea how this dude took one look at me and thought "oh yeah, this is a guy who either knows a thing or two about Star Citizen, or NEEDS to know a thing or two about Star Citizen". I don't even have any video game apparel, the closest thing I have is a shirt from the Houston Arcade Expo.

To his credit though, I did know what Star Citizen was, so I guess he knows how to pick 'em.


Dec 22, 2017
Oh and once some guy was eating a unpeeled cucumber on a train and essentially proposed to me because he wanted tall children. He also offered me a cucumber to eat that he took from his jackets inner pocket.
Sometimes I really hate having to rely on public transport.


Oct 25, 2017
Random person at the airport once came up to me and told me they thought I was German, which was supposedly meant as a compliment.

A few weeks ago, an older lady (50s-60s) at the grocery store asked me if I worked there, even though I was wearing a red t-shirt and jeans instead of the branded polos that employees wear and I was clearly shopping.

Basically every time I've tried to use the NYC subway system, I get confronted by all the weirdest fuckers in there, to the point that I will just walk to my destination unless it will take more than 2-3 hours.


Oct 28, 2017
Went into a news agent across from my work on my break to grab a bottle of ginger a few years ago just after I had started. Was like to the guy "just the juice please" and he goes "that's what Hitler said". Didn't get the "joke" he was making at first and I was like eh? And he leans in super close giggling and repeats it. I'm still like wtf is going on and sure I am mishearing him and he leans in again and whispers "Jeeeeeeeeeeeeews" while giggling away. Was so out the blue I just kinda stood there pure bewildered.

Was on a wee weekend away with my girlfriend a couple of weeks ago and she wanted to go to some club. I was up at the bar and a guy started pointing at me and winking. I was like aye okay here we go and he comes up and is like "have you ever seen your own eyes?"
Oct 28, 2017
Washington DC
Apparently when I hit my early 20s I became quite attractive and women hit on me a lot. One night it was raining and I got in the elevator of my apartment after a night out. This woman behind me smiles and says "Got a nice wet one for you." It took me a moment to realize she was throwing herself at me. I ended up having sex with a few forward women in that building during my two years there.

Deleted member 41651

User-requested account closure
Apr 3, 2018
Like 10 years ago, I was walking back to my apartment from the convenience store when two shady young dudes asked to take a photo with me and said "we're not trying to suspect you or nothin." I was like no thanks and kept walking.

I've also been asked if I'm Gary.

Also, got approached because I'm Mike with the hookup.

Then an old dude on a bike got angry with me in the parking lot when I denied I was who he insisted I was.


Oct 25, 2017
One of my coworkers asked if I wanted to have sex with her in the walk in cooler. I laughed, but over a decade later I kinda regret saying no 🤣


Oct 25, 2017
I was at a Wal-Mart once wearing a NASA T-Shirt and some guy just started following me around telling me the space wasn't real and it's a huge conspiracy and even the teachers are all in on it. He followed me for like 10 minutes just talking nonstop and I never once even acknowledged that he was there.

Evo Shandor

Oct 29, 2017
I was working in retail in my late teens. I noticed a guy in another department standing and staring at some tools for like thirty minutes. He hadn't moved and then he leaned in and crouched down.

I walked over and asked 'Is there anything I can help you with?'

'That depends. How fast can you run?'

He had a crazy look in his eye and started to do other stuff. I backed away and radioed security and they called the cops.


Sausage Tycoon
Oct 25, 2017
I was in Penzance train station with a friend, then this guy comes in and looks at us, starts tap dancing and shouting GET ME OFF THIS FUCKING PLANET.

Ended up sitting on the train with him and he told us a disgusting story about a fat woman sitting on his face. A little later on my friend pissed him off so much he chased us off the train when it stopped and we shouted abuse at him as it drove away from the station.