
Oct 27, 2017
It's been a busy week I haven't updated lately on the progress of the Large bike license.

Last Friday, Saturday and Sunday were all two hour lesson days. One of the hours was riding automatic scooters around course again. Same ones as the medium license as well (guess they don't have larger engine scooters?) Kind of a fun break hour. Still can not do that balance beam on an automatic scooter without that clutch. I think I got over it all of once.

One 'hour' was back on the simulator. I say 'hour' but literally the teacher I was with this time had me two two runs then said ok that's good take a break the next 40 minutes and I just sat in a classroom using my phone the rest of the time. Simulator runs themselves were pretty identical to the medium license runs though this time I did crash into a pedestrian for the fun of it. There is a different setting for large bikes on it I guess as it was moving faster than the medium times.

Rest of the hours was spent riding the course and remembering the course. I'm having a bit of problem not pegging cones in the slalom. Also that balance beam continues to be my bane. I've rode all the different large bikes they have and the older silver CB750 they have is probably the worst of the lot. Has a weird turn at low speeds which catches me off guard sometimes and throttle also feels a bit wonky. The other old CB750 which I pictured in the previous post has a real strong clutch lever that makes your hand hurt after a while. Other than the clutch though feels ok. Hope the test won't be on either of the old bikes.

Also I didn't realize but two of the white bikes are actually a bit older than the new ones I rode the first day and compared to the new ones they feel a bit twitchy on the throttle also so not a fan of those either. Seems like every time I ride it's been on a new bike I never rode before which takes me some getting used to as they are all a bit different.

Balance beam still continues to be my biggest issue and have yet been able to hit the 10 seconds required (8.9 is my record so far) but yeah as long as I don't fall off I'll take the hit on the points on this one when it comes time for actual test. Praying I don't knock a cone on the slalom which I seem to keep doing lately as well. That is mostly probably due to me trying to cut it close to reach the under 7 seconds time (which unlike the balance beam I have been able to pull off at least once).

Tonight and tomorrow will be my last two days / 4 hours in total of riding before the test next week. Seems like it really has gone by much quicker than the medium school.


Oct 28, 2017
Hamm, Germany

Had to look up the balance beam test. Did something similar on my last riding test. Slow driving on a straight line. Fun. :D But it's a valuable lesson.


Oct 27, 2017
Did two more hours tonight. Got to ride bike #23 which was the first bike I rode the first night of large bike training (first time riding it again since then). Yeah this one is so much smoother than the others I don't know what it is.

Just practicing test course 1 and 2 over and over. Was another night of two students being paired with one teacher but unlike the medium bike times since I was the one further ahead compared to the other guy I was kind of left to my own which really I preferred. Feel less pressure when I'm just riding around on my own and less mistakes happen as well. I did fall off that balance beam a few times (even stalled on it once but managed to stay on that time which led to my best time of 12 seconds hah). Without the stall I got it to just a hair under 10 at 9.9 seconds one time. Definitely getting better and feeling less pressure about it though. Managed to make it through the slalom without pegging any cones tonight (wonder how much of that is due to the bike though) also always right at about that 7 second mark. All in all one of my smoothest best riding nights to date. Tomorrow will be the last two hours I have then a break until test on Tuesday.


Oct 28, 2017
Hamm, Germany
I wish you good luck!
Is riding in traffic not relevant for the license?

Friend of me and I switched bikes today. I tested the CB500X. Had the CB500F many years ago. Fun A2 poweplant. My friend had his first 180PS experienc. That was a funny conversation via SENA. I think he loved it.
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Oct 27, 2017
I wish you good luck!
Is riding in traffic not relevant for the license?

Oddly/sadly no! My first experience in traffic will be once I have my own bike and take it out on the streets. Outside of that wonky old simulator all training for Japanese motorcycle license is done on the closed course mostly at slow speeds. Highest I have got up to on the course is around 50kmh one the lone straightaway where I can gun it a bit (all the way up to 3rd gear woo woo).

Also I had one realization last night I think I have failed to mention at all. These large license bikes are so much more livable in 1st gear alone. The medium bikes were short geared or something and felt like I really had to get them into second asap to avoid a lot of jerkiness but 1st gear on the newer bike especially is taller and I can stay in it for much longer without the need to shift as much.


Oct 28, 2017
Hamm, Germany
Oh I have fun :D

I hope I can get some good footage this summer in the Sauerland and later on the Hundsrück. The problem isn't creating raw footage but the time to sort everything out and creating good content.

I love the sunset on this video. My friend, the person who is riding here, told me today that he is now thinking about buying a bigger Motorcycle after the hour he tested the speed triple. When you look at his eyes, Zoey can see him smiling very often.

I'm also still trying to find a location for the second microphone.


Oct 25, 2017

View: https://youtu.be/ciPgQ1096Tw?si=n1uDYnvlMZ0qsEGI

I love the sound of the M1000RR low down in the revs. It's a bit MotoGP-like. The speeds I can understand but I can't wrap my head around memorising turn in speeds and apexes for every corner.

(probably not a video for people who suffer from motion sickness)

Just bonkers.

Here's a bike that definitely sounds like MotoGP :p


Toprak Razgatlıoğlu & Canepa onboard in Mugello with the R1M!

Niccolo Canepa and Toprak riding together during the Yamaha Racing Experience 2023 in Mugello. The bikes are standard R1M equipped with Bridgestone V02 Slick...


Oct 31, 2018
Grimsby, GB
Just bonkers.

Here's a bike that definitely sounds like MotoGP :p


Toprak Razgatlıoğlu & Canepa onboard in Mugello with the R1M!

Niccolo Canepa and Toprak riding together during the Yamaha Racing Experience 2023 in Mugello. The bikes are standard R1M equipped with Bridgestone V02 Slick...
Yeah the R1M is definitely closest. I do sometimes slightly regret not getting one back when I was in the position to buy one but at the same time don't regret getting an RSV4 instead.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the R1M is definitely closest. I do sometimes slightly regret not getting one back when I was in the position to buy one but at the same time don't regret getting an RSV4 instead.

Nothing wrong with the Ape. I ride with a bunch of Tuono owners - everyone has been very happy with their purchase. And more MotoGP bikes have V4s than crossplane i4s 🙃.


Oct 27, 2017

So last week 30th I had last two hours of regular lesson time. Both hours riding. First hour back on the newer bike 23 which I preferred and rode the whole day before. Nothing of note that I can recall from this hour.

Then second hour my very last hours of lesson thankfully I had my favorite teacher from the group. Realizing it was my last hour though and wanting to help me he let me know that the bike I would likely be doing the test on was not this nice #23 that I had been riding and getting comfortable on all this time... Instead it would likely be on the old heavy red/white CB750 (which I pictured in this post). A bike which up to this point I had only rode just that one hour and not even the full hour at that as it stalled and wouldn't restart.

Being quite different than the newer #23 bike I had been riding and getting comfortable on I did struggle a bit. First few goes at the balance beam I was falling off again as I wasn't used to this one. Feels longer as well so in the crank I was pegging cones. Also not to mention feeling quite a bit heavier. Though one good point is it also sits lower. Shifting is bit more wonky on it as well. But overall manageable I think by the end of my last hour of riding lessons. But whooo boy I should be thankful for the teacher for putting me on it that last hour.

Then I had 4 days of not riding at all before the test on the 4th which also was making me anxious. Would the test end up being that ancient CB750? Would it be the newer #23 I had gotten comfortable with? I was told by the teacher (who wasn't 100% sure which bike it would be) that if there is a girl doing the large bike test they always use the new #23 because they have a hard time managing the weight of the old CB750 and also the clutch which requires quite a bit more strength to work. Not particularly fair in my book but yup this is Japan.

Test day rolls around. Arrive at school and no bikes pulled out yet so not sure which bike I will be on yet. Today there are a total of 4 students doing test me included. Two others for bike and one for truck. But all of us guys... oh crap. I sit at the back of the room by the window where I could keep an eye out for which bike gets pulled out. Also of fun note todays test instructor is the same older guy that was the instructor when I failed the first go at the medium bike test. Oh great. Fill out all the usual paperwork then watch 30 minute video (third time watching this thing now).

Watching out the window as the video plays and they start pulling out the bikes. Last one they pull out is the large bike and.... it's the old CB750 😱. Well drat.

Turns out of the 4 students there I am the only one doing large bike test and large bike test people go first so gear up and I'm first. Ask the teacher to let me do one go around the course to familiarize myself with the bike like the teacher let me do second time I did medium bike test and was met with a 'yeah no. Just start test and you get one go at it'. Did I mention this teacher was strict? Was hoping for the elvis guy again 🤣.

I climb on adjust the mirrors and off I go. This is where it ended up being thankful for that teacher that put me on this bike the last hour last week so I was at least a bit comfortable riding this thing.

Test ended up being.... rather uneventful? Todays test course was course #2 which of the two I probably preferred more as it was closer to the medium bike test in the order that certain parts of the test were structured.

Was nervous as heck when I got to that balance beam as falling off would be disqualifying as what happened on my first medium test but I made it over the thing this time just quite a bit faster than the 10 seconds it should be. Slalom also while I didn't peg any cones I was about 0.3 seconds slower than the under 7 seconds I should have been (think I saw 7.3 on the clock).

But other parts went well enough I thought. Crank there was a bit of a close call but made it in the end.

Test finished and back to the starting point and I was done! As usual teacher told me to come over for comment and since he remembered how bad I was on that medium test day that I failed he commented he was impressed that I had improved quite a bit. I took that as a good sign then went off to wait as the others did their tests.

An hour or so later with everyone done since there are only 4 of us in total no lunch break needed we can wrap this up the teacher said. And announced that everyone has passed! Yay! No need for a second test this time. I'm dooooone!

Then time for more paperwork to get the forms and stuff needed to take to the license center so I can get the license properly updated to show I am licensed for large motorcycle operation! Unfortunately I discovered I had forgot to bring my stamp which is another ancient thing here in Japan they still use for official documents. Not a huge issue though after everything else was done and paid for had to run home get the stamp then go back to stamp it and was out in a few minutes.

As I was leaving for the last time felt a bit of relief and a bit of sadness as it had been two months nearly to the day I first came to sign up for the medium license schooling and now I was done so I would not be coming back to this school ever or riding that course ever again.

But that's it I'm done! I'm free! I can ride any bike I want now! I could go out and buy a turbo Hayabusa if I want.

I am glad I decided to go ahead and go back for the large license school to get it over with even if my first bike will likely only be a 400cc one. Being able to ride all the different bikes at the school for the large class I think improved my riding quite a bit and I am definitely much better at riding now compared to that very first day I went and was allowed to ride. Also much improved compared to how I was when I did the medium test as well. So definitely worth it.

In total for all of the schooling and fees needed for tests and licensing center fees I believe I spent around ~250,000 yen (about $1,600 USD looks like) So bit expensive perhaps. I did save 50,000 yen in total though from the normal cost since they had the campaign going. Also gear I have spent at least another 100,000 Yen on (helmet being half that) but this is something I'll keep using as I ride. Really like the Komine mesh jacket I got the other week it's been quite comfortable. The Shoei GT Air II has also been a rather comfortable and nice fitting helmet though I haven't rode around with it at all with the visor down yet.

But that's it I'm done! I'm free! Will feel weird not having to rush after work to go to school for class anymore or spend a few hours there every weekend. No more worrying about the dang balance beam will never have to do that again.
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Oct 27, 2017
Congratulations! Love to read your posts. Now it time to shop for a bike!

Thank you! Shopping for bikes is fun and dangerous given how cheap some are especially compared to cars. Not sure I will be happy with just one! I want to try owning different styles of bikes and looking at them it's just amazing how many different kinds out there that there are. Though mayyybe not a dirt bike at least as of this time I don't have much interest in riding off road though I am one for changing my mind so never say never. A pre-24 Svartpilen 401 maybe the most I want to go in that direction.

After I was finished with the whole license thing on Tuesday since I took the day off from work and had time to celebrate I went a town over for my favorite ramen and also figured since I was there I would check out what they have at the Red Baron bike shop (same bike shop chain I almost bought that W400 at the other month). These places are fun as you never know what they have in stock at the moment. Though they can be a bit on the pricey side compared to buying privately. They do at least do decent maintenance and replacing of parts before selling them though. Not to mention taking care of the hassle of registration.

I took some pics of bikes of interest at the shop. They just took delivery of a '21 BMW R18 that day which is one I have looked into a bit before being as good as it looks and yeah in person it looks beautiful. It's a '21 First Edition model that never sold (have heard BMW is having trouble selling them) premium package with the bags. 0 KMs on the Odo since it never sold. Asking price is right at 2 million yen (about $13k usd) and I have to admit it is more tempting than I want it to be... Its is so large and heavy as well though. Felt comfortable enough sitting on it. But jeez for just about the same price I could nearly buy both a new Kawasaki W800 and a Yamaha Bolt. Also maybe because of the bags it doesn't seem to have the more iconic looking fishtail exhausts but some plain round ones instead.



Some other pics I took at the shop:







Oct 31, 2018
Grimsby, GB
I've decided after my car goes through it's MOT next month i'm putting it up for sale. I just can't do without a bike for much longer and I barely use my car, so as I can't afford two vehicles i'd rather just have a motorbike until i'm in the position to own both(I still really want a Volvo 240).

Whittled my next bike shortlist down to..
Ducati 848
Aprilia RSV Mille
Honda SP-1


Oct 31, 2018
Grimsby, GB
Dude, TL1000 in that list with epic bikes like the SP1 or RSV Mille?
I've always liked had a soft spot for the TL1000S. A big lumpy v-twin with a reputation for being a bit lairy(though i'm sure most out there have had some aftermarket steering dampers). That and they've always been pretty good value. I don't think they've ever been on the used market for more than about £3.5k for the last 20 years.


Oct 25, 2017
Did a ride to pick up some coffee beans. Little bit buggy out...


On my way out, I came upon a man, his wife, a Harley, and a truck. Seemingly the Harley (a V-Rod) had broken down. Fortunately close by was a lot of scrap wood, and a shuttered up old post office that had a ramp that got us most of the way. We cobbled together a ramp and I was able to push it up into the truck bed. After the fact, me: "I thought these have Porsche engines. Why did it break down???"


Oct 31, 2018
Grimsby, GB
Did a ride to pick up some coffee beans. Little bit buggy out...


On my way out, I came upon a man, his wife, a Harley, and a truck. Seemingly the Harley (a V-Rod) had broken down. Fortunately close by was a lot of scrap wood, and a shuttered up old post office that had a ramp that got us most of the way. We cobbled together a ramp and I was able to push it up into the truck bed. After the fact, me: "I thought these have Porsche engines. Why did it break down???"
I love how stocky the KTM looks from that angle.


Oct 26, 2017
So ever since I got my bike my brake lever has had too much freeplay. I thought flushing the fluid would fix that. It helped but brakes would still not engage until squeezing at least halfway. Took the calipers off yesterday and discovered 2 of the pistons on the right caliper weren't moving. Tried some brake cleaner but they are stuck in the open position. Ordered a caliper kit to rebuild them. Maybe someday I'll get to enjoy the bike w/o worrying about what's wrong with it. At least I'm learning stuff :/


Oct 27, 2017
I went around to some other shops last week to look at bikes and gear and such. After seeing that other R18 was curious to check out the new ones at a BMW shop. Really liked that new R12 but they wouldn't let me sit on it. I may go check out some other shops in the area this weekend see what they have. Been looking a lot at whats on the FB marketplace (mostly other foreigners selling on there here in Japan), Yahoo Auctions and Mercari which is where the natives mostly sell their stuff.

That Honda VRX I posted about way back in march my very first post here (and later when I looked at it) still seems to be for sale and price lowered to 250,000 ($1500 usd) so that is really tempting to go ahead and get that as an impulse buy / project to learn the art of motorcycle maintenance. Funnily that bike was what inspired me to go ahead and go through the hassle of finally getting the license so I kind of feel like I owe it to the bike to buy it now hah.













Oct 25, 2017
Wubby haha I like that BMW logo baffle. I will say a lighter bike has many advantages. A lot of cruisers are just so heavy, and they don't have as much cornering clearance as a standard because they're so low.

So ever since I got my bike my brake lever has had too much freeplay. I thought flushing the fluid would fix that. It helped but brakes would still not engage until squeezing at least halfway. Took the calipers off yesterday and discovered 2 of the pistons on the right caliper weren't moving. Tried some brake cleaner but they are stuck in the open position. Ordered a caliper kit to rebuild them. Maybe someday I'll get to enjoy the bike w/o worrying about what's wrong with it. At least I'm learning stuff :/

I hate being in this kind of position, but your hard work will pay off!


Oct 25, 2017
lol I don't even think I'm going to get 1600 out of my Pirelli Rosso IV Corsa rear. I think I need to discipline myself some with this bike. It's way too easy to comfortably go fast in a straight line, and any time there's a straight I'm hitting 120+ each time. That has to be destroying my tire life.