
Oct 29, 2017
Santiago, Stockholm, Vienna
Matrix 2 and 3.

How could they fuck it up so badly. Everything that was built up in terms of world, philosophy etc in the first one, was utterly crapped on in the sequels. I've never been so disappointed on a sequel than on Matrix 2 and 3. I get angry just thinking about it..


Oct 27, 2017
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
Ghostbusters 2
The Godfather Part III
Alien 3
X-Men: The Last Stand
The Crow: City of Angels
The Bourne Supremacy

Honestly there's a lot of terrible sequels. The Last Jedi, however, is not one of them.


Oct 27, 2017
Pacific Rim 2 is so bad.

How do you fucking kill Mako in a FUCKING PLANE CRASH? THE HERO OF THE FIRST MOVIE, just dead and it barley matters. Also hey, why can't we mention Raleigh at all?

I have a huge mountain of issues with that movie, but that's the big one.

The Predator is maybe the worst portrayal of "autisim is a super power" I've ever seen and the explanation for it is even worse.

You know what's a fine sequel? Predator 2


Oct 25, 2017
I don't have a single movie I would say I hate. Bad sequels compared to their predecessor though?

- The Force Awakens
- The Rise of Skywalker
- Scary Movie 2
- Scary Movie 4
- The Dark Knight Rises
- Most Saw Films after the first 2 (just because of how formulaic they are)

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017
Halloween 5 and Halloween: Resurrection.

Absolutely abysmal movies.
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
Freddy's Dead : The Final Nightmare

Halloween: Resurrection
Halloween : The Curse of Michael Myers

Friday The 13th : A New Beginning
Jason Goes to Hell : The Final Friday

Seed of Chucky


The Exorcist 2

Rocky 5

Terminator Genisys

The Next Karate Kid

It's funny because I loved Halloween Resurrection when I was a kid, and I watched it a ton of times, but I rewatched the opening scene a few days ago and oh my God, it's so bafflingly stupid. I could already tell when I was a kid that it wasn't very smart but for some reason I was able to give it a pass, and now it just jumped out at me how poorly written that opening is, and it's so long and so disconnected from the rest of the film. And yet, still a much better film than Halloween 5.


Oct 25, 2017
Independence Day Resurgence.

Absolute trash tier film.

So first to begin with a big one, and this bit goes for a lot of films, if you can't get back one of the main stars just don't make it, it's that simple. There was no way they were going to make up for the lack of Will Smiths character in a sequel to the first, I don't know why they tried because it failed miserably.

Secondly, if you have to cast Thors z-list brother, also don't make the film. He hasn't been good in anything I've seen. When I saw him appear in the trailer I knew the sort of film it was going to be, a terrible one. He is not his brother, and he is really not that good an actor, and especially can't pull off being the "Will Smith" type of the second film.

Thirdly, if you are going to bring characters back don't kill them needlessly, there's two that bite it during the film and they aren't good deaths. One doesn't work because again the lack of Will Smith means that connection from the first isn't there anymore, and the second is entirely a pointless death of a massive main character, that also turns out to be essentially a pointless sacrifice.

The film just shouldn't have been made. It was unremarkable, didn't stir up any of the feelings from the first, and will not be remembered for anything good.


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
Aliens is an extremely good movie that fucked a franchise to death and set up further flanderization of it.

To say I hate it is an understatement. It is a fantastic film, and one I loathe.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
The Naked Gun 33 1/3. The first one is a masterpiece, while the sequel is fine. The third one is such a letdown and the jokes don't land.


Sep 21, 2019
Matrix 2 and 3.

How could they fuck it up so badly. Everything that was built up in terms of world, philosophy etc in the first one, was utterly crapped on in the sequels. I've never been so disappointed on a sequel than on Matrix 2 and 3. I get angry just thinking about it..
I was... Very upset. Matrix 3 and Lady in the Water both appear to me in sleep paralysis.


Dec 4, 2017
The worst sequels are ones that may not be bad movies on their own, but they're just utterly disappointing and completely ruin what the previous great movies in the series set out to do.

For me, the whole Star Wars sequel trilogy is a waste and should never have been made, kinda soured me on the series. Also a waste but for different reasons: the new Alien sequels, both Prometheus and Alien Covenant.

Also, many of the Pixar sequels (barring the Toy Story series, of course) are just not up to par with their predecessors, with the biggest offender to me being Incredibles 2.

A recent one that I watched that I thought was awful was Doctor Sleep. There were things that I liked, but some of the biggest connections to The Shining and how they handled them were just TERRIBLE.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot about the Matrix sequels, what were they thinking??
Last edited:
Jun 24, 2019
Last Jedi (haven't watched Rise of the Skywalker yet, I know it's going to be shit)
Alien 3 onwards (including Prometheus and Covenant)
Die Hard 4 onwards
Taken 3
Frozen 2
Transformers 3 onwards

A big steaming pile of shit


May 16, 2020
I love predator 2018 (but im alone in this) im sorry

You aren't. It is wildly entertaining dumb fun.

I'd like to nominate the recent 'The Jesus Rolls' if that counts as a sequel? Every time I watch The Big Lebowski now, I'm just reminded of that sorry sack of faeces, like a lingering bad smell.


Mar 6, 2019
Los Angeles, CA
It's funny because I loved Halloween Resurrection when I was a kid, and I watched it a ton of times, but I rewatched the opening scene a few days ago and oh my God, it's so bafflingly stupid. I could already tell when I was a kid that it wasn't very smart but for some reason I was able to give it a pass, and now it just jumped out at me how poorly written that opening is, and it's so long and so disconnected from the rest of the film. And yet, still a much better film than Halloween 5.

I'm just happy we have HALLOWEEN '18 and these new two. Think they're really going to knock it out of the park and finally give us a proper new 'trilogy' to have a finite ending.


Oct 28, 2017
Independence Day is awful. I actually enjoyed Jurassic World despite its faults. JW2 is just a fucking disaster.


Oct 28, 2017
Blade Trinity.

I've read the behind the scenes stories, seen the CGI eyes gif and tried to pretend the film never really happened and it was all just a horrible dream. But it doesn't work. I've seen the first two multiple times. This one I don't even leave on for background noise when nothing else is on the telly.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I want to be hip on Resetera, so: every Star Wars movie after the first one - particularly that one you consider the best.


Nov 7, 2017
S. Darko

It has to be one of the worst sequels ever made. It completely shits all over the logic of the first movie and there isn't a single redeemable quality in this movie.
It is just bad, very bad.


Nov 12, 2017
I'm not going to count Star Wars movies or direct to video sequels.

I hate:
The Matrix Revolutions
Speed 2
Batman & Robin
Alien 3
Mortal Kombat Annihilation
Superman III & IV

I really fucking hate:
Batman v Superman
Kingsmen: The Golden Circle
Pacific Rim Uprising
Spider-man 3


Oct 28, 2017
The Dark Knight Rises.

I have never been that hyped for a movie but holy shit it was terrible.
Oct 27, 2017
Independence Day Resurgence.
The worst thing is that it left the story unfinished. The talking ball promised there would be a third movie with space battles. Strange thing is I still want to see that.


Apr 28, 2018
Robocop 3 (Original is top 2 favorite of all time. Robocop 2 was good, Robocop 3 was horrible!)
Batman & Robin
Transformers: ROTF (I thought the first live action/cgi film was alright)
Captain America: Civil War


Oct 27, 2017
What bothers me most about the Matrix sequels is that I really, really love The Animatrix. The short film set up giving context and expanding the story is incredible, but then you have the films which are just... not good. I don't even think they're that bad, I just don't think there was enough ideas to fill out two films, but they also seem to rush through a lot of it. Their total run time is just over 4 hours... but I honestly believe they released just as audiences were becoming more responsive to longer run times , as they were coming out around the same time as The Lord of the Rings films. Now audiences lap up 3 hour films. A 3 hour Matrix sequel could have done a more satisfying job.

But, what do I know?

Anyway, the first thing that came to mind

Alien Resurrection - Alien 3 was pretty bad and a lot of people will rightly cite it, but it had a fairly definitive end and was intended to be the last and should have been the last. Alien Resurrection is just... I don't know what it is. It's just a mess, start to finish.


Oct 30, 2017
Bladerunner 2049.

Sometimes I just sit and stare, thinking about how dumb so much of it is.
people love it though. They probably think Prometheus is good too.

The Masked Mufti

The Wise Ones
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Did you get the PTSD hook while watching? I've seen people hate this movie because they mostly missed it.
I was just about to post this. Yeah the mandarin stuff was just downright stupid, but the PTSD plotline (which made up at least half of the movie) was amazing. Like the one of the few times that Marvel tries to give their hero a normal people problem, it rarely gets mentioned.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
I guess I could say Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. Not like I loved Ghost Rider but I can remember seeing 2 movies that day. One was the movie with Reynolds and Denzel and the other was Ghost Rider. I left the theater hating Nic Cage with a passion, the movie was just terrible.


Oct 27, 2017
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation

A lot of the movies listed are decent at best but bad sequels.


Apr 4, 2020
I paid $140+ for premium tickets and food to watch revenge of the fallen on opening night and it was so bad we walked out with 30 mins to go.


Oct 27, 2017
Dumb & Dumberer. It's irredeemably terrible. I don't think I laughed at a single gag during the entire movie.