Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Cinema Paradiso.

It's even better if you have no idea what the ending is going in. Never saw it coming until I was already crying.

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Oct 27, 2017
It happens sometimes and if I have to name the one which made me cry the most, I would definitely say it was Grave of the Fireflies. That was something else.


Oct 25, 2017
Snow Dogs. Cuba Gooding Jr got ripped out not getting an Oscar for his performance in this 2002 thriller


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Oct 27, 2017
The ending for Field of Dreams, every damn time. I also call my dad to throw the ball after watching it


Oct 25, 2017
I tear up at pretty much every movie, but as far as full out crying:

Titanic Nearer My God To Thee, Das Boot ending, Forrest Gump entire movie, Moonlight
Oct 29, 2017
Schindler's List.

The scene where he is leaving and starts doing and inventory of all the other things he could have gotten rid of to save more people always gets to me.

Darth Pinche

Oct 27, 2017
Most recently? Re-watching Forrest Gump.

The scene where he finally reunites with Jenny, but even moreso when he finds out he's a father. There's shock, followed by immediate worry that his son may be slow like him (in itself a great moment because it's one of two moments I recall where Forrest makes it known that he knows he's not smart), followed by relief and happiness that his son is healthy and smart.

Damn, I'm getting choked up just thinking about this scene.

I also want to say Big Fish gets me everytime.


Oct 27, 2017
Just watched Wonder with the family. Nice little family-friendly, but oh boy, did I had tears in my eyes for a couple of scenes. It's a solid movie for what it is.
Oct 27, 2017
Somewhere South
Most recently, re-watching Inside Out. Hits way too close to home.

Grave of the Fireflies fucked me up pretty badly. I was sobbing.


Fruitvale Station
Still Alice
Dear Zachary
Dancer in the Dark
Last edited:

The Iron Yuppie

"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
There are many media that made me cry but there is only 1 movie that made me bawl.


Terminator 2.

I was a kid when I watched this movie and I projected myself into John Connor. In fact, during that ending scene, I was screaming along with John and ordering him not to go.

RIP Uncle Bob.

Right there with ya, OP. It'll still make me tear up to this day, that music with him slowly being lowered gets me everytime.

Other than that:
Field of Dreams. "Hey Dad, wanna have a catch?"
Titanic. Very end, reunited on the staircase
Nov 6, 2017
Return of the King makes me bawl like a baby at least 4 or 5 times in the last 45 minutes. Every single time.

Honorable mentions go to Interstellar (you know the scene) , E.T. the farewell scene, and more recently Coco, I was holding back tears as hard as I could in the theatre.

I cry easily :)

I might be like the one dude on Earth that cried at the end of Kong: Skull Island.

Nope, you're not alone, John C Reilly was great


Oct 25, 2017
Movies don't really make me cry except for The Vow.

Toy Story 3 made me sad too.


Oct 25, 2017
Never cried, but Up's opening scene always get me emotional.

Coincidentally, a friend just said that he finished watching Grave of Fireflies and he's apparently shook lol. I'll never watch that movie, even if I don't cry I'll feel bad for days.
Oct 25, 2017
Last time was when I cried tears of joy at the end of Shawshank Redemption. I saw it for the first time last month when it hit Netflix.

Toy Story 3 is another one.


Oct 25, 2017
What Dreams May Come is the first movie that comes to mind for me. It's not the best movie, but that ending was so satisfying.

Others include It's a Wonderful Life ("To my big brother George - the richest man in town." I CRY EVERY SINGLE YEAR) and Muppets Christmas Carrol.


Oct 25, 2017
Surprised at the number of interstellar mentions . I thought I was the only one . Nolan's most emotional film esp after the water planet and thAt ending

But my most emotional film is still big fish . That ending was the most I ever wept. Burton's magnum opus. Whichever man didn't weep at that ending didn't have good parents


Oct 26, 2017
Recently The Florida Project made me cry like a baby.
But Elephant Man is usually my go-to movie for letting out some tears.


The Fallen
Nov 15, 2017
Hiroshima, Japan
It's really hard for me to emotionally identify with fictional characters, so I've never cried while watching a movie. The times I can remember where I felt something other than amusement were RotK "My friends, you bow to no one", Toy Story 3 when Andy is handing over Woody to the little girl, and most recently in The Last Jedi at a certain reunion scene.

Stuff like Dancer in the Dark and Grave of the Fireflies don't do anything for me. Like I mentioned, it's hard for me to identify emotionally with the characters, so when the entire point of the movie is to make you feel a certain way, it just feels manipulative and cheap to me. Stuff like The Green Mile and Forrest Gump work much better for me in that regard because there's other stuff going on besides just setting you up to feel shitty. Of course I understand that I'm kinda weird in this line of thinking though.


Oct 29, 2017
I remember bawling during The Passion of the Christ. I was young but not very religious. Something about seeing this dude being beaten to shit for some principle just came over me. Now I look back on it and sort of cringe. Like looking back on the version of yourself that believed wrestling was real.

Oh and The Fountain.