
Nov 1, 2017
I'm playing Conker now on back compatibility and I just cant fathom why MS hasnt tried to make this the official mascot of the Xbox. I mean just look at him: he's freaking adorable.


Even though he had only one game, he still made some impact on the games industry.

And most importantly: the game is good and has a good development studio behind it, willing to make sequels for it.

I always thought he was a perfect fit for the Xbox brand. He's different than other mascots just like Xbox was kind of different from the other consoles when it was first introduced.

With the recent revival of old mascots (Sonic Mania, Crash, Spyro) do you think MS can bring back Conker in a meaningful way to support the Xbox?


Banned for multiple alt accounts
Apr 17, 2018
Why would you make conker the mascot instead of the face of master chief, the pioneer of modern shooters and sold more than conker and it's rereleases all together with one game?

You know, the actual influencial game that launched Xbox and the fps games we play today as well as having the highest launch day sales record of any exclusive regardless of console or company with Halo 3?

Lol conker


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 30, 2017
Why... no one knows who he even is

Deft Beck

Oct 26, 2017
Microsoft and Sony don't need mascots because besides Nintendo most modern interactive entertainment companies don't really benefit from having one. Even then, I would pick Master Chief over Conker.


Oct 25, 2017
Games companies don't need mascots exactly but there is no real reason that Conker shouldn't return.
Heck, I'd love to see an open world Blinx game.
Microsoft has IP to draw on and I'd love to see it used.


Dec 10, 2017
He is cute, yes, but iirc he says "bitch" and other things several times in the one game he's got so...
I'd love a new Conker game though.


Oct 27, 2017
Even if they did need a mascot (they don't), he'd make an awful one.

To the uninitiated he looks like a kids character so you're building a brand on a "kids character" and alienating the mature audience.

The newly found family audience would then, having switched on their new Xboxes, be horrified to find their "kids character" swearing, smoking, drinking and all sorts of other unsavoury stuff.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Hell yes, same goes for several other Rare characters too. Conker's dirty mouth coupled with the online multiplayer being as vulgar as it was back then would probably be well-received today lol.

Now imagine a Conker Battle Royale ;] 100 Tediz/Squirrels drop in as they battle it out and fill the map with their own blood/cotton! It'd be hilarious.


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Oct 25, 2017
I completely agree OP.

He is a great fit, I mean it was him who was part of the Xbox purchase montage.

They should treat this franchise the same way they have with Killer Instinct. Keep the spirit true to the older game but with modern design.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm pretty sure more people associate Conker with the Nintendo 64 than with Xbox. The one Conker game on Xbox wasn't even a new game, it was a remake of Bad Fur Day that for some reason added all kinds of unnecessary censorship.


Oct 25, 2017
Master Chief and Conker side by side..... something doesn't seem right about that, plus I'm sure MS would rather have a super soldier as their mascot than a cute vulgar squirrel lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Personally I think Ori would be an amazing mascot , but having said that I don't think any consoles need mascots anymore .

Technically mine craft steve is the Microsoft mascot these days

Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
Mascots are pointless, but Conker is a very special character and Bad Fur Day is a very special game. One of the things that strikes me about the N64 version is how incredibly cinematic it is. One might say, "Well, that's because it rips off a bunch of movies." Well, sure, but there's more to it that than. Conker becomes something altogether its own by combining various homages with its own sense of style. The ending of Conker's Bad Fur Day is without a doubt one of the greatest game endings of all time that is far greater than the sum of its parts.

I'm convinced a lot of people in this thread don't understand Conker at all. The entire point of Conker is that he's, relatively speaking, a good squirrel. He doesn't swear like the other characters. He's confused and bewildered by much of the horror that he encounters. He occasionally displays a bit of sadism, but overall he just wants to go home and go to bed. And he ends up becoming King, overthrowing the milk-drinking Panther-type King, and losing everything he loves in the process through his own hubris. So caught up in the glee of having discovered a game breaking bug that he forget to blackmail the programmers for something actually important, like saving Berri. The original planned ending for the game had him walking into the bathroom and shooting himself in the head. Conker isn't about poo jokes. The game is a black comedy game with a strongly British streak to everything, but it's tonally and thematically a lot deeper than games like Saints Row ended up being.