Oct 25, 2017
As the tittle says, we started our relationship on January 5th 2019 and let me tell you it was a great relationship we really loved each other, we had respect, love, care etc
we did all kind of things together, she is younger than me (she is 22 I'm 25, she is still at the university I have been working for over 10 years) I can't explain enough how I gave her everything I had and so does she

But everything changed once the covid pandemic started, I decided that we shouldn't see each other on persone due to the risks of getting covid and we both agreed, from March 2020 to August we did not see each other only on videocalls, watching movies together online, calls etc, after 5 months I went to see her in person for the first time in 5 months because it was her birthday

When it comes to the economic side she is in a good position with a wealthy family (not rich but she doesn't need to worry about anything if you know what I mean and I'm glad it's that way)

On my case like I said I started working when I was 14 years old, I have ups and downs when it comes to the money and I have to take care of my family (mother, 2 cats and 5 dogs) that means food, rent, bills etc) all my savings are pretty much gone, that's why I was and I'm still worried if my mother or myself get covid and need treatment I will not be able to afford it

The mother of my ex gf did got covid but thankfully she recovered, of course it was expensive but like I said no problems there

On September 2020 we had a talk about she not feeling good on the course of our relationship, that may be I did had experience on long distance relationships (my past relationship was a long distance one we lasted 1 years and 7 months with only 2 weeks tops of seeing each other) but that she did not, I did an effort to try to make up the things and I proposed to see each other 2 times per month until things get better but I couldn't keep it and after the first month I returned to the 1 visit per month (she lives in Mexico city I live 30kms away from Mexico city or like 1 hour drive)

things didn't seem to improve much but I tried to improve them, sadly her grandmother passed away at the beginning of the year due to cancer, there was memorial or wake service sorry I don't know the right word on English and a funeral with a lot of members of her family, even with all the red flags of catching covid on those events, I went to stay with her during all the ceremonies, I didn't wanted her to be alone

On February I decided with my mother a plan to see my girlfriend 2 times per month (I will visit her first and then she would come to my house) and I talked to her about this but she didn't liked that I set up a plan without talking with her, because the relationship it's only between the 2 of us not the 3, like I say I'm the one responsible for the money on my house and this has affected seriously everything (even to me)

Fast forward to the start of March we had another talk like September and she was very worry and not all right with how everything was going and I noticed how badly things were now, together we setup a plan to indeed see each other for 2 times or even 3 times per month, weekly online date etc and I thought it was going well but on the last week she became very cold, on March 31st we had a date planned, she would come to my house and she did came but to say that things were over and after a few hours of talking she returned to her home...

I was thinking it was the beginning of healing and improving the relationship, I even said to her that I would visit here next week and I had a lot of plans setup
I have this feeling of ending the relationship on a premature state but she said she hasn't felt good for over a lot of months or even 1 year

We talked a little bit more on the phone yesterday and today, she insists that I'm a wonderful man, that I'm enough, that it was not my fault but that the circumstances were simply enough and she didn't felt good anymore, that our ways are no longer on the same direction and that's not good, that I have a lot of priorities and responsibilities to take care of and she simply didn't felt like one of the anymore

I feel awful, you have no idea how happy I was and damn it I know the two of us were happy, never in my life I have felt like that and you can bet I gave everything that I have to her
unlike my previous and first relationship I don't know how can I recover from this one, she was the love of my life, I really do feel and believe that but I have go knowing that I simply
wasn't enough for her, she insists it's not that but well that's how I feel, love is not for me, like a mexican song says "we all know how to care each other but only a few know how to love, because love is to suffer" :(

P.S sorry if I made grammar mistakes, English is not my native language and I feel awful right now


Mar 18, 2018
Hey man, it sucks now, but the way the brain works, it will feel better with time. Wont lie, may the a week or two, but you will not feel awful for long. I know a lot of people whos friendships and relationships have feel through because of covid so you aren't alone.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm very sorry. It seems like there's nothing that can be done about it.

It's normal to feel sad. Just keep in mind that time will heal, and it will get better. Eventually, you'll find someone else who will make you even happier.

For the moment, try to stay close to your family and friends. Don't isolate yourself. COVID isn't making this easier, but you have to do it. Have video chats with friends, or discord chats where both of you play games. Focus on what makes you happy.

You'll get through this.


Oct 26, 2017
It's happening all over. Covid is a killer man. Just seems like the distance killed the relationship, it's not you man.

Chin up.


Oct 25, 2017
First off your English is fantastic, and yeah it sounds like it was a tough situation for both of your trying to make it work long distance.

Covid was hard on so many relationships, so at least know you're not alone in the struggle, sorry things went the way they did.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's a difficult time and It sucks, occupy your mind and try not to sit idle and dwell on it too much. Tell yourself that this too will pass when things get bad.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Your English is fine, I understood everything you were saying :)

Distance can absolutely kill relationships, and you can't beat yourself up about it. If she didn't want to continue it, that's on her, just respect the decision.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey man, it sucks now, but the way the brain works, it will feel better with time. Wont lie, may the a week or two, but you will not feel awful for long. I know a lot of people whos friendships and relationships have feel through because of covid so you aren't alone.

Thank you for stopping I appreciate it, yeah sadly I also saw that since the beginning of the covid pandemic, but I never though it would happen to us, we loved each other, we never cheated, we we're never a toxic couple, it was unexpected to say the least

I'm very sorry. It seems like there's nothing that can be done about it.

It's normal to feel sad. Just keep in mind that time will heal, and it will get better. Eventually, you'll find someone else who will make you even happier.

For the moment, try to stay close to your family and friends. Don't isolate yourself. COVID isn't making this easier, but you have to do it. Have video chats with friends, or discord chats where both of you play games. Focus on what makes you happy.

You'll get through this.

Yeah like you said I talked to her about not giving up but she has already decided to not do it

You know I'm not very sure about finding someone else who will make me happy, don't get me wrong it's just that right now I really can't think about someone else but maybe like you say time will heal everything and will change everything, last time I had a broke up it took almost a year to get better of my depression

I will do my best to not isolate like last time, I have already talked with a few close friends and we are going to play and do a live stream tomorrow (we are content creators/streamers) they accepted that makes me happy

Thank you AuthenticM I appreciate your kind words I will try to keep my mind focus I really will try I promise

Deleted member 41178

User requested account closure
Mar 18, 2018
Yeah it really sucks, a few of my friends have broken up with long term partners and even a couple that were married due to the pandemic.

In some cases it was too much time together that did it, for others it was the time apart showing them they were happier separately.

I'd suggest just concentrating on your family and friends now and try to move on. It's going to be tough for awhile but it honestly gets better.


Oct 27, 2017
It sucks, but you're 25. This "I'm not sure about finding anybody else" stuff is crap. I have friends that didn't even meet their future spouses until their mid to late 30s, and even then it's not like there's an expiration date on finding love.


Oct 29, 2017
Sorry man. Breakups are rough and COVID hasn't made things easier. When you've been so close with someone for so long, you wonder how you're ever gonna recover from it. But given enough time, you always do. Allow yourself the time you need. Things will not get a little better with each day, but over time you will heal. It's not a linear process, and it's easy to feel you aren't healing if you have a bad day or week a few months from now. My ex broke up with me 10 months ago, and I still have days where I'm a crying mess. But they are seldom these days. I don't believe you ever are completely over someone, but you'll arrive at a point where you'll feel fine walking on a separate path. Eventually, you will find someone else that will walk with you. At 25, you're very young.

You gave it a good shot. It's easy to think that only oneself have lost something in a breakup. But your ex girlfriend clearly gave up something great too. We tend to forget about a person's imperfections and just focus on the good things that are no longer there, but everyone has bad aspects to them and they are also no longer there. We do ourselves a huge disservice by pining after a perfect version of someone that only exists in our heads.

Wish there was something more I could say or do. Take good care of yourself, and continue doing things that you enjoy and things that make you feel good about yourself. And have someone you can truly talk things out with when needed, whether it's your friends, or family, or even a therapist. Or this forum. I didn't really have anyone to talk to, so I put my emotions into diaries. Regardless of how you do it, putting feelings into words can help.

You'll get through this.

PS. Your English is fine!


Oct 30, 2017
Hang in there, buddy.
You did everything right, and sometimes life just happens.
Something better will come along.
I'm rooting for you!


Oct 25, 2017
It's happening all over. Covid is a killer man. Just seems like the distance killed the relationship, it's not you man.

Chin up.

Sadly you are right it sucks that it's happening to a lot of couples, thank you I will try to feel better one day at a time

First off your English is fantastic, and yeah it sounds like it was a tough situation for both of your trying to make it work long distance.

Covid was hard on so many relationships, so at least know you're not alone in the struggle, sorry things went the way they did.

Thank you I feel like I'm better talking than writing but I don't have many people to practise everyday so it gets hard, indeed it was I tried to give
everything I have to survive this and after de pandemic be better but I guess it was very difficult for her and I have to respect that like others have said
thanks for stopping by

It's a difficult time and It sucks, occupy your mind and try not to sit idle and dwell on it too much. Tell yourself that this too will pass when things get bad.

Indeed it sucks I will try to stay focused on my jobs and on the things that make me feel good, time will make me feel better, thanks for sharing a few words with me it means a lot to see all of you answering me

Your English is fine, I understood everything you were saying :)

Distance can absolutely kill relationships, and you can't beat yourself up about it. If she didn't want to continue it, that's on her, just respect the decision.

Thanks :) I try my best, yeah I guess you are right I can't force her to continue if she doesn't want to, even she said it herself a few months ago "you are better on how to handle a long distance relationship, not myself"


Oct 25, 2017
It sucks, but you're 25. This "I'm not sure about finding anybody else" stuff is crap. I have friends that didn't even meet their future spouses until their mid to late 30s, and even then it's not like there's an expiration date on finding love.

Thank you yeah what I was trying to say is that since this situation just happened I'm not thinking about another person right now but you are right, It's just this breakup hurts more than my last time

Sorry man. Breakups are rough and COVID hasn't made things easier. When you've been so close with someone for so long, you wonder how you're ever gonna recover from it. But given enough time, you always do. Allow yourself the time you need. Things will not get a little better with each day, but over time you will heal. It's not a linear process, and it's easy to feel you aren't healing if you have a bad day or week a few months from now. My ex broke up with me 10 months ago, and I still have days where I'm a crying mess. But they are seldom these days. I don't believe you ever are completely over someone, but you'll arrive at a point where you'll feel fine walking on a separate path. Eventually, you will find someone else that will walk with you. At 25, you're very young.

You gave it a good shot. It's easy to think that only oneself have lost something in a breakup. But your ex girlfriend clearly gave up something great too. We tend to forget about a person's imperfections and just focus on the good things that are no longer there, but everyone has bad aspects to them and they are also no longer there. We do ourselves a huge disservice by pining after a perfect version of someone that only exists in our heads.

Wish there was something more I could say or do. Take good care of yourself, and continue doing things that you enjoy and things that make you feel good about yourself. And have someone you can truly talk things out with when needed, whether it's your friends, or family, or even a therapist. Or this forum. I didn't really have anyone to talk to, so I put my emotions into diaries. Regardless of how you do it, putting feelings into words can help.

You'll get through this.

PS. Your English is fine!

First of all thank you for taking the time to stop by and talk to me if really helps a lot, I'm sorry to hear that you ex broke up with you as well
yeah you are right when my first ex gf broke up with me it was one painful year, after that I met my current ex gf so yeah it sucks

Thank you I'm not focusing on meeting someone else right now like you said I need time to heal and with the current situation on Mexico about
COVID nothing will get back to normal at least till 2022 based on my calculations

I think I will try to go to a therapist it might help me, but believe me even right now putting my emotions and sharing with all of you how I feel it's good
you will also get through this hang in there and things will get better for the two of us eventually, at the end of the day the moon appears to all of us and so does the sun, take care and thanks again

Hang in there, buddy.
You did everything right, and sometimes life just happens.
Something better will come along.
I'm rooting for you!

Thank you buddy I appreciate it like you said I tried to to everything in my power but sometimes we don't always get what we want
take care and thanks

Laser Ramon

Oct 28, 2017
Still talking to her? I would give yourself space to get over her and that means no contact. Probably the hardest part of a break up is being firm with yourself about that.


Oct 25, 2017
Still talking to her? I would give yourself space to get over her and that means no contact. Probably the hardest part of a break up is being firm with yourself about that.

We talked a bit a few hours ago but after that I took a long walk to clear my mind and when I arrived to my house I ordered some pizza and wings, I also bought some chips and other stuff while I was on my way back home, to try to cheer me up and do other things like play a game or watch a movie


Oct 25, 2017
I might renew my giant bomb premium membership at least for one month, last night when I couldn't sleep I watched the first Mario Party stream that they did and that made me happy I even was laughing, I might do it to see the rest of their Mario Party streams, it really made me feel better last night

Oops sorry I didn't mean to do a double post


Oct 25, 2017
I want to echo what others are saying that you need a period of no contact. You don't have to never talk to her again -- I'm in touch with some of my exes -- but you need a long chunk of time apart to process your feelings on your own. Reconnect with friends, find new hobbies, but do not communicate with your ex.

Much love and best of luck to you.


Oct 27, 2017
Best of luck OP, hang in there.

Do things you enjoy, work on yourself (work out, pick up hobbies) etc. Pandemic makes everything harder though, sigh.

And yes all the Mario Party streams are worth it.


Oct 25, 2017
I want to echo what others are saying that you need a period of no contact. You don't have to never talk to her again -- I'm in touch with some of my exes -- but you need a long chunk of time apart to process your feelings on your own. Reconnect with friends, find new hobbies, but do not communicate with your ex.

Much love and best of luck to you.

Thank you did you deleted your exes from your social media?, after almost all day I simply said to her that "sorry to cause such trouble, it's not an easy situation for me but I want you to know I respect your decision" I will try to find new hobbies and retake some that I had but didn't had the time to develop anymore
thank you for your kind wishes

Best of luck OP, hang in there.

Do things you enjoy, work on yourself (work out, pick up hobbies) etc. Pandemic makes everything harder though, sigh.

And yes all the Mario Party streams are worth it.

Thank you actually yes I need to work out I need to improve my health condition and I will take this time to focus on that and get better
awesome thank you I finished the first one last night and I had a blast, I will watch a comedy film with my mother and after that I have the Mario Party 2
stream VOD ready on a USB to put it on my TV


Oct 27, 2017
Denver, CO
Heartbreak is a terrible feeling, OP. I'm sorry.

I watched a bunch of TED Talks on how to overcome heartache in the days following a particularly brutal one.


Oct 25, 2017
Thank you did you deleted your exes from your social media?, after almost all day I simply said to her that "sorry to cause such trouble, it's not an easy situation for me but I want you to know I respect your decision" I will try to find new hobbies and retake some that I had but didn't had the time to develop anymore
thank you for your kind wishes
I don't remember if I fully unfriended them, but I definitely unfollowed. I also don't use social media a lot, though -- if I was struggling to stay off of their profile I would unfriend. You can always refriend later when you're ready to re-establish contact, probably in many months or a year or more. But for now you need space to process what you're feeling without falling into the trap of calling her or looking through her profiles.

Ultimately, a breakup makes you feel lonely. Loneliness is terrible, but the only way to grow from this struggle is to acknowledge it and face it head on. Maybe some people are able to do that while still talking to their ex, but for me (and most people, I think) keeping in touch is a way of avoiding letting go, of trying to keep away the loneliness.

A lot of little things helped me get through the loneliness of my last breakup. It'll be different for everyone, but there are tons of things to try. This is a time to reconnect with friends and family. Maybe music will help -- I found that there was music I never cared about before that suddenly spoke to me once I was heartbroken and lonely. For you it could be writing, reading, hiking, journaling, art, movies, or any number of other things.

A breakup hurts. It sucks, and I'm sorry it feels this way, but there really is no way around the pain. Sometimes you're just going to need to cry and feel bad. But the best way through it is to give yourself the space to be sad, to feel your feelings, and process what you've been through. Others can help (family, friends, therapist) but ultimately only you can sort through your pain. And maybe one day, after you do so, you'll know you're ready to talk again without it destabilizing you and hurting more. In the meantime, though, any space you don't take for yourself now is space you'll need later on. The hurt goes away over time -- it 100% WILL get better -- but only if you acknowledge it, face it, and feel it.

The last breakup I went through is the first one I feel like I really accepted, if that makes sense. I cut off all communication and finally worked through a backlog of lessons from several failed relationships. I learned a LOT, and it made me a better person and partner. And then, about two years later, I was ready to reach out to my ex again. We'll never date again, but we're friends, and we're both able to reflect on everything we've learned. It takes time
Oct 27, 2017
OP, are you me? I'm 26 and she's about 24, just yesterday we crossed our 2 year anniversary. She had finished her masters studies at my university in 2019 and was looking for a job to stay in the states, unfortunately she wasn't able to find anything stable, returned briefly to her home country (India) and then covid happened, so the "brief" stay became permanent and she found a job in India. Ever since January of last year we've been communicating via video chat and had our misgivings about turning the relationship into a long-distance one, but we kept sticking together anyway. Her long term plan is still to leave India and come to the US / Canada for a job, though with the way the world is now that's probably set back a year, if not more, and Indians emigrating to other countries is already difficult as is.

This February we had a talk about how both of us were seemingly communicating less and got busier with our work, so she opted for a pause in our relationship to think about what she wants out of both of us. I knew it was coming, none of us really signed up for a long-distance thing and we need the physicality that comes with a relationship, but still it hit me like a ton of bricks. We still talk every now and then - she's in some family vacation with no privacy so I guess that's why this break will help her think things over -, but we'll soon have "the" talk about where our relationship is going and I've pretty much accepted it's over for a month now. What hurts the most is that we're still very into each other and I can't help but feel things could've easily be different, were it not for our shitty circumstances.

As to what has helped me cope, hell if I know. First few days I barely had any appetite and just watched funny shows to keep my mind off things. I've since been taking long walks, going for long distance running (which feels great afterwards) and getting in touch with friends. I cook most of the days, being productive like that can bring you joy. Also, gaming and reading a book helps too, if only to distract you. I already feel much better than last month, even if I know I got a long road to go and I will still feel like crap once our split is made official.


Oct 26, 2017
It takes time to recover, but you'll get there.
Don't be afraid to start a new one. Remember, you're not starting from scratch, you're starting from experience.


Oct 25, 2017
We pretty much just parted ways via Whatsapp, wishing the best to each other and saying that it was our best relationship yet, etc etc

I'm crying so much right now but like you guys say, things will be better with time

I will watch the Mario Party 2 Giant Bomb stream with some chips and drinks, it makes me happy and laugh so it will help me

I hope you don't mind if I come every now and then to update the thread


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Come ere and give me a big ol fucking hug bro. Sorry to here, chin up. You'll get through this.