

Oct 25, 2017
Still have to write the stream followup, but here's some ponies in something else


Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers | Teaser Trailer | Disney+

PARENTS STREAMING NOW ON DISNEY+ Subscription required, 18+.Rescuing the world takes a pair.A comeback 30 years in the making, the hybrid live-action/CG anim...



Note that along with the fake Applejack, the real Applejack is there too behind her.

It's interesting that Disney has ponies in their movie. I doubt they'll have a significant role, and the CGI feels rather mobile game-y, such that people thought they're the Gameloft designs, but they aren't.
Comic - G5 comic announced


Oct 25, 2017
We have a G5 comic incoming!


New Official IDW Comic Series Announced for My Little Pony: A New Generation! Return to Canterlot!

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media


Written by Celeste Bronfman and illustrated by Amy Mebberson, My Little Pony features Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, Zipp Storm, Pipp Petals, Hitch Trailblazer, aka the Mane 5, as well as their sidekick Cloudpuff "as they explore a brand-new Equestria following the magical events of the hit movie! With magic returned to Equestria, the ponies are more united than ever—at least until one of the Unity Crystals is stolen! Can the Mane 5 find the culprit before magic is gone for good? And could it really be that their pet Pomeranian is leading them to the city of Canterlot of Friendship Is Magic fame?"


My Little Pony #1 is written by Celeste Bronfman, illustrated by Amy Mebberson and features covers by Mebberson, JustaSuta and Brianna Garcia. The issue goes on sale May 5 from IDW Publishing.

Personally, I'm surprised something like this isn't going to be in the show proper. It reminds me of how the G4 comic started, with everyone surprised that Chrysalis's revenge would be in the comics.

In the first cover, I still don't think artists have quite got down how to make the G5 faces look right in 2D while remaining accurate. Second cover is just adorable.


And also cartoon news that's mostly stuff we already knew

Two New Generation 5 My Little Pony Series Coming! 2D And 3D Exactly like the Movie

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media

It's been super rewarding to see this vision sort of coming to life on something like My Little Pony. where there's been a full brand re-invention and a strategic plan which has been crafted by the eOne content teams. Starting with the successful launch of the My Little Pony: A New Generation movie that started on Netflix in September this year which has been super successful. and now we're accelerating that brand plan that we created in 2022 with the launch of not one, but two series. One which is completely beautiful CGI, completely exclusive to Netflix. And that will look exactly like the movie. And then we have sort of a 2D supporting series which is produced for both Youtube AND Netflix that will also be coming out in 2022.

Here's the old article that already told us about the 2D show

2D Youtube Exclusive Generation 5 Animation Releasing in Spring

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media

Given the quote is talking as though it's still 2021, and it's Seth posting, odds are good that he's reporting on the exact same news again
Still, we do have some new info. I wonder if the 2D show's going to be YouTube shorts bundled together on Netflix, or full episodes on both.
2-13-22 Amphibia season 2 finale stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
*.PMV - Colors - YouTube
1. My Little Pony n' Friends - 58-59 - Flight to Cloud Castle 1-2
*.My Little Pony G3 - Runaway Rainbow - Colours of the Rainbow - YouTube
2a. Craig of the Creek - 23 - The Last Kid in the Creek
2b. Craig of the Creek - 24 - The Climb
*.PMV | Colors - YouTube
3. Ranking of Kings - 7 - The Prince's Apprenticeship
*.True Colors PMV - YouTube
4. Kid Cosmic - 302 - Kid Cosmic and the Secret of the Fourteenth Stone
*.[PMV] ♥True Colors♥ - YouTube
5. Amphibia - 220 - True Colors (SEASON FINALE)
*.Season 3 Show Open | Amphibia | Disney Channel - YouTube
*.My Little Pony PMV: Sonic Colors, Pony Style - YouTube
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 173 - Farewells and Encounters: The Transitioning Stars of Destiny

True Colors means lots of "color" videos. Including the all-important G3 song.

I'm generally aware of all the popular G1 episodes, but this one took me by surprise. Now of course, it isn't exactly a great story, but there were lots of interesting bits, particularly the entire fantasy concept of the floating castle guarded by a water undyne and a fire salamander. It was also an adventure story where the ponies largely figured things out on their own. The episode even almost had a neat ended where the rescued princess says she has no obligation to date the man that rescued her; it's not like she's the one who put herself to sleep. But then the ponies guilt trip her into dating him, even after he threw a temper tantrum after being rejected. So close.

Craig of the Creek was a fun set of episodes again. The first was a not-Covid episode that brought back the goth lesbian witches to offer insight into Craig's Twilight Zone situation. The second featured a tree climb that would give any parent a heart attack. It repeated the gag from the poison ivy episode of JD getting a minor injury (a wasp sting) and it being treated like he died, but it's a good gag.

Ranking of Kings featured Bojji starting his training (though we won't see what he's actually doing for a couple episodes) and revealed that he's a monstrously terrible cook and judge of food by virtue of his giant blood. On the Daida said, looks like Daida's gone. They didn't call it a resurrection ritual for nothing.

Kid Cosmic had Jo figure out that the world they were saving was in fact an illusion, but it turns out Papa G knew for a while before her and wanted it a secret so Kid would be happy. This led to a nice fight sequence, showing how versatile his duplication actually is, though teleportation still wins out. And now we know why this is a Papa G focused season, as he has to be the one to break the news to Kid that the world is fake. It was pretty good. Though given the world is fake, it's odd that the previous episode ended with a stinger about the Biker in Black, since none of the heroes saw that.

The Amphibia season 2 finale really really needed more time to breath, such as by making it two episodes. They packed a lot in, especially in the second half, and the sequence where Sasha and Grimes realize that King Andreas is evil was really contrived. There were good twists and shocking developments. In the Discord, someone posted news about Amphibia being an award nominee, and the article's embedded image was a spoiler for season 3, showing Anne and the Plantars in the human world. I'm glad that's all that got spoiled, and not that Marcy got deaded. That really took people by surprise. Like the TV broadcast, I showed the season 3 intro after, and knowing about the entire airing controversy, people thought it was clear that this was shown to make clear to everyone that Marcy was still alive.

Now with Sailor Moon, this is a pretty huge status quo shake up. Mamoru has been around for the entire show, and Chibi-Usa has been around for most of it at this point. Them being gone is alone pretty big, and add onto that the new high school setting and the other Sailor Guardians actually getting focus episodes again. The animation and art in this episode was great, and it was nice just getting a bunch of cute moments with the girls. I cut out clips of one particular scene where they're jumping to get a view over a crowd.

This could easily change later, but it feels like they're actually presenting Sailor Moon as competent. Also, people commented that this series makes it really obvious when female characters are crossdressing as male.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1. Maya and the Three - 3 - The Rooster
2. Tuca & Bertie - 206 - The Moss
3. Gunbuster - 3 - First Love☆First Sortie




On the front lines of the Crystal War, Pinkie Pie is dying. Maud is already dead. It wasn't supposed to be this way.
Finally got around to reading this. This was sad yet also hopeful in a way, and wonderfully written.



King Sombra is defeated, and the Crystal War is finally over. But Pinkie has only one place left to go.
This was really nice. Glad to see things getting better in this timeline, and it was interesting seeing everyone react to it. I will say that the shipping ending felt sudden, even going in knowing there was romance, though.


Bag of Tricks

Trixie debates whether or not she is worthy of Starlight through reflection of who she is.
This was a nice short look at Trixie and how she addresses her insecurities. The descriptions of the environment were nice and moody. Great job
G5 show announcements


Oct 25, 2017
2-17-22 First Moss Rooster stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
1. Maya and the Three - 3 - The Rooster
2. Tuca & Bertie - 206 - The Moss
3. Gunbuster - 3 - First Love☆First Sortie
*.Gunbuster science class 3 - YouTube

With Maya, we got our newest party member, a wizard who can't control his magic. There was even a childhood flashback with a scene reminiscent of Twilight's flashback, though more deadly. I was surprised to see fights with a new set of gods, but I guess we'll keep getting new foes throughout the season.

Tuca & Bertie involved everyone getting priced out of their apartments thanks to their new landlord (it's moss?!), and this setting change was pretty surprising. Like usual for this season, this episode was quite good, though the jokes with that one apartment neighbor felt a little too close to Quagmire.

In contrast to the previous episodes, Gunbuster episode 3 wasn't as good as I remembered. Not to say it was bad, but I remembered it being a lot better than episodes 1 and 2. In any case, it was a nice look at life on the ship, and then Noriko's first combat mission, where she fails to do anything and likely gets her partner killed. One shot of her in the cockpit was very reminiscent of Evangelion, which makes sense given the director.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1. My Little Pony n' Friends - 61-62 - Somnambula 1-2
2a. Craig of the Creek - 25 - Big Pinchy
2b. Craig of the Creek - 26 - The Kid From 3030
3. Ranking of Kings - 8 - The Sacrifice of Dreams
4. Kid Cosmic - 303 - Kid Cosmic and the Global Conspiracy
5. Amphibia - 301 - The New Normal
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 174 - A School Storm: The Transfer Students Are Idols

This is actually the last set of G1 episodes I'm going to stream. Repeats don't seem warranted at this point and none of the remaining episodes we haven't streamed don't seem interesting enough. There is My Little Pony Tales, but from the episode descriptions and the one episode we watched a while ago, they just seem like 90's sitcom episodes

The second Craig of the Creek episode guest stars Del the Funky Homosapien.

And we're going straight into Amphibia season 3.



Mighty Jaxx Reveals New X-Ray Figure - Daybreaker!

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media


Last edited:
2-20-22 Star Gentle Uterus stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
*.Idols [PMV] (Original) - YouTube
1. My Little Pony n' Friends - 61-62 - Somnambula 1-2
*.[MLP Comic Dub] Pebbles the Crab (comedy) - YouTube
2a. Craig of the Creek - 25 - Big Pinchy
2b. Craig of the Creek - 26 - The Kid From 3030
*.[MLP Comic Dub] Goodbye, Future (Comedy) - YouTube
3. Ranking of Kings - 8 - The Sacrifice of Dreams
*.[MLP Comic Dub] What about the Future? (comedy) - YouTube
4. Kid Cosmic - 303 - Kid Cosmic and the Global Conspiracy
*.MLP Comic Dub - AJ's Future (comedy) - YouTube
5. Amphibia - 301 - The New Normal
*.[MLP Comic Dub] Bootycall (saucy comedy) - YouTube
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 174 - A School Storm: The Transfer Students Are Idols

It was tougher than I expected to find YouTube videos for the episode titles, so I opted for mostly "future" videos, one for "idols", and one for crabs as the closest thing to crayfish.

This is the last G1 MLP episode we'll be watching for now, and I suppose as far as final stories for an episodic series go, this isn't a bad one. We finally see male ponies, with the odd explanation that they were all gone on a race yet consider a location the ponies only came to relatively recently as their home. Also I feel like the male ponies are indistinguishable from the female ponies other than their voices; they're even the same pastel colors. Notably, there is a big brother pony that says "eeyup" a lot like Big Mac. Reading the description, I was concerned that the big brother ponies would be presented as more competent than the female ponies, but they're really the same and have to be saved by the baby ponies. If you're wondering, no, there's no connection between this Somnambula and the G4 pony.

As for what will be replacing it, I'll see if it's worth bundling together G3 shorts. Otherwise, we'll just get back to FiM.

Craig of the Creek was another fun pair of episodes. The first was the standard "looking for Bigfoot" story, but with a giant crayfish (probably just a lobster). The ending had a nice twist where Craig says they don't need a picture because they don't have to prove anything to anyone, but JD insists he should take pictures anyway because he wants them. The second episode was a fun guest star story, with some nice songs and good gags involving tapes and CDs.

Ranking of Kings explained a big chunk of the backstory, and yeah, King Bosse turns out to be a big jerk, even if he is seemingly working his way around his devil contract.

Kid Cosmic was a nice resolution to the illusion world storyline, including the Powerpuff Girl references getting a fight where they fly around, and a nice emotional scene with Kid and Papa G and fake parents for Kid.

Amphibia season 3 set up the new normal in the human world. Anne finally got shoes for both feet! It was nice to see her reunited with her family and to see the Plantars get used to the human world. The quarantine song was almost definitely a reference to the Covid situation; it's interesting that we're at the point where new cartoons can reference that.

Sailor Stars was another fun episode, and it's just nice to have the girls finally get to do unique stuff in episodes rather than just acting as a sounding board for Usagi and/or Chibi-Usa. There was some surprise in the stream that American Football is played in Japanese schools. And then there was the name of Sailor Star Healer's attack: Star Gentle Uterus. That really took people aback and left them laughing IRL.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1. Maya and the Three - 4 - The Skull
2. Tuca & Bertie - 207 - Sleepovers
3. Gunbuster - 4 - Launch!! The Incomplete Ultimate Weapon!


Good animation

Horizon Forbidden Belle

A parody of Horizon Forbidden West, featuring Sweetie Bot from “Friendship is Witchcraft” XDPlease consider supporting us on Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/...
2-24-22 Incomplete Ultimate Weapon stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
1. Maya and the Three - 4 - The Skull
2. Tuca & Bertie - 207 - Sleepovers
3. Gunbuster - 4 - Launch!! The Incomplete Ultimate Weapon!
*.Gunbuster science class 4 - YouTube

Maya and the Three introduced the next member of the party, an archer raised in the wild. It was a nice episode, though structurally, very similar to the previous one. Well, even if the next episode is the same, there's only one team member left to introduce.

Tuca & Bertie showed some strain in their relationship, and Tuca's new relationship too. It's hard to say what direction the show will go with Tuca's relationship, whether that woman is worth working things out with or if it's better to leave. Also, shame that that polar bear can't get the doorknob they want.

Gunbuster marks the start of the "good half" of the series and we get our first good look at the enemy and their really weird organic designs. The art for them is quite spectacular. And at long last, we got the debut of the titular Gunbuster! Since the theme song played during the ending, there was some confusion about whether this was the end of the series, but it isn't.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1a. MLP G3 - (2004) - A Charming Birthday
1b. MLP G3 - (2005) - Dancing in the Clouds
1c. MLP G3 - (2006) - Friends Are Never Far Away
2a. Craig of the Creek - 27 - Power Punchers
2b. Craig of the Creek - 28 - Creek Cart Racers
3. Kid Cosmic - 304 - Kid Cosmic and the Little Spark
4. Amphibia - 302 - Hop 'Til You Drop / Turning Point
5. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 175 - Becoming an Idol: Minako's Ambition

So because of the below, I decided to drop Ranking of Kings from the stream

Viewer Debates Resurface Arounds Alleged Japan-Korea Colonization Allegory in Ranking of Kings

Some viewers have pointed out that the background art depicted in the anime appear to resemble historical photos of Korea before and after Japanese colonization.

doing my goddamn best

PSA: there is anti-Korean, historical revisionist dogwhistle in Ousama Ranking/Ranking of Kings that suggests that the author of the manga is a Japanese nationalist I understand that this may fly over...

Aside from Ranking of Kings being dropped, Kid Cosmic is also a short episode. This lost time is being filled up by lots and lots of G3.
G5 game details


Oct 25, 2017

My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure - Nintendo Switch - Release Date Set for May 27th!

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media

We have screenshots of the upcoming video game, plus a description
  1. Play as Sunny the adventurous Earth Pony
  2. Unlock pony skills and accessories
  3. Explore Maretime Bay
  4. 2 players can put on a fashion show, herd bunnies, and more

Bring magic back to Equestria and play with the new generation of MY LITTLE PONY characters, in an adventure full of fun, fashion and good friends!
Earth Pony Sunny wants to make the world a better place by hosting Maretime Bay Day, a forgotten celebration of friendship and magic. But some pony is out to spoil the celebration - and they're stealing cakes, letting bunnies loose, and even spoiling Pipp's paintings!

Only you can help Sunny throw the most magical celebration Equestria has ever seen. Use your magic to put on fashion shows, find the cutest animals, fly with the Pegasi and more. Customize your ponies by unlocking new skills and accessories, including new hats and jewelry, rollerblades, and fashion magic. Your friends Hitch, Izzy, Zipp and Pipp are here to lend a helping hoof every step of the way. And you can invite another player for multiplayer minigames!

The ponies need you to make Maretime Bay Day unforgettable – can you find the mysterious party pooper and bring back the magic?

• BE A PONY – Play as Sunny the adventurous Earth Pony and use her magic powers
• LEARN NEW POWERS – Unlock pony skills and accessories including clothing, purses, and magic abilities
• EXPLORE MARETIME BAY – Adventure across Maretime Bay and beyond to bring the magic back
• MULTIPLAYER PARTY – Two players can put on a fashion show, herd bunnies and more!








This looks like a generic PS2/3 licensed game and it still looks like the best MLP video game ever.


Neat G5 concept art, showing they initially explored a Viking concept with earth ponies
2-27-22 Lots of G3 stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched

1a. MLP G3 - (2004) - A Charming Birthday
*.PMV | FRIENDS (2500+ subscribers special) - YouTube
1b. MLP G3 - (2005) - Dancing in the Clouds
1c. MLP G3 - (2006) - Friends Are Never Far Away
*.Best Friends Forever PMV - YouTube
2a. Craig of the Creek - 27 - Power Punchers
2b. Craig of the Creek - 28 - Creek Cart Racers
*.Friendship is the Formula PMV - YouTube
3. Kid Cosmic - 304 - Kid Cosmic and the Little Spark
*.I Can Be Your Friend PMV - YouTube
4. Amphibia - 302 - Hop 'Til You Drop / Turning Point
*.Anytime You Need a Friend - PMV - YouTube
5. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 175 - Becoming an Idol: Minako's Ambition

YouTube videos followed a friendship theme.

Due to me suddenly removing Ranking of Kings, that left room for a bunch of G3 episodes! That people mostly didn't attend (one for IRL reasons TBF) but they came back after. Especially after watching all three of these in a row, it's obvious just how little actually happens in these stories. There are sparks of interesting moments, like Sky Wishes and Starcatcher learning about each other, but they get mired in just... nothing. Plus there's the odd way "Dancing in the Clouds" makes it seem like there's a mysterious reason why earth ponies can't know about pegasi, but then the next episode shows they're just shy and it can be overcome with ice cream. Anyway, given the obvious lack of interest, not going to have another big block of G3.

Craig of the Creek was another fun set of episodes, particularly with the first showing a clear knowledge of how fighting games work, and how it can result in family bonding. The second was a nice cart racing episode, featuring the return of several characters, though it wasn't quite as wacky with the racing as one would expect.

Kid Cosmic was a shorter episode, showing everyone collecting themselves and figuring out what to do next. It was nice to see Rosa take charge, including donning Kid's goggles and cape. Also interesting was a flashback from Papa G, showing that he actually looked a lot like Kid when he was young.

Amphibia started with a nice standalone story of the Plantars getting a crash course in human society at the mall. It's still surprising to see malls show up in shows, but it isn't exactly depicted as a cool teen hangout spot here. Instead, it's the seedy underground, filled with scams and angry mothers. The second episode featured nice development for Sasha as she decides to protect Wartwood and the town accepts her (and Grimes). I think this could have used a full half hour, but this wasn't nearly as packed as the season 2 finale. It did result in the robots suffering hard from the Inverse Ninja Law, however.

Sailor Moon was a really fun episode. It's really striking how the girls are actually entertaining and personable again, after all of SuperS, with Minako showing off her absurd self-confidence. This does continue the pattern of focus characters not actually doing much to stop the monster, though Sailor Venus at least holds off the monster off screen for a while solo without issue. Also, Usagi immediately transforms upon seeing the monster without wondering what's going on!

Now, for next stream, while looking for a replacement show for Ranking of Kings, I noticed that Odd Taxi finally got an English dub! We'll be streaming that.



Shadow Within

Alicorns are nothing like they say in the storybooks. It's a shame no one told Twilight before she became one.
Chapter 2
Really interesting set up, and it's nice seeing Rarity and Twilight connect like this. I will admit I just skimmed over the parts repeating the season 4 premiere, though. Interesting that they never found out about Discord's involvement, or what's the deal with the Tree of Harmony; it reminds me of a speedrun skipping past cutscenes. I wonder if the things we didn't learn about are still true, or if you're taking this opportunity to change things up there.


Good Enough

Starlight debates through a series of moments if she's good enough for Trixie.
That was a sweet look at Starlight and Trixie's romance. It's interesting to see them presented with mutual anxiety, and it's nice to see them overcome it.


Ponyville Girl

It's too rare in life to find someone you love; that can stick around after thunder clouds.
This was really cute! It was fun seeing Rainbow process her memories upon realizing that Fluttershy is a girl and realizing she likes this girl.


All I Want For Christmas

Sunset ponders why her girlfriend is so frazzled for the holidays.
This was really cute, and score one for unexpectedly convenient gifts.


Oct 25, 2017
Stream announcement, we're watching
1. Maya and the Three - 5 - The Puma
2. Tuca & Bertie - 208 - Corpse Week
3. Gunbuster - 5 - Please!! Time Enough for Love!

I'll mention that this Gunbuster episode is a must-watch, and features one of the most iconic anime action sequences of all time.


Stop motion Rarity is back! She's only in until 2:22, though.

Stormy Surprise with Peppa and Friends💨 Kids Animation | Play Doh Videos | The Play-Doh Show ⭐️

Welcome to the colorful, squishy world of Play Doh! Subscribe to Play-Doh Official: ⭐️ http://bit.ly/PlayDohSubscribe #PlayDoh #FunnyCartoons #FullEpisodesFO...



Under the Mistletoe

Starlight wants a kiss.
This was pretty cute, especially when Pinkie's replica showed up. Interesting that you went with a Starlight that was native to this world. I will say though that Starlight didn't feel super Starlight-like, and it did feel a bit repetitive.

Warning: dark

Heart Strings

Lyra loves the holidays! She doesn't have a choice.
Oh dang, that was some intense imagery. Since some of the commenters are taking the story literally, I'll mention that I interpreted it as metaphorical. Lyra has depression, possibly seasonal, but still feels the need to tear herself apart to keep her friends happy.


Art is the Weapon

Flash Sentry never thought that art would be his downfall.
This was an unusual pair, and an interesting way to have them interact. Flash unknowingly leading him on is also a conflict I haven't seen in a short fic like this before. The inserts about Flash Magnus were also a lot of fun. Great job!


Twin Fantasy

It'll take some time, but somewhere down the line, we won't be alone.
This was a nice poetic story, and it was really sweet. Great job!



Morning comes, the day eludes you. I know you don't have room or time to be you.
This was nice and sweet. Though, uh, did Suri just die in the middle there?


Wait, Me?

The Cutie Map calls Applejack to the portal that leads to Earth. Alone.
Given this was a speedwrite and thus didn't have the opportunity to explore the story much, this was a lot of fun and had a good payoff. It makes sense that Applejack would be so apprehensive about the portal.



After being freed from stony imprisonment as part of a scheme by a Princess to take down the Crown, Cozy Glow follows her nature and begins some machinations of her own. 1st place in the 2021 EFNW Iron Author contest.
This was a great story, with a really clever twist that puts Flurry's initial reaction into perspective. The characters were written well, including the blank slate of Flurry Heart. Now, the entire memory-erasing business did strike me as a step too far, but I think you got enough debates about that.


Sapphire Eyes – Hollow Shades

Amidst the beautiful and unforgiving city of Canterlot, where prejudice is rampant and passion even more so, two women in love try to find an answer.
Twenty Questions
Damn, I could feel the awkwardness of that conversation from here. You did a great job characterizing both Rarity and Sapphire, and this is a rare look at Rarity, I suppose, being on the Twilight end of the conversation. I have to say, I was expecting things to go right into Sapphire's story, but it was nice to see her as a person (or ghost) first.
3-3-22 Puma stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
1. Maya and the Three - 5 - The Puma
2. Tuca & Bertie - 208 - Corpse Week
3. Gunbuster - 5 - Please!! Time Enough for Love!
*.Gunbuster science class 5 - YouTube

Maya and the Three introduced the final party member, the brawn, and then had a "liar revealed" moment though I didn't even realize Maya was lying to them until this point. At least it got resolved quickly enough. Anyway, new guy seems alright, though he doesn't seem to add much to the group dynamic so far. I am curious how there can be so many episodes left in the season.

Tuca & Bertie featured a different version of Halloween, combining it with Day of the Dead and Thanksgiving and making it a week long. It was nice to see Tuca and Bertie's families and their different conflicts, including the awkwardness with Bertie's parents not wanting to address their problems.

Gunbuster featured the effects of time dilation, with the girls returning to Earth and finding ten years have passed, leading to a bittersweet moment of Noriko reuniting with her school friend, who is now a mother. Following that, we get drama with Coach about to die from SPACE RADIATION POISONING and then an awesome action sequence set to an insert song. All that was good. What I had completely forgotten about is how horny this episode is, including during dramatic moments of Noriko thinking about how her friend wants her to save her daughter. The fanservice really brings those scenes down. Next up is the final episode, which is... pretty different.

With the Gunbuster science class, I just assumed they paired up with each episode, but in fact, this one seems to have come out six years after the fourth one, from dialogue. It ends up hinting at stuff in the final episode as a result, but thankfully there wasn't anything too spoilery. There are more Gunbuster science lessons made later, but #6 isn't subbed, so I won't continue showing them. And the thumbnail shows how much later this was made.


Gunbuster - Science Lesson 6: The True Sol System

Noriko and Kazumi continue the historical account of mankind's progress in spacecraft design, as well as a detailed lecture on the solar system in Gunbuster'...

Also limits this to before Sailor Moon S.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1. MLP G3 - Come Back Lily Lightly
2a. Craig of the Creek - 29 - Secret Book Club
2b. Craig of the Creek - 30 - Jextra Perrestrial
3. Odd Taxi - 1 - The Eccentric Driver
4. Kid Cosmic - 305 - Kid Cosmic and the Planet Killer
5. Amphibia - 303 - Thai Feud / Adventures in Catsitting
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 176 - Fighter's Secret Identity: The Shocking Super Transformation

We're starting off Odd Taxi this stream and we're getting close to the end of Kid Cosmic! With Odd Taxi, I had to put some effort into getting the subtitles for on-screen text working.


Got more Celtic ponies, specifically Earth Pony Applejack and Twilight during G5 concept pushes



New Renegade Games Official My Little Pony RPG Materials Now Listed! Deckbuilding Game, RPG Rulebook and More!

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media

Got a new RPG


And a new card game, this time a deck builder rather than a TCG



It's unknown how the new RPG is different front Tails of Equestria

The card game seems like it uses a similar format to the old TCG, but just as a deck builder instead. For those unfamiliar, deck builders have you build up your deck during the course of gameplay, and all players work from the same pool of cards which are all put back in the box after the game.


We got more G5 concept art with Unicorn Fluttershy and Rarity; Rarity being grumpy is cute

And adding onto that, we got some concept art from Imalou of Pegasus Pinkie and Rainbow

3-6-22 Odd Taxi stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
*.MY Little Book Of Mormon: Hello PMV - YouTube
1. MLP G3 - Come Back Lily Lightly
*.MLP In real Life: Rainbow Dash's Precious Book.... Or is it? - YouTube
2a. Craig of the Creek - 29 - Secret Book Club
2b. Craig of the Creek - 30 - Jextra Perrestrial
3. Odd Taxi - 1 - The Eccentric Driver
*.mlp g5 sprout destroys hitch's car - YouTube
4. Kid Cosmic - 305 - Kid Cosmic and the Planet Killer
*.MLP Comic Dub: 'Books' (comedy) - YouTube
5. Amphibia - 303 - Thai Feud / Adventures in Catsitting
*.[MLP Comic Dub] Book Buddy (saucy comedy) - YouTube
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 176 - Fighter's Secret Identity: The Shocking Super Transformation

Videos followed a book and car theme.

We actually had people arrive with most of the G3 episode still left! As for the story itself, it's better than the last ones we (I) watched, I suppose. Stuff actually happens, though not enough to justify 20 minutes. On a continuity note, this takes place after The Runaway Rainbow, and get a fair amount of Rarity. Princess status is unclear. Lily Lightly actually has the same VA as Little Strongheart and Gabby the griffon, and we get to see her sing here. Her singing is nice, but it's ruined by a firefly singing along with an annoying high pitched voice. Surprisingly, the firefly is voiced by one of the writers of this and several other G3 stories.

As always, Craig of the Creek was a fun set of episodes. The first brought back the library girl and showed the wonder of reading through a cult. The second featured JP thinking he's an alien, and the others confirming this in ways it'd make sense for kids to make mistakes with medical equipment; JP realizing he is in fact human when he falls and breaks his arm felt right too. Also, confirmation that JP's sister is a lesbian and that his parents do exist.

We started out Odd Taxi, which despite the animals, turned out to be more down to earth and less odd than expected. Indeed, this first episode is slower than I remember for this series, but it should improve in that area soon enough, once we're introduced to more of the subplots. On the dub end, it felt a bit stiff at times, but it was alright. Regarding my attempts to get subtitles for on-screen text fixed, I ended up missing a few spots.

Kid Cosmic was the penultimate episode and featured the ultimate defeat of Fantos and the redemption of Erodius. The action was nice, though it's still odd that Fantos is so much better at using the stones than everyone else, particularly when Kid is completely unable to move Erodius away from Earth while Fantos moved it across the galaxy. Fantos being killed by Erodius didn't feel like an accomplishment, and another odd moment was when it seemed like Kid was going to rescue him, but no, he was just getting the stones. Then there was Papa G getting a death fakeout, and then another seeming death at the end of the episode, which felt sloppy. Aside from all that, it was a solid episode.

Amphibia was a fun set of semi standalone episodes, the first featuring Wayne Knight and the second featuring cat. The former had a fun sequence of food truck tricks and the latter featured Hop Pop's skilled impressions and awkward questions for the vet. Both featured some nice family bonding.

Sailor Stars had a fairly middling episode, though it's better than a SuperS middling episode. Seiya's super 80's outfit led to me explaining that in the anime, the Starlights literally transform into men for their human disguise, even though they still look like women in drag.



Renegade Shows Off Their New My Little Pony: Adventures in Equestria Game On Twitch

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media

REVEALS: My Little Pony Tabletop Games - playrenegade on Twitch

playrenegade went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Special Events VOD now.

LIVEPLAY: My Little Pony - Adventures in Equestria - playrenegade on Twitch

playrenegade went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Special Events VOD now.

Information about the new card game!



Unraveling the Unwritten

Deep within the Royal Archives, Page Turner finds something inexplicable: A book, older than her, containing stories she had yet to complete. Where will this mystery take her? (Comment driven-ish story)
Making Plans
Ah, interesting direction for this. So it's a description of events from another timeline. I wonder how the timelines relate and what the significance is. As for what to do next, she could bring in the canon characters to help, but they have the risk of taking over the story. I'd say she goes to them for help, but then something happens to prevent them from helping.


Shadow Within

Alicorns are nothing like they say in the storybooks. It's a shame no one told Twilight before she became one.
Ah, so that's what's going on. Interesting take on alicorns, though it is a bit surprising we're learning so much already. I suppose Luna just is that much more blunt than Celestia.

It was cute seeing Twilight fret over Rarity, and it was really nice seeing Fluttershy being so understanding.

However, it is rather strange that neither Twilight nor anyone else shows any curiosity about the entire plant attack.


Tailor Girl

A noblestallion learns a valuable lesson about not judging a mare by her origins.
That was pretty fun. As far as noble snobs go, Ardent isn't so bad here, so it's good that he got on good terms with Twilight at least.


Garland Graveyard Shift

Most ponies would DESPISE working on Hearth's Warming. Nurse Redheart has a different opinion on it.
This was really nice, with a mix of silliness, sadness, and heartwarming moments. The characters were all portrayed well, including the original ones (and the background ones of course).


Late Delivery

What would happen if an earth pony couple in Maretime Bay gave birth to a bouncing baby pegasus?
This was really interesting, and it made a ton of sense that such a system would exist. Great job! When the description mentioned this took place after the intro sequence, I assumed you meant the G4 part, so I was surprised to see the G5 leads mentioned here. It felt a bit odd that discussion would focus on them so much, but I suppose they stood out before the main events of the movie anyway.



Twilight and Rarity hang around. You know, adventure stuff.
Late to reading this, but I thought this was great. Twilight and Rarity's interactions were a lot of fun and it was quite sweet (not just because of the gummies). That said, I did think the sex jokes felt out of place and were uncomfortable.


Did We Die?

Angel Wings and Vapor Trail deal with the aftermath of an unexpected storm during routine training.
That was a cute story, with some nice interactions and a sweet ending.



[MLP] Fluttershy Sings “Sleepsong”

Fluttershy has the most soothing voice and she uses that voice to sing her beloved animals to sleep at night. She hopes, too, that it might make you comforta...
MLP G5 game trailer


Oct 25, 2017

My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure Reveal Trailer - May 27th, 2022 (PS4, X1, Switch, PC)

This title has been leaking for awhile but this is the first official reveal of it. Looks like a solid enough title for anyone that’s a fan or has kids who like the show. Includes customization, mini-games, and multiplayer. This is from the same publisher as Peppa Pig (Not Developer) so it seems...


My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure Video Game – Official Announcement Trailer

An all-new video game adventure coming May 27th to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PC.Sunny wants to bring back the magic of the Maretime Bay D...

Seems to have more gameplay than I expected TBH. Really does look like something I'd have rented 20 years ago (if I was into Pony then), which is pretty nostalgic.
Also alicorn powers 👀

It'll probably be a fun enough way to burn an hour or two (assuming this doesn't hit a Winnie the Pooh Baseball difficulty spike).


Oct 25, 2017

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Notably this means that all the while that people were saying Hasbro should have hired him, he was in fact working on G5('s game).


Oct 25, 2017
Stream announcement, we're watching
1. Maya and the Three - 6 - Maya and the Three
2. Tuca & Bertie - 209 - The Dance
3. Gunbuster - 6 - At the End of Eternity... (END)

With the final Gunbuster episode, I want to note that (1) yes, it's supposed to look like that, and (2) no, it wasn't cheaper


Some G5 Applejack concepts, re-confirming the leaks that they were exploring a ton of different ideas for her



Renegade Shows Off Their New My Little Pony: Adventures in Equestria Game On Twitch

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media

REVEALS: My Little Pony Tabletop Games - playrenegade on Twitch

playrenegade went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Special Events VOD now.

LIVEPLAY: My Little Pony - Adventures in Equestria - playrenegade on Twitch

playrenegade went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Special Events VOD now.
Information about the new card game!
Watched these, and surprisingly, both the card game and the RPG only cover things from season 1. They plan on releasing a lot more products in the future, though.



A Flash of Lightning

A chance meeting at the bar blossoms into a fiery love/hate relationship between Lightning Dust and the only pony in Equestria brave enough to handle her.
This was a pairing I never considered, but you made it work really well. Lightning Dust and the Washouts in general were portrayed really well, and Flash Magnus worked as a good foil to them. Their interactions and their developing romance made sense and were interesting.


Ground Control to Major Scootaloo

When Scootaloo asked Celestia for help with flying, going to the moon was the last thing she expected.
This was a lot of fun, and surprisingly sweet. I admit I rolled my eyes at the meme recreation, but in context, it made sense with Celestia wanting to be more silly and Scootaloo maybe being an unreliable narrator.


Why I loved him

The island of Rockhoof's birth was desolate and barren. Life clung on by a thread to those wind-tossed shores. Summers were hard and winters harder, but he found love there, and someday, he hopes he will find it again.
This was a nice look at Rockhoof's life, and the descriptions were great. The pairing at the end is interesting, and it's a shame we didn't get to see more of that.


Eye of the Beholder

Discord and Mistmane share their thoughts on perception over tea.
The ways you had Mistmane and Discord interact were really inventive and made a lot of sense for them. Watching them learn from each other and grow their relationship was fascinating.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017

We got official pony ASMR. What a world.
(Technically it's not ASMR nor is it advertised as such)

Normally you need an account, but someone put it on YouTube

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
3-10-22 Gunbuster end stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
1. Maya and the Three - 6 - Maya and the Three
2. Tuca & Bertie - 209 - The Dance
3. Gunbuster - 6 - At the End of Eternity... (END)

The team has assembled and they each get one-on-one (or one-on-two) fights against gods with skills suited to countering them. It was interesting how these weren't just a group of mooks, but rather some had their own motives.

Tuca & Bertie continued showing that Tuca's girlfriend isn't good for her. Tuca talked to her about it at the end, so maybe things will work out. I suppose we'll see in the season finale. It was interesting seeing Bertie and Speckle being the "weird" ones in contrast.

We finished Gunbuster with a special black and white episode, showcasing the toll of the war (RIP Jupiter) and further demonstrating the effects of time dilation. Contrary to common rumors, it being black and white wasn't an effect of budget cuts, and in fact it was more expensive than color would be due to having to learn how to make things look good in black and white. That said, there are some clear signs of budget cuts, like the sequence of Noriko and Amano reuniting having little detail in the crowds, and the big battle being a montage of still shots. It was a nice ending, with the heroes returning to Earth over tens thousand years later, only to still be greeted warmly. I played the OP of the sequel, Diebuster, which explores this time period, but I don't think I'll stream that show.

Replacing Gunbuster will be the dub of Ranma 1/2 and the sub of Cardcaptor Sakura, both by request. I'll probably just stream one or the other next week, and start the other once Tuca & Bertie ends.


Oct 25, 2017
Stream announcement, we're watching
1a. MLP G3 - Two for the Sky
1b. MLP G3 - Positively Pink
2a. Craig of the Creek - 31 - The Takeout Mission
2b. Craig of the Creek - 32 - Dinner at the Creek
3. Odd Taxi - 2 - How To Spend a Long Night
4. Kid Cosmic - 306 - Kid Cosmic and the Grand Opening of Planet Earth (END)
5. Amphibia - 304 - Fight at the Museum / Temple Frogs
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 177 - A Star of Dreams and Wishes: Taiki's Transformation

Finishing Kid Cosmic just in time for The Owl House

Note that Daylight Savings ending means that for those outside the US, the stream will start an hour earlier.
3-13-22 Kid Cosmic end stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
*.[Animatic] Don't Lose UR Head - Pinkie Pie Cover [Six the Musical] MLP - YouTube
1a. MLP G3 - Two for the Sky
1b. MLP G3 - Positively Pink
*.POPIPO Pony Veggie Juice!! [by 杜宾TAE] - YouTube
2a. Craig of the Creek - 31 - The Takeout Mission
2b. Craig of the Creek - 32 - Dinner at the Creek
*.MLP FiM PMV: The Geeks Will Inherit the Earth - YouTube
3. Odd Taxi - 2 - How To Spend a Long Night
*.PMV - Fight as One (Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes) - YouTube
4. Kid Cosmic - 306 - Kid Cosmic and the Grand Opening of Planet Earth (END)
*.Spike Universe:Peace and Love on the Planet Earth (MLP:PMV) - YouTube
5. Amphibia - 304 - Fight at the Museum / Temple Frogs
*.PMV - Heaven is a Place on Earth - YouTube
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 177 - A Star of Dreams and Wishes: Taiki's Transformation

Videos were either new (posted below) or following an Earth theme.

MLP started with an interesting story, not because of what actually happened, but the strange way it described its lead characters. You see, they are two friends that are so close, they're practically twins. But they aren't twins, and from the wording, they aren't related. So they're just close gal pals that happen to share a bed. It's also confusing in that it's a story being told to Pinkie and Minty, but it seems to take place in Ponyville and we can see Rainbow Dash at points, so does that mean this actually happened? Also, the insects are depicted with only four legs; I guess they lost them in the war.

The second story shared some similarities with FiM's "Party of One", with ponies keeping away from Pinkie in order to keep her surprise party a surprise, but unlike the FiM ponies, they thought to have one of them distract Pinkie for a while so she doesn't go crazy. Puzzlemint is voiced by Trixie's VA, Kathleen Barr, and she goes with a British accent that our resident Brit assures us isn't how all of them talk. There were questions about what the ponies actually do for a living, and it was determined it's a party-based economy.

Craig of the Creek was another fun set of episodes. The first had a great joke about censorship, where the kids are about to cook food but comment that as kids, they can't turn on the stove. Then the stove magically turns on by itself and they continue cooking. The second episode was dinner-themed too, and interestingly, Craig's parents are pretty comfortable having Bernard's girlfriend, Alexis, hang around the house without them. Craig goes to make dinner himself by living off the land, and he actually starts out OK by finding onions. He falters at every other step, though.

Odd Taxi set up more plotlines and established the tone more. I think people enjoyed this episode more than the first.

Kid Cosmic's final episode opened with the reveal that Papa G got not one, but two death fakeouts last episode. That was annoying, but then the actual ending with aliens coming to Earth was really nice. The episode was also filled with nice slow moments, like Papa G relaxing and listening to the wind. Overall, the show was quite good, some story oddities aside. During previews, I wasn't a fan of the art style, but it looks great in motion and they did a lot of fun stuff with it.

With The Owl House returning next week, that will take up Kid Cosmic's slot.

Amphibia was a fun set of stories, introducing a nice new side character and progressing the plot a bit. With the second story, after watching Turning Red, I couldn't help but notice how while Disney feels free to showcase Asian temples, we don't see anyone doing anything that would make clear they're worshiping anything more "dangerous" than ancestors. Still, it was neat to see Thai culture showcased like that. Fun fact, during the sequence where Polly speaks fluent Thai, her VA was coached by Polly's Thai VA.

Sailor Moon was a middling episode. It was meant to showcase Taiki, but it didn't really give us a good sense of her. Also this brought back the plot convenience of Usagi just showing up for no reason to fight the monster.


Fun Pinkie-fied musical song with animation

[Animatic] Don't Lose UR Head - Pinkie Pie Cover [Six the Musical] MLP

In this SIX the musical parody, Pinkie Pie (Anne Boleyn), has set her sights on King Discord! Will she be able to convince him that a life with her is far mo...

Really cute animation; turn subs on

POPIPO Pony Veggie Juice!! [by 杜宾TAE]

[Bilibili repost]Drink your pony juices everyday to stay healthy!music: Popipo ぽっぴっぽdrawn in sai2video edited in pr aealso consider checking out a Derpy muff...



Forget Me Not – Hollow Shades

Twilight realizes it’s March and she missed Hearts and Hooves day and that’s why Rarity has been acting odd for weeks. Part of the monthly ficl…
As I mentioned while prereading, this was fantastic! The twist on the prompt was clever and all the character interactions were great, especially the detailed conversations with their eyes. Also, Raritinnitus.



What happens when a parasitic species, known for adapting to the traits of its host, finds itself attached to a magical pastel friendship horse?
Finally got around to reading this. This is a really interesting concept, and it's neat seeing Scratch deal with her new surroundings. It's also neat parsing out the details of this AU. I will say, Rarity being so gung-ho about breeding more xenomorphs was very strange. Maybe give it a few days to see how Scratch acts, Rarity?



Twilight's ill, and shares a rare moment with her beloved princess
This was a fun story, and it was just warm and cozy.


Out Sick

Princess Celestia spends time taking care of a familiar sick little filly, and along the way, learns a lesson mothers - blood or not - all one day learn.
This was super cute, and it was great seeing Celestia and Filly Twilight play off of each other, plus Celestia writing about the lessons she learned.


Shadow Within

Alicorns are nothing like they say in the storybooks. It's a shame no one told Twilight before she became one.
Chapter 4
Nice to see things calm down after that confrontation last chapter. Rarity was able to reason things out pretty quickly, making me wonder if Fluttershy already got her up to speed about Twilight going through changes. It was unclear before, but now it's confirmed that this story is going with the idea that Celestia cast a spell on Twilight to make her an alicorn, rather than Twilight's magic transforming on its own. It'll be interesting to see where this goes from here.


For Sale

For Sale: One Wagon. Good condition, single owner. For inquiries, contact Trixie Lulamoon
Really cute, and nice to see Trixie settle down with Starlight


Dark Blue

Rarity encounters a problem in a cave while gem hunting.
Great job with this story. You did well in capturing the mood and the pain of the injuries. It was cool seeing the twist with Rarity ending up her own assailant. For these kinds of stories, it's good not to explain too much, but I do think it could have used a bit more to explain where the wooden parts came from and why these tunnels have weird time things going on.


Not Who I Thought I’d Be

Lil’ Cheese looks in the mirror, and realizes he has questions about identity.
Finally got around to reading this. It was a nice short story, and it was good seeing Lil Cheese's parents be so supportive. It would have been nice to see more of Cheese living their life as nonbinary at the end, but other than that, this was well done.


Oct 25, 2017
Stream announcement, we're watching
1. Maya and the Three - 7 - The Divine Gate
2. Tuca & Bertie - 210 - The Flood
3. Ranma 1/2 - 1 - Here's Ranma
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 1 - Sakura and the Mysterious Magic Book

Ranma 1/2 is the Viz/Ocean dub. Cardcaptor Sakura is subbed. Incidentally I think I figured out a better process for handling Odd Taxi's subs based on having to deal with CCS's.



The Huntress and The Siren

Luna travels to the world of humans for a vacation, and encounters an old enemy from the time of myths.
As always, your "princesses have connections to human mythology" stories are a lot of fun and have tons of neat tidbits. Luna and Adagio's interactions are a lot of fun, along with their views of modern times.


A Thousand Words

Sweet Biscuit loves a mare, and she won't let her forget.
This was really nice and sweet. It's sad that they had to be split like that, but at least they had a long time together.


The Mourning After

A year has passed, is Jamine Leaf prepared to face this day?
This was a great exploration of Jasmine's feelings after Sweet's passing. It's nice that she seems like she'll recover a bit at the end.


From Whence Power Flows

It wasn't a question Twilight ever expected to ask.
Very nice story! It's an interesting interpretation of how the princesses would go away and their mystical connection to abstract concepts. One does wonder how it's possible for love to diminish and for the society to still be stable; that makes me wonder if it's less the princesses moving on because society has moved on, and more that the end times are coming for that society. In any case, you did a great job with the characters.


Scholar's Mate

Flurry Heart hosts a chess tournament for her hoof in marriage. Cozy Glow intends to win on her own terms.
As always, I love the way you write Flurry and Cozy. This is a really fun set up, and you explore it really well. Them competing to lose at the end was a neat twist.
June 2022 solicitation


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, just assumed I wrote the stream followup, but I didn't. I suppose I'll have to do that and the next one together.

Anyway, stream announcement, we're watching
1a. MLP G3 - Pinkie Pie And The Ladybug Jamboree
1b. MLP G3 - Greetings From Unicornia
1c. MLP G3 - Meet the Ponies - Pinkie Pie's Party Party
1d. MLP G3 - Meet the Ponies - Rainbow Dash's Hat Fashion Party
2. The Owl House - 211 - Follies at the Coven Day Parade
3. Odd Taxi - 3 - Beware of Borrowed Plumes
4a. Craig of the Creek - 39 - The Mystery of the Timekeeper
4b. Craig of the Creek - 33 - Jessica's Trail
5. Amphibia - 305 - Fixing Frobo / Anne-sterminator
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 178 - Luna's Discovery: The Real Face of Yaten

A couple things to note about this. First, The Owl House is back! Second, I swapped Craig of the Creek with where The Owl House would have been, to not have the two Disney shows right next to each other. Lastly, with Craig of the Creek, I only learned after last week's stream that there was a Daylight Savings episode, so streaming that this week instead.



My Little Pony (Generation 5) #2 Solicitation Revealed - Writer, Synopsis, and Artist

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media

My Little Pony (Generation 5) #2
Celeste Bronfman (w) • Amy Mebberson (a & CVR A) • JustaSuta (CVR B) • Trish Forstner (1:10 RI CVR)


The new adventure continues! Join Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, Hitch, and their trusty sidekick Cloudpuff as they explore a brand-new Equestria following the magical events of the hit Netflix movie! The quest to find the missing Unity Crystal has led our Mane 5 to a place they never thought they'd see-Canterlot! But a familiar figure lurks in the shadows, intent on stopping magic for good!
FC • 22 pages • $3.99
LCS Order Due Date: April 18th, 2022
Estimated Street Date: June 22nd, 2022

If this involves a returning G4 villain or Discord, then it's wild they're covering it in the comics. Unless it's just Sprout.
Getting this and issue #1 will be a pain for me without Comixology.
3-17-22 Tuca & Bertie season 2 end stream; 3-20-22 Owllight Savings Time stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched on Thursday
1. Maya and the Three - 7 - The Divine Gate
2. Tuca & Bertie - 210 - The Flood (SEASON FINALE)
3. Ranma 1/2 - 1 - Here's Ranma
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 1 - Sakura and the Mysterious Magic Book

In Maya and the Three, the heroes arrive at their destination in the underworld and actually do pretty well against Lord Mictlan once they get past the mind control part. But then all the other gods join the fight and it's time to run, and Pichu has to stay behind to let the others leave. He didn't die on screen, so he's probably fine. I wonder how they'll fill out the remaining episodes.

The season finale of Tuca & Bertie was great and had a lot of good payoff for things set up in the season. Tuca's girlfriend turns out not to be good for her after all and is even ghosting her now. We got some nice science lessons and the moss is gone, but so is the house that Speckle worked so hard on. I wonder if this will just result in everyone moving back to their old rooms, or if this will have lasting effects. Overall, I thought this season was better than the first, and the first was already good.

We started Ranma 1/2, which had a pretty nice intro episode. It was interesting seeing how the characters actually act, after only really knowing that Akane is portrayed as a monster in fanfics that pair Ranma with other girls.

We also started Cardcaptor Sakura, which drew another person to the stream. Even this early, the music is quite good, and Sakura acts more sassy than I expected.

And on Sunday, we watched
*.MLP: FiM PMV Vanilla Twilight (Owl City) - Twilight Sparkle Tribute - YouTube
1a. MLP G3 - Pinkie Pie And The Ladybug Jamboree
1b. MLP G3 - Greetings From Unicornia
*.My Little Pony G3 - Opening Theme Song - YouTube
1c. MLP G3 - Meet the Ponies - Pinkie Pie's Party Party
1d. MLP G3 - Meet the Ponies - Rainbow Dash's Hat Fashion Party
*.My Little Pony - The Laughter Song - AMV (Crossover- Disney) - YouTube
2. The Owl House - 211 - Follies at the Coven Day Parade
*.Friendship is Magic (The Owl House) Comic Dub - YouTube
3. Odd Taxi - 3 - Beware of Borrowed Plumes
*.MLP:Cerulean sky: animation: "Swomswom" music by "Owl City" - YouTube
4a. Craig of the Creek - 39 - The Mystery of the Timekeeper
4b. Craig of the Creek - 33 - Jessica's Trail
*.PMV / MLP:FIM / Wolf Bite - YouTube
5. Amphibia - 305 - Fixing Frobo / Anne-sterminator
*.Fireflies | PMV Collab - YouTube
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 178 - Luna's Discovery: The Real Face of Yaten

Videos followed an owl theme, which naturally led to a lot of Owl City.

For G3, first I wrapped up the shorts packaged with the movies, which I've actually never seen before since I didn't realize they existed. Thanks to missing them, which I watched Pinkie's Special Day a while back, I was really confused by what looked like brand new footage. The first wasn't that interesting, but the second had some weird stuff in the tour of Unicornia, including Rarity literally having the meme ball pit room in her castle. Well, I'm not sure if it's her castle still.

After that, we went into a new era for G3, which no, isn't G3.5, and no, Newborn Cuties isn't G3.5, to address confusion from me saying that. This era centered around a new focus on only a Core 7 group of a ponies, and with that, we get a full fledged intro. There isn't much to say about the two shorts we saw, other than the fact that Rainbow Dash has a brand new voice and now says "dashing" instead of "darling".

The Owl House is back! It was a pretty good episode and it looked like everyone liked it.

With Odd Taxi, I managed to get subs working as intended, so that improved the experience. It was a nice episode, notably including a sequence of the alpaca nurse showing off her martial arts that got a laugh.

Like I mentioned before, I decided to show the Daylight Savings episode, now that I know it exists. That and the normal next episode were both good and showed some continuity, leading to a remark that it had some of the most consistent worldbuilding of anything we've streamed. The second in particular set things up for what could be called the main story of the series, though it's going to be a light touch for a while longer.

Amphibia was a significant set of stories, first fixing Frobo and introducing tech girlfriends who are probably girlfriends in the romantic sense, and the second killing off the robot assassin and revealing the whole truth to Anne's parents. In the second, there was the observation that Anne's mother's voice doesn't show much range. I think this is realistic given that she's trying to stick to English, but it's unrealistic in that she wouldn't be sticking to English under these circumstances. In any case, it was a good set of stories.

The Sailor Moon episode featured a shocking amount of cat abuse, including straight up punching. It was weird. Solid enough episode otherwise.



Core of an Apple

A spontaneous kiss can have lasting effects.
This was really cute!


Galley Alley

Home is where your heart is, and there's really no place like it.
Finally got around to reading this. It was really interesting seeing these disparate groups of background ponies with their own stories crossing over and coming together. It reminds me of a sort of non-tragic and more LGBT+ version of RENT. I'm surprised Low Res didn't get her cutie mark in the end, but as the story shows, it's fine if she hasn't yet.


The Persistence of Love

Time passes, and ponies change. But Twilight Sparkle knows that love persists, even as it changes as well.
This was great! It took a bit for me to realize that it was jumping back and forth in time, but that structure worked really well for it. Twilight's relationship with Cadance and Discord is presented wonderfully here, and makes them work in a way I haven't seen elsewhere (other than wish's original story).


The Transience of Memory

Twilight, Cadance, and Discord go fishing in order to remember their loved ones.
This is a great concept, and it's fascinating seeing them react to their old memories like that. I love this way of handling the "Twilight outlives her friends" thing, and it's nice seeing these three bounce off each other.

Also, this is the first time I've seen comments straight up get erased, without even a "this comment was deleted".


Truth in Lace

Rarity is working on something for herself, and Twilight is determined to help.
This was a fantastic look at Rarity and Twilight's relationship. I can related a ton to Twilight's "but I thought this is what you wanted" situation where she singled out the wrong thing to focus on, and it was really sweet how Rarity addressed her concern. Learning about lace was also fascinating; I never really thought about it.


Shadow Within

Alicorns are nothing like they say in the storybooks. It's a shame no one told Twilight before she became one.
Chapter 5
The mechanics behind how alicorns work are really interesting. This is strongly setting up a moment where Twilight accidentally takes up too much from Rarity and I'm not looking forward to that (in a good way). Twilight and Rarity's interactions remain good, and Luna is nicely creepy.


Putting Together The Puzzle Pieces

With summer comes June, with June comes Pride, and with Pride comes feelings long suppressed.
This was great! Interesting to see Cheerilee presented as a transstallion, and that flashback sequence was quite terrible. It's really nice to see Rara accept him.


The First Train Outta Here

The train runs parallel to Apple Fritter's farm, and every day she watches it pass.
Great story that managed to set up this whole setting and make me cheer for Strawberry and Fritter to run away together by the end. It all felt natural for the situation, especially with your evocative descriptions.


Blessed Void

In her dreams, it was always the same. A world of mirrors.
This was a wonderfully evocative way to depict being stuck in indecision, self-doubt, and panic, where it can feel like pain and destruction is the only way out. As another commenter noted, this felt especially raw. Usually colored text feels gimmicky, but it was used fantastically here.


Intricate Feeling

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon talk over lunch.
This was really nice, and it's interesting seeing this happen while they're grown mares. That last line was pretty smooth of Diamond, lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Stream announcement, we're watching
1. Maya and the Three - 8 - The Bat and the Owl
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 1 - Camp Cretaceous
3. Ranma 1/2 - 2 - School Is No Place for Horsing Around
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 2 - Sakura's Wonderful Friend

Starting Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, which I hear is surprisingly good.


Thread full of G5 Mane Six concept art!


So happy that the weird magazine comics are still happening


Whole bunch of Sunsets (note, some are saucy)

SunSet cosplay

Sunset cosplaying anything



Destroyed in a Flurry

It's not a party until the fire department gets called.
Finally got to reading this, and I thought it was amazing! You managed to explore every possible scenario for this set up and did it with a lot of warmth and humor. It was especially nice to see Flurry get along with the other kids, rather than this be a story of all destruction all the time. It made things feel much more real. It was also interesting seeing details of how ponies are working themselves into human society.


The Disney Princess

Disney isn't ready for this princess.
Like the prequel, this was great! It's nice seeing these family interactions continue, along with Flurry just enjoying life. I did feel like this was a bit slower compared to the prequel, though, particularly with Shining having the same issue every day.


Holy White

Twilight just wants to write something that matters.
As usual, this was a great and visceral depiction of getting stuck in a bad mental state. I can definitely relate to staring at a blank page.
G5 YouTube series clip and details


Oct 25, 2017
G5 YouTube series details
An investor presentation included more details about the YouTube series and a clip. As a heads up, the presenter parts are super corporate.

Hasbro 2022 Innovation Showcase – My Little Pony

On March 24, 2022, clips and new information from My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale were shown in the MLP segment of the Hasbro 2022 Innovation Showcase (Ignite...

Voices sound solid, but the animation for the YouTube series ended up looking bad in motion after all.
It does mention the 3D Netflix series will have new content every quarter. I assume it's alternating 45 minute special, 8 or so 20 minute episodes, then 45 minute special, etc.
3-24-22 Camp Cretaceous stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
1. Maya and the Three - 8 - The Bat and the Owl
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 1 - Camp Cretaceous
3. Ranma 1/2 - 2 - School Is No Place for Horsing Around
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 2 - Sakura's Wonderful Friend

With Maya and the Three, we learned the prophecy is actually about the armies of all four kingdoms coming together. Though I expect it'll still just be the named characters that are useful. We also got some nice scenes with Maya and her goddess mother, and an awkward family meal. We actually had someone jump into the stream toward the end of the episode, with it being their first episode of the show. I suppose that point right there is the least confusing late series moment to start.

We started Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous this stream. It starts out with an in-universe video game with less-advanced CGI than the rest of the show, which caused some concern until it went to the real world. It's just setting things up now, but it's decent, has dinosaurs, and gets to use the Jurassic Park music.

Ranma 1/2 was better than the first episode, particularly due to Akane getting a fun scene where she fights off a bunch of boys all attacking with things like tennis rackets. It had an odd cliffhanger where we're just supposed to think that Ranma may have drowned in a pool, I guess. Also, I was a bit confused about whether this episode's school events were all in one day or not.

Cardcaptor Sakura continues to be really charming and fun. Sakura makes cute noises.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1a. MLP G3 - Meet the Ponies - Sweetie Belle's New Cake Party
1b. MLP G3 - Meet the Ponies - Toola-Roola's Mixed-Up Painting Party
1c. MLP G3 - Meet the Ponies - Cheerilee's Sleepover Party
1d. MLP G3 - Meet the Ponies - StarSong's Dance And Sing Party
1e. MLP G3 - Meet the Ponies - Scootaloo's Outdoor Party
2. The Owl House - 212 - Elsewhere and Elsewhen
3. Odd Taxi - 4 - Tanaka's Revolution
4a. Craig of the Creek - 34 - Bug City
4b. Craig of the Creek - 35 - Deep Creek Salvage
5. Amphibia - 306 - Mr. X / Sprig's Birthday
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 179 - Friend or Foe? Star Lights and the Sailor Guardians

People were joking about it before, but we're out of G3 shorts come next stream, which does indeed mean I'll be including Newborn Cuties in April 3rd stream.
3-27-22 Gacha stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
*.PMV: "Time Warp" - YouTube
*.My Little Pony G3 - Opening Theme Song - YouTube
1a. MLP G3 - Meet the Ponies - Sweetie Belle's New Cake Party
1b. MLP G3 - Meet the Ponies - Toola-Roola's Mixed-Up Painting Party
1c. MLP G3 - Meet the Ponies - Cheerilee's Sleepover Party
1d. MLP G3 - Meet the Ponies - StarSong's Dance And Sing Party
1e. MLP G3 - Meet the Ponies - Scootaloo's Outdoor Party
*.PMV: The Quantum Adventures of Sam Buckett and Al Derpyvici in Time and Space - YouTube
2. The Owl House - 212 - Elsewhere and Elsewhen
*.Starlight Glimmer's Time Traveling Snarkventure - YouTube
3. Odd Taxi - 4 - Tanaka's Revolution
*.[MLP Comic Dub] Time Travelin' Pinkie Pie (comedy) - YouTube
4a. Craig of the Creek - 34 - Bug City
4b. Craig of the Creek - 35 - Deep Creek Salvage
*.Time travel makes fools of us all. (Humor, FEAT: Gina-M) - YouTube
5. Amphibia - 306 - Mr. X / Sprig's Birthday
*.'Dance Magic Until The End Of Time (Retro Ver)' - MLP:FIM x Equestria Girls [MASHUP] - YouTube
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 179 - Friend or Foe? Star Lights and the Sailor Guardians

YouTube videos followed a time travel theme, until the last video just followed a time theme.

In G3, we finished up the Meet the Ponies videos, and we're actually approaching the end of what G3 has to offer in general. On my end, it was interesting trying to recognize the pre-existing G3 songs they used as motifs throughout each short. With the caveat that none of these are particularly good, I thought the final three parties were the strongest for changing things up a bit. In particular, StarSong's party featured some nice singing from Kelly Sheridan.

The Owl House featured time travel and I think they handled it fairly smartly. It mainly confirmed things we already suspected, but it was still nice. In particular, we learned the Belos didn't necessarily have a tragic backstory, he was just a British colonialist.

Odd Taxi diverted from the entire taxi driver story to instead warn us of the dangers of gacha, taking your dad's credit card when you're a kid, and trying to win petty popularity contests. This really took people by surprise, but they seemed to find it interesting.

Craig of the Creek was another strong pair of episodes (note that episode numbers are offset due to me jumping ahead last week). The first featured Craig learning that bugs don't appreciate the work that humans do and that birds eat bugs. The second was a nice lesson about cleaning up nature without getting preachy about it, but rather having the kids incidentally do it when trying to do something else, then enjoying the fruits of their unintentional effort.

Amphibia finally brought in the government, with the mysterious FBI agent Mr. X, played by RuPaul of all people, which got a surprised reaction from those in the stream. The first story was a nice showcase of Anne's parents and the second featured nice Sprig and Anne shenanigans.

Sailor Stars featured Haruka and Michiru just appearing without fanfare, which was a surprise to everyone, including me and the Sailor Moon expert who wondered if I was playing the next episode instead (which mentions them right in the title). Anyway, it was a fun cooking episode. I have to say the monsters in this season really suck, though to be fair to the villains, it isn't like they're intentionally making these monsters. Also, Haruka and Michuru spent a scene standing next to a lighthouse! It returns from that one ending! We may unlock the mystery yet.



Water From the Hose

As Twilight and Applejack's wedding approaches, the pair do their best to coax their older brothers into friendship.
Finally got to reading this. This was really sweet, and I could feel the warmth of Big Mac cleaning out Shining's mane. Even if you don't get around to writing more, I think this works well enough as a one-shot.


We Are Forever

In the pilot episode of the Rainboom's reality TV show, the band breaks up -- and it's a plane-wreck before it even hits the air.
This was pretty great, though I wonder if it would have flowed between interview and live segments better without the section breaks. For much of the beginning, I wasn't a fan of how Fluttershy was treated, but she got showcased really well by the end. Her and Twilight's bond was really sweet and was some quality TwiShy. The characters were all presented well overall, though I didn't really get what some gags were going for at times.


White Noise

In the beginning, there was nothing. And then there was something. Mostly regret, on Twilight's part.
This was a nice little absurd story that managed to keep everyone in character, which is especially commendable in cases like this.


Roaring Twenties

As Rarity’s days pass by, all she has to show for them is small town coffee, slow corporate Wi-Fi, and a distant hope for inspiration.
This was really good, and depicted the ennui of being stuck in a small town while your friends have moved on well. Granted, Canterlot as depicted in EQG didn't seem that small, but it's fine to fudge the numbers on that. It was rough seeing Rarity in this state, but it was also easy to see how it happened. That moment of Rarity and Rainbow reuniting with Sunset and Twilight was really nice, and it was a shame to see them go back to their rut after. At least they're pushing back a bit now.

The characterizations were mostly great, though Sweetie didn't come off as someone heading to college, but rather still in her early teens. There were also numerous spelling and grammar mistakes, increasing in the last chapter, but I could tell this came straight from the heart to print, so that's understandable.

Also, good choice of cover art
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Stream announcement, we're watching
1. Maya and the Three - 9 - The Sun and the Moon (END)
2. Ranma 1/2 - 3 - A Sudden Storm of Love
3. Cardcaptor Sakura - 3 - Sakura's Heart-Racing First Date

Maya is 44 minutes, so I'm opting to not show Jurassic World this time.



How to Hug Your Pegasis

It's Siblings Day in Zephyr Heights, and Pipp has a livestream to produce content for. Good thing she has a big sister to hug. Now if only she can find her.
This was really cute! I loved the entire chase and then the apology. The characters were all spot on. However, I did think the sequences after that went on a bit too long. Thinking about it, those bits probably would have worked fine as another story, but the main conflict of the story was already resolved by that point, so I was expecting the story to end soon.


Come Down

But real life doesn’t have endings like movies do; real life doesn’t give you neatly tied ends and closure upon a steady build up. Sometimes, it just ends.
This was a nice story. The main section of the fic feels fine as you're reading it, but then you reach the ending segment and somehow you already feel nostalgic for those times. I can't help but wonder if this story connects to Roaring Twenties.


Everybody Knows

This was a nice creepy story. Given the lack of other provided possibilities, I'll assume this is Rose's self-doubt and hatred.


In Birdsong

Fluttershy can hear the birds singing.
This was wonderfully evocative. The focus on senses of smell and hearing did a ton to sell the horror, and then the feelings of Fluttershy's horn breaking through. All this worked to sell the ambiguity of whether this really happened or if it was a dream.
G5 Tell Your Tale trailer


Oct 25, 2017
3-31-22 Maya and the Three end stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
1. Maya and the Three - 9 - The Sun and the Moon (END)
2. Ranma 1/2 - 3 - A Sudden Storm of Love
3. Cardcaptor Sakura - 3 - Sakura's Heart-Racing First Date

Maya and the Three had a great action finale with a lot of spectacle and heartfelt moments. It is weird how everyone just paired up romantically with little previous hints about reciprocity, though.

Ranma 1/2 would have been a fine episode, if not for the sheer number of flashbacks to things that happened a few minutes ago. I hope that's less common as the show goes on. Anyway, there were fun action sequences and the first complication of someone treating Boy Ranma and Girl Ranma differently.

Cardcaptor Sakura was a fun episode. Highlight was Sakura caring way more about the penguin getting dragged under than the human caretaker.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1a. MLP G3 - Star Song and the Magic Dance Shoes
1b. MLP G3 - Waiting for the Winter Wishes Festival
1c. MLP G3 - Sweetie Belle's Gumball House Surprise
1d. MLP G3 - Pinkie Pie's Ferris Wheel Adventure
1e. MLP G3 - Once Upon a My Little Pony Time (Newborn Cuties) - So Many Different Ways To Play
2. The Owl House - 213 - Any Sport in a Storm
3. Odd Taxi - 5 - Don't Call Me an Idol
4a. Craig of the Creek - 36 - The Shortcut
4b. Craig of the Creek - 37 - Dibs Court
5. Amphibia - 307 - Spider-Sprig / Olivia & Yunan
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 180 - Calling of the Shining Stars: Enter Haruka and Michiru

Newborn Cuties shorts are longer than I expected, at 10 minutes each, so we'll just watch one and that'll be it forever. I decided to go with the seemingly more famous of the two.
4-3-22 Newborn Cuties stream; r/place event


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
*.my little pony Pinkie Pie (PMV) - YouTube
1a. MLP G3 - Star Song and the Magic Dance Shoes
*.My Little Pony G3.5 Intro Song [HD] - YouTube
1b. MLP G3 - Waiting for the Winter Wishes Festival
1c. MLP G3 - Sweetie Belle's Gumball House Surprise
1d. MLP G3 - Pinkie Pie's Ferris Wheel Adventure
1e. MLP G3 - Once Upon a My Little Pony Time (Newborn Cuties) - So Many Different Ways To Play
*.My Little Pony Advertisement 2010 Pinkie Pie's car G3,5 - YouTube
2. The Owl House - 213 - Any Sport in a Storm
*.My little pony Pmv Who says - YouTube
3. Odd Taxi - 5 - Don't Call Me an Idol
*.MLP G3 ♡ Lights (PMV) - YouTube
4a. Craig of the Creek - 36 - The Shortcut
4b. Craig of the Creek - 37 - Dibs Court
*.Friendship is Musical VGM #2 - YouTube
5. Amphibia - 307 - Spider-Sprig / Olivia & Yunan
*.Marcy Theme Song Takeover | Amphibia | Disney Channel Animation - YouTube
*.The Magic of Friendship Grows- a tribute to ALL MLP generations (G1 to G4) - YouTube
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 180 - Calling of the Shining Stars: Enter Haruka and Michiru

Videos followed a G3 theme, with the exception of one new video.

The first episode marked the end of G3 proper, with the following episodes all being G3.5. Compared to all the previous G3 stories, this felt especially kiddy, with most of the runtime being Star Song and Pinkie failing to find shoes and then telling the audience to dance along with them at the end.

G3.5 surprisingly entirely recreates the G3 intro with the new animation style, with some nice transitions that I think make it the superior version.

There were only three normal G3.5 shorts aside from the movie, and the first is a prequel to the movie that even tells kids to buy the movie when it comes out. Given that, I was surprised it had a song of its own. The second short, about Sweetie Belle's house, is a pretty well known one for having a very simple scavenger hunt that the characters take forever to figure out, plus the obvious toy shilling. The last is... also obvious toy shilling, but it is interesting seeing Pinkie act a bit more like G4 Pinkie.

And then there was Newborn Cuties. I think what doesn't come across when people make fun of it or have horrified reactions is just how slow this is. The intro zooming in on Pinkie looking at a photo album and the ending zoom out takes forever, and the characters are slow to do anything. Also they go out of their way to animate as little as they can. As to whether or not it's horrifying, I'd say not really. I wouldn't want to see more, though.

I also want to mention the commercial, which aired in 2010. It's weird to think of how G3 was technically still happening the same year that G4 started.

The Owl House was a nice development episode for Hunter and Willow, which is definitely a pair I didn't expect.

Odd Taxi continued the intrigue with the idol group and we got some hints of inconsistencies in their story.

Craig of the Creek was another fun set of stories. "Dibs Court" and the ironclad argument of dibs, complete with a "dibs court" sting, was a highlight.

Amphibia started with a fun superhero parody, though it did give me some "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" vibes. The antagonist's daughter had nice hair that reminded me of MLP. The second story was mostly alright, until it got to the big shocking ending with Marcy being turned into a Borg queen. The sounds and imagery were particularly horrific for a Disney show.

Sailor Stars was a nice episode with direction that seemed like it was trying to be Ikuhara-like at times. The Outer Sailors attacking the Sailor Star Lights felt really contrived, though.


Video played in the stream, fun new musical video

Friendship is Musical VGM #2

Check out my designs for stickers, t-shirts, and more!TeePublic: https://teepublic.com/user/tridashieRedbubble: https://tridashie.redbubble.com---Intro & out...

Cute Sweetie

Sweetie Belle Middle

What about 200 likes for Scootaloo? LET'S GOOOOOO!Music: Middle - Natalie GangThe What If...? video is on production with the Artemisa Project :D but we need...

Nice animation other than the forced sadness at the end https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPiiO-kNRYA


If you haven't been following r/place over the past days, then there were actually several MLP images in this community art project. They were heavily targeted for destruction, but many lived to the end.

Here's one late image


Here is another one edited to highlight the MLP stuff

That image of the Mane Six and the Mane Five together is particularly remarkable

ED has the images together and also streamers giving up on trying to destroy them

A Collage of The Final My Litttle Pony r/Place Sections, and Some Streamers Giving Up

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media


This identifies all the images in general, though Starlight is erased in this version and one of the Derpys is partially erased

Place Atlas Intitative

Place Atlas Initiative is a group that hosts the r/place Atlas projects and others.



The Hill You Die On

When he asks to meet her parents, Rarity knows her life is over. On principle, of course.
This was really cute, and Rarity's embarrassment at her family felt natural given her tendency toward drama. Soarin and Rarity is a pretty unusual relationship, but it worked here.


Of Rocks and Gems

A quiet evening has a rock considering a gem.
This was lovely! It was really nice to see Maud's view of Rarity and how Rarity is able to appreciate her.


To Stand and Watch the Lake

Clover Leaf likes to come to the lakeside to think.
Oh dang, that was a neat twist. What nice subtle horror with her situation, yet there's also some serenity.


LyraBon Story

Lyra feels weird, gets meta about it, and wastes* Bon Bon and the reader's time⠀⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀. ⠀* what constitutes as "wasting time" is a subjective judgment
This was pretty fun. It gave me some Doctor Who vibes until it became a meta issue.

M-rated but not porn

All the Boys I've Loved Before

Transmasc!Fluttershy dates a lot of men. A story of finding yourself through others.
This was a really nice story that made interesting use of unusual narration and dialogue effects to carry tones. It was neat seeing how they carried different feels from the normal way you'd write them. As for the story itself, I can follow along with Fluttershy's emotions and his reactions to his different relationships, but I can't speak at all to how accurate these are outside of comparisons to other media. On the relationship end, all I can say is I relate to Applejack in this story. On the gender end, it's interesting seeing how Fluttershy acts the same and different from his show version.


Early Sunsets Over Equestria

Applejack is tired. Apple Fritter is dying. Luna is calm and collected. Rainbow Dash is there, but she really isn't sure if she should be.
This was nice and sweet, even with the sad ending. It was interesting seeing all these characters play off each other, including with Luna's odd presence. Honestly, for a period of time, I wondered if Rainbow was just imagining her and she wasn't there, up until other characters talked to her. You did a good job writing Apple Fritter, especially with her being mute in this story.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Tell Your Tale news
I think for the 3D series, Make Your Mark, I'll make a new thread, but the 2D series, Tell Your Tale, is fine in this thread until then.

Tell Your Tale starts tomorrow in the US, but as per usual with MLP, it was put up early in other regions, notably Japan and Korea. They've since been made private, but you can find them uploaded elsewhere. Reactions from those who watched them have been surprisingly positive, or at least not negative.


Oct 25, 2017
Stream announcement, we're watching
1. Sonic Underground - 116 - Friend or Foe?
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 2 - Secrets
3. Ranma 1/2 - 4 - Ranma and... Ranma? If It's Not One Thing, It's Another
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 4 - Sakura's Tiring Sunday

Green Eggs and Ham season 2 won't start in time for this stream, so that left a flex slot. Sonic 2 is coming out (in the US) this weekend and features Knuckles, and I always wanted to see what Sonic Underground was really like (particularly with it being the only US Sonic cartoon to feature Knuckles for ages), so here's the Sonic Underground episode introducing Knuckles.
4-7-22 Sonic Underground stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
1. Sonic Underground - 116 - Friend or Foe?
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 2 - Secrets
3. Ranma 1/2 - 4 - Ranma and... Ranma? If It's Not One Thing, It's Another
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 4 - Sakura's Tiring Sunday

I've been interested in watching Sonic Underground for a while, and I think I'm satisfied. First of all, I knew the intro was surprisingly rocking, but I never knew how hard the ending went. As for the show itself, it's weird as hell that they got Jaleel White to voice Sonic's sister Sonia, but all things considered, it isn't the worst femme voice. Except when she's yelling. Looking it up, I can't find any information about why they went this route. Knuckles had a very unfitting voice that sounded more like it belonged to Sonic; which is especially odd considering he was voiced by Brian Drummond of Ocean dub Vegeta fame. The story was pretty straightforward fare. If the overall story actually progressed, the show might have been interesting, but it doesn't, so. The most shocking thing to me was learning this came out in 1999. I thought for sure it was 1996! Sonic Adventure came out while this was airing! I suppose my confusion came from how I only learned about it on fan sites in 2000 after it ended, and being grouped with the other 90's shows, I assumed it was from around the same time.

Camp Cretaceous episode 2 was pretty solid and had some dinosaur action. Dr. Wu's character deviated heavily from the books, but I suppose Jurassic World already did that.

Ranma was a fun episode, with Kunio just not getting that both Ranmas are the same person.

Cardcaptor Sakura was nice and featured our first anime-original card, Rain, which already felt quite redundant with Watery.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1a. MLP: Tell Your Tale - 1 - A Home to Share
1b. MLP: Tell Your Tale - 2 - Zipp's Flight School
1c. MLP: Tell Your Tale - 3 - Sisters Take Flight
1d. MLP: Tell Your Tale - Nightmare Roomate
2. The Owl House - 214 - Reaching Out
3. Odd Taxi - 6 - Let Me Hear You Say, "What the Hell?"
4a. Craig of the Creek - 38 - The Great Fossil Rush
4b. Craig of the Creek - 40 - Alone Quest
5. Amphibia - 308 - Hollywood Hop Pop / If You Give a Frog a Cookie
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 181 - Seiya and Usagi's Heart-Pounding Date

With the new G5 show starting and with there being 20 minutes worth of material, we can take up the entire first slot with it.

And with Craig of the Creek, we've caught up to the episode we skipped ahead to for Daylight Savings.


Completely forgot to mention earlier, I'm posting about new Tell Your Tale episodes in this thread instead of here

My Little Pony: A New Generation (G5) to get two new Netflix series and specials throughout 2022; everyone is recast

https://www.animationmagazine.net/streaming/my-little-pony-gets-a-double-helping-of-new-series-specials-in-2022/ Hasbro, Inc. debuts all new animated My Little Pony content in 2022 — a weekly YouTube series, a Netflix series and two Netflix Specials — giving fans almost 500 minutes of brand-new...



Tons of New Concept Art Posted by Francesco Denicolo - Including Cut Maretime Bay Destruction By Dark Rainbows

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media

More cool G5 concept art, including an alternate storyline involving dark rainbows



More at both links



Lyra Logs On

Welcome to Ponyville, Population One.
This was an interesting read, and had great visuals. I personally can't relate to the feelings of the fandom emptying or that it was better in the past, even as someone who watched the show from season one, but I can empathize. For me, I was never particularly attached to the actual fandom during the early years, and it was only around 2017 that I connected to particular individuals in it. And I'm largely still interacting with those people, so I have no reason to feel like it's over.


Tricks Up Our Sleeves

Rarity agrees to go on a date with Trixie. It goes better and worse than you think.
This was really cute! It was sweet how Trixie tried to make things work with Rarity and somehow managed to succeed. It was interesting seeing the public faces they put on interact and how they shed them with each other. Which is to say the characterizations were great!


Flight Envy

How does it feel to fly?
Great story! It was really interesting seeing Earth Pony Rainbow look up to Fluttershy like this, and without coming off as overly sad or depressed. She just knows what she wants, and is fine achieving it by getting Fluttershy to appreciate her flight more. It's a cute dynamic.

M-rated fic with NSFW scenes

Stock Imagery

Pinkie Pie's planned a provocative piece, an exhibitionism exhibit. A public stocks, free for anyone to use. The point isn't expecting anyone to really use them: The point is making you think about it. And gosh, do her friends think about it.
Finally got around to reading this, and wow, you did some damn good work with this. I generally don't read NSFW fics or find them appealing, but it's a different beast entirely when it's focused on characterization like this. It was interesting seeing everyone's reactions and they were all characterized really well. The bits of shipping we got were also really nice. And I suppose I should also mention the sexual parts were well done too, especially given they were mainly just thoughts. I particularly liked how what Rarity, Twilight, and Fluttershy actually wanted from sex didn't match their wild fantasies.

It's funny to note how this art exhibit mainly works because of the nature of the show. There's a reasonable expectation that everyone there will be nice and, well, won't be an uggo.
4-10-22 Tell Your Tale start stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
*.Feels Like Home [PMV] - YouTube
1a. MLP: Tell Your Tale - 1 - A Home to Share
1b. MLP: Tell Your Tale - 2 - Zipp's Flight School
1c. MLP: Tell Your Tale - 3 - Sisters Take Flight
1d. MLP: Tell Your Tale - Nightmare Roomate
*.Home | Sunny Starscout Edit ( mlp: new generation ) - YouTube
2. The Owl House - 214 - Reaching Out
*.Spider-Man: No Way Home TRAILER (MLP EG) - YouTube
3. Odd Taxi - 6 - Let Me Hear You Say, "What the Hell?"
*.[PMV] Home! (of Equestria) [MLP FiM] - YouTube
4a. Craig of the Creek - 38 - The Great Fossil Rush
4b. Craig of the Creek - 40 - Alone Quest
*.[MLP Comic Dub] I'm Comin' Home (comedy) - YouTube
5. Amphibia - 308 - Hollywood Hop Pop / If You Give a Frog a Cookie
*.[MLP Comic Dub] Home (comedy) - YouTube
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 181 - Seiya and Usagi's Heart-Pounding Date

YouTube videos followed a home theme.

We got new MLP material to watch! It seems like people enjoyed the shorts well enough.

The Owl House was good. It had nice character development, fun action, and good drama. Having watched ProZD's Danganronpa V3 playthrough recently, Luz's tired look reminded me of Shuichi's look toward the end. Notably, Luz and Amity's romance continues to be presented really well, more than anything mainstream I've ever seen.

Odd Taxi featured the obsessed gacha man holding up a hostess club, difficulties with the comedy duo, and more intersections between the different subplots. It was good.

Craig of the Creek was another good set of stories. The second especially had a lot of cute Kelsey moments.

Amphibia featured Wallace Shawn as a guest star and Webby's VA as a scientist. Both stories were pretty fun.

Sailor Moon featured both fun date sequences and the death of our first underling, Sailor Iron Mouse. Next up, I know everyone was missing Chibiusa, so now meet Chibi Chibi!


Stream announcement, we're watching
1. Green Eggs and Ham - 201 - The Mom Identity
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 3 - The Cattle Drive
3. Ranma 1/2 - 5 - Love Me to the Bone! The Compound Fracture of Akane's Heart
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 5 - Sakura, Panda, and a Cute Shop

Starting Green Eggs and Ham season 2
4-14-22 Green Eggs and Ham season 2 stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
1. Green Eggs and Ham - 201 - The Mom Identity
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 3 - The Cattle Drive
3. Ranma 1/2 - 5 - Love Me to the Bone! The Compound Fracture of Akane's Heart
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 5 - Sakura, Panda, and a Cute Shop

Green Eggs and Ham started not with backflips, but a James Bond style theme, and that matches what happens here. It's rough that they had to make Guy's dream fail in order to get him on this adventure, but otherwise, it was as fun as the first season. I was surprised they found Sam's mother already.

Camp Cretaceous was alright, but it featured a lot of dinosaurs and even quicksand. Plus potential betrayal at the end from the super Southern girl. I don't find the humans too interesting yet, but the dinosaurs really do carry a lot of the weight.

Ranma 1/2 made me realize why fanfics treat Akane hitting Ranma as more than a gag, with him actually getting lasting damage this time, lol. Not to much to say about this aside from that.

Cardcaptor Sakura was a fun episode featuring plushies. It was a copout how Jump's plushie mech just fell over for no particular reason, though. The toy store owner had the same hairstyle as Tomoyo, which made me think they were related, but they aren't.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1a. Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks Shorts - Music to My Ears
1b. Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks Shorts - Guitar Centered
1c. MLP: Pony Life - 1 - Princess Probz
1d. MLP: Tell Your Tale - 5 - Mane Melody
2. The Owl House - 215 - Them's the Break, Kid
3. Odd Taxi - 7 - Trick or Treat
4a. Craig of the Creek - 41 - Memories of Bobby
4b. Craig of the Creek - 42 - Jacob of the Creek
5. Amphibia - 309 - Froggy Little Christmas
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 182 - Invaders from Outer Space: The Coming of Siren

With just one Tell Your Tale short this week and presumably from now on, I needed other things to fill the time. I was initially going to have just one Equestria Girls short to go with Pony Life, but I realized they're actually half the length of Tell Your Tale shorts, so I'm including two instead.


Some more A New Generation production art

Visual Development


At the time stamp, holy shit, looking at this 2010 music video, it's so easy to see why Equestria Girls happened

A Deep Dive Into Monster High

Get your first purchase from Blueland for 20% off by clicking my link https://bit.ly/3wWMNPN Now shipping to the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia & New Zeal...

Like that's literally the "Helping Twilight Sparkle Win the Crown" music video. Song itself.

"Fright Song" Official Music Video | Monster High

Check out the official music video for "Fright Song," the original Monster High theme song! Sing along with live-action and animated versions of Draculaura a...

For comparison

Equestria Girls - 'Friendship is Magic' Live Action Music Video

👀Watch more Pony Life episodes: https://bit.ly/MorePonyLife❤️ Subscribe to the My Little Pony Channel: http://bit.ly/SubtoMLP Welcome to the official home o...



An Hour Is Enough

While waiting for her next train, Lightning Dust meets a new 'acquaintance'
This was really fun, and it was nice seeing these characters all play off each other. The bits of history between them were neat details too.


Slice of (Apple) Life

Lightning Dust travels to Ponyville to meet with a fan she met during one of her shows.
I wouldn't have thought a story focused almost entirely on preparing a pie would be this enjoyable. This was pretty sweet.


The Quills and Sofas Exquisite Corpse

Vapor Trail must go on an adventure to save Sky Stinger from certain doom, accompanied by a strange band of allies. Or something. I don't know, this was a mess.
Chapter Five (TheDriderPony) ·

And thus Sky Stinger's injuries were lost. Remarkably little was lost until now.

Chapter Six (_Moonshot) ·

Haha what a nonsense twist, that's great! Midnight completely forgot about the fake package plan and Sky Stinger is brought before the mysterious masked pony he never met before.

Chapter Seven (Lofty Withers) ·

Figured that after The Smiling Mask got that name that they'd eventually turn into Pinkie. Didn't expect this prank twist though. Oh that Pinkie, what a jokester, torturing Sky like that.

Chapter Eight (Shaslan) ·

Damn, what has Pinkie been doing?

Epilogue (Lofty Withers) ·

Ah, kind of a shame this went for a non-ending. It was still coherent enough that a proper ending would have been straightforward. Overall, I liked this a lot. If I wasn't already, I'd definitely go for a dramatic premise for my next exquisite corpse.

M-rated fic with NSFW scenes; it's harder than the last one I posted, so I won't have a proper link
This was really sweet. I loved seeing Twilight be so confident while Rarity was, well, overwhelmed; followed by the turnabout when Twilight becomes a stallion. It was really neat how you incorporated Twilight working through their gender fluidity and Rarity's support. I mentioned in my comment for Stock Imagery that I'm generally not a fan of NSFW stories, and part of that's because detailed sex scenes make me uncomfortable. That was the case here, alas, but I still enjoyed the story overall.

Oh! And I forgot to mention earlier, I completed RariTwi: Love is War at last! The whole story is here.

RariTwi: Love is War

Rarity and Twilight are in love. Now if only they could get the other to admit it. Inspired by the anime/manga Kaguya-sama: Love is War.


New Agrol dropped last week; good Rarity showcase, though note there's some blood

The God of Ponies [Animation]

The strongest unicorn is beautifulhttp://agrol.tumblr.comMusic: Phelanhik — https://youtube.com/channel/UCwPCdduycwmo-fVOnaRhytwPatreon supporters:Katharine ...

Real rollercoaster of a song. Turn captions on.

Welcome to Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee animatic || MLP Mane 6 [by 清水母鸡水母君]

[Bilibili repost]Are you happy? Are you treating your friendships seriously? Friendship is your duty! Are you doing your duties? Hope you are! Else...BGM: Ut...

Short PMV

【🅿🅼🆅】𝙎𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙁𝙡𝙮

Hello, everyone.This is my new PMV.I hope you like it.Tip:60 frames viewing experience is better

Cute Rainbow animation for... I guess her birthday was on April 14?

Happy Birthday, Rainbow Dash [by 瑞卡戴安]

[Bilibili repost]Do you know that April 14 is Rainbow Dash's birthday?https://www.deviantart.com/rikadiane/art/Happy-Birthday-to-Dashie-913006154https://www....

Short YouTube Poop for Tell Your Tale

[YTP] Trail Your Blazer

Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4XP_aqbjYk
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017

Police Interrogations: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver discusses the tactics that can make police interrogations so damaging, particularly for the innocent, and why he’s more of a Lorelai than a Rory....

At the start and a bit in, we got clips from "Party of One" in this week's Last Week Tonight, of Pinkie interrogating Spike. It's first part of a montage of interrogations on TV, and later used as an example of how they tend to go with Spike saying he'll tell her what she wants to hear.



New KFC Generation 5 Figures Revealed in Indonesia

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media

Zipp just gets a cutout v_v


Cute animation

Twilight Goes To Moon || MLP Animatic (feat. 4everfreebrony)

Thank you to 4everfreebrony for voicing this for me! Check out his channel! https://m.youtube.com/user/4everfreebronyI posted a "fanfic" that I wrote several...
4-17-22 Siren stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
*.MLP ANIMATION The Sirens' Call (Equestria Girls Dazzlings Song) - YouTube
1a.My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks EXCLUSIVE Short - 'Music to My Ears' - YouTube
1b.My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks EXCLUSIVE Short - 'Guitar Centered' - YouTube
1c. MLP: Pony Life - 1 - Princess Probz
1d.My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale | MANE MELODY | Full Episode - YouTube
*.[YTP] Trail Your Blazer - YouTube
2. The Owl House - 215 - Them's the Breaks, Kid
*.Happy Birthday, Rainbow Dash [by 瑞卡戴安] - YouTube
3. Odd Taxi - 7 - Trick or Treat
*.【🅿🅼🆅】𝙎𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙁𝙡𝙮 - YouTube
4a. Craig of the Creek - 41 - Memories of Bobby
4b. Craig of the Creek - 42 - Jacob of the Creek
*.MLP Comic Dub - Irresistible Charm (Comedy) - YouTube
5. Amphibia - 309 - Froggy Little Christmas
*.Siren Call [PMV] - YouTube
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 182 - Invaders from Outer Space: The Coming of Siren

Videos followed a siren theme, mainly due to the Sailor Stars episode introducing Sailor Aluminum Siren, but also because we're rewatching the Rainbow Rocks shorts. Well, half the videos were just unthemed new ones.

For the EQG shorts, the DJ-PON3 music video was fun, though the choices of visuals are odd at time, and there are some pretty bad move cycles. I had forgotten how it ended. The second short, about Rainbow and Trixie, was also fun, though the rock off was worse than what you'd see in Reboot with Bob vs. Megabyte.

Going back to Pony Life, even with this weak first story, it's easy for me to appreciate the art direction (particularly the backgrounds) and BGM, and how much fun the VAs are having.

The Owl House was a nice flashback episode, which conveniently didn't require much continuity knowledge for people just joining the stream here.

Odd Taxi was set in Halloween and introduced Yano at last. His dubbed rapping was alright, but I suppose even in Japanese, he was just speak rapping anyway. We get some strong hints here that Odokawa views the world differently than everyone else. I wonder what that means.

Craig of the Creek was another fun set of episodes, particularly the first with some nice short stories that barely involve Bobby (who incidentally is different from Big Time Bobby). The second story would have been good if not for the horrifying reveal of what Craig's head looks like under his hair. Why is it concave?

Amphibia had a nice Christmas special, featuring a song by Rebecca Sugar but not featuring any references to Jesus. Funnily, they do include a rambling explanation of the pagan roots of Christmas. Anyway, it was a sweet story that ultimately included a fight against a giant robot Santa.

Sailor Stars had a lot happen, including the introduction of the mysterious Chibi Chibi who sneaks into Usagi's family the same way Chibi-Usa did; two new villains with a "rivalry" of sorts, Sailor Aluminum Siren and Sailor Lead Crow, who have a cute relationship; and Sailor Pluto randomly showing up to confirm Chibi Chibi isn't another Usagi daughter. Still no one figured out that Mamoru has been dead for a while, though. Anyway, it was a good episode.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1. Green Eggs and Ham - 202 - Tinker Tailor Mother Spy
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 4 - Things Fall Apart
3. Ranma 1/2 - 6 - Akane's Lost Love... These Things Happen, You Know
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 6 - Sakura and Memories of Her Mother

And yes, that Camp Cretaceous title indicates that the events of Jurassic World start happening


Neglected to post this before

3 Page Preview for "My Little Pony: Izzy Comes Home" Releases!

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media

That panel of them looking into each other's eyes
July 2022 solicitation


Oct 25, 2017
July comic solicitation

My Little Pony #3

(Writer) Celeste Bronfman
(Artist) Robin Easter
(Cover artist) JustaSuta


With Discord on the loose, Izzy, Sunny, and Pipp hunker down to look for clues! And Detective Zipp is on the case, too, right? Well... not when Queen Haven is away at a royal conference and needs a babysitter for her beloved Cloudpuff. But Zipp ends up pulling double duty when Cloudpuff goes missing, too! Enlisting Hitch and his critter-whispering prowess, Zipp and Hitch set out to find Cloudpuff before Queen Haven returns. And hopefully dig up a clue or two on Discord while they're at it.
Release date: Jul 27, 2022

Surprised they're straight up bringing back Discord in the comic. Though I wonder if (1) it's really him, or (2) he isn't being himself. It strikes me as odd that the synopsis would mention him but he isn't on the cover. Plus, I'm surprised there's a B plot given that.



MightyJaxx Kwistal Fwenz Series 2 Set for June 22nd! Princesses, Maud, Lyra, and More

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media


Got Starlight with a kite and Maud with Boulder
4-21-22 Things Fall Apart stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
1. Green Eggs and Ham - 202 - Tinker Tailor Mother Spy
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 4 - Things Fall Apart
3. Ranma 1/2 - 6 - Akane's Lost Love... These Things Happen, You Know
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 6 - Sakura and Memories of Her Mother

Green Eggs and Ham continued its world touring spy adventure story, with scenes reminiscent of Raiders of the Lost Arc and even The Lion King. Guy's involvement in the story feels pretty forced, though.

Camp Cretaceous reached the events of the Jurassic World movie earlier than I expected, with Indominus Rex escaping. It's pretty funny that this kids show has the Indominus eat people and it's fine as long as it just shows people reacting and not the guy going into its mouth. The drama between the kids seems pretty forced at this point, but it isn't terrible. I feel like they could have handled the drama of the park losing control in a more, well, dramatic way, but it isn't the worst.

Ranma 1/2 introduced Dr. Tofu's goofy side and had some cute moments with Ranma and Akane, but the series definitely feels like it needs more to it soon. Thankfully next episode we're getting Ryoma to mix things up.

Cardcaptor Sakura had some nice emotional moments about Sakura's mother, though wow, that girl really falls off cliffs easily, huh. Also her crush saw her float to the ground and doesn't think anything of it, I guess.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1a. Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks Shorts - Hamstocalypse Now
1b. Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks Shorts - Pinkie on the One
1c. MLP: Pony Life - 2 - The Best of the Worst
1d. MLP: Tell Your Tale - 6 - The Unboxing of Izzy
2. The Owl House - 216 - Hollow Mind
3. Odd Taxi - 8 - Bless You
4a. Craig of the Creek - 203 - Return of the Honeysuckle Rangers
4b. Craig of the Creek - 204 - Kelsey the Elder
5. Amphibia - 310 - Escape to Amphibia
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 183 - The Screaming Dead: Terror of the Camp Monster

I didn't even notice, but we actually started season 2 of Craig of the Creek last week. The episode with Kelsey having fun alone in the creek was the season 1 finale, and the stuff with Bobby was the season 2 premiere. It looks like seasons 2 and 3 have more obvious season finales. Airing breaks weren't tied to seasons until the season 3-4 break, but rather happened at random moments, it seems; season 1 and 2 aired right after each other

With us in season 2, Craig of the Creek is going a bit more into LORE now. And in Amphibia, last week was the mid season finale, so now we're in the second half of the final season.


Oct 25, 2017

New Pony Life Cafe Pops Up In Singapore

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media


Pretty neat, though a lot of meat


M-rated fic with NSFW scenes
This was really cute! It was nice seeing their daily life together and then seeing them finally get together, including their surprise at just how much the other liked them. I generally have a hard time imagining Pinkie as being, well, sexually active, This did a great job presenting that without feeling weird or making Pinkie feel out of character.


When Ponies Fly

Earth-pony Twilight Sparkle has always been a little "out there". But while testing her latest crazy idea, she finds that there are places even farther than that...
This was pretty fun, and a neat implementation of the old concept leaks for G5 (plus the now-released concept art). The concept of jumping from one "star" to another to travel between worlds is actually similar to a video game crossover fic I wrote ages ago, and also gives me Kingdom Hearts vibes. Clearly Twilight's next innovation will be the Gummy Ship. The depiction of the pegasus world was pretty cool, and the characters were depicted well.


Two Nerds Walk Into a Bookstore

Sunburst and Stygian have been dating for a while. Follow them on one of their dates, and just... be happy, for two ponies who've found love.
This was really cute!, and I loved the mix of nerding out with cuddling. You did well with both aspects.



Silverstream sees the remains of her home.
This was really neat, and I loved how the worldbuilding worked out. The idea of Silverstream coming back after the Storm King's attack and having no idea what happened is fascinating, and the memory orbs are cool. The character writing was good, including how it incorporated their changes in history.

M-rated fic with NSFW scenes (sequel to the previous one, in fact)
This was really cute, and it was great seeing Pinkie being so supportive of Twi while she was worried. I wonder if I should cut felt with scissors...


Beating Hearts, Crumbling Walls

Chrysalis and Celestia have a heart to heart.
This was sweet and cute. It was interesting to see Chrysalis categorize this love differently from the love she absorbs.


Forever Fell Short

You never know how much you need something until you lose it. You never know how much you love it, until you get it back.
This was really interesting. I went in thinking that Derpy's Rebounds would be like the Washouts, but what it actually was makes a lot more sense for her character. The great thing about this role swap in general was how everyone still felt right despite their different paths in life, and it made sense for Lightning Dust to injure herself and fear flying.

M-rated fic with NSFW scenes
Having not read the first story, this was really cute and it was fun seeing them stubbornly stumble around in the dark.
4-24-22 Escape to Amphibia stream


Oct 25, 2017
Forgot to click "Post Reply" yesterday.

Stream followup, we watched
*.Stick Together 100K MAP (ft. Singalek) - YouTube
1a.My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks EXCLUSIVE Short - 'Hamstocalypse Now' - YouTube
1b.My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks EXCLUSIVE Short - 'Pinkie on the One' - YouTube
1c. MLP: Pony Life - 2 - The Best of the Worst
1d.My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale | THE UNBOXING OF IZZY | Full Episode - YouTube
*.Pay No Mind | PMV Collab - YouTube
2. The Owl House - 216 - Hollow Mind
*.[MLP Comic Dub] Adorkable Twilight in 'Mind Full' (comedy) - YouTube
3. Odd Taxi - 8 - Bless You
*.PMV-Dua Lipa-Blow Your Mind. - YouTube
4a. Craig of the Creek - 203 - Return of the Honeysuckle Rangers
4b. Craig of the Creek - 204 - Kelsey the Elder
*.MLP:FiM MV: Sonic Rainboom + Clear Mind - YouTube
5. Amphibia - 310 - Escape to Amphibia
*.[MLP PMV] Garden of her Mind - YouTube
*.My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - 'Rarity's Biggest Fan' 💎 Official Short - YouTube
*.My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - 'Ail-icorn' 🌡️ Official Short - YouTube
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 183 - The Screaming Dead: Terror of the Camp Monster

There was an issue with Sailor Stars that resulted in me playing additional videos before it. Otherwise, videos followed a "mind" theme. The starting video was there just because I meant to include it in a stream but kept forgetting; it was also helpful because there weren't that many mind videos.

Rainbow Rocks shorts were alright, with the first at least having weirdness with the hamsters. Pony Life was just alright too, though I always remember this episode being worse than it is. The Tell Your Tale episode was pretty fun.

The Owl House had a really nice episode, confirming common suspicions about Belos and also providing some tantalizing hints about his past.

Odd Taxi featured the different plots developing, including Odokawa conspiring against Dobu. He gets away with this a bit too easily, but I know that won't be too big an issue. Also, hints regarding the special way Odokawa views the world became obvious enough for people to take notice.

Craig of the Creek started with some returning threats and bits of lore; plus some very good male friends. I loved the tidbit that the other side of the creek (more like upstream, but whatever) is ruled by a king with an iron fist... between 3 PM and dinnertime. The second episode was fun and filled with references to older Cartoon Network shows like SWAT Kats and even an acknowledgment that this show is similar to Codename: Kids Next Door.

Amphibia brought back every Earth character from this season (that isn't in jail) for a big farewell to that setting. This was a pretty packed episode, but unlike the season 2 finale, it didn't feel rushed, and it was a lot of fun.

Sailor Stars was a decent episode, and interesting for starting off with monster creation that the girls come across later, but it wasn't that great. Also notably features the Three Lights topless and definitely being male in their human disguises.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1. Green Eggs and Ham - 203 - Goldenguy
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 5 - Happy Birthday, Eddie!
3. Ranma 1/2 - 7 - Enter Ryoga! The Eternal 'Lost Boy'
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 7 - Sakura's First Attempt as a Thief
4-28-22 Ryoga stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
1. Green Eggs and Ham - 203 - Goldenguy
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 5 - Happy Birthday, Eddie!
3. Ranma 1/2 - 7 - Enter Ryoga! The Eternal 'Lost Boy'
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 7 - Sakura's First Attempt as a Thief

Green Eggs and Ham turned up the references to other Seuss stories, including the primary conflict of the involved nations being over eating toast butter side up or down. The very slow lie detection sequences were pretty fun. The episode was solid overall.

It's pretty crazy how many deaths Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous has had, given it's for kids. It even seems crueler with deaths than the movies; the movies didn't have a character get eaten on his birthday. The lead characters themselves still aren't interesting, but this show has pretty good dinosaur sequences.

Ranma 1/2 introduced another character I've heard about, Ryoga. I knew about his gimmick of getting lost, but I hadn't anticipated they'd go in so hard on it from his first appearance. This was pretty fun.

Cardcaptor Sakura was a solid episode. The puzzle of getting this card without making a noise was interesting, though with Sakura's use of Shadow here, it seems like it should make capturing the other cards trivial. I'm sure it'll be more complicated than that though. More importantly, next up is what Kids WB aired as the first episode, introduced who they considered the real main character.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1a. Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks Shorts - Player Piano
1b. Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks Shorts - A Case for the Bass
1c. MLP: Pony Life - 3 - How Applejack Got Her Hat Back
1d. MLP: Tell Your Tale - 7 - Clip Trot
2. The Owl House - 217 - Edge of the World
3. Odd Taxi - 9 - The Hero's Melancholy
4a. Craig of the Creek - 205 - Sour Candy Trials
4b. Craig of the Creek - 206 - Fort Williams
5. Amphibia - 311 - Commander Anne / Sprivy
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 184 - A Night Alone Together: Usagi in Danger

We're now halfway through Sailor Stars, with 17 episodes left including this.


We got a video of the beginning part of the G5 game!

My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure Gameplay Part 1 (PS4, Switch, XB1)

This is a preview of My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure on PS4For the full game and walkthrough, please check the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/pla...

It... well, looks like an old licensed game. And I'm fine with that.


This has G5 background ponies

New My Little Pony: Mini World Magic Mini Equestria Collection Listed on Amazon as an Exclusive

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media


Oh dang, Sprout's legal name is Deputy Sprout; his mom really had a job for him in mind
Also, Pipp is Princess Petals for some reason
Got Sherbet Sunset and Watermelon Shimmer right next to each other


Animation with really cute Fluttershy art


Hi everyone, Oofy here. I finally updated after so long.I heard StrawberrySana's English Cover and decided to make Fluttershy's version (big thanks to Sana f...

Short animation

"I hope my sister's troubles will disappear forever!" #short [by 鱼海捞针]

[Bilibili repost]"Huh!"----Subscribe for weekly (or more) uploads from within the Chinese Internet! YouTube is not accessible from within China, and navigati...
5-1-22 A Night Alone Together stream


Oct 25, 2017
1a.My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks EXCLUSIVE Short - 'Player Piano' - YouTube
1b.My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks EXCLUSIVE Short - 'A Case for the Bass' - YouTube
1c. MLP: Pony Life - 3 - How Applejack Got Her Hat Back
1d.My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale | Clip Trot | Full Episode - YouTube
*."I hope my sister's troubles will disappear forever!" #short [by 鱼海捞针] - YouTube
*.Alone ( PMV) - YouTube
2. The Owl House - 217 - Edge of the World
*."Not Alone" by Valkyrie-Girl MLP: FiM Comic Dub (Feat. ObabScribbler) - YouTube
3. Odd Taxi - 9 - The Hero's Melancholy
*."Do It Alone" MLP Comic Reading - YouTube
4a. Craig of the Creek - 205 - Sour Candy Trials
4b. Craig of the Creek - 206 - Fort Williams
*.PMV (MLP) - Alone - YouTube
5. Amphibia - 311 - Commander Anne / Sprivy
*.My Little Pony-Never Gonna Be Alone (PMV) - YouTube
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 184 - A Night Alone Together: Usagi in Danger

These Rainbow Rocks shorts reminded me of the odd fact that the initial Rainbow Rocks trailer only included footage of the shorts, starting with "Player Piano". The trailer never says it's for shorts, but I wonder if perhaps they simply didn't have any movie footage ready. We know there were last minute changes to it, including giving Sunset a bigger role (she originally was more or less a cameo). As for the shorts themselves, "Player Piano" has fun Rarity moments, though it's still super weird that the Diamond Dogs are humans yet dragons are dogs. "A Case for the Bass" is alright, notable for the first appearance of EQG Flim and Flam. Also no one else caring about the girls ponying up.

With Pony Life, the synth music playing when the alt ponies (Derek, Matt, and Matt) show up is pretty nice. This episode has the best title card of the series, with photorealistic Applejack, and it's a pretty fun story. This was the first one to show the real potential of Pony Life, with offbeat stories showing off the quirks of the girls and fun side characters.

The Owl House was another good episode, pulling the classic "common fan theory seems to get disproven, but then it turns out that was the fake out, and it really was the common fan theory" development. Also, lots of "you know, for kids!" moments with attempted child sacrifice and evidence of previous child murders.

Odd Taxi wrapped up several storylines, including Kakihana's rescue and the hunt for Dobu. It was pretty satisfying for that reason. Still more to do, though.

Craig of the Creek had a fun mindtrip episode about trying to finish sour candy, and it had an amazing ending gag ("I can see them too, Craig." "What?"). The second was a nice bonding episode with Craig's mom, similar to that Community pillow fort episode.

Amphibia brought things back to, well Amphibia, and we're in a surprisingly Sonic SatAM situation, which I'm 80% sure is intentional, with the residents of Wartwood fighting robots. The first story had some nice development for Sasha, along with her relationship with Anne. The second was pretty fun and cute. In retrospect, I do think staying in this status quo for as long as it does was a mistake, and it would have been better to go from Anne returning to the final battle more quickly, but these episodes aren't bad.

Sailor Moon was a fun sitcom story, but the real humor comes from the issues of having to fight inside Usagi's house with a ton of people there. They've done this sort of gag before, but hearing things fall over as the stock Sailor Moon speech plays was great. Also, we get stock scenes like Seiya coming out of the shower, exposing a weird thing with how the Starlights are written. It could be progressive that their human forms are written 100% as though they were normal male characters, but it kind of feels as though the episode writers didn't actually know what's going on with them. Not complaining really, it's just sort of odd.


Bronies mentioned at the timestamp, though the focus of this segment is much more on Rick & Morty

The Rise and Fall of Geek Culture

On the 2010s geek boom, where we're at now, and what happens when your character dies in DND. Visit http://www.curiositystream.com/sarahz and get thousands o...


Oct 25, 2017
Stream announcement, we're watching
1. Green Eggs and Ham - 204 - Three Days of the Mom-dor
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 6 - Welcome to Jurassic World
3. Ranma 1/2 - 8 - School Is a Battlefield! Ranma vs. Ryoga
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 8 - Sakura's Rival Appears

We're watching what was aired as the first episode of Cardcaptors on Kids WB. Know that while I was tempted, I won't be airing the Kids WB version.


Long story, but it's a quick read


Eager for more answers about Equestria's ancient history, Sunny Starscout uses one of her dad's maps to venture into a long-untouched forest in search of the past.
This was a really nice story. It was fascinating seeing the ponies try to parse out what everything they come across means, and it puts into perspective how much actual archeology is missing and can't ever learn. The plot progression was nice and cozy, and I'm glad there wasn't some big threat in the end.


Lies We Tell Ourselves

Applejack looked in the mirror. A stranger looked back.
This was a really nice story. It was interesting seeing Applejack talk things through with Twilight. As intended, the scene with Rarity was pretty shocking. I can see Rarity wanting to rip the bandage off, but it was still surprising seeing her be so blunt. At least she's still willing to be part of the throuple with Applejack, even if they aren't linked.


Mistakes We Make

There are some people worth fighting for.
This was really nice, and everyone's roles in the story felt appropriate, including Rainbow being so protective. Nice to see some SunShy and aro Rainbow too. Fluttershy could have taken the time to put on a coat, though >_>



Sunset Shimmer knows Equestrian religion is false. She has her doubts about human religions, too. As always, she turns to her friends for help. Unfortunately for Sunset, her six friends have six rather different ideas about what lies above.
Through chapter 6, Wednesday
Chapter 1

So all these downvotes are over... what, portraying Judaism at all?

Really nice start, and it's interesting seeing Twilight's perspective of religion. I wonder what the Drama tag is about...

Chapter 6

Sorry I haven't been able to comment on the previous chapters; I had been reading them when they came out, but I hadn't gotten to writing comments.

Going in, I was expecting everyone to have a completely different religion. The choice to have two Christians and a former Christian worked to explore different relationships with religions, since they're easier to compare directly. You did well covering the judgmental aspects of religion through Rarity and especially Fluttershy, while still making them feel in character; though for Fluttershy, it definitely felt like discovering her dark side. At least the latest chapter shows that Fluttershy isn't quite committed to her belief that everyone else is going to hell. I will agree with a previous comment that having Applejack be an atheist because she's scornful of God was awkward, since that's the favored atheist of Christian movies like God's Not Dead (since they can easily convert back in the story), but I appreciated the representation of self-destructively fanatical religion in her backstory.

It was neat seeing Sunset try to figure things out from what the others were telling her, including her missteps with Rainbow, and then Pinkie upending everything she and the others thought they knew.


The Call of the Waves

Yona joins Sandbar and Silverstream on an epic ocean voyage to find the mysterious sea dragons. Can Yona overcome her crippling fear of deep water in the process?
This was really nice, and it was great seeing Sandbar, Yona, and Silverstream interact and deal with Yona's fears, plus their own relationships. I was pretty surprised there were actual new species discoveries in the story; I do think the meeting with the other seaponies felt out of place, but the sea serpent and turtle bits did well in showing off the wonders of the ocean.
5-5-22 Cardcaptors Start stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
1. Green Eggs and Ham - 204 - Three Days of the Mom-dor
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 6 - Welcome to Jurassic World
3. Ranma 1/2 - 8 - School Is a Battlefield! Ranma vs. Ryoga
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 8 - Sakura's Rival Appears

Green Eggs and Ham had some fun spy stuff, a blob attack that definitely didn't result in anyone getting hurt, and the start of a starcrossed romance. Guy still seems out of place in this story, but at least EB is getting a subplot.

Camp Cretaceous featured some more nice dinosaur sequences, including with the mosasaurus i the big pool. There's a fair amount of character drama that I didn't find engrossing. Per the title, the kids get to the central hub of Jurassic World, but find that no one is there. The events of the film didn't go on for that long, so I wonder how this show will handle that.

Ranma featured a pretty well-animated fight with Ryoga, though I was annoyed by the big where Akane tells Ranma that he can't beat Ryoga in his girl form. I forgot to note this earlier, but Girl Ranma's English VA changed last episode. She seems fine. The episode ends with Akane getting much of her hair sliced off, which I understand is a permanent design change. It's going to be weird seeing her still with long hair in the OP and ED. At least the OP will change, unlike other contemporary shows.

Cardcaptor Sakura introduced who Kids WB considered the real main character, Syaoran. He marks an interesting development in the story and already plays off well with Sakura. Plus there's that moment where Sakura's brother was ready to beat up a little kid. Anyway, this episode wouldn't work at all as a first episode.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1a. Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks Shorts - Shake Your Tail
1b. Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks Shorts - A Perfect Day for Fun
1c. MLP: Pony Life - 4 - Cute-Pocalypse Meow
1d. MLP: Tell Your Tale - 8 - Foal Me Once
2. The Owl House - 218 - Labyrinth Runners
3. Odd Taxi - 10 - We Have No Tomorrow
4. Craig of the Creek - 207-8 - The Other Side
5. Amphibia - 312 - Sasha's Angels / Olm Town Road
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 185 - Taiki's Song Filled with Passion and Faith

Got a Craig of the Creek two-parter



Interesting New Vectors Released For Generation 5

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media


These are pretty nice
5-8-22 The Other Side stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
*.PrinceWhateverer - Shallow Naivety 2022 [MLP ANIMATION] ft. Frozen - YouTube
1a.My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks 'Shake your Tail!' EXCLUSIVE Short - YouTube
1b.My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks EXCLUSIVE Short - 'Perfect Day for Fun' - YouTube
1c. MLP: Pony Life - 4 - Cute-Pocalypse Meow
1d.My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale | Foal Me Once | Full Episode - YouTube
*.Derpy With A Knife - YouTube
2. The Owl House - 218 - Labyrinth Runners
*.I am the man || humanized Rainbow Dash [by 阿白不知道要取什么名] - YouTube
3. Odd Taxi - 10 - We Have No Tomorrow
*.Friends on the Other Side PMV - YouTube
4. Craig of the Creek - 207-8 - The Other Side
*.The Other Side PMV - YouTube
5. Amphibia - 312 - Sasha's Angels / Olm Town Road
*.[PMV] Shooting Star - YouTube
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 185 - Taiki's Song Filled with Passion and Faith

Most of the videos were new, which I'll link below. There were two "other side" videos, and I made sure to avoid the EQG song, which was easier than I expected.

We reached the Rainbow Rocks songs, and they were decent. I noticed that the sound quality didn't seem that great for these official uploads.

This Pony Life episode is notable for having some pretty nice tracks, including at the gym and during the cute-off. The episode itself is nice, but wasn't as good overall as I remembered.

The Owl House was a good episode, and managed to achieve it without Luz, Eda, or King. Also Gus got a showcase episode without being overshadowed.

Odd Taxi featured attempted murder and a very strange rescue; I still don't know how Shirakawa knew where Odokawa was. And we got a title drop, with Dobu's plan being titled Odd Taxi! Not much of the series left.

Craig of the Creek advanced the lore with our first look at The Other Side and its king. One stream viewer commented that CotC continues to have the best lore of the shows we're streaming. I will say that while I get the entire thing where the characters act like weak attacks hurt, the bit with them acting like they were handcuffed when it was just a guy saying "click" was a bit much.

Amphibia was a decent set of stories, both bringing back unexpected sets of characters; the olms especially for being major lore characters now. These stories did demonstrate a SatAM nature to them, with each victory not pushing the needle either way.

Sailor Moon was an alright one, featuring the stock sick kid in the hospital story, but it did serve to advance the story slightly, and hey, one of the few times the Sailor Guardians who were already on the scene defeated the monster without help from late arrivals. Also, it was odd that the monster, Sailor Doctor, wore a cross.


Nice song with accompanying animation

PrinceWhateverer - Shallow Naivety 2022 [MLP ANIMATION] ft. Frozen

READ THE DESC FOR THE LOVE OF HORSE!!🔻 === S T U F F === 🔻The first in a series of animatics/animations we have in the works huehuehue hope you're ready!! ...

Funny animation

Derpy With A Knife

The ditzy little pony Derpy has a knife now... Well... we wanted to do a "tragic" video for a change ;-)Please consider supporting us on Patreon: https://www...

Some nice Rainbow art here

I am the man || humanized Rainbow Dash [by 阿白不知道要取什么名]

[Bilibili repost](with a dash of #Appledash )The costumes are all from the MLP show. Can you recognize them all?----Subscribe for weekly (or more) uploads fr...

Good PMV

[PMV] Shooting Star

Nice song

[Prog House] Reunite - A Tribute to the brony fandom

and here it comes. This one took me 100+ hrs and I've tried my best mixing this... at least I tried.Nevertheless, it's finally here! Links below:Soundcloud: ...

Nice Rarity art here

Neoni - DARKSIDE // Animation Meme

Sorry for the waiting :0Original Song: Neoni - DARKSIDEOriginal meme by: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_isaEhwRGKoThanks for watching.

Nice short animation

Who knows the name of the flower lost in mist? || Fluttershy #short [by 秋季糕]

[Bilibili repost]隠された花の名を誰が知っているでしょう"Who knows the name of The flower lost in mist?"BGM: 女生徒--藤井久美https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2bDVJRkzSs----Subscribe fo...

Good music

【Music】there's a pony and sea's selling sea shells

“throughout this trip, it felt like there was nonstop talking in my head. i don’t know what was even being said, but everything always felt so crowded. the c...


Oct 25, 2017
Stream announcement, we're watching
1. Green Eggs and Ham - 205 - To Yookia With Love
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 7 - Last Day of Camp
3. Ranma 1/2 - 9 - True Confessions! A Girl's Hair is Her Life!
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 9 - Sakura and the Mysterious Brooch



Happy For You – Hollow Shades

This story is a sequel to “Nothing To Forgive”. I wish I was heartless and kept you as mineI wish it were my hands that held you at nightBut al…
This was fantastic and heartbreaking. I could feel Twilight's pain as she realized too late what she was missing out on, especially as she realized what she had done to Rarity before. I reread Nothing to Forgive before this, and the parallels made it hit all the harder.
I admit I was a bit confused at the divorce, wondering if Twilight and Rarity were previously married, but I quickly got this was after the duke wedding in the previous story.
So can we presume you're sticking to RariJack from now on? :smug:



Sunset Shimmer knows Equestrian religion is false. She has her doubts about human religions, too. As always, she turns to her friends for help. Unfortunately for Sunset, her six friends have six rather different ideas about what lies above.
Final chapter
Sorry for the late comment, I actually read this last chapter when it was published.
Great job on this story! You managed to present Sunset exploring religion really well and presented the other girls in interesting lights. I'll talk more on your blog post.


Afterword to "Seeking"

It’s done. I spent more time researching for “Seeking” than any other fic I’ve written. Many hours were spent referencing the Bible, learning Hebrew words, and diving down Wikipedia. Given the sensitive subject, I needed to ensure accuracy, lest I misrepresent a tradition. Outlined in late...
Great job! Regarding the lack of diversity in religions, I think that worked for the story in the end. It served to demonstrate to Sunset and the reader that even among very similar religions, there can be big differences in how they're practiced or not practiced. And keeping the audience in mind, you'd have to spend a lot of time explaining the non-Christian religions, as you had to do with Judaism. Also, even given this is a cartoon horse girl world, it would have stretched credulity if everyone had a completely different religious background like that.

Plus, for example, even as a Hindu myself, I'd feel uncomfortable presenting a Hindu character in this format. Aside from a couple shared holidays, how it's practiced very much varies region by region, family by family. With Christianity and to a lesser extent Judaism, you can assume readers won't think this is the end all be all of what the religion you're writing is like. That wouldn't be the case with other religions. And I wouldn't want to write every girl as a different kind of Hindu since I'm just not that involved in the religion.

So yeah, sticking to two general religions (and the lack thereof) was the right move.


The 41-Second Goddess

What exactly did Pinkie Pie do during the time she held Discord's power? An Equestrian intelligence officer leaves a message to her successor on what little they know so far. Warning: Superintelligences and existentialism
This was a fun little SCP-spoof. In the first chapter, you did a good job depicting the organizations flailing about to determine what exactly to do, and the second chapter's reveal of what Pinkie actually did was great.


The First Second of Eternity

A timeless alicorn from a bygone era, tasked to watch over the land of Equestria, begins to question her place in it as the world changes and time passes.
This was a lovely story. I've read fics about alicorn characters living through the start of Equestrian society, but Galena brought a different perspective than them, particularly with the romance focus (which BTW got pretty borderline for T at points lol). By the end, I had actually completely forgotten this was a tie-in for Spectrum.


Gull Sentry

He will eat all of your fries.
This was a fun little farce. I like how you managed to incorporate Shining knowing Flash and thus getting confused by that specifically, and you got the bird behavior down.


I Live With a Monster

Shining Armour Lives with a Monster
This was a pretty effective depiction of domestic abuse. I've seen this sort of story before, so I figured out from the start that Twilight Velvet was the monster, but this was still well told.


Per My Last Email

Hi, I'm still waiting on those expense reports for November. Please get those in. Thanks!
This was a fun pairing and a cute story. The email exchange set up was used pretty effectively, and I loved seeing Strawberry troll Wallflower like this. The jump from the penultimate to last chapter was rather sudden, but that worked in its own way too.

Also, discovered that one of my fanfics was translated into Chinese. I had given permission to the translator last year, but I wasn't alerted when it was finished.

小马游戏快跑:《图书馆里的幽灵公主》 - FimTale

图为F站的封面图。图片来源在此。 注  意 1. 本文翻译自Fimf……
5-12-22 Gay Love Triangle stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
1. Green Eggs and Ham - 205 - To Yookia With Love
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 7 - Last Day of Camp
3. Ranma 1/2 - 9 - True Confessions! A Girl's Hair is Her Life!
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 9 - Sakura and the Mysterious Brooch

Green Eggs and Ham focused on EB's storyline, with the not so shocking revelation that Yookia and Zookia are basically the same place—and indeed have a shared origin. The boy she met being royalty was a surprise, though.

Camp Cretaceous continues to have surprisingly intense dinosaur encounters. RIP to that one carnivore that couldn't get up the stairs thanks to its tiny arms. I wonder if they'll really kill off one of the kids; almost certainly not, but it's possible.

Ranma 1/2 made a permanent character design change to Akane; I'm sure it will grow on me, but I like her old hairstyle more right now. We also got Ryoga's animal form, a pig! Given what I know about this show's running gags, I thought for sure that Ranma would think that dog was Ryoga for the entire series, but no, he figures it out by the end of the episode.

Cardcaptor Sakura was an alright episode, with the most interesting bit being at the very end. I decided to check how the old Nelvana dub handled this, and they indeed cut out the entire thing with Syaoran's crush on Yukito (or rather Julian). Sakura gives Yukito the present, and with voice over, it's made to seem like Syaoran is upset that she's thanking Yukito for carrying Rika inside when he's the one who did that. Then it cuts to him running away and Yukito magically has chocolate. When Tomoyo talks to Sakura after, she's surprised not by the love triangle news but rather her saying she's going to put footage of Sakura fighting Thunder on her website; she then says "just kidding" and films Sakura's reaction.

They dubbed the post-credits Kero moments too, which I didn't expect. They didn't carry over the gag of Kero rushing through the explanation. Also, while all the voices I heard were bad but might be fine with better direction, Kero's dub voice is just wrong conceptually. Surfer Dude Kero is the worst.


Stream announcement, we're watching
1a. Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks Shorts - Life is a Runway
1b. Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks Shorts - Friendship Through the Ages
1c. MLP: Pony Life - 5 - Bad Thing No. 3
1d. MLP: Tell Your Tale - 9 - IT'S T.U.E.S. DAY
2. The Owl House - 219 - O Titan, Where Art Thou
3. Odd Taxi - 11 - If We Could Go Back to That Day
4a. Craig of the Creek - 209 - Summer Wish
4b. Craig of the Creek - 210 - Turning the Tables
5. Amphibia - 313 - Mother of Olms / Grime's Pupil
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 186 - Chibi-Chibi's Mystery: The Big Noisy Chase

Next week will have 2x Odd Taxi to finish it off.

Thinking next week will be
1. MLP stuff
2. TOH
3-4. Odd Taxi (END)
5. Craig
6. Sailor Moon

Then week after
1. MLP: Make Your Mark (two slots)
2. TOH (season finale)
3. Craig
4. Amphibia
5. Sailor Moon

1. MLP stuff
2. Spy x Family (start)
3. Craig
4-5. Amphibia
6. Sailor Moon
5-15-22 Mystery stream


Oct 25, 2017
Stream followup, we watched
*. Amazing | Mystery Skulls [PMV] - YouTube
1a. My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks - 'Life is a Runway' Official Music Video - YouTube
1b. My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks - 'Friendship Through the Ages' Music Video - YouTube
1c. MLP: Pony Life - 5 - Bad Thing No. 3
1d. My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale | IT'S T.U.E.S. DAY | Full Episode - YouTube
*. 𝙋𝙈𝙑 | 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝘼 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙮 - YouTube
2. The Owl House - 219 - O Titan, Where Art Thou
*.Mystery Solved MLP Comic Dub (Comedy) - YouTube
3. Odd Taxi - 11 - If We Could Go Back to That Day
*. [MLP Comic Dub] The Mysterious Mystery of Mysteriousness (Comedy) - YouTube
4a. Craig of the Creek - 209 - Summer Wish
4b. Craig of the Creek - 210 - Turning the Tables
*. Oh MMY MLP Comic Dub (Comedy/Mystery) - YouTube
5. Amphibia - 313 - Mother of Olms / Grime's Pupil
*. "A Royal Canterlot Mystery" MLP Comic Reading - YouTube
6. Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - 186 - Chibi-Chibi's Mystery: The Big Noisy Chase

Videos followed a "mystery" theme, and I went with mainly comics. I was pretty surprised there weren't more Mystery Skulls videos. There was also a new video, which I'll link below.

We reached the Rainbow Rocks epilogue songs, which are all pretty solid, especially these two. Rarity's outfit isn't that impressive, but the other girls she bedazzles look good. And of course, "Friendship Through the Ages" is a fave of mine; shame Applejack and Pinkie kill the buildup of the song, but everyone has cute outfits and dances.

Pony Life featured Tabitha going ham, which is always nice, though I don't quite get Rarity's motivation for sabotage or how the headband really works, which makes the jokes not hit as well as they could have. The Tell Your Tale episode was cute, especially with everyone's nervous reactions. I wish there was a bit more lore to The Unicorn Expression of Sparkle Day, though I can speculate it's connected to Twilight Sparkle.

The Owl House was a nice episode, just vibing with King for a while and setting things up for the big confrontation. The line from Luz about not having time for 20 more adventures clearly shows the production staff's frustration at being cut short. The rebels all uniting feels rushed, but what can you do. Also, Steve the goat.

Odd Taxi explained what was going on in the idol side of the story, including establishing the big murder mystery that set off the story. It was pretty exciting to see the pieces set up for the end of the show, which we'll cover next Sunday.

Craig of the Creek was another fun set of stories, with the second notably featuring the kids bothering Bernard at his job. The bit where Bernard has to keep grinding cheese until Craig says when and Craig refuses got a good reaction.

Amphibia featured a pretty gross journey into a giant creature's body, leading to a reveal of a prophecy about the girls. The second featured a big Sprig fight, which was neat.

Sailor Stars was a fun story. It was amusing seeing Usagi talk about how much better Chibi Chibi is than Chibi-Usa when Chibi Chibi just repeats what people say. The animation was pretty nice, and the fight had amusing bits with expensive things getting broken. Given who Chibi Chibi turns out to be in the anime, the mentions of how similar she and Usagi are are interesting. I wonder if they knew what they were saying with that.


Really cool behind the scenes shots from the stop motion shorts


Behind the Scenes of the MLP Stop Motion Shorts!

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media






Kotobukiya Princess Celestia Bishoujo Statue Set for June Release

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media



One Page Preview for My Little Pony G5 Comic #1

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic News, Brony and bronies, my little pony merchandise, pony art, pony music, pony media

With this preview, it's really interesting seeing how Canterlot and Twilight are remembered



never forever

Lightning Dust will never be a Wonderbolt.
This was a nice story. It was interesting seeing Lightning older and wistful, but being able to live vicariously through her daughter; and it was good seeing Fiddlesticks happily with her.


Storm Siren

Zipp braves a magical storm to save Maretime Bay, and meets two mares from a time lost to history.
This was a pretty cool story, both on the G5 adventure side and Lightning and Fiddlestick's entire deal. I appreciated that this is specifically presented as an AU to "never forget", since they failed to attend the Wonderbolts show depicted in it, so that version of them didn't get separated from their daughter.

Zipp was presented well, and I liked her interactions with Pipp.


Why Do You Love Me?

Rarity has a question that she's been meaning to ask Applejack for a while.
This was a nice sweet story, good job!



Best friends are people you should feel comfortable with.
This was really nice, and it was great seeing Flash bounce off of everyone.


Spike Steals Rarity's Lipstick

Spike gets caught with pilfered makeup. Why did he take it? Perhaps not for a reason anyone expects.
This was really nice! Generally stories like this have at least one character who was already familiar with nonbinary concepts, but it was interesting having everyone be new to this and trying to figure it out.


The Pines

Feather Bangs is used to pining for lost loves. He's not used to feeling nothing after a breakup.
That was pretty cute. In universe, I wonder if ponies realize how marketable their designs are, and if so, just how big figurines based on important figures are. It was pretty nice how Feather and Flash just kind of vibed together, rather than either really trying to hit on the other.


Curse of the Radiance

Sunny Starscout finds a long lost journal of Twilight Sparkle, entitled "The Daylight Horror", blurring the line between fact and fiction.
This was great! You did a fantastic job building up the dread and then the revelation that Sunny's dad was afflicted. I didn't get the Hollow Knight connection until it was pointed out, and I think that helped for the story; it was a good move not tagging it (assuming it has a tag).


Good PMV

Nice remix

Friendship Always Wins (JTH Remix)

Wohoo, new remix time! Pay what you want (FREE) Download - https://joinedtheherd.bandcamp.com/track/friendship-always-wins-remix-----------------------------...

Nice dumb fangame video

The My Little Pony MEME game nobody asked for [trailer/annoucement]

A game combining memes and ponies, what more do you want?-------------------READ MORE------------------- ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓LINK TO THE GAME:htt...

Straight up fan episode made using 15.ai, adapting a 2014 fanfic

The Tax Breaks (Twilight) [15.ai]

Ponyville has faced many great threats over the years, but how will they fare against a visit from the dreaded tax pony?AI tools:15.ai - https://15.ai/Adapte...


Oct 25, 2017
Stream announcement, we're watching
1. Green Eggs and Ham - 206 - You Only Mom Twice
2. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - 8 - End of the Line
3. Ranma 1/2 - 10 - P-P-P-Chan! He's Good For Nothin'
4. Cardcaptor Sakura - 10 - Sakura and the Sports Day of Flowers

Finishing season 1 of Camp Cretaceous.


Forgot to post this earlier, but new Elements of Justice part; I didn't expect the second trial to be considered part of the same case, but I suppose that's how case 3-2 in the games went

[2-5] Ace Attorney: Elements of Justice ~ Stop All the Clocks

Welcome to Elements of Justice! The sequel to the Ace Attorney x My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crossover, Turnabout Storm!After the events of Turnabout...