
Oct 25, 2017
You don't understand anything said so far? This is what you want to go with?

I already detailed what was confusing to me, which you totally ignored. I'm not going round and round with you. If whatever you're trying to say makes sense to you, go with God young blood and may the wind power your sails.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Puerto Rico
Then i'll ask the question, again.

What do you call a white supremacist ?
Jesus Christ, dude or dudette. Your hyperbole is making your argument weaker. Even if you were right, and you're not, since sweeping generalizations are almost never right, a white supremacist is not the same as a Nazi. They share plenty in common, of course. I call a white supremacist a "white supremacist" or alternatively "a fucking piece of filth". You're somewhat right, in that I also call nazis "fucking pieces of filth".


Nov 16, 2017
Nah. They may be so many things. But they're not all that.

So like Maxina said

Are they all fucking idiots? I'd agree.

I personally think they're all racist to some degree. Would you agree? You can't hear someone say bigoted things and ignore it, and not have that reflect upon you. Life doesn't work that way.

They are def all something. Clown was an outlier pick. He has no background in politics so they all saw something they liked.

This isn't old dog politics anymore. Paradigm has shifted fully.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure there is.

They're the ones that go into liberal restaurants and want to be left alone.
Ok cool. I'll just have to fear for my life on the weekends from them.
I'm still wondering where these commentators come from that have no comments on the actual relation-ions with the story?
They've all fucked off to the Kid that was wearing a MAGA hat.
Jesus Christ, dude or dudette. Your hyperbole is making your argument weaker. Even if you were right, and you're not, since sweeping generalizations are almost never right, a white supremacist is not the same as a Nazi. They share plenty in common, of course. I call a white supremacist a "white supremacist" or alternatively "a fucking piece of filth". You're somewhat right, in that I also call nazis "fucking pieces of filth".
So Nazis and white supremacists don't believe in the same thing ?


Oct 26, 2017
So like Maxina said

Are they all fucking idiots? I'd agree.

I personally think they're all racist to some degree. Would you agree? You can't hear someone say bigoted things and ignore it, and not have that reflect upon you. Life doesn't work that way.

They are def all something. Clown was an outlier pick. He has no background in politics so they all saw something they liked.

This isn't old dog politics anymore. Paradigm has shifted fully.
Idiots? Absolutely. And their votes are certainly endorsements of Trumps racism. There no two ways about it.

But there's a wide nuance here. And to simply yell "They're all NAZIS!" I mean, how the hell can you hold up a brush that large?


Nov 16, 2017
Many here do not understand that. I know a few trump supporters that are truly not racist, they just don't care about anyone but themselves. They are very ignorant but they are not Nazis or white supremacist. They just don't get how unjust this country is to minorities.

I bet 5$ if I had that discussion with them, they'd hit me Conservative Fox talking points.

That's pretty much racist by proxy. Doesn't really matter much if they are aware or not if they are going to argue against the reality that America has problems with race.

Ergo perpetuating the status quo.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017

There were people who voted for NSDAP without agreeing with the racial aspects. And yet history judged these people all the same. Saying you voted for a genocidal regime for financial reasons does not undo the fact that you were still considered a nazi.


Oct 25, 2017
My friends aren't racist, they just support a racist. My friends arent bigots, they just support a bigot. My friends arent cunts, they just support a cunt. My friends aren't idiots, they just support an idiot. My friends arent nazis, they just support nazis. I love my friends.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
I bet 5$ if I had that discussion with them, they'd hit me Conservative Fox talking points.

That's pretty much racist by proxy. Doesn't really matter much if they are aware or not if they are going to argue against the reality that America has problems with race.

Ergo perpetuating the status quo.

For the people I know they would agree that America has a race issue, but they are in their own little worlds and they don't care. It is truly "I got mine so fuck you." They have a few extra dollars in their paycheck "thanks to Trump!" so they are happy. They don't get how the tax cuts are bad, how all of the policies being enacted are racist, etc. It is racist by proxy but calling them Nazis is extreme fuels the right. By lumping them all together they can easily say "look out extreme the left is!" and their base eats it up, driving them farther right.

The guy in the OP is a Nazi. Some dude who is ignorant of what is going on it not the same. For the people lumping them together they are not helping.


Oct 25, 2017
I... What? They believe in the concept of "race superiority", and are both extremely racist. Do you think white supremacy is a political party or something? What the heck is with this loaded question BS?
So because they don't have any political power( which i'd argue is factually false) they're not the same ?

And my question was honestly not meant to be loaded. ( i always try to avoid that kind of argument)
Not necessarily, it's worth googling to learn more.
They both believe in having the white race as the master race. And keeping around just enough as slaves and genocide the rest.


Oct 28, 2017
How can there be 63m white supremacists when a percentage of those 63m are not white? Seems like extreme hyperbole to me.


Oct 25, 2017
They both believe in having the white race as the master race. And keeping around just enough as slaves and genocide the rest.

No, there's a difference between white supremacy and white nationalism. White nationalists don't want anyone other than whites in the country, slaves or otherwise.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
For the people I know they would agree that America has a race issue, but they are in their own little worlds and they don't care. It is truly "I got mine so fuck you." They have a few extra dollars in their paycheck "thanks to Trump!" so they are happy. They don't get how the tax cuts are bad, how all of the policies being enacted are racist, etc. It is racist by proxy but calling them Nazis is extreme fuels the right. By lumping them all together they can easily say "look out extreme the left is!" and their base eats it up, driving them farther right.

The guy in the OP is a Nazi. Some dude who is ignorant of what is going on it not the same. For the people lumping them together they are not helping.
They aren't ignorant. They know full fucking well what is going on and they like it.
I don't understand this shock at there somehow being 63 million racists. YOU'RE LIVING IN A COUNTRY FOUNDED ON NATIVE GENOCIDE AND BUILT UP BY SLAVES. Wake the fuck up and realize that white supremacy is in your collective DNA and has been since the beginning.


Oct 25, 2017
No, there's a difference between white supremacy and white nationalism. White nationalists don't want anyone other than whites in the country, slaves or otherwise.
I guarantee you they'd keep some slaves, as they wouldn't want to do the shit jobs which they feel are beneath them.


Oct 25, 2017
you're *really* choosing this particular topic to argue semantics, huh
I'm not really arguing anything, he asked if Nazis and white supremacists believed in the same thing. I was curious myself and looked it up. Turns out there are subtle differences between neo-nazis, white supremacists, white nationalists, alt-right, etc.
Nov 1, 2017
I'll go with that. Not all trump supporters are Nazis, not all of them are white supremacists but they are all racist. If you don't care about things happening to people that are different from you, it's because you find they and their concerns lesser than yours (inferior). The only way you can do that is if you don't view them on the same level as you. Ergo you're a racist.


Nov 16, 2017
Idiots? Absolutely. And their votes are certainly endorsements of Trumps racism. There no two ways about it.

But there's a wide nuance here. And to simply yell "They're all NAZIS!" I mean, how the hell can you hold up a brush that large?

For the people I know they would agree that America has a race issue, but they are in their own little worlds and they don't care. It is truly "I got mine so fuck you." They have a few extra dollars in their paycheck "thanks to Trump!" so they are happy. They don't get how the tax cuts are bad, how all of the policies being enacted are racist, etc. It is racist by proxy but calling them Nazis is extreme fuels the right. By lumping them all together they can easily say "look out extreme the left is!" and their base eats it up, driving them farther right.

The guy in the OP is a Nazi. Some dude who is ignorant of what is going on it not the same. For the people lumping them together they are not helping.

Ignorance is not a shield. It's bliss, but does not protect you from consequences.

White Supremacy is the DNA of this country and has plagued us till this very day. It's about White Men controlling the social structure and destiny of this country through power, control, and violence. Nowadays, White Supremacy has morphed into an idea of wanting a white enthostate. In essence, purging the country of all races except for white people and reclaiming the country as their right full homeland.

Nazism takes all those qualities and morphs it into a facist military force, However, both use violence. Nazism is just more organized.

The labeling doesn't matter one bit. If we have to wait until actual Nazis show up, it's way too goddamn late by that point. You don't want the actual Nazi term to be accurate because words would be utterly useless at that moment.

Republicans buy in wholesale on their propaganda machine but we have to lay off the extreme labeling? I'm Black, so I'm lazy, stupid, mooch off government and want everything done for me. They have no problem believing that lie as truth. Anything I do will "entrench them farther right", that's how the propaganda works.

Labeling isn't the issue. It's those who think they aren't a part of factions because they don't wear the uniform but actively contribute to the donation box. You aren't absolved because you ain't marching. You are just as culpable propping up the force whether that's passively or through ineptitude and a general neutrality against oppressive forces.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I am again just baffled at this idea that "not all of them are nazis/racist/whatever" is supposed to be a fucking argument. Not all confederate soldiers were slaveowners! Not all nazi-voters took active part in genocide! Not all Trump-voters are nazis!
Who gives a shit.
They were still a part of the machine.
Get the fuck out of here with this semantics BS.


Oct 27, 2017
I think if they've stuck with Trump through the family separation decision then they're racists whereas they were just racist by proxy up to that point. Up until that point they clung to the notion that we're just taking him out of context and that the mean things he was saying weren't meant to imply all Mexicans were rapists and whatnot. They were wrong of course but that's what they'd say. If you don't even see refugees as people deserving of basic human decency regardless of whether we decide to ultimately grant them asylum or not or maybe worse yet you feel they're all such bad people that removing all the children from the adults is necessary because the percentage of the adults that must be human smugglers, pimps, drug dealers, ms-13 and the like is so high that we have no choice but to separate these families for the safety of the children then they are way too far down the racist rabbit hole to save.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
Ignorance is not a shield. It's bliss, but does not protect you from consequences.

White Supremacy is the DNA of this country and has plagued us till this very day. It's about White Men controlling the social structure and destiny of this country through power, control, and violence. Nowadays, White Supremacy has morphed into an idea of wanting a white enthostate. In essence, purging the country of all races except for white people and reclaiming the country as their right full homeland.

Nazism takes all those qualities and morphs it into a facist military force, However, both use violence. Nazism is just more organized.

The labeling doesn't matter one bit. If we have to wait until actual Nazis show up, it's way too goddamn late by that point. You don't want the actual Nazi term to be accurate because words would be utterly useless at that moment.

Republicans buy in wholesale on their propaganda machine but we have to lay off the extreme labeling? I'm Black, so I'm lazy, stupid, mooch off government and want everything done for me. They have no problem believing that lie as truth. Anything I do will "entrench them farther right", that's how the propaganda works.

Labeling isn't the issue. It's those who think they aren't a part of factions because they don't wear the uniform but actively contribute to the donation box. You aren't absolved because you ain't marching. You are just as culpable propping up the force whether that's passively or through ineptitude and a general neutrality against oppressive forces.

Excellent post and a lot to take in. The fourth paragraph hits hard, I hope that day doesn't come.
Nov 1, 2017
I am again just baffled at this idea that "not all of them are nazis/racist/whatever" is supposed to be a fucking argument. Not all confederate soldiers were slaveowners! Not all nazi-voters took active part in genocide! Not all Trump-voters are nazis!
Who gives a shit.
They were still a part of the machine.
Get the fuck out of here with this semantics BS.
The semantics are expected, they don't even really phase me anymore. It's the faux concern that people show to make it seem like they care about me. As if winning over some of these people will mean I'll stop having to fight for shit. I wasn't going to stop if he lost in 2016, I'm not going to stop whether he wins or loses in 2020. It will be ongoing until the day I leave this place. Hopefully, better for the generations that come after me.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, for better or worse we'll probably never get outright Nazis in power here. Too many other white people would get trampled under foot by an actual Nazi regime. In fact I think government going full-on Nazi sooner would be better for us all because most people would find that despicable. The sad irony is is that our birth nationalism is essentially the same thing to us as blood was to the Nazis and it's much easier to sell the United States on that than it ever would be on the superiority of any one single hereditary heritage claim and that coupled with a lot of white people's fears of losing their majority status and power, in essence losing their country, many, many more stand to be duped by this brand of nationalism than they ever could by Nazis.

Nazi's fun to throw around because the term still carries a sting for most in society but I don't think it's really accurate when you get down to it.


Oct 27, 2017
Then i'll ask the question, again.

What do you call a white supremacist ?
having racial anxiety doesn't make one a racist or white supremacist. the solution is to address the underlining fear and come to a sincere and enduring resolution. granted trump preys on peoples' fears so he's not the one to solve the problem but calling all trump voters nazis addresses nothing but your own misguided frustration.
Nov 30, 2017
Only non-decent companies without any integrity or morals would hire him.

Plus you can bet that many people will boycott those companies who do hire someone like that prick once they get word of it.

Now how exactly does the average citizen protest a defense contractor, because if that was possible, Blackwater wouldn't still be around in its 3rd (4th?) incarnation.

having racial anxiety doesn't make one a racist or white supremacist. the solution is to address the underlining fear and come to a sincere and enduring resolution. granted trump preys on peoples' fears so he's not the one to solve the problem but calling all trump voters nazis addresses nothing but your own misguided frustration.

But the source of the "racial anxiety" is straight up fear and hatred of minorities so yeah maybe they are racists.


Oct 25, 2017
having racial anxiety doesn't make one a racist or white supremacist. the solution is to address the underlining fear and come to a sincere and enduring resolution. granted trump preys on peoples' fears so he's not the one to solve the problem but calling all trump voters nazis addresses nothing but your own misguided frustration.
Yes it does.

And there's nothing misguided about my frustration.


Oct 25, 2017
Good! Expose every last one of them! What sucks though is the company very likely knew already what he was like and did nothing until it was in the media. These scum need their names outed in the most public way.


Nov 16, 2017
having racial anxiety doesn't make one a racist or white supremacist. the solution is to address the underlining fear and come to a sincere and enduring resolution. granted trump preys on peoples' fears so he's not the one to solve the problem but calling all trump voters nazis addresses nothing but your own misguided frustration.

Having an unrational fear of different races doesn't make you racist? Calling shit out when you see it is misguided?

Bruh where you buy your weed from? Can you put me on?

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
Another one...

We need to keep outing more of them. We need to push bigotry(and the hardline GOPigs) into pariah status. They shouldn't be able to walk on the streets or go online without looked on in scorn.