
Oct 25, 2017

The enduring quality of SNK's output during its Neo-Geo era speaks for itself. The many games that SNK developed in their 90's heyday have been ported, emulated, and collected across more platforms than I can keep track of spanning multiple console generations since the Neo-Geo was retired. As someone who absolutely adores SNK's Neo-Geo output, I'm more than happy to purchase and re-purchase these re-releases and collections whenever justifiable.

That being said, I feel that there is a sort of schism between the type of Neo-Geo re-releases that people prefer. Right now the camps seem to be split between preferring the full-scale PS4/Vita ports by Code Mystics and the emulated ports by Hamster under the ACA banner.


Left: Code Mystics' PS4/Vita port of Metal Slug 3. Right: Hamster's ACA release on Switch.

For the uninitiated, here is how the two types of Neo-Geo re-releases stack up:

Code Mystics Port
+ Full-fledged port running natively on PS4/Vita
+ Added modes (e.g. Training, Survival for fighting games)
+ A number of well-executed display modes (e.g. adjustable scanlines, smoothing, scaling options)
+ Online play (albeit with substandard netcode and low activity)
+ Unlockable art galleries
+ Nice options for side panel artwork instead of black letterboxes
+ Cross-buy for PS4 and Vita (one purchase gets you both versions)
- Some small inconsistencies when compared to the original game ROMs (fixed by patches)
- Some claim that AI behaves differently from the original games
- Some games have an added frame of input lag on PS4 compared to ACA releases

Hamster ACA Release
+ Completely faithful to the original arcade release of each game
+ Offers some decent customization with access to the game's arcade dipswitch settings menu
+ No added input lag that I've heard of
- Emulation accuracy can be to a fault in cases of severe slowdown (e.g. Metal Slug games)
- Purely a ROM dump with little else added
- One purchase per console/handheld (no cross-buy)

To me, it isn't even a contest. I feel like a Code Mystics' port of a Neo-Geo game is a far better value proposition than any ACA release due to their online play, additional modes, and spruced up presentation. They tend to cost about double that of an ACA release ($15 vs $8, respectively), but IMO they are more than worthy of that price tag.


Left: Code Mystics' PS4/Vita port (The Last Blade 2). Right: Hamster's ACA release on Switch (The Last Blade).

I sometimes feel that I'm in the minority on this one, though. I don't fully understand why, but I've seen numerous people on this forum and elsewhere criticizing the Code Mystics ports and praising ACA releases for being pure emulations of the original game.

Whichever side of the fence you fall on, I'd like to hear your opinion and reasoning.
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Oct 25, 2017
The price alone makes Hamster wins

Also they cost half, so if you think about you can have for the other price crossbuy ps4/switch !
Oct 25, 2017
Are you sure the code mystics releases are ports and not emulation? I'm just asking because my impression was that they were also emulated. I'm not sure doing a port of a classic Neo Geo game would be very cost effective on modern systems.

I've bought both kinds, alongside the PS4 re-releases of certain PS2 era connections, and I can see the merits across all of them.

It is a bit of a shame that we do see inconsistencies, both in what gets released on what console (comparing ACA for Switch and PS4) and what game gets what feature set.

It is good that there are as many teams as there currently are that are giving attention to the Neo Geo back catalogue, but it seems a bit of a shame that we probably won't get PS4 / Switch versions of 98 UM / 2002 UM based on what is being released at the moment.

On the plus side it means that we get one group focusing on doing somewhat enhanced releases of the most high profile games and another who are doing much more regular but low-cost releases of most of the library.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't want to be that guy, but why do you even need cross buy on Switch? It's a hybrid system. So, you get both benefits for half the price.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, hamster wins by sheer amount of volume
Well, that's kind of a strange point of contention to focus on.

Hamster releases are just straight-up ROM dumps running in an emulator. They could release every Neo-Geo game ever made all at once if they wanted to, assuming their emulator is up to the task (which it easily should be).

Code Mystics actually port the games and add quite a bit to them.

Besides, if we're talking quality-to-quantity ratio then Code Mystics is rocking a 100% score right now with Metal Slug 3, The Last Blade 2, Samurai Shodown V Special, and Garou.

With the ACA line you have to wait for years to get some of the more obvious, higher-profile releases. In the meantime you have to sit through a slew of releases that nobody cares about.


Nov 3, 2017
Code mystics releases are also emulated, ms3 have the same slowdown as arcade/neogeo. They just put a little effort in redping the menu and add online. They also go on sales every now and tgen. I got mt garou and ms3 for 6-7bucks and they are cross buy. Dont know about the lowest price is for switch.

You want to see real port effort, play original xbox version of ms3, zero slow down, added rumble, plus more. No other re release version of ms3 stacks up to that version.
Nov 6, 2017
I feel like there is not a lot of added features you can add to a game that by themselves justify double the price compared to a similar game.


Nov 2, 2017
If you're mucking with the slowdown in a Neo Geo game, you're doing it wrong. The games do not need to be "fixed" in any way.

I want to know though... how do you know how either company does what they do behind the scenes? Are there actual interviews where they spell out their emulation methods and/or porting? Are there links?


Oct 25, 2017
OP where are you getting the "port vs emulation" thing from.

As far as I knew these are both emulation.
Hm, it may have been an incorrect assumption on my part. Given the amount of little differences that cropped up on release of several Code Mystics versions, it seemed to me that those kinds of discrepancies could only result from an actual porting job rather than simple emulation. Most of those differences (e.g. the heat-wave visual effect on the burning building stage in Last Blade 2 being omitted originally) are usually patched out via updates in the weeks after release.

I'll happily stand corrected if anyone can confirm that they are indeed emulation-based.


Oct 26, 2017
Hamster easily wins through depth of library. 62 games and counting.

They could always use some more options (separated filtering options, onlne play, AES/CD versions, CPU uplocking to eliminate slowdown, etc) but what Hamster and Gotch Technology deliver is expertly done and highly accurate. Simply the best comprehensive official Archiving for NeoGeo to date. It makes me hope they also team up with SNK to do an Appli Archives NeoGeo Pocket series.

Don't want to be that guy, but why do you even need cross buy on Switch? It's a hybrid system. So, you get both benefits for half the price.
Cross-buy as a negative doesn't make sense anyway given the ACA releases are different ecosystems. Unless Xbox and Windows have crossbuy?

Using this logic Code Mystics should get a negative for not being on Xbox, Switch and Windows.


Oct 25, 2017
I prefer Hamster due to the price.

But I'm also a psychopath who is 98 games into a neo geo collection.


Oct 27, 2017
I prefer the code Mystic conversions of my favorite Snk titles. The visuals are sharper and the additional of online play makes it superior (to me).


Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
Hm, it may have been an incorrect assumption on my part. Given the amount of little differences that cropped up on release of several Code Mystics versions, it seemed to me that those kinds of discrepancies could only result from an actual porting job rather than simple emulation. Most of those differences (e.g. the heat-wave visual effect on the burning building stage in Last Blade 2 being omitted originally) are usually patched out via updates in the weeks after release.

I'll happily stand corrected if anyone can confirm that they are indeed emulation-based.

The only real good statement is how you want to interpret their definition of "emulation". Either "emulation" in the literary sense, that it's "emulating the look and feel" of these games, or emulation as in it's actually running the original game and attempting to do so as accurately as possible.

The way they describe "emulation" on their tech page leads me to believe it's the more literal definition. That it's straight emulation, with a custom front/back end designed to be ultra portable between platforms.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Code Mystics always, even if online is dead, at least having the option makes it a better deal. Also I always have found the filters of hamster games to be really off putting


Oct 26, 2017
With the ACA line you have to wait for years to get some of the more obvious, higher-profile releases. In the meantime you have to sit through a slew of releases that nobody cares about.
Years? ACA NeoGeo is barely a year old and has an insane lineup already (KOF94-2k, SS1-4, MS1-3, etc). And no, plenty of people care about the odd, less rereleased titles like Waku Waku 7, Magicial Lord, Magical Drop or Pulstar. What you're dismissing here is really the collection's biggest asset, that it's comprehensive.


Oct 26, 2017
I have to wonder whether Code Mystics will do any more ports. I'd love them to do a KoF game, but I'm not sure they will at this point.

How is The Last Blade 2 on PS4 and Vita ? I've had my eye on buying that for some time.

I really enjoyed it, I'm new to neo geo ports though. Review here if you're interested.

El Sabroso

Oct 25, 2017
Monterrey, MX
I love Hamster releases on Switch, more now that they are touching more stuff besides just Neo Geo, the only thing I don't like from them is the scaling method and the screen filters, there is no pixel accuracy on the scaling and the filters for scanlines add blur to the image


Oct 25, 2017
I love Hamster releases on Switch, more now that they are touching more stuff besides just Neo Geo, the only thing I don't like from them is the scaling method and the screen filters, there is no pixel accuracy on the scaling and the filters for scanlines add blur to the image
Yep. That's my biggest gripe with the ACA releases. Drives me crazy.

Also, the Caravan Mode that they add to fighting games is completely pointless.


Oct 26, 2017
Just looked it up and it turns the ACA NeoGeo releases across Xbox One and Windows 10 are NOT cross-buy, cross-play or cross-save. A missed opportunity on Hamster's part imo.


Oct 29, 2017
My Switch was a NeoGeo for the first 3 months. I had nothing else. AND I LOVED IT

It seems that both have their benefits.

I'd love an art gallery and survival mode in Garou. I really need to stress how much value this adds to the Code Mystics package.

But I also love Hamsters dedication to realeasing a new arcade release each and every week. We've got plenty of tent pole 'ths is the only Neo game that you need' mixed in with smaller diamonds in the rough. We haven't been made to wait for the good stuff, there's something good coming all the time.

Unfortunately, they both have their down sides.

If it Is true that The AI doesn't behave properly in the Code Mystics releases, well that should ring some pretty damn load alarm bells. And if the lobby is a ghost town online it makes P2P mulitiplayer pretty pointless as a feature.

The Hamster releases are just straight up arcade ports, nothing really else to write home about. Sure you can play a 5 min score-attack and slightly widen the field of screen and control the count down speed. But there's nothing other really than the base arcade game to play.

Personally, I'm just happy the games are coming, game after game after game. If to get that it means we lose a few bells and whistles, well so be it. Who knows, Maybe Hamster will come back in 2/3 years and sell us KOF DX with survival mode included
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Oct 25, 2017
Code Mystics. The online option in fighting games is great, especially for playing with friends, even if the netcode isn't the greatest for randoms.


Oct 26, 2017
Are you sure the code mystics releases are ports and not emulation? I'm just asking because my impression was that they were also emulated. I'm not sure doing a port of a classic Neo Geo game would be very cost effective on modern systems.

I've bought both kinds, alongside the PS4 re-releases of certain PS2 era connections, and I can see the merits across all of them.

It is a bit of a shame that we do see inconsistencies, both in what gets released on what console (comparing ACA for Switch and PS4) and what game gets what feature set.

It is good that there are as many teams as there currently are that are giving attention to the Neo Geo back catalogue, but it seems a bit of a shame that we probably won't get PS4 / Switch versions of 98 UM / 2002 UM based on what is being released at the moment.

On the plus side it means that we get one group focusing on doing somewhat enhanced releases of the most high profile games and another who are doing much more regular but low-cost releases of most of the library.

You wouldn't be getting 98UM/2002UM anyway for the sole reason that they aren't Neogeo games to begin with. They were PS2 originated/Taito Type-X games on release.

Also CM releases are not crossbuy in Japan, you have the option to do so.


Nov 13, 2017
3 Code Mystics games are on Steam

Personally I was hyped at first for their KoF98 release given the "improvements" etc but in the end I'd rather have arcade original releases, especially since SNK didn't adopt the changes as the "definitive" edition of those titles to make every re-release since then use them but went back to the arcade originals instead making it seem far from endorsed. Of course online mode via GGPO would be good to have on top of it all, but I didn't care much for the extra options/characters (those 2 KOF games already have so many anyway!) and they too lack any good filter/scanline settings in my opinion which is the most disappointing thing about all these re-releases. SNK need to simply make/outsource their own emulator and then re-release all their classics through it with the same kind of consistent quality and options for all, making sure they have GREAT filters and GGPO online modes. Maybe do something like SEGA's Genesis games on Steam with the virtual 90s kid room setup (and the simple launcher option too). And also allow people to switch from arcade to console settings, access the dip switches, etc, and please without garish new art and menus.


Oct 27, 2017
I appreciate both Hamster and Code Mystics for putting out these games. Cross buy on PS4/Vita is the only real difference that I care about, and the higher price is offset by them going on sale regularly. I do admit that the screen filter options are also better on Code Mystics versions, but the 'blur' of the Hamster ACA ports doesn't bother me.

Along with the DotEmu port of Windjammers, I've got the Code Mystics versions of Garou, Last Blade 2 and Metal Slug 3 on PS4 and Vita. They're all mostly played on the latter.

I've got a fair number of Hamster ACA games, and most are on Switch. Rule of thumb, if games are available on both Switch and PS4/Vita, if they are best played with a d-pad I get the Sony version, otherwise get them on Switch.


Oct 27, 2017
I have all 3 CM fighters. I love them. Clearly a lot of love. Really hoping they do KOF 2002 next.

I bought KOF 2000 on Switch, my first ACA game, and it's pretty underwhelming. For one thing I think you should be able to switch between MVS and AES. But in general it's as low-effort as possible.

You get what you pay for. I think the ACA games are fine for stuff like SHMUPs but for fighters you gotta go with Code Mystics.

How is the DotEmu port of Windjammers? It's on sale.

How is The Last Blade 2 on PS4 and Vita ? I've had my eye on buying that for some time.

Real good.

Deleted member 14002

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I've only heard people talk mad shit about code mystics so I'm going to go with hamster.

Edit: my bad was thinking of dotemu.
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User Permed at their request
Oct 27, 2017
Code Mystics Metal Slug 3 version was wayyy better. And it also has online play. The Hamster version of Metal Slug 3 sucks ass especially when trying to combine two buttons at once. Also, autofire doesn't seem to work well. Especially on the cave ice part of Mission 2, its super fucking annoying to get stuck because the buttons wont respond.

Also, Online Play with friends and random idiots with the Code Mystic version, whereas the hamster does not.


Oct 25, 2017
Rule of thumb, if games are available on both Switch and PS4/Vita, if they are best played with a d-pad I get the Sony version, otherwise get them on Switch.
Same. SNK fighting games really suffer when played on the Switch's abysmal "d-pad." Shmups and other games are fine with the analog stick, however.

I have Garou for both Vita and Switch, and my execution is so much worse on the Switch.


Oct 31, 2017
Unless I've missed the setting, I can't seem to find the option for unfiltered scanlines on ACA releases, which is a negative from me, and should be patched for all their releases.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I've only heard people talk mad shit about code mystics so I'm going to go with hamster.

Who exactly? besides the original month of KOF98UMFE on steam code mystics have been wonderful, unless you are confusing them with dotemu which always are being shitted on (rightfully)


Oct 25, 2017
Unless I've missed the setting, I can't seem to find the option for unfiltered scanlines on ACA releases, which is a negative from me, and should be patched for all their releases.

You're not missing anything. Enabling any filter with scanlines in an ACA release also adds filtering/smoothing. It's a perplexing decision that lessens the quality of every ACA release by default. It baffles me.


Oct 27, 2017
Online play = Win every time for Code Masters.

I wish ACA had a subscription or something so I could have one library accessed across all devices.

Deleted member 7529

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Code Mystics are preferred for me. Been playing a lot of Hamster's ACA Metal Slug 3 on Switch, and while it's great for the price, I've noticed a number of graphical and technical issues I've not seen with Code Mystics or emulation.

EDIT: Researched and corrected this statement on the next page.
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Oct 25, 2017
Code Mystics are preferred for me. Been playing a lot of Hamster's ACA Metal Slug 3 on Switch, and while it's great for the price, I've noticed a number of graphical and technical issues I've not seen with Code Mystics or emulation.
Like what? As far as I know the ACA emulation is accurate.


Oct 29, 2017
Wow, I had no idea these were cross-buy on Vita/PS4. They definitely were not so when NG games first started coming out PS3 and Vita. Those games looked awesome on the Vita screen but I was really put off by the double charge.

Also had no idea they're $15... too much IMO, even with cross buy


Oct 28, 2017
If there's a Code Mystics version of a particular game, that's the version to get... just don't expect the netcode to be worth a damn.

Hamster generally does an okay job and they're good about patching things that need to be patched but they are far from perfect.