
Oct 25, 2017
I have zero sympathy for people whining, or worse in some cases feeling entitled to, a more traditional marketing blow-out for this game. I get it. I get people want to know more, I get the current marketing angle isn't for everyone, and I get that we're conditioned to seeing more spoon fed exposure to games especially those later in development when it's clear Death Stranding was announced earlier than most.

But I miss this kind of marketing, personally. I miss it in all forms of media; film, television, and games especially. I miss that it's okay to be teased and shown an entertainment product without everything being spelled out, instead encouraging people to stop and really think about what they saw, and that excitement can be generated through the aura of mystery. No, Death Stranding has not fully spelled out or demonstrated exactly how the game plays or what the gameplay loop is. But we've seen enough already to get a general idea of a number of game systems and how they player will likely involve themselves. This trailer, for example, superficially seems like just another run of the mill Kojima cutscene. But what I take away from this is that there will likely be large monster/demon boss fights of some kind. That this sequence will likely transition to something gameplay related, either full on combat, stealth, or a combination of the two. That what I'm seeing here isn't just a fancy rendering gimmick, but something I will actively engage with, and the most likely candidate for a "boss". Narratively I take away that that the masked character in previous trailers isn't Mads, but someone new. That they have the power to "control" the ooze in some form. And that golden "faces" have some relevance; seen here as a tool to control, and in the TGA 2017 trailer as evaporating golden paint on a bodybag face that dissipates when the monsters appear.

Moreover, I think there's an art to teasing and showcasing your production in a way that's thematically relevant to the content within. There's a confidence in trying to have your potential audience resonate with particular moods and feelings via the marketing content before they've had a chance to delve directly into the title themselves. What is clear with Death Stranding is that a haunting, supernatural mystery rich with surreal body horror is the backbone of whatever story and setting KojiPro is trying to convey. And instead of going the Metal Gear route of having long expose-style trailers that dig deep into the nitty gritty nuances of terminology, lore, and political context, here with the very marketing material we're exposed to we're encouraged to feel a similarly unsettling confusion and dreariness as what the game itself will be.

And I love that. I love that this weird fucking setting and concept is something we're a part of as it slowly unravels. I love that with each new trailer, no matter how short or long, I have new content to decipher and discuss. I love that there's really so much in what seems like so little, and that KojiPro are so carefully patient in paced in how we learn more about Death Stranding. I love that this methodology of marketing and the total originality and uniqueness of the title itself as a result has me more excited that I usually am for a new game. I love that everything about this seems like everything I didn't expect. I love that so much money is being poured into something seemingly unusual and the opposite of safe. I love that I think I know stuff, but cannot be entirely sure.

If Death Stranding launched tomorrow and this was the last trailer we got, I'd be calling in sick and buying full price day one. And not because of Kojima's pedigree, but because of how they've conveyed the game to me so far, and the excitement this mystery has evoked.
Reading this article from 2017 uhhh sheds a lot of light on some of the arguments here


Everyone is right! Its both a walking simulator, full blown action game, stealth-action game, survival horror, etc. list goes on. all in one.

This game is going to be insane.

These posts should be quoted in every Death Stranding thread.

Awesome stuff, both of you.


Dec 11, 2017


Deleted member 8408

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I'm pretty sure that in this game you traverse the underworld as a psychopomp. There's no other logical explaination at this point based on what we've seen.

Also for the Skull mask there are parallels that can be drawn to dia de los muertos (day of the dead):

At the same time, in Mexico, the Aztec culture believed life on earth to be something of an illusion – death was a positive step forward into a higher level of consciousness. For the Aztecs, skulls were a positive symbol, not only of death but also of rebirth.

People in Mexico wear traditional skull masks, and the tradition of painting faces to look like skulls has grown up as a variation of this practice. Masks have always been powerful objects in many cultures, ones that often allow the wearer to get in touch with their darker, chaotic side. Skull face painting is a chance to overcome fear of death, act recklessly, and get up to the mischief that is forbidden at other times of the year!


Whatever it all is, it's all steeped in mythology/religion. There are elements of Ancient Egypt (the mumification of corpses), the Aztecs (skull masks) and then there's a ton of Lovecraft (the creatures). Really interested to see how it all fits together and for us to find out how it all came about.
Last edited:
Jun 4, 2018

Character art of all of the previously-revealed characters, together. Posted this official source because the positioning of the characters could be a hint of their attachment to Sam. Just a thought, though.


Oct 30, 2017
To the people "it looks like MGS"... of course it does!(think of how Troy said it)

The art still comes from Yōji himself, so it doesn't surprise me that you can make that out.


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2017
I mean, I can understand people complaining they haven't shown minutes of unadulterated gameplay.

The game is releasing tomorrow and will be on sale for just about 15 minutes.
It literally demands a leap of faith.

Now seriously, I hope it does release before E3 2019 or any other event where anyone (Kojima himself, likely) can spoil things for me. I would be psyched.
I really like how they kept releasing tiny bits of info and made every reveal intriguing without giving anything away and I hope it stays that way until release (I'm not good at media blackouts).
Game is as good as bought, worst that can happen is I won't like it -but I'm confident it will be worth experiencing for the Kojimaness at the very least-.


Nov 20, 2017
IGN's translation of the event:

Most exciting part for me:
When asked about the current development status of Death Stranding, Kojima said that "at the moment we're in the phase where I'm holding the controller the whole day, embedding new elements while playing the game."

Kojima indicated that this means development has surpassed the phase where he looks at what individual staff members are doing, and is now looking at how the project is coming together as a whole.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey so I just realized something, that girl he carries on his back, she is probably paying Sam or the company he works to transport her somewhere, what we see in the E3 trailer was never a corpse, it's just the girl inside the bag and she probably needs to stay inside that bag in order to not get infected or touched by the Timefall?

Maybe everyone knows this but it was like a revelation to me lol, Sam also transports people who are not infected by doom.


Nov 2, 2017
At times this game feels like it's going to be terrible while at others being the most interesting thing in gaming. Through that demo I had both feelings. Not sure what to think at this point.


Sep 24, 2018
I trust Kojima, but I really hope this doesn't end up being a walking simulator with cutscenes.

Diego Renault

Nov 1, 2017
I am a LITTLE dissapointed. The very first Death Stranding footage looked like a completely new gaming experience - something that hasn't been done before. I really this unique feeling the first footage gave us.

This new footage, however, kinda took away this "mysterious" feel. Especially when this huge shadow-lion thing started to roar, it felt somewhat "generic" (just like any other video game).

I'm sure the game will be great, though.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's another source


Hey so I just realized something, that girl he carries on his back, she is probably paying Sam or the company he works to transport her somewhere, what we see in the E3 trailer was never a corpse, it's just the girl inside the bag and she probably needs to stay inside that bag in order to not get infected or touched by the Timefall?

Maybe everyone knows this but it was like a revelation to me lol, Sam also transports people who are not infected by doom.
Is that what it's really called ?


Oct 26, 2017
Allanah Pierce was a guest in last episode of DLC podcast, and she said that when she visited KojiPro recently, QA testers from Sony were just added to the project.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Hoping this game isn't just about humanoid villains. I already had enough of that.

Bring on more Eldritch and God like beings Kojima and don't just make them end game affairs either =-/
Oct 25, 2017
Silicon Valley
I trust Kojima, but I really hope this doesn't end up being a walking simulator with cutscenes.

Sigh... Please read:

Reading this article from 2017 uhhh sheds a lot of light on some of the arguments here


You can think of Death Stranding as an action game." The goal is for Death Stranding to be "very intuitive" so that players can jump in easily. At the same time, Death Stranding will offer a "certain new type of depth." Overall, Death Stranding aims to be "something that [players] might not have seen before," Kojima said.

In terms of its openendedness, Kojima said, "You have a lot of freedom of choice to do what you want to do and you can get in vehicles and so on." He added: "If you are a fighter, there's plenty of opportunity for that. If you're not that type of player, there are other ways to play this game."

In action games, generally, the player has a gun and plays against enemies in a single-player environment--or they take it online and play against other players in a competitive environment. They join in together with guns--[laughs] it's almost always with guns--to take down a stronger opponent. In this game you can do that but I wanted to go a little deeper beyond that with something that doesn't focus on a weapon like a gun and that's what has a connection to the strand concept."

"different versus what most people expect from an online game." Whereas some games have separate and distinct campaign and online modes, this may not be the case for Death Stranding. "A lot of games have a 'campaign mode' and once you're done with that you take it to the online mode. This game is not that kind of structure."


Everyone is right! Its both a walking simulator, full blown action game, stealth-action game, survival horror, etc. list goes on. all in one.

This game is going to be insane.
Oct 26, 2017
Mushroom Kingdom
I am a LITTLE dissapointed. The very first Death Stranding footage looked like a completely new gaming experience - something that hasn't been done before. I really this unique feeling the first footage gave us.

This new footage, however, kinda took away this "mysterious" feel. Especially when this huge shadow-lion thing started to roar, it felt somewhat "generic" (just like any other video game).

I'm sure the game will be great, though.

Well thats a new nitpick. Its getting too videogamey. lolol

Its been years now since the reveal. We're past that "mysterious" phase. People have been piecing everything together for awhile now. Even then, its still clear there is a shit ton more info to uncover.

All speculation, but i think we're in the "gameplay" phase now? We saw one style of gameplay at E3, i'm assuming this was a tease we will see the action side of things soon. TGA or PSX hopefully

Tokio Blues

Sep 14, 2018
Guys really... I know there is a lot of theories arround the same subject. But IMO, it would be great if this game is somehow related to MGS. I miss the old days.


Sep 24, 2018
Why is this even a consideration right now? We don't even have a release date yet...

Some of you do this shit to yourselves.
I didn't mean pre-ordering 5 years ahead of the release. If it turns out to be good then I might pre-order closer to the official release date. It's no biggie because I can always cancel it.