
Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
I still think they'll push him through. They give no fucks.

And if he is withdrawn they'll ram through some other partisan hack. Stop saying they lose. They won. Courts theirs for the next generation
Nobody is saying they won't get a pick regardless. They will, it just may now not be who they wanted.


Oct 25, 2017
I still think they'll push him through. They give no fucks.

And if he is withdrawn they'll ram through some other partisan hack. Stop saying they lose. They won. Courts theirs for the next generation

If they drop kavanaugh, the GOP might not have time to ram through another partisan hack before midterms.


Oct 27, 2017
Trump probably telling his legal team:

"Don't worry, I got this. It's happened to me alotta times. I got this. I've gotten outta so many of these. Believe me, I got this."


Oct 27, 2017
It's insanely dumb to me that Julie Swetnick and Dr. Christine Ford together with Avenatti may have taken down a serial rapist about to be put on the Supreme Court where he could have been the deciding vote to strip women of their rights. And yet there are people in here complaining that they don't like Avenatti because he's a self-promoter.

Who gives a shit?

Exactly. Avenatti might rub people the wrong way but he's not important. What's important is what he's fighting for, and he's been a leader on that front for the most part. If you're going to be in the public eye the way he is being aggressive is probably the only way to fight against Trump and the current GOP. So what if he has something to gain in doing so.
Oct 31, 2017
If your supreme court pick cant tell the truth how is he supposed to be an arbiter of it? Especially when it's stupid shit like drinking.

Holy crap.

It's reflective of a way-too-large swath of America. Many people in this country are fundamentally inept or live in warped realities of their own deluded curation.

And all those asking the understandable questions of "Why is the GOP/Donald Trump trying to force this guy in so hard in particular?", think about this:

David Brock: "I Knew Brett Kavanaugh during his years as a Republican operative. Don't let him sit on the Supreme Court."

Brett actually makes a cameo appearance in my memoir of my time in the GOP, "Blinded By The Right." I describe him at a party full of zealous young conservatives gathered to watch President Bill Clinton's 1998 State of the Union address — just weeks after the story of his affair with a White House intern had broken. When the TV camera panned to Hillary Clinton, I saw Brett — at the time a key lieutenant of Ken Starr, the independent counsel investigating various Clinton scandals — mouth the word "bitch."

But there's a lot more to know about Kavanaugh than just his Pavlovian response to Hillary's image. Brett and I were part of a close circle of cold, cynical and ambitious hard-right operatives being groomed by GOP elders for much bigger roles in politics, government and media. And it's those controversial associations that should give members of the Senate and the American public serious pause.
Oct 25, 2017
Norman, OK
Because these are acusations that the WH did not know of beforehand, as opposed to those they knew of and were able to prepare for.

OK- but why would they be "shocked" to hear that their pick for SCOTUS with a rapey history is at the center of a new rape allegation? I guess it all keeps going back to the same central question surrounding this administration: can they actually be this naive and incompetent? I know we keep getting the same answer back, but this is on par with being "shocked" about your car stalling out while trying to drive through 4 feet of water.


Oct 25, 2017

Grassley and co



Oct 28, 2017
a few things:

Fucking hell, her story is horrific. It also churns my stomach that conservative assholes are going to make her life hell for coming forward.

Can people PLEASE stop with the Avenatti concern trolling now? I don't care for the guy either, but just how many more times does he need to consistently deliver before folks give it a rest already?

Fuck Republicans and double fuck Mitch McConnell with a tortoise shell for the way they've handled Kavanaugh.

Because Trump always handles these situations with tact and gra - ughhh sorry even joking about it made me gag a bit.


Oct 29, 2017
The GOP has spent decades outlining it and this Kav incident is literally the culmination of a major mission of theirs: to make women into second class citizens, do so publicly and openly torture them by revealing how little their bodies matter as anything else but useful tools to breed with. If you're a woman in the GOP this entire situation should turn you off from the party forever, but those women on the ground floor, through religious rhetoric and indoctrination have already been forced into a regressive mindset where they see themselves as undeserving of rights in comparison to straight white Christian males.


Oct 27, 2017
Been waiting for Trump to come in swinging. "I beat sex crime allegations -- so can he!! Stand back, I'm an expert!"


Oct 25, 2017
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't seem like the allegation is saying that Kavanaugh actually raped her, but rather she was raped at a location (presumably a party) where Kavanaugh was present.
I think its a landmine Avenatti has set up for them. He says to refer to the statement where the victim claims she saw him at the party and had seen him line up for a rape train at other parties, has 4 witnesses to corroborate her story, and he was on tv cautioning the president, Kavanaugh, and the rest of the gop from calling his client a liar. He's waiting for them to respond before he brings the witnesses out to verify Kavanaugh raped his client.
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Oct 27, 2017
I think its a landmine Avenatti has set up for them. He says to refer the to the statement where the victim claims she saw him at the party and had seen him line up for a rape train at other parties, has 4 witnesses to corroborate her story, and he was on tv cautioning the president, Kavanaugh, and the rest of the gop from calling his client a liar. He's waiting for them to respond before he brings the witnesses out to verify Kavanaugh raped his client.
Yup, and they're dumb enough to fall for it.


Oct 26, 2017
trump should just find another dude

it's gonna be another idealogue like gorsuch but at least he won't be a rapist


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Space, Man
I think its a landmine Avenatti has set up for them. He says to refer the to the statement where the victim claims she saw him at the party and had seen him line up for a rape train at other parties, has 4 witnesses to corroborate her story, and he was on tv cautioning the president, Kavanaugh, and the rest of the gop from calling his client a liar. He's waiting for them to respond before he brings the witnesses out to verify Kavanaugh raped his client.

I hope there's a picture of Kavanaugh at the party. That'd be an atomic landmine.


Oct 25, 2017
I think its a landmine Avenatti has set up for them. He says to refer the to the statement where the victim claims she saw him at the party and had seen him line up for a rape train at other parties, has 4 witnesses to corroborate her story, and he was on tv cautioning the president, Kavanaugh, and the rest of the gop from calling his client a liar. He's waiting for them to respond before he brings the witnesses out to verify Kavanaugh raped his client.

Also it brings up the question of why would he be at the frat anyway.

If it's that infamous for drinking and sex and now gang rape.

Why would a self described 'virgin' be associated with that? Some how he was the only virgin in the building?

Also he finally admitted he did drink and maybe too much too. So out goes that defense of never drinking.