
Oct 25, 2017

The world never put up enough barriers in front of mediocre white men failing upwards to the highest echelons of power.


Sep 19, 2022
What about the Fairness Doctrine?
It'd be great if it was still a thing. Chances of that being reinstated soon are pretty low.

IDK though, the FTC petition causing change recently made me rethink that. I think we probably need to push the FCC (I think?) to reinstate it, or at least implement something adjacent to it that requires viewpoints with merit and peer review/actual citation to be required before reporting on literally anything. Otherwise, you are considered NOT a news department.

If we could delegitimize Fox News as a source for information as well, the world would be better for it.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Oh sorry, yes, that's actually Iain lol. I thought people would recognize him.

He played a piece of shit vindictive newspaper tycoon in Downtown Abbey. This story reminded me of him.
I got the joke, I just neglected to post sensible chuckle as a reply.

For anyone else, the character is a combination of the NYT and National Esquire owner.
Oct 28, 2017
For all of his whining he (and his daughter) have a great relationship with Maggie Haberman, and the Times ultimately carried the most water for the 2016 smear-job against Hillary.
Maga Haberman is the very defintion of an access "journalist" whose mother worked at Rubenstein Public Relations for 40 years and did work for both Trump and the Kushners. It's all horribly incestuous.


Nov 24, 2017
I don't hate the NYT as much as some of you, but I heard this guy in an interview with the New Yorker Podcast months and I did not come away with a great impression of him.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
This grade school pettiness wouldn't also possibly be skewing some of those screwy election polls of theirs too, could it? You know, like the ones saying that Biden's lost a quarter of the Black vote to Trump.


Sep 13, 2023
I don't hate the NYT as much as some of you, but I heard this guy in an interview with the New Yorker Podcast months and I did not come away with a great impression of him.

I mean if you stay away from their shitty editorials and know the fact that they control narratives by omitting or not reporting on certain things (see Palestine) there is still some decent reporting that goes on over there.

It would be nice if we could get the all star journalists over there to go ProPublica or something.


Oct 28, 2017
I've said it before and I'll say it again: the NYT is a fucking rag, and I won't miss it when it inevitably implodes in on itself.


Oct 29, 2017
For all of his whining he (and his daughter) have a great relationship with Maggie Haberman, and the Times ultimately carried the most water for the 2016 smear-job against Hillary.
At the risk of getting banned again for pointing it out.

This is not new and I wish more people would be cognizant of the NYTimes institutional blindspots and repeated failings. Specifically around civil rights issues, manufacturing consent(and today) around US foreign policy endeavors(which they will gladly half point out later that, oops, we made some boo boos, but they just keep doing it), and their obsession with achieving coverage balance by hyper focusing on Democratic "scandals" while making sure to platform extreme right wing views while denying coverage or actively maligning left-wing ones.

As for whitewashing and soft peddling fascsits, they have a bit of a history there too.

They have good journalists, and they do good work on plenty of topics, but for "the paper of record" they should be held to a much higher standard and regarded with much more skepticism on the left than typically seems to happen given how terrible they are on so many leading and emerging issues and the way they seem to repeatedly fail in their duty to the public in the same ways. And I feel like as the Times has grown to be a broadly appealing lifestyle brand recently the gaps in reporting quality, degradation in editing, and deference to questionable government sources and right wing framing of issues have gotten a lot worse.


Oct 27, 2017
I love when these outlets manage to get both sides of the aisle to hate them.


Oct 27, 2017
We already know they're a bunch of pissy children, they got mad at Sanders for not groveling for an endorsement.
God, what they actually did with the endorsement was so fucking funny. 😂 Might as well have not endorsed anyone at all rather than making Klobuchar and Warren split it. Didn't even have the guts to endorse a singular candidate.


Feb 4, 2021
Damn that is narcissism 101.
i am sorry for his family and friends because he must make everybody around him miserable.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
That's some petty ass shit! I'm sure Biden is running to the phone to call the NYT now!

The age question has been so fucking stupid from the start when Trump is ONLY 3 YEARS YOUNGER; and clearly in a more unhealthier shape than Biden.
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Oct 25, 2017
"our fawning coverage of right-wing dipshits has eroded our cachet as a respectable journalistic institution and now the president won't talk to us, but it's his fault that journalism is dying"

The fourth estate is rotting from the head down.


Oct 25, 2017
The age question has been so fucking stupid for the start when Trump is ONLY 3 YEARS YOUNGER; and clearly more unhealthy than Biden.
This is what gets me.

"I can't vote for Biden, he's too old & senile!"

So you're going to go with…..Trump?

Totally different conversation if someone younger was in the race.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Fuck the New York Times. It seemed obvious looking from the outside that they had some kind of anti-Biden agenda.
Oct 27, 2017
Why hasn't or why won't he a do an interview? Seems like a simple fix for his press team compared to being so frustrated you are trying to solve bad press with twitter…