Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Yes... you know how many times I have seen people say science is a white construct or a white male construct that should be denied. Mostly youth

The people I know of mostly complaining about science as a "white construct" are saying that they dislike the way that nonwhite cultures' contributions to shared knowledge haven't been properly recognized (i.e., the Mayans had a lot of mathematical knowledge and had a skilled astronomy tradition). They're arguing that right now the scientific establishment doesn't want to deal with the way in which the way real life suppresses nonwhite academics and how that affects who gets to do science -- things like biases in grant funding, hiring, etc., as well as the difficulties in managing the stresses from normalized racism in society.

What they are not arguing is that gravity isn't real because it was studied by a white dude. Except for someone in some random youtube video you managed to find. Congrats.

Deleted member 82

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What? I tend to lean more towards analytical philosophy so I am hostile towards postmodernism but just because my views are similar to Peterson's doesn't mean anything

Oh, I don't know about that... The triple whammy of:
1. instantly dismissing the topic
2. embracing internet conservative/alt-lite rhetoric by clamoring for 'logic and reason' and blaming postmodernism (without even denying the similarity of your views to those of Peterson's, no less)
3. acting like the majority of young people supposedly dismiss modern science on the grounds that it's too white, just because you found one video

raises aaaall kinds of red flags to me.


Sep 3, 2019
User banned (permanent): racism, trolling
The people I know of mostly complaining about science as a "white construct" are saying that they dislike the way that nonwhite cultures' contributions to shared knowledge haven't been properly recognized (i.e., the Mayans had a lot of mathematical knowledge and had a skilled astronomy tradition). They're arguing that right now the scientific establishment doesn't want to deal with the way in which the way real life suppresses nonwhite academics and how that affects who gets to do science -- things like biases in grant funding, hiring, etc., as well as the difficulties in managing the stresses from normalized racism in society.

What they are not arguing is that gravity isn't real because it was studied by a white dude. Except for someone in some random youtube video you managed to find. Congrats.
Much of modern scienceand mathematics developed exclusively in Europe this is just the reality of the situation. Yes non white cultures contributed, but when scientists are talking about modern theories it's inevitbaly most likely going to be a European


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Oh, I don't know about that... The triple whammy of:
1. instantly dismissing the topic
2. embracing internet conservative/alt-lite rhetoric by clamoring for 'logic and reason' and blaming postmodernism (without even denying the similarity of your views to those of Peterson's, no less)
3. acting like the majority of young people supposedly dismiss modern science on the grounds that it's too white, just because you found one video

raises aaaall kinds of red flags to me.
I'm actually still not sure he isn't just playing a character, perfectly. Like:

Our generation doesn't really promote logic or reason anymore at least from what I see

Can this man be real?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
This is the most incredible thread derail I've ever seen on this site.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a fucking perfect meme.

The true snowflakes get so easily triggered. Can dish it but can't take shit. 😂

Good on her.


Oct 25, 2017
Hilarious that anyone would suggest that millennials are dumb when boomers fall for scams on Instagram and robocalls everyday.

Deleted member 21411

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
I think i realized what's going on, boomers have been racist and cruel to people their entire lives..... For a lot of them this is the first time they've ever been had discrimination even when they dish that out to so many others.

What a bunch of snowflakes

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Much of modern scienceand mathematics developed exclusively in Europe this is just the reality of the situation. Yes non white cultures contributed, but when scientists are talking about modern theories it's inevitbaly most likely going to be a European

Not only does this not address the point I am trying to make in my post (one of the reasons the scientific establishment is white is because of wide-scale racism across cultures) it's still reductive about cross-cultural contributions to science.


Oct 25, 2017
FACTS AND LOGIC are older generations consistently poll worst in topics around climate change. If they don't like other groups calling them on their bullshit then they should do better. Fuck your whataboutism.

There is no excuse for that middle question beyond a sizable group of disconnected ignorance.



Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Ok boomer sounds like a "I'm entitled" vs "I'm entitled" competition between 2 generations rather than anything constructive. It's literally trolling behavior from millennials and gen z to counter tone deaf behavior from baby boomers.
immaturity from all sides

Said the voice of reason from atop of his high horse.

Ok boomer.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes... you know how many times I have seen people say science is a white construct or a white male construct that should be denied. Mostly youth
I've never heard anyone say this. At most some just want to try to point out the facts that science & technology aren't and have never been just the playground of white people (men in particular) and wanting acknowledgement for all of the contributions of women & non-white people/minorities/non-western people to science and everything that have been hidden/downplayed in western history. So much of scientific history totally ignores the contributions of anyone who wasn't a man and/or white.

It's not about erasing white science but giving other people their spot in the annals of history, which does mean challenging some notions of who invented what first.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
He doesn't call himself a ThousandEyes for nothing. This guy is on a whole other playing field of modern philosophy. A seer of all things. A thousand eyes to witness it all. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.


Oct 29, 2017
I think i realized what's going on, boomers have been racist and cruel to people their entire lives..... For a lot of them this is the first time they've ever been had discrimination even when they dish that out to so many others.

What a bunch of snowflakes

You don't have to be a terrible person to dislike being dismissed outright when you're trying to be heard.

Imagine a young conservative responding to something Bernie says with "OK boomer." I guess he'd be totally cool with it since he's not racist or cruel?


Oct 25, 2017
Is this a joke post? Please tell me this is a joke.

No? Who do you think the bulk of these scams are targeted at? Not broke young people who know how the tech works, that's for sure.

Remember when a bunch of older celebrities posted a poorly edited Instagram chain mail type scam earlier this year?

The number one indicator of your likelihood of sharing misinformation online isn't race, sex, income, education, or even political position, its age. Old people are gullible as hell.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Much of modern scienceand mathematics developed exclusively in Europe this is just the reality of the situation. Yes non white cultures contributed, but when scientists are talking about modern theories it's inevitbaly most likely going to be a European
From the boomer thread where this dude kept on blathering about astrology to now full on racism, the mask finally slipped.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Much of modern scienceand mathematics developed exclusively in Europe this is just the reality of the situation. Yes non white cultures contributed, but when scientists are talking about modern theories it's inevitbaly most likely going to be a European

Holy shit...

Wow, that ban was swift, lmao.


Oct 25, 2017
You don't have to be a terrible person to dislike being dismissed outright when you're trying to be heard.

Imagine a young conservative responding to something Bernie says with "OK boomer." I guess he'd be totally cool with it since he's not racist or cruel?
Sanders isn't a Boomer.

Checkmate, Boomer.

Emergency & I

Oct 27, 2017
No? Who do you think the bulk of these scams are targeted at? Not broke young people who know who the tech works, that's for sure.

Have you considered why young people are more adept at social media? Or perhaps why there's a naivety in older people towards things like these scams and such? Could they have grown up with different technology, societal norms and a different level of information available?

What I'm saying is that your example is a very poor one. Their susceptibility to these things is not a direct measure of their intelligence, but rather a product of subjection/familiarity.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
Have you considered why young people are more adept at social media? Or perhaps why there's a naivety in older people towards things like these scams and such? Could they have grown up with different technology, societal norms and a different level of information available?

What I'm saying is that your example is a very poor one. Their susceptibility to these things is not a direct measure of their intelligence, but rather a product of subjection/familiarity.

Back in my day we handed out our social security numbers to strangers uphill both ways and we LIKED IT.