
Feb 3, 2019
I heard it's good but it's not my kinda game.

Shareholders are gonna find out the hard way that there's only enough room for a small handful of GaaS.

"Look at all this money this other company made! We can make that!" can work for games people naturally stop playing... Like singleplayer games. But for GaaS titles you're likely already too late.


Oct 25, 2017
Houston, Texas
It's a grand game. But I just found it far too stressful. Matchmaking quality around launch felt poor. Any stack of team would just dominate any team of randoms. Maybe it's gotten better over time. But when i see gameplay video it seems that game still demands your very best every time you log on


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I just don't understand what are the expectations for these games. It seems they want to to always get record high profits but if it doesn't hit a new record high = it's a failure

Gaming just keeps getting worse.

A discussion of why we are where we are in the games industry, and why it's not going to change.Thanks to Factor75 for sponsoring today's video. Use my link ...

Alanah does a great job of explaining where gaming currently is and why these decisions keep getting made.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I heard it's good but it's not my kinda game.

Shareholders are gonna find out the hard way that there's only enough room for a small handful of GaaS.

"Look at all this money this other company made! We can make that!" can work for games people naturally stop playing... Like singleplayer games. But for GaaS titles you're likely already too late.
Remember MOBA's? They aren't going to learn


Oct 25, 2017
I heard it's good but it's not my kinda game.

Shareholders are gonna find out the hard way that there's only enough room for a small handful of GaaS.

"Look at all this money this other company made! We can make that!" can work for games people naturally stop playing... Like singleplayer games. But for GaaS titles you're likely already too late.

Then they will take their money elsewhere as they have been. The successful GaaS games generate so much revenue that traditional publishers can't touch them even in their best years.


Oct 27, 2017
They already have their own live service game and went back to it. They just hype hopping to new ones every now and then.
That's pretty much what I meant.

People are already locked in to CoD, Fortnite, etc. They hop over to a new game for the hype cycle and go back. Even games that should by all accounts be big end up dying because people are already invested in their live service game of choice.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a grand game. But I just found it far too stressful. Matchmaking quality around launch felt poor. Any stack of team would just dominate any team of randoms. Maybe it's gotten better over time. But when i see gameplay video it seems that game still demands your very best every time you log on
I love the game but this is the issue for me. The game is so tense and fast paced you feel like you have to be on the ball at all times. Not exactly how I'd like to relax after a long day at work. Apex Legends has a much better balance where I can chill and loot for 10 minutes or aggressively seek out engagements with other parties depending on my mood.


Aug 17, 2018
These games are EXTREMELY high risk- the audience already has numerous "forever" games to choose from, there's a good chance almost no one decides to embrace a new entry into the space. Boggles my mind that companies have long term expectations of success for essentially a roll of the dice.

"Our lottery ticket did not meet our expectations for return on investment this quarter"


Oct 27, 2017
The expectations is probably the next fortnite/Apex.
With this budgets games like this require to build and then continue to operate, you're probably about right.

It's why the vast majority of these projects will fail, but publishers will keep trying and sacrificing developers over and over for the 1% chance of making infinity billion dollars for the next 5 years, even if it ruins them in the process. Shareholders won't allow them not to.


Dec 3, 2018
I really enjoyed the game but it catered too much to a hardcore PC audience for my taste. The time commitment for the battle pass is so ridiculous, that I didn't even try. But also the battlepass content was a complete miss for me. I really like the art style of the base game and the near future clothing, so I really don't understand how the first season was adding an Elvis and a green alien skin. Complete mismatch with the game in my eyes. And also the new stuff is just too much edge lord gamer taste. All in all a complete miss management of a totally fine, if not great base game. With its expected time commitment it really discouraged me to continue playing, since it clearly communicated "this game is not for you". Really sad, could have been great!

Edit: Also fuck this AI voice crap! I'm sure this unnecessary discussion wasn't worth the few bucks they saved on voice actors! Pay artists!


Oct 25, 2017
This was originally going to be PvE? Damn… that may have actually been more interesting. It's a solid game (or at least, at launch it was). But after playing 3 hours I knew I would never ever touch it again.


Oct 27, 2017
I admit it's not my genre but these team-based pvp shooters all look and feel the same to me. I know there's plenty of people who love them but that's also an issue - everyone who wants to get in already has and has found their game. Who is looking for a new pvp GaaS shooter at this point? When was the last one that's really had staying power?


Oct 29, 2017
It's a great game but I can't get a single friend to play with me because of AI voices.


Oct 27, 2017
Loads of style, great feel, presentation, music (OMG), etc.

I.... do not like the game modes. They SUCK if you play solo. It's the same reason I dropped Helldivers 2 as well. I just don't have the time nor the dedicated friends to squad up the way these games expect you to (and thus go viral on) nowadays. It's pretty isolating feeling in that regard actually and just makes me even more disinterested.

Also, and this is just my opinion, but the "Call of Duty" style of culture/generation that has arisen over the past decade with sweaty balls, jumping around corners, chasing KD:R randos out there is just... I can't deal with it anymore at my age :(


Oct 27, 2017
Unless if you're Counter Strike.
What? This game is nothing like Counter Strike. I still think CS only ever recovered because of skins, skin gambling and its value had that never launched CS would never have been as big as it is. But it relaunched that type of FPS got people interested and thats why Valorant works.

Finals is an Arena shooter that shit doesnt work. Even Overwatch had to change things up and nerf the shit out of hitscan to save their game.


Jun 1, 2022
Would have played this game more if it wasn't so objective based. Felt great to play, I just don't like super objective team based shooters.


Oct 25, 2017
Game is still frequently played on Steam, but it doesn't look like its another Apex like they hoped.

I really enjoy the game, but its rough as a single player compared to other popular titles like Apex or Fortnite. The utility is strong and syncs extremely well when in use with other players. i.e. a Team of Heavies and Mediums with APS/Heals/Shields are a damn tank. While the light class is a pure "damage" class and brings nothing to a team. But a good teams makes a light damn near uncatchable outside other lights.

Game is a lot of fun, but I would only get a "good" match maybe one out of five games.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I mean gameplay is good but what is there to get attached to? No lore, character personality, etc.
It had a great start but yeah hard to stick with it long term


Oct 25, 2017
that team had a lot of talent that could have made a very interesting legit Battlefield competitor but instead they made an arena game 🤷🏽‍♂️.

Like even if it was some sort of gaas f2p thing I think it would have been something that differentiated it.

Unironically - I'm pretty sure that if this crew wanted to keep making Battlefield games they'd have stayed at DICE. Pretty sure they wanted to move on with their careers instead of being pigeonholed into Battlefield for the rest of their careers. I mean in between demands from EA and a radioactive fandom... Conjecture, but I feel like the whole "reaction" around BFV was a massive morale-hit.

Anyway, Helldivers 2 (and other sleeper hits before it) proves there is room - You just have to keep the cart and the horse in the correct order. Most of the failures I've seen have been Cash Shops with a token game attached, instead of games with cash shops.


Oct 27, 2017
I think what it lacks is a compelling narrative.

Fortnite, Apex, Overwatch keep players interested thanks to their seasonal events, people want to know what happened to their favorite characters, what new character is coming next... but then The Finals has the most generic set of characters of an online game in recent times.


Oct 25, 2017
That sucks to hear, because I'm still playing it daily, and all of the microtransactions in the store have been great so far.

I think what it lacks is a compelling narrative.

Fortnite, Apex, Overwatch keep players interested thanks to their seasonal events, people want to know what happened to their favorite characters, what new character is coming next... but then The Finals has the most generic set of characters of an online game in recent times.
Apex and Overwatch have a narrative?


Oct 25, 2017
I just don't understand what are the expectations for these games. It seems they want to to always get record high profits but if it doesn't hit a new record high = it's a failure
I guess it's to be expected that they want numbers to just keep going up for a live service game, otherwise they'll just pull the plug. The profit motive is all that matters to these hyper-capitalist companies, not art or quality.

John Harker

Knows things...
Oct 27, 2017
Santa Destroy
I don't retain in MP shooters across the board but I like to try them and The Finals has easily been my favorite in yeaaaaars

I really enjoy it.
Shame it's not doing well.

I follow it for work purposes too and it was indeed doing very well initially I am also surprised retention is as poor as it has Been. Was expecting a mid tier sustained product for at least 2-3 years


Jun 22, 2021
EDIT: Huh, well, it's up to Nexon if they're going to cancel it; maybe the devs will be able to transfer to a different publisher should that happen. The game is fairly unique and fun to play, in general. Destruction is super well-done and there's a lot to like in the customization.

On a bit of a tangent, I wouldn't really put Palworld or Lethal Company in GAAS territory - they're both early access indie games. I don't know if they have seasons or continued support planned out beyond just completing the game (which means adding content and fixing bugs, like a GAAS game, of course).
Last edited:

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
I never even heard of this game. Though even if I knew, I still wouldn't support Nexon. Unless it's Vindictus. Then I MIGHT begrudgingly play it.


Feb 13, 2018
I personally did not really like how shooting felt in this first person shooter…:(


Oct 27, 2017
It's my favorite multiplayer FPS in years and the only thing that's been able to tear me away from Apex (though Apex was doing a pretty good job of that on its own). I'd hate to see this lose support, the gameplay is kinetic and dynamic and really one-of-a-kind in the space right now. For me it's easy to just chill and mess around or get sweaty and go hard. Cosmetics are great too.

Ugh please don't close this game.


Prophet of Regret
Aug 10, 2020
Haven't played it myself, but from what I've seen, it The Finals looked kinda fun, yet didn't seem like the game had enough depth to retain players' attention for a long period.

AI voice "acting" kinda pushed me away from the game, ngl.


Apr 9, 2019
the game has just been piss poor on post launch
and what is in the game although fun its something that begins to be stale after 1 long session and you get just tired of it after a couple days
no where near enough reward i think for continuing to play


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Death by a thousand small cuts.

The game has incredible highs but constant regular little lows. Beta was far better than launch game - probably mostly just down to the player base getting sweatier but it's hard to say. It regularly has those kinds of matches where you're unable to get a hold, and instead spend all your time dead or running back to the fight only to get 1 shotted. Amazing fun when you're on top, but "play something else" inducing when you're not. Also still pretty much requires a group as essential to play.