More Butter

Jun 12, 2018
I don't think either Sony or MS is going to be embarrassed by what they release. The difference in specs will have more to do with whether they price the same or not. I do sometimes wonder what MS might have up their sleeve.

I think weirdly enough MS has become a better hardware creator on engineering and design front. MS made their own GPU (HPU) to suit their needs for Hololens. The surface team consistently does fantastic things and the Xbox One X is such a fully realized console that produces amazing visual results. I don't know what kind of innovations are possible in engineering gaming consoles but I'm more confident that MS will do it at this point.

I also expect MS will have all the consumer friendly features they have been working on for a few years. BC, play anywhere, Gamepass, streaming, cross buy and cross play. I think Sony will be a more traditional new generation.


Oct 30, 2017
Would like it to be £400 or less.

Im gonna be there day one. MS have knocked it out the park for me consumer sides of things and the exclusives have been great too.

Theres no reason why MS shouldnt be my first choice for the next gen.


Oct 27, 2017
On the hardware front I'm expecting a both traditional console and streaming box. I doubt we'll see an under powered device again, will likely see some innovations in there in regards to cooling and streaming tech, possibly some new advances on the controller. Former will be prices $499 and the latter $150, they'll have great flexibility in their price offerings. I don't expect MS will ever give a power advantage away again.

Currently they have 12 studios including the most recent acquisitions, however for Game Pass to hit it's stride fully before 2020 launch kicks off, I expect they will grab 2 more studios at least. My guess for launch titles is Halo Infinite, a Ninja Theory game and Forza, with the following year launching Fable reboot and 2 others from MSGP and possibly Obsidian.

Super Havoc

Aug 24, 2018
The Haven
I expect two versions of Xbox next generation. Xbox Scarlett and Xbox Scarlett cloud.

Xbox Scarlett will occupy the high end at $500 and Xbox Scarlett cloud will occupy the low end at $150 or less.

This pricing elasticity will be an overall win for Microsoft allowing them cast a much wider net in terms of customer demographics.

Next-gen, Xbox could both mean high end graphics rivaling dedicated PC gaming rigs, and an affordable gaming platform cheaper than the cheapest Nintendo Switch. With everything playing the same games with extensive backwards compatibility and full Xbox ecosystem interoperability.

Doing this introduces a compelling overall package none of Microsoft's competition offers. This strategy is as close as Microsoft can get to delivering a true differentiator and if it catches on it could be disruptive in the market.

Microsoft knows all too well you can't really easily emulate Sony and Nintendo games (and all the fan following that goes with that)
because it took decades of experience to acquire the expertise they now enjoy. All the money in the world can't fast track that.

In terms of hardware, Xbox Scarlett will be overall very similar to PlayStation 5 :

7nm chip let hardware design
Ryzen2 CPU 8 core/16 thread @~3Ghz
72cu Navi-based GPU @ 1GHz or more
64GB NAND minimum
minimum 16GB GDDR6 @500GB/sec or more
Full HDMI 2.1 compliance
Full suite of the latest Dolby codecs (True HD,Headphone, Atmos,Dolby Vision)

The Xbox Scarlett cloud will have proprietary bespoke Microsoft streaming hardware so it's impossible to guess what will be in the box.

This is all IMO

Can you or anyone as knowledgeable on all of this technical talk here post a comparable video of a PC rig running a game with these specs or at least something extremely close to give us less technically inclined folks an idea of what high end games can/will look?


Jan 31, 2018
I see Xbox Consoles become more PC centric.

  • With a truly unified OS that allows Xbox Games to work on Consoles and PC via UWP. (trojan horse into PC Gaming)
  • M&K to become bundled a controller with the Console for the higher Scarlett SKUs, this will raise the price, but majority of consumers probably will pay for the cost.
  • Desktop UI mode that allows to use Xbox consoles like a Windows PC and retain a Controller UI.
  • Xbox One S becomes a Streaming device retaining forward compatibility with future Xbox games via XCloud.
  • Xbox Scarlett Streaming device.
I also expect Game Pass to expand into more SKUs at differing prices, higher prices will include XCloud, GP and XBL whereas the lowest SKU could include just GP and maybe XBL.
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Nov 2, 2017
It will be the most powerful console to include Game Pass, Elite controller and Halo Infinite. That's all I'm willing to predict. Enough reason for me to upgrade day 1.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Yeah, Phil already promised forward compatibility. Every game will work on all consoles - even Scarlett games on X.
When he was talking about forward compatibility he was talking about software: current gen games working on future consoles with enhancements. He wasn't talking about next gen games working on current gen hardware.
Apr 18, 2018
I think it will be a hard cutover and there will be next gen only games. I do think they will enable next-gen games streaming on current gen consoles. I think it's the least confusing to consumers as it's what they are already used to.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
The next Xbox would have cutting-edge manufacturing, and cooling but I'll doubt we will see advanced architectures for its like the one in 360 xenos. I don't think there will be any dedicated ray ray tracing silicom or post Navi features. Any tech that really takes off they can just use in their mid-gen refresh.

I predict we see the same design motivation as Xbox 1X. Pack as much brute power along with custom silicon for maximum balanced results. No new architechure or paradigm shift for devs to learn.

I expect Sony to be focused less on brute force but would incorporate more future AMD tech, even if it means sacrificing hard BC.