
Oct 25, 2017
I feel the same. My attitude towards both the Dolphins and the Jets has softened a lot over the last few years and it's sorta become a "yeah, they're jerks, but they're OUR jerks" kinda rivalry for me, haha! The Dolphins in particular got a LOT of crap last season and that kinda annoyed me because you could see they were taking the rebuild seriously and the pieces were moving into place. I'm not at all surprised to see the success they've been having this season, and I'm honestly kinda glad for it. Flores has been doing solid work.

...now if the Jets could jettison Gase. Ugh...

(...though my good will doesn't extend to Henry Anderson. Fuck that guy.)
Henry Anderson will be gone this offseason. He finally showed up this week for the first time in like 2 years, other than delivering late hits he's invisible.


Official ERA expert on Third Party Football
Nov 2, 2017
I'm a few hours away from being 59, please respect my privacy in this difficult time.


Oct 25, 2017
Once your coach has to resort to props for inspiration and motivation, you know you're in trouble.


Oct 25, 2017
One of my favorite parts about this is in the snesfreak section where the Hillsborough schools are holding a vote to decide whether they want to borrow $75 million to meet the operating expenses of snesfreak 's Papa Johns and Hot Pockets, lmao

He eats a lot of doughy goodies. If schools have to suffer, oh well. This is how he special orders his Pizza. He likes to make a giant burrito out of it.

Oct 25, 2017
You People™ will all pay for this disrespect!
I make my own damn pizza, not frozen, not bagels, I roll the dough out and put the sauce, cheese and toppings on it.
Then I cook it!

It doesn't taste good but nothing does anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
The last point. Cmon unless Lurie completely goes nuts, they are not firing all three at once. I could see Schwartz mutually agree to leave. He was never the biggest Doug supporter. Lurie forced Doug to bring in a bunch of the cooks you mentioned and he might give them more than 1 season to come up with a new scheme, a marriage of the different styles, especially since they had a very limited camp this year.

I am more down on Howie and the FO than on Doug. Feels like tons of new coaches were forced on Doug and they expect them to be dynamite in this odd season without the proper horses to run this offense. I actually think it would be better if they reduced the coaching staff from all these different run game pass game coordinators to just Doug as HC/OC and a QB coach, RB Coach, and WRs coach. I was rooting for Jim Caldwell in that QB coach role. He's known to be a stickler for mechanics.

Agree with all the FO blunders, the most glaring being Howie thinking they were ok @ WR and only needed to draft a rookie or two to fix the worst WR group from a year ago over trading for a DHop, Diggs, etc. That and their belief in things like LBs don't matter or that you can stick anyone at S and make it work. That spending more $$$ to add a 3rd DT (who hasn't lived up to the hype at all) is more important than signing a true CB2 (Maddox is either nickel or back up S, not a starter CB) or a FA LB. Which is why I wonder if Howie needs someone who is really about personnel like a Joe Douglas type of figure.
Well I guess we'll just have to disagree. You seem to think Schwartz' time is up. And you wrote a whole paragraph about how Howie has been bad at his job but don't want to fire him, which I'm confused about. Seems you just want to keep him on to handle contracts? He's good at the cap, but if you sideline him like that eventually he'll find his way back to the top. Just like under the Chip years. Other people can be good at the cap too, and he's done a terrible job at the other parts of being a GM. So it seems like you wouldn't necessarily be opposed to a new GM either

So that leaves Doug. I'll always appreciate him for bringing the city's first Owl home, but I'm just not sure what he's good at besides getting his team to play hard for him. Ever since Reich left, the offense has been completely boring and simple. The reason Lurie forced Doug's hand on the assistants is because he was ready to run it back with Groh and Walsh, who were awful in their respective roles. Having an offensive HC that needs good assistant coaches to have a good scheme just seems wasteful; if those assistants get hired away you're screwed. And Doug makes a lot of questionable/cowardly decisions in games all the time now. He's no longer especially aggressive, the rest of the league caught up to going for it on 4th down and going for 2. Doug is the least of the 3 that I want gone, I think Howie and Schwartz are more important to kick out. But Doug isn't really adding anything to offset his lackluster scheme and doesn't even have full autonomy of his coaching staff, QB, or offense.

So I think it would be better to completely clean the slate and start over. Bring in a new GM, cut all these old players and lose their numbers so they don't come back (Alshon, JP, Curry, DJax), and hire a coach with some exciting ideas like Bieniemy. Draft Parsons with our likely top 5 pick to finally have a playmaking LB, and then get a WR and a safety on Day 2. Use day 3 for OL and DE depth and maybe a developmental corner. Bring in a ballbuster QB coach who will challenge wentz to fix his issues and have a QB competition in camp. If Wentz wins, give him the starting job with a short leash. If Hurts wins, see what he's got and make Wentz the league's most expensive backup until they can get out of his contract.


Oct 26, 2017
Well I guess we'll just have to disagree. You seem to think Schwartz' time is up. And you wrote a whole paragraph about how Howie has been bad at his job but don't want to fire him, which I'm confused about. Seems you just want to keep him on to handle contracts? He's good at the cap, but if you sideline him like that eventually he'll find his way back to the top. Just like under the Chip years. Other people can be good at the cap too, and he's done a terrible job at the other parts of being a GM. So it seems like you wouldn't necessarily be opposed to a new GM either

So that leaves Doug. I'll always appreciate him for bringing the city's first Owl home, but I'm just not sure what he's good at besides getting his team to play hard for him. Ever since Reich left, the offense has been completely boring and simple. The reason Lurie forced Doug's hand on the assistants is because he was ready to run it back with Groh and Walsh, who were awful in their respective roles. Having an offensive HC that needs good assistant coaches to have a good scheme just seems wasteful; if those assistants get hired away you're screwed. And Doug makes a lot of questionable/cowardly decisions in games all the time now. He's no longer especially aggressive, the rest of the league caught up to going for it on 4th down and going for 2. Doug is the least of the 3 that I want gone, I think Howie and Schwartz are more important to kick out. But Doug isn't really adding anything to offset his lackluster scheme and doesn't even have full autonomy of his coaching staff, QB, or offense.

So I think it would be better to completely clean the slate and start over. Bring in a new GM, cut all these old players and lose their numbers so they don't come back (Alshon, JP, Curry, DJax), and hire a coach with some exciting ideas like Bieniemy. Draft Parsons with our likely top 5 pick to finally have a playmaking LB, and then get a WR and a safety on Day 2. Use day 3 for OL and DE depth and maybe a developmental corner. Bring in a ballbuster QB coach who will challenge wentz to fix his issues and have a QB competition in camp. If Wentz wins, give him the starting job with a short leash. If Hurts wins, see what he's got and make Wentz the league's most expensive backup until they can get out of his contract.

I think you misunderstand me. I am ok with change, whether it is firing Howie or pairing him again with a Joe Douglas type personnel guy. Or if that means more changes to the offensive coaching staff and getting a real QB coach and or OC. Whatever it takes to turn it around and fix Carson. I am of the belief that a QB is far harder to find than a good coach. I haven't given up on Carson but from all the analysts and all22 after each game, it's plain to see he is indecisive and skittish. That he isn't sure with his reads and that delays are leading to incompletions, sacks, and turnovers.

If internally they come to the conclusion that Doug is not coaching well or the primary reason why Carson has regressed and with him the entire offense, then fire him. Or if Lurie truly looks at Howie's draft record, including the SB yr, and comes to the conclusion that no matter how he likes him and trusts him, he has to let go of him, I would be fine with it. I was never a big fan of Howie though the SB yr changed my views on him. I am not opposed to these changes.

I just don't think Lurie is going to do it. Not this off-season and definitely not all 3 (GM, HC, and DC). Of the three, I can see them firing Schwartz at most. Lurie held on to Reid for 14 seasons when I felt like the Reid-Eagles tandem had burnt out by the end of McNabb's reign and Reid should have been fired 2-3 yrs before he was finally let go. While I don't see Lurie giving that kind of leash to Pederson, he did turn right back to a Reid jr to bring back that type of coaching and culture. And they won an SB for the first ever. I just don't see him firing Pederson after this season. And while it sucks, he will cite that they made the playoffs 3 yrs in a row, one ending with the SB.

Again, I am not opposed to firing Doug, Howie, and Jim. I just don't think it happens. There are guys like Adam Caplan who have hinted that if they don't win the rest of the way or don't make the playoffs, Lurie is going to fire them all. We will see it. I doubt it. I think ultimately Lurie is going to hold them accountable and give them 1 more year as a group but make it clear that if next season they aren't a top 1-2 seed competing for an SB realistically, they are gone.

If they do fire Howie, I'd love Louis Riddick to take over. If the fire Doug, I'd love to see Eric Bienemy but I get the feeling if Reid has his way he would tell him not to go to Philly after he himself was fired and his real close friend Pederson is let go. 2nd choice would be Joe Brady. And who knows if guys like Sean Payton are sticking with their team. Does he stay in NO if Brees leaves? Is Harbaugh looking to come back to the NFL?


Oct 25, 2017
I think you misunderstand me. I am ok with change, whether it is firing Howie or pairing him again with a Joe Douglas type personnel guy. Or if that means more changes to the offensive coaching staff and getting a real QB coach and or OC. Whatever it takes to turn it around and fix Carson. I am of the belief that a QB is far harder to find than a good coach. I haven't given up on Carson but from all the analysts and all22 after each game, it's plain to see he is indecisive and skittish. That he isn't sure with his reads and that delays are leading to incompletions, sacks, and turnovers.

If internally they come to the conclusion that Doug is not coaching well or the primary reason why Carson has regressed and with him the entire offense, then fire him. Or if Lurie truly looks at Howie's draft record, including the SB yr, and comes to the conclusion that no matter how he likes him and trusts him, he has to let go of him, I would be fine with it. I was never a big fan of Howie though the SB yr changed my views on him. I am not opposed to these changes.

I just don't think Lurie is going to do it. Not this off-season and definitely not all 3 (GM, HC, and DC). Of the three, I can see them firing Schwartz at most. Lurie held on to Reid for 14 seasons when I felt like the Reid-Eagles tandem had burnt out by the end of McNabb's reign and Reid should have been fired 2-3 yrs before he was finally let go. While I don't see Lurie giving that kind of leash to Pederson, he did turn right back to a Reid jr to bring back that type of coaching and culture. And they won an SB for the first ever. I just don't see him firing Pederson after this season. And while it sucks, he will cite that they made the playoffs 3 yrs in a row, one ending with the SB.

Again, I am not opposed to firing Doug, Howie, and Jim. I just don't think it happens. There are guys like Adam Caplan who have hinted that if they don't win the rest of the way or don't make the playoffs, Lurie is going to fire them all. We will see it. I doubt it. I think ultimately Lurie is going to hold them accountable and give them 1 more year as a group but make it clear that if next season they aren't a top 1-2 seed competing for an SB realistically, they are gone.

If they do fire Howie, I'd love Louis Riddick to take over. If the fire Doug, I'd love to see Eric Bienemy but I get the feeling if Reid has his way he would tell him not to go to Philly after he himself was fired and his real close friend Pederson is let go. 2nd choice would be Joe Brady. And who knows if guys like Sean Payton are sticking with their team. Does he stay in NO if Brees leaves? Is Harbaugh looking to come back to the NFL?
I get what you're saying, but Lurie cares about the team more than any one of this group. And he was expecting a top 5 offense and has gotten the exact opposite of it. But more than that, it would be one thing if the Eagles sucked and people were angry. But the last 2 years the team was incredibly inconsistent and reached a point where it seemed like there was no way they'd make the playoffs. And it's because of a lot of the same problems as this year, the only difference is the QB was playing much better. But at the last second both seasons they did just enough to sneak in, which prevented people from checking out and thinking they were just a few pieces away. This season tho, the bottom has completely fallen out and people aren't angry. They're apathetic. The Eagles are bad and boring in a very predictable way, and their roster construction and cap situation means things aren't necessarily gonna improve dramatically next year. So it's very easy for fans to check out and just stop caring about the Eagles. That is concerning to Lurie, and would get him to make massive changes

And also, looking at the remaining games, there's a decent chance the Eagles finish last in the worst division in NFL history. And that's with every other team in the division having new coaching staffs, 2 of those teams being perennial jokes for the last decade, and one of them having injuries similar to the Eagles and losing their QB. How could you not fire everyone after that?


Oct 26, 2017
I get what you're saying, but Lurie cares about the team more than any one of this group. And he was expecting a top 5 offense and has gotten the exact opposite of it. But more than that, it would be one thing if the Eagles sucked and people were angry. But the last 2 years the team was incredibly inconsistent and reached a point where it seemed like there was no way they'd make the playoffs. And it's because of a lot of the same problems as this year, the only difference is the QB was playing much better. But at the last second both seasons they did just enough to sneak in, which prevented people from checking out and thinking they were just a few pieces away. This season tho, the bottom has completely fallen out and people aren't angry. They're apathetic. The Eagles are bad and boring in a very predictable way, and their roster construction and cap situation means things aren't necessarily gonna improve dramatically next year. So it's very easy for fans to check out and just stop caring about the Eagles. That is concerning to Lurie, and would get him to make massive changes

And also, looking at the remaining games, there's a decent chance the Eagles finish last in the worst division in NFL history. And that's with every other team in the division having new coaching staffs, 2 of those teams being perennial jokes for the last decade, and one of them having injuries similar to the Eagles and losing their QB. How could you not fire everyone after that?

Only because Lurie is known to be patient and really trust Howie and his football guys. Only because of that I personally don't think he fires everyone. Yeah, worst division in NFL history but their own terrible performance is separate from the rest of the division. As they are constructed and how they play, they would finish last even if the division was mediocre or good.

But at this point I want them to not only miss the playoffs but to finish last. They keep tricking themselves into thinking they are a contender, barely making the playoffs the last 2 seasons, and then trying to tinker 1-2 things here and there. They need a real kick in the butt and to show how far away they really are. The roster will need a lot of work and has very little $$$ (negative right now actually) to work with. Wentz isn't going anywhere with his cap # unless some team wants to trade for him and his deal (maybe Indy?).

I could be wrong and I know Lurie is fuming but I get the feeling he gives the entire set up one more season.


Aug 26, 2018
I don't get how all the talking heads are shitting on the Steelers for the teams they've beaten but the Chiefs have played the Jets, Broncos, Panthers, Patriots, Chargers and Texans and are the #1 team apparently. Lmao.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't get how all the talking heads are shitting on the Steelers for the teams they've beaten but the Chiefs have played the Jets, Broncos, Panthers, Patriots, Chargers and Texans and are the #1 team apparently. Lmao.
I could definitely see the Steelers beating the Chiefs if they have to come to Pittsburgh in the playoffs. If the Steelers defense gets going and they get an early lead I could see the Steelers garbage qb holding them off. But its hard to bet against Mahomes.

Speaking of the Steelers, the Ravens Steelers is the most bankable game in football for the past 20 years. It will be nice for people to actually get a great game on Thanksgiving. But aren't most people shopping at that time? Even if its online isn't that when the black friday madness starts? I wonder how many people will just have the game in the background.


Nov 3, 2017
I don't get how all the talking heads are shitting on the Steelers for the teams they've beaten but the Chiefs have played the Jets, Broncos, Panthers, Patriots, Chargers and Texans and are the #1 team apparently. Lmao.
lol both teams are even, both have beaten 3 teams with a winning record, don't act like you been playing a tougher schedule, both teams gotten a nice cupcake schedule, Steelers have been softer, you playing the NFC Least..


Oct 25, 2017
I don't get how all the talking heads are shitting on the Steelers for the teams they've beaten but the Chiefs have played the Jets, Broncos, Panthers, Patriots, Chargers and Texans and are the #1 team apparently. Lmao.
The Chiefs don't have anything to prove. That's why no one is talking about them, for right or wrong.