
Oct 25, 2017
Brady would be dogshit on the Chargers.

The idea that he would do any better than Pip there is laughable.


Oct 27, 2017
The Edelman drop isn't quite up there with Welker's, but it's not too far either. Easy catch and first down to continue the drive.

Not being able to punch it in from one yard out with three attempts.


I don't think this is it for Brady. I think he's going to want some guarantees that they will get him a lot more help. The running game was non-existent tonight outside of one run. The receivers dropped easy catches. I don't think that Tom will have enough patience to train up Harry or Meyers, so they will need to make a move for wide receiver help.

Patriots have a lot of free agents and and I think they're going to let a good chunk of them walk, especially on the defensive side of the ball. I don't think the defense will be nearly as good next year.

They're going to have some holes soon. Left guard, free safety, linebacker (at least two of them), tight end and they'll need a ton of help at the receiver position. I think it's worth examining whether or not to move on from Sony Michel.

I'm sure I'll have more thoughts. Last thing though - Nick Folk deserves another shot in the league. He was just as good as Gostkowski for us. I doubt the Pats will keep him, but somebody should sign him.


Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Huh? The dude threw it 37 times and threw a pick 6 to end the game.

They could've taken a quick down on the kickoff and let Tom have a play. They chose to keep him benched and try the schoolyard stuff.

I'd get it if the kick was deep (as you'd need the constant pitches anyway), but that was a light kick. If they trusted Tom, they'd have downed it around midfield and let him air it out for the endzone.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 12, 2019
As a former St. Louis Rams fan, seeing the Patriots bow out once and for all (to one of their own former players, no less) was immensely satisfying. The Patriots' cheating and a suspicious call in 2001 led to the circumstances that eventually took my team out of town. We got our win back last year with the Blues, though, so I'm not mad anymore. And I gotta wish Mike Vrabel well on his coaching career.

By the way, did Joe Tessitore go to the Tony Schiavone/Michael Cole school of announcing, or something? That guy is legitimately horrible and pretends that every single play is the most important thing that's ever happened in the history of sports. He has to have started out as a professional wrestling announcer.


Oct 25, 2017
Brady actually played better than pretty much any other game down the stretch. He was good in the first half and things got tighter in the second half but there were no real bad throws unlike the rest of the season where he had looked off. Calling three straight running plays to the left side of the line is on McDaniels unless Brady changed these. Edelman's drop killed that drive and possible the last shot of winning a tight game.

I knew Henry was going to run wild but the defense honestly did a great job as they only let in 14. If you were to say that Henry would have almost 200 rushing yards, 14 points would not be the total that comes to mind off of that.


Oct 25, 2017
He had nobody open. This wasn't like Manning's ugly season. Brady had nothing.

Did Brady look worse than the Broncos AFCCG game where Matt Slater was the third receiver on their last game winning series? I genuinely think not (and I say he's played worse all season).

He's been missing wide open guys all season. Maybe, and bear with me here, he's below league average at quarterbacking and you're struggling to see that based on past performance.