
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah.... I don´t buy that.

No clue how they asked their questions or how they got to that number, but I don´t think it represents the reality.



Oct 31, 2017
This number will be in the 40-50% next generation. Some of my friends have already switched to 100% digital.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Echo Base
I have moved to almost 100% digital. That's crazy for me!! However pre-load is king! Also I tend to trade my games in for the new hotness and don't complete them. Digital forces me to keep playing my games to completion.

I know that's a horrible reason and I should have more self control but eh. works for me.

Deleted member 9486

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I moslty go physical when I can.

1. Cheaper. Good sales, GCU discounts were great (RIP), Prime discounts on preorder, can buy used or trade with friends/randoms online.

2. Can sell them off (sell, not trade in and get ripped off) and recoup some costs when I'm done. I very rarely replay things, don't collect and hate clutter.

3. Since I can sell them off, I'm less likely to force myself to play some $60 new release I end up not liking since I can get most of the money back vs. a digital purchase being a sunk cost.
Oct 25, 2017
Internet is wildly inconsistent in the US so this does not come as a surprise. The people who have been championing the death of physical media are only doing so for their selfish desires. It'll mean there will be less gamers out there. 30-50GB downloads taking forever. Now picture games with 4k textures etc, 100GB plus. Several GB updates are already pushing it.
I prefer physical until there is someway that games can download much faster. Some games take 24+ hours to download on ps4 even when my internet speed is capable of streaming 1080p videos and movies seamlessly.

Worst is the hassle of space management with digital as well as if you buy multiple games on the same day.


Oct 27, 2017
There is still more upside to physical than digital. Slowly they will force you to buy digital. A lot of indie games can only be bought digitally. PC is mainly digital now. Streaming and services like Game Pass will become more popular. All of this will eventually erode the demand for physical because many also see value in convenience. It won't be next gen but likely the one after that where we might see digital overtake physical on consoles.


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
As a PC gamer I'm kinda forced to use digital, but whenever I get a game on PS4 I go digital too.

Much more convenient.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
I prefer physical copies on console but my PC doesn't even have an optical drive. The convenience of Steam and various sites that sell Steam keys like Green Man make the thought of buying physical copies on PC seem archaic.


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Oct 25, 2017
Echo Base
There is room for both, people that want a collection that is proofed from server shutdowns etc makes total sense. However for me these days its just not how I consume the medium. Call me crazy but I am 100% Gaas person these days.

I do it with Netflix, Spotify and I would love to do it with video games.

rusty chrome

Oct 25, 2017
I'm the opposite. I'm on PS4 and I've been trying to go full digital because I don't want stacks of game cases anywhere in my house.

I'd only buy physical if I'm unsure I'll love the game so I can trade it in.
Oct 25, 2017
Osaka, Osaka
I'm more than sure that the number who prefers physical skyrockets when you start including folks outside of the US.

Not only countries where internet speeds are much slower, but countries whose cultures prioritize physical storefronts over online shopping, and where folks rarely use credit cards.

A lot of people dont want to buy things online, and prefer nicely made brick and mortar storefronts.


Nov 8, 2017
Not true. The PC gaming section here in Germany (in large retail stores) is often larger than all console sections combined. Pretty much every major game and many indie games are released at retail.

Not that it's useful for Pc games since it's usually just a Steam code in a box. :-(

It does seem quite uncommon for retail PC games in many other countries, however, especially in the States.

I don't think it is accurate to count boxes with game codes as physical game sales. That would be the same as me writing a key for game x on a piece of paper and saying that I'm selling a physical copy of the game. Physical or Digital should be used in relation to where the actual game data comes in/from.

Deleted member 13560

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
That number has grown exponentially... but in the financial world that is a made up number that doesn't prove anything because that isnt what people are doing with their money. The people saying that physical won't go away anytime soon sound like the people from back in the day that said VHS won't go away.

Change is coming and technology moves at an exponential rate. I wouldn't be surprised to see that number double in the next 3 years.

But I like that people are slow at accepting new things. It allows me time to research and move money around to maximize profits. Its It's very interesting seeing people trying to hold on to relics of the past and then watch the snowball effect happen. I don't know a single person who buys physical albums or movies outside of diehards. Games are next in line. Physical media won't be the only thing going away, but that's outside of the scope of this topic.

If you think corporations are not going to maximize profits by eliminating physical media and physical distribution of it, then you're lying to yourself.

Corporations want to make money. They don't care about your collection of physical media aside from taking advantage of collectors with overpriced physical editions. If anything, physical media will be a niche that certain companies will fill to meet the demands of those nostalgic minded people. It's already happening now. And what's even funnier is that these niche companies that make physical games will pay publishers for the right to make these special edition products while still giving the publishers a cut of the sales. They won't even have to fool with the manufacturing and logistics.

More and more games are doing digital only releases outside of the whole collector edition charade. And it starts from the bottom up. First it was indies and now you have more and more publishers outside of the independent circle implementing the same practices on some of their lower budget titles.

I'm not saying this is going to disappear tomorrow, but by the end of this next decade it will be a collector only thing to want something physical. It'll start with brick and mortar chains closing shop and go from there.

That number doesn't translate into what people are actually doing with their money. If people took the time to actually read numbers derived from money they would know that. Statista/NPD has reports readily available online right now showing physical sales are on life support. 21% vs 79%. Most people will look at these charts and complain that it includes DLC, subscriptions, mobile, etc on top of the full releases and say that the numbers are skewed. These same people will say the same thing when it's at 15, 10 and 5 percent.

You have been hearing people saying this for years because that is what's happening. Stuff doesn't disappear overnight. People with with foresight start planning years in advance to capitalize on changing business models.

Green Yoshi

Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Cologne (Germany)
That number has grown exponentially. The people saying that physical won't go away anytime soon sound like the people from back in the day that said VHS won't go away.

Bad comparision. DVDs were a better substitute and made VHS redundant.

If you think corporations are not going to maximize profits by eliminating physical media and physical distribution of it, then you're lying to yourself.

That's a dangerous path. Fifteen years ago I spent a lot of money for music CDs. Now I only use Spotify Free and YouTube.
The music industry has shrinked in the past decades.

You already see it on smartphones. Paid apps struggle because so many people rather play popular Free2Play games.


Digital Foundry
Oct 26, 2017
I don't think it is accurate to count boxes with game codes as physical game sales. That would be the same as me writing a key for game x on a piece of paper and saying that I'm selling a physical copy of the game. Physical or Digital should be used in relation to where the actual game data comes in/from.
Well, those boxes still include discs with game data on's just that there are also keys included which kind of makes that less interesting.

I think games sold at retail in a box are counted as retail sales, however.

Deleted member 13560

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I hope people just do their own research and not listen to a word I say other than to just fact check.

As for the music industry, these free apps see money generated from ad revenue which you are forced to listen to unless you pay for it or bypass it using other means. I don't see where the music industry is hurting. Especially now that smaller, less known artists are able to distribute their music without the need of a record label. You got youtubers who make a living now just covering songs or releasing good original music on the format and on Google Play, iMusic, along with other services out there.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I sometimes buy physical copies of PC games if I happen to find them cheaper than elsewhere.
It occasionally happens but not often.

Deleted member 13560

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Bad comparision. DVDs were a better substitute and made VHS redundant.

I don't understand how that is a bad example of what's occurring now. It was a way for media to be distributed among people, which is what's happening with digital distribution. Discs are vastly inferior to SSDs and even HDDs in term of how fast data is transferred and how durable it is. Your also limited to what you can store on a disc.


Oct 27, 2017
physical is a much better deal overall.

the only good thing with digital is playing a game a few hours earlier.

And you don't have to switch disks/media
And you don't have worry about lost or damaged disks
And you don't have to store the physical games, which leads to...
You can have your full library of games available almost anywhere. Example I visit my parents who have an old PC, but can play indie stuff fine. So I can login to Steam on thier PC and play what ever I want.

Physical is good for trading in, if you're into that.


Oct 25, 2017
Old grandpappy XxXF0rtniteG0dXxX holding onto his physical game tapes, get with the times, digital is the present and future. That number is about 29% than I would ever expect on PC.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point I'm going wherever the best deal is.

Except with Switch. I started physical at first but realized it was a hassle. Now I'm paying a premium for digital, which is annoying. Still makes no sense at all to me that I can buy physical games significantly cheaper than digital, but I guess that will die with GCU anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Physical was a no brainer before GCU was killed but once it runs out for me later this year I'm not sure what I'm going to do. The only option I'll have for reduced prices is going back to gamestop and using trade ins to finance newer games. I don't know if I can spend $60 on everything, it just feels wrong after so many years of GCU. But for this gen and parts of last GCU made it so obvious to buy physical over digital, it was a crazy time.


Nov 8, 2017
Well, those boxes still include discs with game data on's just that there are also keys included which kind of makes that less interesting.

I think games sold at retail in a box are counted as retail sales, however.

I see, so they come with both. I was under the impression that they only contained the game key inside. Thanks for the clarification.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe the PC people that prefer physical mean that they'd rather still be able to buy physical media, even if it's not an option? An unserved market.


Nov 22, 2017
Is there a breakdown of the numbers by console?

I imagine done and PS4 are very different then ps3 and 360.


Oct 27, 2017
I greatly prefer physical over digital. The only time I do digital is for games I'll be playing in short bursts each day randomly such as multiplayer for example. That way I don't have to constantly change out the game. Single player games or those I'll only play once, physical all the way.
Oct 25, 2017
Physical forever. Nothing against digital and I still buy stuff that way occasionally, usually games I skip at launch that have a steep discount later but I love looking at my collection of cases. It's soothing.


Nov 15, 2017
Digital is better. On the switch i'm mostly digital. I don't like the idea of switching game carts to play different games, that's so early 2000. Once i jumped to PC and went digital, i dropped every idea of physical media for digital.

Rei no Otaku

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Cranston RI
Digital is just too expensive. I'd love to go all digital, but pricing really needs to change. For example, I wanted to play all the Kingdom Hearts games so I bought the collection on PS4. Gamestop has it for $20, and it is still $50 on PSN.


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like the physical preference is still dropping at about the same rate. Weren't publishers citing like 30% digital on console last year?