
Oct 25, 2017
Stan, it's really not that big of a leap to make the assumption that there's a scum doctor in the game. You can't sit there and simultaneously say the game is bastard so I can't trust my tracker results while also saying that Monkey must be town because you've got it in your head that your two roles complement each other.

There's literally been times lovers have had opposite alignments in this community, the most complentary roles in the game. Nothing can explain my results from what we've seen other than Monkey is the killer here. Like, it's the strongest evidence we've seen against a scum in this game and you want us to ignore it. You haven't even offered an alternative argument of your own other than Thorny because... she's pushing the case against Monkey. That's not a strong case. Thorny has been correct about this all day.
A scum doctor on tiny teams that was designed to compliment and contrast the town doctor, with plenty of monkeys own play, and hell sparks for that matter, backing that circumstance.

And like, You said it yourself here, "from what weve seen" youre coming at this from a lack of information while acting like its a solved matter, still early in a game that could well have something we havnt seen that solves it. Your rushing ahead because you cant abide by a question mark in a game thats designed for fuckery.

Why are you all so intent to downplay what im saying while really just sidestepping most of my argument?

I mean i know why, its monkey and something about her inspires patholigical behaviour.

The lack of counter targets is fair, partly i wasnt expecting what feels so fucking obvious to me to be such a sisifian task and to take this much attention, partly that iv turned around on zeke after that absolutely absurd pm grammar argument and he was my next primary target, and the rest of my reads being a jumbled mess of "whose playing this from scums perspective and whose just a bloody idiot".

But hey, you opened today saying "monkeys a sure thing so lets look for our next targets". Go nuts.

And dont think i didnt notice you just entirely ignored the circumstances of monkey being the only one able to protect the other, not in contention to be voted out, town doctor.


Nov 3, 2017


Dec 7, 2018
Stan, it's really not that big of a leap to make the assumption that there's a scum doctor in the game. You can't sit there and simultaneously say the game is bastard so I can't trust my tracker results while also saying that Monkey must be town because you've got it in your head that your two roles complement each other.

There's literally been times lovers have had opposite alignments in this community, the most complentary roles in the game. Nothing can explain my results from what we've seen other than Monkey is the killer here. Like, it's the strongest evidence we've seen against a scum in this game and you want us to ignore it. You haven't even offered an alternative argument of your own other than Thorny because... she's pushing the case against Monkey. That's not a strong case. Thorny has been correct about this all day.

Lovers can have different alignments. Masons are the most complementary as they confirm each other as town.

It's a bigger leap to me in assuming town androids do not have any town aligned protection.


Oct 25, 2017
Like for real i feel like im just being ignored and that i play with a community that just doesnt respect me enough to take one of the few sustained and multifacited arguments im actually here to make seriously.


Oct 27, 2017
And dont think i didnt notice you just entirely ignored the circumstances of monkey being the only one able to protect the other, not in contention to be voted out, town doctor.
I mean, you're the one who claimed when there was no reason for scum to target you at night beforehand.

Lovers can have different alignments. Masons are the most complementary as they confirm each other as town.

It's a bigger leap to me in assuming town androids do not have any town aligned protection.
Why? It's been shown there's a plethora of roleblocking roles and scum limited to only attacking on particular nights. Town doesn't need complete protection coverage for the game to be balanced. There are plenty of ways for kills to be stopped. I mean, we've seen this in action, both c4 and HP had their kills stopped, so no, its not a big leap at all.


Dec 7, 2018
Like for real i feel like im just being ignored and that i play with a community that just doesnt respect me enough to take one of the few sustained and multifacited arguments im actually here to make seriously.

It's just weird to me that people who I believe to be very strong players seem to be single minded and not thinking about any other possibilities. I know Maol is trying to make sense of his results but the stuff I just quoted just does not make for a good argument. I would feel much better if he just went "these were my results, I am following my results" rather to make role assumptions that just feel off.


Nov 3, 2017
Like for real i feel like im just being ignored and that i play with a community that just doesnt respect me enough to take one of the few sustained and multifacited arguments im actually here to make seriously.
No one's ignoring you. Most ppl have acknowledged all your points, just that you see that as Monkey has to be scum and we dont.

Changes nothing? holy shit you are stupid.
Also another reason I have taken a step back from you. Not trying to be a distraction.



Oct 27, 2017
It is absurd to me that Monkey has a defense force when this is blatantly not town!Monkey whatsoever. She has done zero today to progress the game. She has spent more than half the phase defending herself, or focusing on either Zeke or LP, and still hasn't come to any solid conclusion about either of them.

She says the kill on HP was bad, which baffles me. The kill on HP was solid, even if don't consider his vig abilities, HP was never going to be an option for a flip. Killing him was a solid low info kill that informs nobody of the makeup of the scum team that killed him. Monkey glosses over this very easy to see fact to defend her reasoning on why she chose not to protect him on N2. As someone else already stated, she didn't even have Sneeks in her strong town reads on D2, but you're telling me it's believable that she chose to protect her over HP, because she was right about Chuggs? When she was scum reading Monkey?

Like, this is ridiculous. I get that you're seeing the game from a certain design perspective, but Monkey is not behaving like her typical town self whatsoever. She is keeping the day stagnant, she is repeating herself over and over, I've been waiting for her to get back to looking at anex's or even c4's wagons to look for Odd Team members and she's just not done it. I don't even want to look for other scum players right now because I don't want to convince people there's a case on someone other than Monkey because she's got multiple defenders right now. No, we flip Monkey today, she's scum. I'm certain of it. Hang me if I'm wrong.


Nov 3, 2017
It's just weird to me that people who I believe to be very strong players seem to be single minded and not thinking about any other possibilities. I know Maol is trying to make sense of his results but the stuff I just quoted just does not make for a good argument. I would feel much better if he just went "these were my results, I am following my results" rather to make role assumptions that just feel off.
That has been the basis for the Monkey push since the results happened. Yall just got distracted with other stuff



Oct 27, 2017
We literally caught not town off the back of looking at anex's wagon in conjuction with how he was playing and Monkey has decided to not continue to do that to town's benefit. this isn't a townie

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
her 3 shots..........
Not what I said.
The mind control thing seems to be a soft clear for the people involved. I highly doubt it's a town power and it would be too risky to have the mind control target use their action on scum.

If that clears Stan and Neki, that leaves Hawthorn as the only unknown on anex D1.

I think that there are more machines than androids as Chuggs was a vanilla machine, and Ephi and Zeke have claimed to have a similar flavour name. So Stan's claim makes sense. It also complements Monkey's.

Role and design spec aside, I still think Monkey is scum here. But looking at the bigger picture, I can see her claimed role fitting in. And if I also consider the above info on Hawthorn, then flipping her could explain her dogged pursuit of Monkey (to a degree, both could be scum).
Treating it as a soft clear on either Stan/Neki or Maol is something I can't actually follow the logic on.

If you're assuming it's a scum power (it's been used to influence N1 and N3 targets that we know of, I'll grant that the implication is there but that's not certain) then all The User would have known when picking targets was that Stan/Neki weren't on their team, not that they weren't on a team, and the same goes for Maol as a target.
(It also wouldn't stop Neki and Maol being teamed as he refused to follow the order, though that's not actually an option I'm considering at the moment).
I want to address these two above together. I'm with Ephidel here - I don't think being controlled means anything either way in multiball. Case in point: MGS, where we had a power like that in the multifaction situation.
Question, with the Stan/Neki thing revealed now. Was looking through Monkey's posts, is this the first mention of the puppetry thing?
What about it?

My Jada gif is fucked

you're having a rough image day, dude. i wish you gifs that loop perfectly.
Didnt stop you from saying plenty more yesterday, still turbod tho thanks for that.
What is it about monkey that causes this frenzy in people, its happened in so many games now.
it's not a great time! tbf, I bring plenty on myself.

Because Neon and Cheshire are Both new players so I figured I would give the new players extra abilities to Do instead of the veterans.
This is very wholesome.

Town is turning against me and I am trying to win Towny points with my claim.
but - say what? Where?

I won't give items to scum 90% are good things I promise.
Do you townread Neon or was that just because he was new[returned]?


Oct 27, 2017
Thorny 100% will be flipped before endgame, there's no way that flip doesn't happen down the line with how contentious her slot has been.

Scum is 100% going to be somewhere within the pool of Hedin, LP, Neon, Cheshire, Neki, Ephi, and EC. Why no focus here, on the players most likely to be scum? Monkey's focused on LP a little bit, but apparently can't figure him out. She's got a town read on Cheshire based on a few posts I guess. And that's literally it. She's got no substantial reads on the players most likely to be scum.

She was catastrophically incorrect with her read on Chuggs, a player she nailed as scum correctly the last game she played. Like, none of this points to a town player.


Dec 7, 2018
That has been the basis for the Monkey push since the results happened. Yall just got distracted with other stuff


I think I am explaining myself badly. If someone wants to follow the results then just do that. I'm more to taking offense that people who keep making up reasons why there can't be a town aligned android doc for example. It's the attempt to shutdown conjecture and push everything towards this narrow view of the game. I guess I should have said that I was looking for "The claim is believable and it could fit but with the results I think it's something that needs to be resolved."

After realizing I had misread Random's PM wrong I had intended to back off the Monkey defense force but I keep seeing arguments that are drawing me in like catnip.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I am explaining myself badly. If someone wants to follow the results then just do that. I'm more to taking offense that people who keep making up reasons why there can't be a town aligned android doc for example. It's the attempt to shutdown conjecture and push everything towards this narrow view of the game. I guess I should have said that I was looking for "The claim is believable and it could fit but with the results I think it's something that needs to be resolved."

After realizing I had misread Random's PM wrong I had intended to back off the Monkey defense force but I keep seeing arguments that are drawing me in like catnip.
Your outlandish conjectures to explain away my results by focusing on design speculation are what's driving me to continue to find other reasons to flip her when the results of my track should have been enough from the start.


Oct 27, 2017
"I tracked Monkey to the dead person."

"Well she could still be town because she's a doctor."

"OK, well here's other behavior that points to her not being town."

"Why are you focusing on other arguments to flip her???"


Oct 27, 2017
This is the fucking stupidest circular logic spin I've ever seen. I'm leaving. Watching Dune, continue to do nothing, whatever.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
Can we talk about this?
It was a oneshot track.

I tracked Neki since she was one of the players I had the least info about (honestly, it was between you and Neki at the end, had to do a Coinflip). The results said that she didn't move, which didn't tell me anything at first, but makes me feel more confident about her claim of being roleblocked.
Neki seems like an odd target, but I looked back through your reads and but Neki as a choice aligns with your posts/reason for targeting (at least among the people you mentioned as not having much read on). Did you consider anyone you scumread?

Still now that I have re-re-re-re-re-read Random's role and finally saw/internalized that the ninja kill was a faction ability and not a player ability my footing in understanding N2 possibilities is on less firm standing. A scum doc can make sense, especially with small scum teams having to dodge kills from the other team and the SK. Monkey protecting herself and killing Sneeks works with Maol's results. It all fits in neatly to make a nice narrative on what happened but it also feels a little too neat.
You can fit the roles as claimed into just about any configuration. That's the thing. Two town docs, two scum docs, one of each, one neutral (probably not now with two neutrals), but rinse and repeat this with any role at this point. I will say:

I trust Stan. I believe his claim, especially based on our past conversation.
Hedin, Cheshire, Ephi, and jman remain my most comfortable townreads. Nothing's really happened to shake that, but I have generally liked their responses today - they're consistent and natural. Now that I'm finally all caught up with everything and have some time I'm going to... go hang out with my person for a little bit. And then go back to digging. I need to look through LP's responses but I just kinda need to reassess a little and then look back at d1 and d2 votes. I do think HP was a bad kill but I don't want to speculate too far down that rabbit hole.

I probably missed some things I might have been asked. just ping me.


Nov 3, 2017
I think I am explaining myself badly. If someone wants to follow the results then just do that. I'm more to taking offense that people who keep making up reasons why there can't be a town aligned android doc for example. It's the attempt to shutdown conjecture and push everything towards this narrow view of the game. I guess I should have said that I was looking for "The claim is believable and it could fit but with the results I think it's something that needs to be resolved."

After realizing I had misread Random's PM wrong I had intended to back off the Monkey defense force but I keep seeing arguments that are drawing me in like catnip.
I mean..............I've been screaming we have to resolve the results for two days. Like I said everything else with monkey aside. We have a tracker that tracked her to a dead person and herself.

Flavor discussion is meaningless. What yall plan on doing about the Maol vs Monkey stuff?
Within the first hour of the tracking results

"I tracked Monkey to the dead person."

"Well she could still be town because she's a doctor."

"OK, well here's other behavior that points to her not being town."

"Why are you focusing on other arguments to flip her???"

This is the fucking stupidest circular logic spin I've ever seen. I'm leaving. Watching Dune, continue to do nothing, whatever.
Have a good time. I watched and it got me lookin at diving into the books.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
It is absurd to me that Monkey has a defense force when this is blatantly not town!Monkey whatsoever. She has done zero today to progress the game. She has spent more than half the phase defending herself, or focusing on either Zeke or LP, and still hasn't come to any solid conclusion about either of them.
This is bullshit. You ghosted for a phase and a half because you were busy. Today I had a busy day. Give people the same grace you asked for. Period.


Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020


Feb 6, 2021
wow, Maolfunction at what point today did I slide over to your scum list? Because jman1954goat gave me some gifts? Half crap gifts? ugh go fish in a different direction.
for the record, my (non) vote goes to Monkey, we must resolve this. gotta either find scum and have a path forward that way, or flip town, take the L, and target the people who are positive she is scum. Unless more serial killers kill us all first.


Oct 27, 2017
This is bullshit. You ghosted for a phase and a half because you were busy. Today I had a busy day. Give people the same grace you asked for. Period.
And people were rightly calling me out for the aberrant behavior. I even said at EoD if people were confident in my flip, then cool. It's not bullshit to call out behavior that doesn't line up with your usual town play. If you disagree with that, you can argue with me post game.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I am explaining myself badly. If someone wants to follow the results then just do that. I'm more to taking offense that people who keep making up reasons why there can't be a town aligned android doc for example. It's the attempt to shutdown conjecture and push everything towards this narrow view of the game. I guess I should have said that I was looking for "The claim is believable and it could fit but with the results I think it's something that needs to be resolved."

After realizing I had misread Random's PM wrong I had intended to back off the Monkey defense force but I keep seeing arguments that are drawing me in like catnip.

Name names.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, you're the one who claimed when there was no reason for scum to target you at night beforehand.
Cool hindsights 20/20 im talking about what your doing now tho, instead of again ignoring the point to instead answer with something functionally irrelevant.

No one's ignoring you. Most ppl have acknowledged all your points, just that you see that as Monkey has to be scum and we dont.

Also another reason I have taken a step back from you. Not trying to be a distraction.

Zeke you have repeatedly ignored questions iv posed you all game, and then turned around and called me useless for your indolence.
On what universe could i interpret this as you having any kind of basic respect for me?


Oct 27, 2017
wow, Maolfunction at what point today did I slide over to your scum list? Because jman1954goat gave me some gifts? Half crap gifts? ugh go fish in a different direction.
for the record, my (non) vote goes to Monkey, we must resolve this. gotta either find scum and have a path forward that way, or flip town, take the L, and target the people who are positive she is scum. Unless more serial killers kill us all first.
It's how process of elimination works. the pool of players is shrinking so any unconfirmed player is inevitably going to be in the pool of players who could be scum. you haven't done anything this game that's particularly lock town, so you're a candidate to be scum. I'm sure I'm on multiple player's scum lists too, it's how it works


Oct 25, 2017
How about the fact I think Monkey is scum and so I don't give a rat's ass about her potential to protect you
Why not test it? Why not give it a single day to see how it plays out, all the while getting whatever new info from claims and flips and whatever that colours in the fog of war, leaves less and less room for doubt regarding your result, and leaves monkey only an even more viable vote?


Oct 27, 2017
Why not test it? Why not give it a single day to see how it plays out, all the while getting whatever new info from claims and flips and whatever that colours in the fog of war, leaves less and less room for doubt regarding your result, and leaves monkey only an even more viable vote?
Because if Monkey is the last Even Team member it could stop the night kill?


Nov 3, 2017
Zeke you have repeatedly ignored questions iv posed you all game, and then turned around and called me useless for your indolence.
On what universe could i interpret this as you having any kind of basic respect for me?
Only time I "ignored" you was when I said I didnt want to argue about the two scum team speculation. IIRC I explained that to you. Called you useless after you called me stupid fo not seeing how monkey is cleared with your claim.


Why wouldnt i have basic respect for you? It's a game.


Oct 27, 2017
What if Monkey decides to not kill you Stan? Does that clear her completely in your mind? Is that all that needs to happen for you to think she's green checked? Pretty easy test to pass don't you think.


Oct 25, 2017
Because if Monkey is the last Even Team member it could stop the night kill?
That.. is finally a fuckin valid argument against something iv said holy shit, forgot what that felt like for a minute there.

Only thing to say to that is that if monkeys not a town doc we aught to have all sorts of RB and other interference that could stop her right? I forget if it was you or someone else that made that argument.

Only time I "ignored" you was when I said I didnt want to argue about the two scum team speculation. IIRC I explained that to you. Called you useless after you called me stupid fo not seeing how monkey is cleared with your claim.


Why wouldnt i have basic respect for you? It's a game.
Yeah exactly, you literally ignored me multiple times, and youve called me useless several times before today.
Like, is this gaslighting? Are you just fucking with me right now.


Oct 25, 2017
What if Monkey decides to not kill you Stan? Does that clear her completely in your mind? Is that all that needs to happen for you to think she's green checked? Pretty easy test to pass don't you think.
Not at all a complete clear, but it does mean your wonderful town doctor that you all believe got to survive another day so thats a pretty nice consolation prize, from my perspective.


Oct 25, 2017
LP, you've voted twice so far in this game, and twice only: for Sneeks and then for me. What is your plan for today? Do you think you can solve yourself? It is d4 and your footprint in this game is incredibly small. Outside of "people are buddied," you have taken very uncontroversial positions (which to MY eye is out of your town meta) and just really been on the outskirts all game.

That's how I play? You know this: I'm quiet and reactive. It's NAI.

Also the conversations have been mostly dominated by one or two people a day. Day ends have been quiet as well and I haven't been around for them.

I'm clearing 10 posts a day easily though.

As for today I intend to look at people I don't have a firm grasp on yet, namely Neon. But sure, I'll say that my efforts haven't been my best work and I could do more.

If your town, you need to take some positions so people actually have more to look at from you. Considering how inconsistent your internal logic seems to be this game, it feels very like purposeful avoidance right now.

I'm not going to be night killed anytime soon and I haven't been a wagon since D1 so I'll get there eventually my own way. Now where have I heard that before.

LP was not a replacement and his is much less clear. His footprint is smaller. His positions are very beige. He was a wagon and just poofed. Things like that - this is why I townread Hedin and not LP here.

Hedin's position has been "Chuggs is scum" and then "Monkey isn't scum, Zeke is". Attaching himself to you is one way to get town read, I guess.

So LP has been kind of down on Hedin, and was certainly down on Fate, but here near day end, he says he would probably vote Hedin except for his recent contributions. So what was Hedin saying that made him look better?

IIRC Hedin posted a better reads list. I'll have to look back to see exactly what it was.

This is the one I find really bogus. LP's whole MO this game is just tearing things down. He's not really adding, but just critiquing the reads and efforts of others. Yes, I had a visual and I was trying to look through teams... which allowed me to narrow a pool of people to look at... which allowed me to figure out c4. My process is clearly not busy work. I tackle things with very similar approaches in every game (and shit, I'll be honest and say it's even NAI for me). I get results. LP knows this. He's just throwing shade, and he's throwing it in the easiest place in the whole game at this point.

I wouldn't take too much credit for c4. He was a neutral and not teamed, and also a counter wagon. But funny how you survived considering how the day started.

As for the this not how you develop reads? You see what people post and you point out what's wrong or missing. Is it easy when there's agreement?

I thought I quoted something about multiball, but it seems to have disappeared. So I'll say this. MGS was easy because I was scum so I only had to look for the other scum team and no one mentioned multiball until much later. This game is different because I'm town, and I have to keep reminding myself that "not town = scum" but "not scum != town". It just makes it harder to clear people, and thus harder to develop reads from interactions.


Oct 25, 2017
Gonna need some quotes on that. Looking over your posts with Zeke in them all I see is you complaining about my play all game.
Im on my break and this sushi aint gonna eat itself but are quotes nessesary? You just brought up the two scum team thing, i refered you back to that several times after and you continued to ignore me.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean its also abundantly clear you havnt taken a thing iv said elsewise seriously, nut thats the one i at least know you know of.


Oct 25, 2017
Earlier someone brought upa prior case for scum doctots even in multiball (im assuming that means multi scum games?) Games, would anyone mind point me toward this since its such a solid precedent?
Because for real the idea of a scum team of two being half doctor sounds ludicrous to me even before the android/machine doc pairing is factored in.