Day 1 Start
  • OP


    The Fallen
    Mar 27, 2019

    Popola: … They may have killed my sister… but there is still hope. Surely they can put aside their differences? At this point I am unsure...


    Vote tool:
    Day 1 ends in:


    Majority is: 11
    Funky Dude Sparks
    Vincent Alexander
    Benghis Khan
    Last edited:
    Day 2 Start
  • OP


    The Fallen
    Mar 27, 2019
    Devola: Well that was certainly an eventful evening.

    Popola: And an unfortunate for some.

    Popola: He just wanted to keep his daughter and town safe, but now they'll have to continue without him.

    Sorian has Died!

    A single father trying to help his ill daughter while supporting and helping his community through completing various odd jobs (I.E. Side quests) you were just trying to provide for Yonah when you found yourself sucked into this weird foggy void. Now you don't even know where Yonah is, but maybe you can use your natural talents to get her out of here safely.

    You are Nier of Home Town and you are a Limited Jack of All Trades!

    You are aligned with the Ones Struggling to Live in a Dying World (That is Town).

    You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

    You have 3 one shot abilities, and for the next two nights you will unlock the other abilities. However, at the start of the game you will only start with 1 self-protect.

    1 Self Protect: You will be protected one time when someone uses an action against you. This protect will activate no matter what that action is. You will be notified if your 1 self-protect is used up.

    Besides your abilities, you will have the ability to vote during the day phase, and you definitely want to if you want to take out any threats to town!

    Game thread is located here:
    If you have any questions please contact the game runners Verelios and lokiduck!

    Good luck finding your daughter out there!

    Devola: Sadly... Nier was not the only one.

    Popola: He was a tough boy with a very hard life just trying to live in a cruel world with his brother, and now Gideon will have to continue without him.

    Stuart444 has Died!

    A young blacksmith, you lost your mother when she disappeared one day forcing you to take full responsibility of your little brother Gideon. You both live in the Junkyard where you gather parts for weapons while avoiding the robots that live there. More than anything, you hate robots almost more than shades, and now you have lost your brother somewhere in this fog. Part of you know it's irrational but you are beyond convinced that the robots have taken Gideon, and you will do anything in your power to get Gideon and get out of here.

    You are Jaykob of the Junkyard and you are a Hammerer!

    You are aligned with the Ones Struggling to Live in a Dying World (That is Town).

    You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

    If a lunch train is one vote away from a hammer, you will automatically vote on that train and end the day phase. You may vote anywhere, but if you aren't on the train being hammered you will automatically be moved there. If you are on that train, you will not hammer vote.

    Besides your abilities, you will have the ability to vote during the day phase, and you definitely want to if you want to take out any threats to town!

    Game thread is located here:
    If you have any questions please contact the game runners Verelios and lokiduck!

    Good luck hunting for Robots out there!

    Day 2 Begins

    It ends in:

    Majority is 9

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    Day 3 Start
  • OP


    The Fallen
    Mar 27, 2019

    Popola: Such a poor girl. Her heart was too big for her body as she cared way too much about others. Hopefully there is someone that will miss her just as much.

    Fran has died!
    A small girl without a family that came to live in the beautiful Kingdom of Facade, you love your people and will do anything to help even if it means serving as a tour guide or helping someone with understanding the many rules of your city. You may be frail, but you have a big heart and that's ultimately what's important, especially here in a dangerous situation like this.

    You are Fyra of Facade and you are a Bodyguard.

    You are aligned with the Ones Struggling to Live in a Dying World (That is Town).

    You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

    During the night phase you can submit the command JUMP IN FRONT OF: Name and you will protect that person for the night from any killing actions. If that player is targeted by a kill action during the night, you will die in their place. You can not shield the same player on consecutive nights and you cannot protect yourself.

    Besides your abilities, you will have the ability to vote during the day phase, and you definitely want to if you want to take out any threats to town!

    Game thread is located here:
    If you have any questions please contact the game runners Verelios and lokiduck!

    Good luck protecting others out there!


    Day 3 ends in:

    Vote tool:

    Majority is 8.
    Day 4 Starts
  • OP


    The Fallen
    Mar 27, 2019

    Devola: He lived, ate, and even dreamed of fish, and fishing was all that mattered to him. He lived a simple one, but sadly he won't be able to continue handing out sid-

    Popola: *Jabs her in the side*

    Devola: I mean be able to continue his life's passion any longer.

    Fanto has died!

    They say the world is your oyster, but for you the ocean is your oyster (because that's where the fish are!) You live, eat, and breath fishing and it's all you want to do besides sharing this great sport with others, which is why you like to give people endless missions catching certain fish. So even if you are stuck in a weird foggy place, that isn't going to stop you from fishing! c:<

    You are The Fisherman in Seafront and your are a Role Fisher.

    You are aligned with the Ones Struggling to Live in a Dying World (That is Town).

    You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

    During the night, you can target one player by submitting the command ROLE FISH: Name and try to learn the targeted players role name. You have a 33% chance of succeeding.

    Besides being able to role fish, you are a Fish Vendor and will give a fish to a random player every night. You will not be told who received your fish.

    Besides your abilities, you will have the ability to vote during the day phase, and you definitely want to if you want to take out any threats to town!

    Game thread is located here:
    If you have any questions please contact the game runners Verelios and lokiduck!

    Good luck fishing out there!

    Popola: It is also sad because someone else has died.

    Popola: A wise and law abiding man, he wanted what was best for the kingdom, but not even rules could protect him from death.

    Aeleus has died!

    The advisor to the King of Facade, you believe 100% in the power of rules and are always looking for pesky rule breakers. After all, society will collapse if the rules are broken! With beautiful rules such as Rule 2,078 and Rule 429, someone has to make sure all of them are enforced and you feel you are up to the task. You care about the rules so much, that you even look for rule breakers in your sleep!

    You are Neun of Facade and you are a Sleepwalker!

    You are aligned with the Ones Struggling to Live in a Dying World (That is Town).

    You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

    During the night phase you will randomly visit a player to see if they are a rule breaker and you will be notified about their status. You will not learn who it is you visited because it's hard to tell who anyone even is in this fog, but that won't stop you from keeping track of the rules they have broken (even if they are the most minor rules.) After all, in your eyes anyone who breaks the rules is a horrible person, no matter what!!!


    Besides your abilities, you will have the ability to vote during the day phase, and you definitely want to if you want to take out any threats to town!

    Game thread is located here:
    If you have any questions please contact the game runners Verelios and lokiduck!

    Good luck enforcing the rules out there!

    Devola: And another? Seriously?

    Devola: Most will tell you he didn't talk that much, mostly because he mainly slept in his little town, but I'm sure someone will miss him. Hopefully he'll have sweet dreams in the next life.

    Razmos has died!

    Hailing from a sleepy little town where its inhabitants are made to sleep all the time, you are pretty well rested but you are also an expert at sleeping anywhere, even in a weird situation like this.

    You are the Mayor of the Forest of Myth and are a Gossip Hider.

    You are aligned with the Ones Struggling To Live in a Dying World (That is TOWN).

    You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

    Every day you must submit the command DREAM WITH: Name before the end of the day phase to hide in the dreams of that player during the night. However, if you do not submit a command before the night phase, one player will be selected at random.

    During the night phase, all night actions will not work on you and you will have a gossip chat with the other player. If the player you are dreaming with dies, you will as well. However, sharing a dream can be dangerous, as a result if you dream with too many non-town players you will die.

    Besides your abilities, you will have the ability to vote during the day phase, and you definitely want to if you want to take out any threats to town!

    Game thread is located here:

    Nier: Gestalt Mafia IOTI: Weiss you dumbass! Start making sense and play mafia!!!

    Banner made by: the glorious nin!!! Game: Nier Gestalt Mafia Gamerunner: lokiduck and Verelios Players: 20 Complexity: Role Madness Day/Night Cycle: 48/24 You have to watch it on Youtube D: The magic is ruined. Devola: There once was a world that was dying, with few people living on it doing...
    If you have any questions please contact the game runners Verelios and lokiduck!

    Sweet dreams out there!


    Day 4 ends in :

    Vote tool:
    Day 5 starts/ends
  • OP


    The Fallen
    Mar 27, 2019

    Devola: She was a mean old woman, but the town really did care for her in their own way and now they'll miss her forever.

    Vincent Alexander has died!
    A grumpy old woman in an old Lighthouse, you spend your days watching the sea, terrorizing the town, and receiving letters from your lover living overseas. No matter your temperament however, you are still well cared for even in this weird place of fog.

    You are Ursula of Seafront and you are Loved!

    You are aligned with the Ones Struggling to Live in a Dying World (That is Town).

    You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

    Throughout the game, it will always take one extra vote to meet the voting threshold for you to be lunched. This ability will not work during MYLO or LYLO.

    Besides your abilities, you will have the ability to vote during the day phase, and you definitely want to if you want to take out any threats to town!

    Game thread is located here:

    Nier: Gestalt Mafia IOTI: Weiss you dumbass! Start making sense and play mafia!!!

    Banner made by: the glorious nin!!! Game: Nier Gestalt Mafia Gamerunner: lokiduck and Verelios Players: 20 Complexity: Role Madness Day/Night Cycle: 48/24 You have to watch it on Youtube D: The magic is ruined. Devola: There once was a world that was dying, with few people living on it doing...
    If you have any questions please contact the game runners Verelios and lokiduck!

    Good luck getting home out there!
    Popola: Little did those remaining in the fog realize... that this would in fact... be the end.
    The end
  • OP


    The Fallen
    Mar 27, 2019
    Popola:The bell tolls
    Devola:The mist has faded
    Popola:Their end has come
    Devola:Their victory is waiting
    Popola:As it was recorded
    Devola:As it is done
    Both:The conclusion begins
    Both:The winners emerge

    The Shadowlord's companions joined him as they walked out the fog. Yonah could be seen limp in the Shadowlord's arms while a motionless book was tied to his belt. Grimoire Noir sneered at the sight. Finally, all is completed. A thousand years, a thousand dreams have come to an end. For friends, for lovers, for family, for revenge, they've ravaged this world and its residents. But it means nothing to them, a dying world deserves a ringing eulogy and the death of its residents rang clear. This chapter of their story has closed.

    What has a beginning must have an end. And what has an end can only be called Gestalt.
    Reki has died!
    A sickly girl, you love your father and just want to be able to be happy with him and see the world. However, while resting at home you found yourself taken to this weird place covered in fog, and now you have no idea who to trust and even if your father is here.

    You are Yonah of Home Town and you are a Princess (or at least that's what your father considers you.)

    You are aligned with the Ones Struggling to Live in a Dying World (That is Town).

    You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

    If you are killed by town there will be two consecutive night phases immediately after.
    If you are killed by non-town there will be two consecutive day phases immediately after.

    Besides your abilities, you will have the ability to vote during the day phase, and you definitely want to if you want to take out any threats to town!

    Game thread is located here:

    Nier: Gestalt Mafia IOTI: Weiss you dumbass! Start making sense and play mafia!!!

    Banner made by: the glorious nin!!! Game: Nier Gestalt Mafia Gamerunner: lokiduck and Verelios Players: 20 Complexity: Role Madness Day/Night Cycle: 48/24 You have to watch it on Youtube D: The magic is ruined. Devola: There once was a world that was dying, with few people living on it doing...
    If you have any questions please contact the game runners Verelios and lokiduck!

    Good luck finding your father out there!
    Kalor has died!
    A magical tome of great power you are one of the greatest books to ever be written, there's only one issue… you have amnesia and don't have full access to your powers. However, since you have been working with Nier, you have slowly been unlocking your powers, so that's nice even though you wished you had more abilities because currently you only seem to have one.

    You are Grimoire Weiss from Hamelin and are a 2 shot Motion Detector!

    You are aligned with the Ones Struggling to Live in a Dying World (That is Town).

    You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

    During the night phase, you can target a player by submitting the command OBSERVE: Name and you learn if any actions were caused by or happened to your target. You will not learn what those actions were or who caused them.

    Besides your abilities, you will have the ability to vote during the day phase, and you definitely want to if you want to take out any threats to town!

    Game thread is located here:
    If you have any questions please contact the game runners Verelios and lokiduck!

    Good luck tracking down Nier out there!
    Stantastic has died!
    A humble post office worker from a Seaside town, you may be stuck in a foggy void, but it's your job to deliver the mail and your going to do that no matter the cost!

    You are Hans of Seafront and you are a Mailman!

    You are aligned with the Ones Struggling to Live in a Dying World (That is Town).

    You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

    During each night phase you can write a message to another player by submitting the command DELIVER MAIL: Name with the message you wish to send following it. The target of your message will not be notified who sent it.

    Besides your abilities, you will have the ability to vote during the day phase, and you definitely want to if you want to take out any threats to town!

    Game thread is located here:
    If you have any questions please contact the game runners Verelios and lokiduck!

    Good luck delivering the mail out there!
    Lone_Prodigy has died!
    As a friendly butler raising a young boy, you have learned many skills including patching up boo-boos. However, you are now in this fog and your master, Emil is missing. Your main goal is to find him before he comes to any harm, but if you find someone that needs to be patched up, you might as well help right?

    You are Sebastian of the Mansion and you are a Doctor!

    You are aligned with the Ones Struggling to Live in a Dying World (That is Town).

    You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

    During the night phase you can protect a player from a kill action by using the command PATCH UP: Name. You can not choose the same target consecutively and you cannot self-target.

    Besides your abilities, you will have the ability to vote during the day phase, and you definitely want to if you want to take out any threats to town!

    Game thread is located here:

    Nier: Gestalt Mafia IOTI: Weiss you dumbass! Start making sense and play mafia!!!

    Banner made by: the glorious nin!!! Game: Nier Gestalt Mafia Gamerunner: lokiduck and Verelios Players: 20 Complexity: Role Madness Day/Night Cycle: 48/24 You have to watch it on Youtube D: The magic is ruined. Devola: There once was a world that was dying, with few people living on it doing...
    If you have any questions please contact the game runners Verelios and lokiduck!

    Good luck serving your master out there!
  • OP


    The Fallen
    Mar 27, 2019
    Reki or someone suggested keeping all the music links in one place, and this post shall be it!!!! \o/

    START OF GAME: Snow in summer
    Nier/Sorian: Hills of Radiant Wind
    Kaine/nin: Kaine ~ Salvation
    Emil/turmoil7: The Ultimate Weapon
    Grimoire Weiss/Kalor: Song of the Ancients ~ Devola
    Yonah/Reki: Yonah (Strings)
    The Fisherman/Fanto: City of Commerce
    The King of Facade/jman1954goat: Gods Bound by Rules
    Fyra/Fran: The Prestigious Mask
    Neun/Aeleus: Temple of Drifting Sands
    Hans/Stantastic: Dispossession (Pluck)
    Ursula/Vincent Alexander: Repose
    Jaykob/Stuart444: The Wretched Automatons
    Sebastian/Lone_Prodigy: Emil ~ Sacrifice
    Mayor of the Forest of Myth/Razmos: This Dream
    Shadowlord/TheChuggernaut: Shadowlord
    Grimoire Noir/MrHedin: Song of the Ancients ~ Popola
    Hansel/SalvaPot: The Incomplete Stone
    Gretel/Hagi: Blu-Bird
    Kalil and Beepy/Funky Dude Sparks: Cold Steel Coffin
    Roc/Benghis Khan/Stove: Ashes of Dream ~ Nouveau
    END OF GAME: Shadowlord ~ White Note Remix (Aka The version not actually in the game)

    This is but a taste of the fantastically depressing soundtrack that is Nier so PLEASE LISTEN TO ALL OF IT ;W;