Deleted member 2172

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Oct 25, 2017
Earlier this week, Bloomberg published an article titled 'Fortnite addiction is forcing kids into video-game rehab.' Prolific Fortnite streamer Ninja has a problem with that – and it's not the hyphen in videogames. Ninja suggests that title should read 'terrible parents don't know how to take their kids gaming system away.'
Bloomberg article:

I didn't know video-game rehab was even a thing. Wild.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
He's right. The amount of parents who come into where I work, ask to buy playstation credit for V-bucks and then whine about how much they have to spend on it sicken me. They do the same with Roblox cards. The people who act like they have no agency in the situation staggers me. You don't have to spend the money. You don't have to allow them to play on the console. A lot of these parents seem too afraid to have their child be mad at them.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Was expecting a dumb hot take but he is right

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Too many parents are comfortable with out of sight out of mind.

Deleted member 27751

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Oct 30, 2017
Woweee, what's that parental responsibility lies within the actual parent being the adult and teaching their children what is correct behaviour while still allowing them to enjoy video games when suitable? No mate its the bloody video games ey.

Deleted member 8593

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Oct 26, 2017
He's right to some degree but as a parent, there's only so much you can control and you can't really do anything about other people's kids. My girlfriend teaches a 4th grade elementary school class and Fortnite is practically all these kids talk about and if you don't, you're left out.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
He's right. Although parents should also think twice about letting their kids watch his streams


Nov 20, 2017
He's right and I'm laughing at the thought that parents need to put their kids in rehab clinics.

Manage game time or take away their consoles/PC is too much work for them, lol.


Oct 28, 2017
Wether or not you agree with him, you really think the guy would say anything negative about the game that makes him the most moolah?


Oct 27, 2017
He's right to some degree but as a parent, there's only so much you can control and you can't really do anything about other people's kids. My girlfriend teaches a 4th grade elementary school class and Fortnite is practically all these kids talk about and if you don't, you're left out.

Pokemon was all we talked about when I was in 4th grade, but that didn't mean I had unlimited run at playing Pokemon Red, watching Pokemon or buying unlimited Pokemon cards.

Being a parent means setting boundaries. Give them hours where it is okay to play. There's nothing unhealthy about it in moderation.


Oct 27, 2017
I see so many parents just give an iPhone to their kid so they can stay distracted while the parent can do something.
What the fuck, don't have kids if you can't spare the time to raise them properly, technology is not a substitute for parenting.
Oct 27, 2017
Too many parents are comfortable with out of sight out of mind.

Seriously. My sisters solution, and many parents solution, to raising their kid is to shove electronics in their face and let them sit there all day with no physical or outdoor activities.

My nephew is so fat and out of shape that he cannot even walk up the 4 steps to my house without getting winded. He is 8 years old.

It pushes me off so much.

Deft Beck

Oct 26, 2017
Blunt, but he is correct. Kids need to learn self control and patience early on so they develop good habits about how to manage their free time into adulthood.


Oct 27, 2017
He's right, a business minded person is just cashing in on doing what the parents should be doing by themselves

Deleted member 40102

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Feb 19, 2018
Agreed. You dont make your kid 100% in control of their life. They are kids they dont know any better.
Its like parents forgot how raise kids now days.

Deleted member 8593

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Oct 26, 2017
Pokemon was all we talked about when I was in 4th grade, but that didn't mean I had unlimited run at playing Pokemon Red, watching Pokemon or buying unlimited Pokemon cards.

Being a parent means setting boundaries. Give them hours where it is okay to play. There's nothing unhealthy about it in moderation.

I am not disagreeing with any of this.


Oct 27, 2017
Sometimes this is a good idea, but there are also times when playing this much is a way for kids to hide from their problems.

Don't just take the game away, talk to your kids also please.


Sep 11, 2018
If your kid plays fortnite all day maybe it's time to give him some other activities, sports is a good one.


Oct 27, 2017
I really don't get this style of parenting that prefers to look the other way around and avoid confrontation instead of putting up with a (small) temper tantrum, a mild case of cat-butt-face and maybe some minor screaming when things are mostly under control, only to having it end up spiralling out of control and then not being able to do anything out of fear that the resulting meltdown might end up with stuff around the house broken or someone injured.


Nov 30, 2017
I have a sneaking suspicion that Ninja, and most of the people here saying "just take it away!" aren't parents who've had to deal with this kind of thing themselves.

Deleted member 2172

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Oct 25, 2017
Looks like VG247 do not appreciate his input:

"Ninja thinks game addicted kids have bad parents. Alt headline: Man who can't use apostrophes offers parenting advice"
Unfortunately for those professionals, a man who calls himself 'Ninja', Tyler Blevins – expert on shooting and building things in a game for children – says it all comes down to bad parenting.

Here he is weighing in on healthy criticism of the game he directly profits from:
(insert Ninja tweet here)
Personally, I wish more pro gamers who aren't parents and can't use apostrophes would offer advice for those with children.

Deleted member 2340

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Oct 25, 2017
I didn't know video-game rehab was even a thing. Wild.

Then you missed it when World of Warcraft was at its peek in popularity. That game ruined many young adults life and there were rehab complexes set up to help people break that addiction. I remember seeing one story of this mother and father having to break down the front door to their sons apartment he got evicted from only to find him laying on the floor unconscious from an extremely long playing session or maybe a attempted suicide can't remember I was young and didn't really care watching the news. They manage to save his life and sent him to the rehab complex. There were many stories like that in the news.

I half agree with what Ninja said. The half that doesn't isn't taking into consideration real life situations the family of the child may be in. Like a single mother working 2 or even three jobs to provide for herself and kids and other situations like that. Not saying that's what's going on in these situation.


Jun 19, 2018
I didn't know video-game rehab was even a thing. Wild.
Forget about video-game rehab, most actual drug rehab in the US are run like businesses and is one of the most questionable/controversial part of the whole US health care system. I'd say whoever set this kind of rehab up, there's close to zero chance they had anything in mind other than seeing a new business opportunity in it.

Deleted member 41271

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Mar 21, 2018
He's wrong, but sexist guys like him usually are when they open their mouths, especially when he has to desperately defend his source of income - money is likely all he cares about.

Parents aren't magicians. They can take the systems of their kids away, but kids can just play elsewhere. Parents also need to *notice* there is a problem, which is not always easy. An addiction can always develop, and then needs rehab. Games can be one of those just like tons of other, weirder things. Even "not eating" can be one, guys.

The situation is made worse by peer pressure - kids that don't do Fortnite atm are out, and even get bullied for it. If you know teachers, this won't be new. These all lead to problems. It's a mass phenomenon, and some people will overdo it, like with any mass phenomenon.

Overreacting and shrieking that rehab is totally dumb is just a failure of yours to understand humans on a basic level.

Deleted member 2172

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Oct 25, 2017
Then you missed it when World of Warcraft was at its peek in popularity.
I saw first hand what WoW at its peak was capable of doing to people prone to addiction, but even still I never realised the the market had moved towards having specialised clinics for this stuff. Thats crazy.

I've seen people in the past compare Fortnite addiction to peak WoW and I have to disagree. WoW was a truly different beast back then.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Now make sure to watch my 7 hours of video content a day and pre-order my new album kids!


Oct 26, 2017
If your kid plays fortnite all day maybe it's time to give him some other activities, sports is a good one.
You think they don't have that option already? Some kids just don't like playing sports, you can try and force them, but they'll just not play and whoever is organizing it can only do so much before they have to tend to the other kids.
A good way I found was to just do a activity with your kid, don't force them to go play with others, ask them do they want to do something with you. I was able to get my younger brother to go the gym with me, it worked whereas telling them to go play sports did not.


Oct 27, 2017
I half agree with what Ninja said. The half that doesn't isn't taking into consideration real life situations the family of the child may be in. Like a single mother working 2 or even three jobs to provide for herself and kids and other situations like that. Not saying that's what's going on in these situation.

Of course there are as many cases as there are families out there, but have you never seen those parents that just give their single kid a tablet/phone to shut them up so they don't even have to attempt dealing with them and pretend they don't exist for a while, or expect that the rest of the adults sharing a common space deal with their unhinged kid? My 7 yo nephew behaves much better around me that he does around his parents because he knows that even though I'm the "fun" uncle I'll take ZERO bullshit from him and I'm not afraid to turn off the TV or the console if he doesn't behave.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a real problem but iPad parenting or letting them just play videogames all day long is also just bad form. I've seen a lot of parents do this so they don't have to deal with parenting, and I can't help but shake my head. Once you take it away from them it's temper tantrum city. It really needs to be moderated.


Oct 25, 2017
I see so many parents just give an iPhone to their kid so they can stay distracted while the parent can do something.
What the fuck, don't have kids if you can't spare the time to raise them properly, technology is not a substitute for parenting.

During one of my visits to Boston, I saw what must have been a one year old in a stroller fiddle about with an iPad. I was absolutely flabbergasted. What you describe is becoming a large problem, most of all for children who end up addicted to technology early on in their lives at no fault of their own.

Deleted member 2340

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Oct 25, 2017
I saw first hand what WoW at its peak was capable of doing to people prone to addiction, but even still I never realised the the market had moved towards having specialised clinics for this stuff. Thats amazing.

I've seen people in the past compare Fortnite addiction to peak WoW and I have to disagree. WoW was a truly different beast back then.

Yeah I agree. There's no doubt that addiction to Fortnite is on the rise but it definitely hasn't reach WoW levels of ruining life addictions yet. I just remember seeing so many news specials and rehab specials for people addicted to WoW that it was insane.

Deleted member 888

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Oct 25, 2017
Non-negligible numbers of people who have addiction problems tend to have mental health issues.

It's like taking a shotgun to a multifaceted issue just to scream about parents. Some of it might be that, but it's not just that.

Deleted member 2340

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Of course there are as many cases as there are families out there, but have you never seen those parents that just give their single kid a tablet/phone to shut them up so they don't even have to attempt dealing with them and pretend they don't exist for a while, or expect that the rest of the adults sharing a common space deal with their unhinged kid? My 7 yo nephew behaves much better around me that he does around his parents because he knows that even though I'm the "fun" uncle I'll take ZERO bullshit from him and I'm not afraid to turn off the TV or the console if he doesn't behave.

That's the part of me the half agrees. I know there's people out there that doesn't like dealing with their own kids and does shit like that. I've seen it happen many times myself. It doesn't change that fact of what I said though.

Deleted member 9714

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Oct 26, 2017
I see a lot of parents today who want to be "friends" with their child rather than a parent. They are afraid to discipline their kids and spoil them rotten.


Sep 11, 2018
You think they don't have that option already? Some kids just don't like playing sports, you can try and force them, but they'll just not play and whoever is organizing it can only do so much before they have to tend to the other kids.
A good way I found was to just do a activity with your kid, don't force them to go play with others, ask them do they want to do something with you. I was able to get my younger brother to go the gym with me, it worked whereas telling them to go play sports did not.
Nothing comes out of forcing kids to do stuff, but there are so many sports out there that you can just see what fits best. Even the nerdiest kid in my school played soccer with us because he wanted to be cool, he also played chess but it was important for him to be with us. Also there is music, drawing, chess, doesn't have to be sports you just need to make sure that they have other stuff to do other than fortnite.


Oct 30, 2017
Now make sure to watch my 7 hours of video content a day and pre-order my new album kids!

Wait album?

Also, pains me to say it, but I agree with him, my kids only get to play as a reward for doing things like tidying/keeping their room neat, all homework and reading done etc, they handle it fine that way


Oct 25, 2017
Yep, he's right. I had parent-teacher conferences this week. One of my seventh-graders' moms comes to me with "My son says he plays too many video games in your class!" Uh, okay. That's not part of our curriculum, and he doesn't do it where I or others can see it, so that's on him, and on you. I'm not a video game cop.

Edit: That being said, I do feel like some of my kids are legit addicted. When we don't have any work to do on our laptops, or when I take away a laptop from a kid who's apparently WASDing his way through our written task, they don't know what to do with their bodies. I swear the same kid above gets delirium tremens when he's asked to sit in a chair without technology to look at.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
If gaming has gotten to the point where it's a serious addiction, "just take the console away" is some pretty shitty advice. Parents should control their children's playtime and they are partly at fault if it gets to that point, but that's not always possible (maybe they work irregular hours and aren't always home to make them obey, maybe the kids spend a lot of time at friends' houses where they can do what their parents forbid).

Some parents might be able to deal with it by themselves but most aren't equipped with dealing with addiction. And a kid with addiction can need outside help because they need to understand what it is and how to handle their addiction as well, especially if they have an addictive personality and some harmless seeming Fortnite addiction is just a precursor to other ones down the line.


Oct 26, 2017
They'll just go to their friends and continue playing there.

? Limiting their at home privage could outstandingly limit their game time regardless. Most kids under 18 can't just get away with going to their friend's houses willy nilly anyway.

Is your comment supposed to be a "there's no use in trying" typa post?