Where are you at with Skyward Sword HD?

  • Played the original and am buying the remaster

    Votes: 506 23.1%
  • Did not play the original and am buying the remaster

    Votes: 327 15.0%
  • Played the original and am not buying the remaster

    Votes: 775 35.4%
  • Did not play the original and am not buying the remaster

    Votes: 431 19.7%
  • Waiting for more details from Nintendo

    Votes: 148 6.8%

  • Total voters
May 21, 2021
The Escapist: "If you have a Wii, you should own this game. It's beautiful, inventive, inspiring, goofy, and brilliant. It will make you a believer."

The Telegraph: "Every moment is a joy. As Skyward Sword progresses, each new area or item feels like The Legend of Zelda shedding some of the trappings of its past. It never veers too wildly from its time-honoured formula, but in every sense this is the freshest, most contemporary Zelda game in over a decade. An ingenious collaboration of design and motion control, the only shame is that it's taken the Wii so long to come to such fruition."

The Guardian: "Whether or not it's the best ever Zelda game is open to debate, but it's certainly up there. However, nobody could argue that it's anything less than a masterclass in the art of crafting video games."

The A.V. Club: "No, Skyward Sword isn't better than Ocarina Of Time. But of all the Zeldas to be released over the last 13 years, it comes closest. The game's greatest achievement is that it never stops aspiring to be more than it is. It never stops reaching for emotional moments, going full-tilt for players' hearts."
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Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017
Not only is it not a great Zelda game, but also the stupid amiibo stuff made me cancel my preorder. Fuck that.

K Samedi

Oct 27, 2017
It's HD Skyward Sword with button controls option. Not much to sell you on it. Not the best Zelda anyway. It's has it's moments for sure bur ultimately I think it was too linear and started off too slow but picked up later on in the game. Too much hand holding too. I don't think there is much to say about it. The later dungeons are great and the boss fights are memorable but one of the weaker Zelda entries. I will still buy it because I'm a Zelda junkie.
Mar 11, 2021
If they didn't fix the item notifications popping up every play session, that would be terrible

Anyone else know what I'm talking about? Like every play session, the first time you got a red rupee for instance, there was a popup that stopped gameplay telling you YOU GOT A RED RUPEE! Next time you grabbed a red rupee in that session, it wouldn't pop, but it would do this every time to start. For most every item every time you started another session. It was terrible


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I got pretty far into it on the Wii but it just never really grabbed me and I never finished it. I'll be picking it up this time to try to finish it and hopefully like it more than the first time.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The controls are likely to be more consistent across a wider range of home entertainment setups on Switch VS Wii. Or in other words, if you had trouble with Skyward Sword's controls bugging on you on Wii, you're going to run into that a lot less often on Switch.

There's a reason for that that's pretty straightforward - the Wii version used the IR light from your sensor bar as a reference point to passively calibrate against drift, but any IR light in your vicinity could be mistaken for the sensor bar, so the game would correct for drift... incorrectly. Mistaking the sunlight peeking through your blinds as your TV causes issues cuz now the Wii thinks the window to your left is actually the TV in front of you... and bam the controls are fucked, just like the that.

In the Switch version, you'll probably have to manually calibrate against drift by pointing at your TV and hitting a button every now and then, but other than drift which manifests over time and which is certainly going to be better than it was on Wii with Wii Remote Plus, the controls will probably fare better than they ever have.

Its something at least


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I really liked skyward sword, beat it like 3 times in fact

And that was enough, don't see my self playing it again

I wish nintendo did a Remade with it like Links awakening hd though like add in voice acting ( the game would be sooo fucking GOooD if someone voiced Groose lol ) and touched the visuals up a notch but...it's the switch it'll sell no matter the effort smh


Oct 25, 2017
The A.V. Club: "No, Skyward Sword isn't better than Ocarina Of Time. But of all the Zeldas to be released over the last 13 years, it comes closest. The game's greatest achievement is that it never stops aspiring to be more than it is. It never stops reaching for emotional moments, going full-tilt for players' hearts."

Telegraph: "Every moment is a joy. As Skyward Sword progresses, each new area or item feels like The Legend of Zelda shedding some of the trappings of its past. It never veers too wildly from its time-honoured formula, but in every sense this is the freshest, most contemporary Zelda game in over a decade. An ingenious collaboration of design and motion control, the only shame is that it's taken the Wii so long to come to such fruition."

Guardian: "Whether or not it's the best ever Zelda game is open to debate, but it's certainly up there. However, nobody could argue that it's anything less than a masterclass in the art of crafting video games."

Anecdotally I see a ton of love for Skyward Sword in the hardcore Zelda community. I know people here really dislike it but I think SSHD will do quite well


Oct 27, 2017
I actually really like Skyward Sword despite its flaws. I'd be in day 1 but the $80 CAD asking price really turns me off. I want to see if they made any other QOL changes that don't require an Amiibo before I even consider it. I still have my Wii copy if I need to play it any time soon.


Oct 27, 2017
Skyward Sword is possibly my favorite 3D Zelda behind BotW, but I replayed it when it was rereleased on Wii U and that seems not too long ago. I may yet jump in if QOL improvements on the level of Wind Waker HD are revealed, but that seems less and less likely as the release date nears.
May 21, 2021
IGN: "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is the greatest Zelda game ever created. It's the best game for Wii and one of the finest video game accomplishments of the past 10 years. The game has once again raised the bar and forged new territory for an iconic and innovative franchise. It's not enough that it finally establishes a powerful, stirring origin story or that it features near-perfect pacing. What puts Skyward Sword over the top is its layered, dense, absolutely perfect gameplay that manages to not only nail motion-controlled combat but remarkably offers a stunning level of diversity."

Destructoid: "My new favorite 3D Zelda title, beating out Majora's Mask and Wind Waker by a substantial margin. It would be hard to go back to any of those games now. All of the gameplay innovations, emotionally involving moments, beautiful little details, and purely blissful experiences in this game have me completely and utterly spoiled."

Nintendo Life: "A game of stunning creativity: the work of master craftsmen and women, it's a breathtaking technical achievement in many ways, with subtly beautiful visuals and audio blending with rampantly imaginative design. It's as good a Zelda game as we've ever played, and one that fully delivers on the revolution Nintendo promised back in 2005."


Dec 8, 2020
I enjoyed the original release despite its flaws, but was not able to finish the game, so I will definitely buy eventually.


Oct 27, 2017
If their intention is force the Joycon gameplay on base Switch I'll pass it.
The only thing I really miss on Skyward Sword is the OST.

Do you mean motion with joy cons? If anything they're backing off of forcing motion controls here - they just want to convince people to try them again. I'd much rather they take this approach for games moving forward. Get a version that works well with standard controls and let me decide for myself what works and what doesn't.

I wasn't terribly convinced when I played the original with Wii Motion +, but if I get this game I'll give it a fair shake with Joy Con motion first. I doubt I'll stick with it but who knows


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a giant bucket.
I think you just illustrated what felt so off over its E3 coverage. Granted, I already had zero interest in touching this given my heavy distaste of the original Skyward Sword -- like the previous Zelda remasters, there's only so much fixes you can make -- but while traditional controls are certainly an above-and-beyond gesture, what else is there for those willing to give it a second chance? Stuff like cutting down on item/Fi notifications are expected, but if memory serves, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess's respective HD treatments in everything from the Swift Sail to Miiverse stickers were shown off well before release -- what better stage to show off your QOL upgrades/bonuses than E3?

And instead we got, uh, a trailer straight out of 2011. This is Zelda we're talking about, so I don't doubt it'll do well, but surely there's something there beyond amiibo functionality? The game's fans deserve better with that $60 pricetag.


Oct 27, 2017
Denver, CO
IGN: "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is the greatest Zelda game ever created. It's the best game for Wii and one of the finest video game accomplishments of the past 10 years. The game has once again raised the bar and forged new territory for an iconic and innovative franchise. It's not enough that it finally establishes a powerful, stirring origin story or that it features near-perfect pacing. What puts Skyward Sword over the top is its layered, dense, absolutely perfect gameplay that manages to not only nail motion-controlled combat but remarkably offers a stunning level of diversity."

Destructoid: "My new favorite 3D Zelda title, beating out Majora's Mask and Wind Waker by a substantial margin. It would be hard to go back to any of those games now. All of the gameplay innovations, emotionally involving moments, beautiful little details, and purely blissful experiences in this game have me completely and utterly spoiled."

Nintendo Life: "A game of stunning creativity: the work of master craftsmen and women, it's a breathtaking technical achievement in many ways, with subtly beautiful visuals and audio blending with rampantly imaginative design. It's as good a Zelda game as we've ever played, and one that fully delivers on the revolution Nintendo promised back in 2005."
While hardly a perfect game (looking at you Fi and fighting The Imprisoned over and over), I do think some were quick to give up on it too soon. Speaking personally, I did the same out of frustration but tried again a week later, determined to get past the controls. So glad I did... what a game. Best dungeons, story, and bosses (Koloktos!) of any mainline Zelda. Some of the best music, too.

Mocha Joe

Jun 2, 2021
Played it when it first came out, probably my least favorite Zelda. Even if I were to decide to give it a second chance because there is no motion controls, no way in hell I'm paying $60 for this.

plus, there isn't even enough changes to warrant the purchase.

Conrad Link

Oct 29, 2017
New Zealand
I picked played the original and not buying the re-master, but it's not really true. I'll get it at some point, 2nd hand or something for my Zelda collection, whenever I find it cheaper. Just not getting it at launch, have no interest at all at full price as I have no interest in playing it again. It hasn't been very long (they should have done OoT instead!!) and I didn't even really like it to begin with. So yeah.

I was talking to my wife the other day about it, I said I wonder how Nintendo decide what they add to these remasters. Why did 3D World get a bonus big expansion, why did Xenoblade get a bonus big expansion added, and Skyward Sword gets... nothing lol?

I wonder how they/the different teams determine what they do with what, seems to be a vast difference in addition content and budget given between the ports.


Oct 30, 2017
California for now
They don't have to sell you as they clearly have an audience who missed out on that.

If non-waggle options and having an HD doesn't sell you I don't know what to say. Myself I just simply am waiting for a sale same thing that I did with Link in the Dreamworld


The Fallen
Nov 11, 2017
United States
Spent a few mins looking at the eshop page on pc and couldn't find where the controller support is listed and remembered you can only view them with the Switch eshop app... Kinda annoying since I buy games from the eshop with my pc and mobile more since the pages are so much quicker to load.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm waiting for reviews to confirm if the needed QoL improvements are there. If they are, and they aren't locked in a fucking Amiibo, I'm in.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
Yeah I played and loved Skyward Sword but this just looks like a quick port with button controls added (which I would never use as SS controls perfectly already).
Nintendo usually add some new content with their rereleases so I don't see the need to grab this.


Oct 25, 2017
Some of the stuff in Skyward Sword war quite jarring for me at the time but is actually quite in line with modern games.

The first zelda game with a stamina bar.
Almost every weapon can be upgraded

The dungeons are the best overall since Ocarina.

The weaknesses are a few too many revisits and refights. Flying is a bit too slow. Final dungeon and story climax is a bit of a let down for me. And I wasn't a big fan of the waggle stuff.
May 31, 2021
Never played the original. For years I had been planning on buying it to play on my wii u, but never quite got round to it.
As soon as the remaster came up for sale, I ordered it.
I know it was considered a decent game. I am sure I will like it. I won't worry too much about whether it is the best possible upgrade it could be.


Jun 12, 2021
Yeah, the marketing isn't very good, especially since the announcement basically felt like "BOTW2 is delayed, so take this in the meantime"

I'm buying it off of the Zelda reputation alone, and the fact that it's the only 3D Zelda I missed. If I don't end up liking it, so be it.
Nov 13, 2017
I guess people have just decided that when we're talking about Zelda and Zelda only, "tutorial" now means "all play time before the first main dungeon" in order to accommodate the narrative that Zelda tutorials are getting worse. In reality, the number of actual tutorials number fewer and take less time than TP, it's just that the game has a lot of cutscenes in the beginning and a bunch of puzzles/exploration/combat that takes place outside the actual dungeon. There's nothing as boring and bad as the goat herding and fish catching in TP. The cutscenes are also much more fun because, for one, they involve much more memorable and relevant characters to the story than the country bumpkin nobodies in TP. If you want nothing to do with puzzles, combat and exploration outside of a dungeon, even if it's all good content, stay away from SS I guess.

I should've clarified. I think it's the time the game takes to get engaging/fun. Twilight Princess has you bored for over an hour, at the very least, until you get some freedom with what you're doing. Majora's Mask's first cycle is fun the very first time, but as soon as you replay the game, you wish you could skip it. A Link to the Past dumps you into Hyrule Castle Dungeon almost immediately, so you're off to the races pretty fast. Ocarina of Time teaches you 3D movement and basic combat, then you're in the Deku Tree super quick. You literally just have to get the Sword and 30 rupees for the shield, talk to Milo and the Deku Tree, and you're in. Wind Waker's intro is also fairly long, as you can't do much until you get into the Forbidden Fortress. And even then, you're basically sneaking around with no real combat until the end.

It feels like the intro of Zelda games has gotten longer and longer since Ocarina of Time.
Oct 28, 2017
I am really excited to play this game for the first time with a Pro controller. The Mario Galaxy HD experience has me hyped.


Nov 9, 2017
SS is a weird one. I'm convinced it is a good game and I remember the puzzle design being very strong, yet I never finished the game. I tried at launch and again a few years later and both times dropped it. But I can't put my finger on why, as overall I view the game fondly. Hm...

Davey Cakes

Oct 27, 2017
It was not a bad game at all and lanaryu desert is one of my favourite parts in a zelda game.

But its still the 3d zelda I am least excited to play again..
Well, most Zeldas aren't 60 hours long. I still think highly of Skyward Sword but I could finish two replays of Wind Waker in the time that it takes to finish SS once.
Anecdotally I see a ton of love for Skyward Sword in the hardcore Zelda community. I know people here really dislike it but I think SSHD will do quite well
It's a good game, but a divisive one as well. In the gaming community, divisive = trash.


Oct 25, 2017
I should've clarified. I think it's the time the game takes to get engaging/fun. Twilight Princess has you bored for over an hour, at the very least, until you get some freedom with what you're doing. Majora's Mask's first cycle is fun the very first time, but as soon as you replay the game, you wish you could skip it. A Link to the Past dumps you into Hyrule Castle Dungeon almost immediately, so you're off to the races pretty fast. Ocarina of Time teaches you 3D movement and basic combat, then you're in the Deku Tree super quick. You literally just have to get the Sword and 30 rupees for the shield, talk to Milo and the Deku Tree, and you're in. Wind Waker's intro is also fairly long, as you can't do much until you get into the Forbidden Fortress. And even then, you're basically sneaking around with no real combat until the end.

It feels like the intro of Zelda games has gotten longer and longer since Ocarina of Time.
There's not much of a pattern in the time it takes to get to the first dungeon--it's just that OoT was an extremely short outlier. I looked up longplays of each game and tried a different one if they were obviously going for a bunch of random 100% completion stuff like out of the way minigames and heart pieces. This is how long they took to get to the first dungeon.

OoT: 15 minutes
MM: 2 hours
WW: 1 hour 15 minutes
TP: 2 hours 15 minutes
SS: 1 hour 45 minutes
Oct 27, 2017
I liked the controls, thought the dungeons and fights were great. I just didn't like some of the repeated fights, backtracking seemed tedious, Fi was annoying, and those three song note areas made me want to quit the game. I don't plan on picking it up

I would pick up twilight princess on switch since I didn't want to buy it on Wiiu that late in the systems life.


Oct 25, 2017
I have it preordered, but the memory of those repeated Imprisoned fights is starting to sway me in the direction of canceling.


Oct 30, 2017
Yeah I think they're just phoning in what is widely considered to be the worst Zelda in order to keep the pipeline flowing. Not surprised it's not being widely marketed.


Nov 2, 2017
I was thinking of getting it in preparation for BotW 2, but I think I would rather play the DLC


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Having a non-motion control option doesn't really doesn't the game for me, as most of Skyward Sword's issues in my book were not with it's controls, those were fine for the most part.

The world always felt like linear restricted corridors to me. The game has it's moments and dungeons for sure, Ancient Cistern and it's boss were a particular standout, but it has a ton that goes from mediocre to bad, the bad part being things like the tadtonrs


This guy are sick of the One Winged Slayer
Nov 6, 2017
I'll grab it eventually but not at launch for $60. For reference I own it on Wii but barely played it.


Jun 27, 2019
Mexico City
The original was... not good. The remaster doesn't change enough to make me want to play it again. That's independent of the price for me, it could be $20 and I'd not buy it. There's very little I actually like about the game and a lot I actively dislike.

The Real Abed

Oct 25, 2017
At this point I'm not planning on getting the remaster. I was struggling enough with the original as it is to the point I stopped playing for months then went back to continue and then stopped again and haven't jumped back in. I watched the Grumps play through it and it just turned me off pretty much. The motion controls alone are the worst though it's nice the remaster will let you play normally. But it's not enough. As far as we know they haven't tweaked Fi. I don't need to be constantly hounded about what to do before I can even see the puzzle.

If only Nintendo games went on sale a lot more often.

Now, if they put Twilight Princess and Wind Waker HD out again on the Switch I would triple-dip on both of them. Those two I'd love to play again.

That said it's nice that they're trying to fix Skyward Sword's image. But eh. If I'm gonna go back to the old Zelda formula I'd rather it be a game that isn't so hard to enjoy.


Feb 13, 2020
$60 for a reissue of a bad game where some of the much-needed quality-of-life fixes unique to the reissue are gated behind new Amiibo purchases?

Oh HELL naw.


Oct 25, 2017
The greatest thing about Skyward Sword is that it forced Nintendo to go back to the drawing board and make Breath of the Wild.

This is true. The 3D series had to reach its nadir with SS in order to be reimagined. The unprecedented critical acclaim and commercial success has cemented BotW as the new model going forward. BotW isn't perfect, but its a exciting starting point for future iterations on the formula.