
Oct 25, 2017


I'm making this a thread since I haven't seen anyone else do so and also I'm mad. The full thread is unfurled below:

Sorry for the silence since this started. We wanted to keep things quiet, but in a community this tight-knit speculation is gonna get out there. We've heard back, and NISA isn't willing to negotiate with us. They've clarified we have to take down all the sheets, from Zero to Kuro

Naturally I'm bummed about the decision. I really wanted to keep translating these games. Working on the Kuro sheet is the most fun I've ever had in my whole life, seeing it get out there was more fulfilling than I could have imagined.

I've learned a ton about JP and grown so much as a writer thanks to these projects. More importantly, I've gotten to work with an amazing team along the way. Hell, despite how this community can be, it's hard to express how happy I am for the support we've received at the end.

I've learned a ton about JP and grown so much as a writer thanks to these projects. More importantly, I've gotten to work with an amazing team along the way. Hell, despite how this community can be, it's hard to express how happy I am for the support we've received at the end.

I'm not happy, I don't think this is entirely fair. But I can't afford lawyers, and I don't think I should end this by going scorched earth and giving a middle finger to everything that's taken us this far. I'm gonna try to play things as close to the chest as possible.

I think the Kuro arc is off to a great start, and I really want to see how it'll go from here. I was hoping for the team to be a part of that journey for everyone, translating the dialogue in these games is such a blast. I'm really sorry to everyone that we can't.

At the end of the day, I love translating. It'll be hard to find something else I love as much as Kiseki that's not already being translated, but I don't want my work to end here. Just wish I could've said goodbye to translating Kiseki in a grander way, at least finishing the arc

I'll end this by saying that I really do appreciate everyone's support. Seeing even just a few people enjoying stuff I translate means the world to me. If anyone sticks around, I hope you'll look forward to what I do next. For anyone that calls it here, it's been nice having you

Thank you for everything.

So yeah, NISA is basically just trying to actively kill the Trails series in the west by doing stuff like this. With the current release schedule they have, by the time the official release of Reverie comes out next year, the Trails games in the West may be more than two games behind how they are in Japan.

I can't understate just how furious I am at this news. Going after translation patches is one thing, but going after translation spreadsheets?!? I guess since people were making patches out of them for the Clouded Lepoard Entertainment Steam releases anonymously, they decided to just go after the people making the translations instead since they had names attached.

I guess I'm just going to have to learn Japanese now if I want to stay caught up with recent Trails releases in Japan! Or wait for someone else to do their own anonymous translation, which will take much longer and probably be much harder to find.

Just...ugh. Thanks a lot NISA. I sure can't wait to play Kuro no Kiseki II in 2025.


Nov 25, 2021
The frustration is understandable but I don't think this is going to kill the series in the west. The majority of the players are probably people who wait for the official release and it's a smaller group that plays the fan translations.


Nov 17, 2017
Yeah, we've been discussing it in the Kiseki community thread. It sucks, and I won't be purchasing any NISA products in the future.


Oct 25, 2017
The frustration is understandable but I don't think this is going to kill the series in the west. The majority of the players are probably people who wait for the official release and it's a smaller group that plays the fan translations.
I'm not really sure this is true with trails whatsoever though.


Oct 27, 2017
I love NISA. With a single decision, they saved me 200 euros (and counting). I've played all the Falcom games they are releasing next year and was absolutely ready to double dip on each and every one of them, but killing off the spreadsheet translations to stop insertion patches from happening is the sort of thing I'll gladly boycott over. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oct 25, 2017
Also on that note im 95% sure this isn't legal unless they can prove that the spreadsheet creators are injecting. Even then, I'm not sure you can really even argue that.

edit: also they'd have to out they've signed kuro...which...they probably have tbh.
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Oct 27, 2017
Not surprising honestly. I kind of figured this would eventually happen when they started talking with NIS in an official manner.


Oct 27, 2017
Also on that note im 95% sure this isn't legal unless they can prove that the spreadsheet creators are injecting. Even then, I'm not sure you can really even argue that.

Translations are covered under copyright law. You are not allowed to publish translation of a copyrighted work without the permission of the rightsholder.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, it's understandable why NISA would want to take them down. It's not like these are games that'll never get localized like most fan translations, they have an active financial interest in it. Zero/Ao fell into that group for a while where it seemed unlikely, hence the fan translations but the ones for the more recent games were always in a weird spot. Especially when they have higher sales potential for a localization company.

I love the series but just wait, there's other games out there in the meantime. Maybe I feel differently because the wait for CS3 reduced my eagerness a bit and now I'm happy to wait.


Oct 25, 2017
Also on that note im 95% sure this isn't legal unless they can prove that the spreadsheet creators are injecting. Even then, I'm not sure you can really even argue that.
Why not? The text is the intellectual property of Falcom and NISA has the exclusive English rights to it.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, it's understandable why NISA would want to take them down. It's not like these are games that'll never get localized like most fan translations, they have an active financial interest in it. Zero/Ao fell into that group for a while where it seemed unlikely, hence the fan translations but the ones for the more recent games were always in a weird spot. Especially when they have higher sales potential for a localization company.

I love the series but just wait, there's other games out there in the meantime. Maybe I feel differently because the wait for CS3 reduced my eagerness a bit and now I'm happy to wait.

It's less the wait that bothers me so much as it's the fact that the Japan releases are going to be so far ahead by the time Kuro II comes out.


Nov 17, 2017
Remember to keep buying those high quality NISA releases, dood!


Oct 25, 2017
Also on that note im 95% sure this isn't legal unless they can prove that the spreadsheet creators are injecting. Even then, I'm not sure you can really even argue that.

You can't recreate books and such nor translate them without permission, video game text is handled the same way.

Can NISA enforce this without having signed the rights to localize Kuro yet?

The problem is what argument do the others have? They'd still be doing Kuro without the permission of the original creators.


Oct 25, 2017
So I'm currently in the middle of playing Hajimari with the translation spreadsheet overlay and was hopinh to do Kuro soon after, sucks since I didn't download Kuro in advance so unless I want to trawl the internet to find a way I won't be able to.

I wish NISA could at least translate them faster. Seems weird that crossbell games are taking so long when they're already working with a near complete translation from Geofront that shouldn't need touching up in that many places. I get other work needs to be put in and they probably want to do their own editing, but I can't help but think they could've had both Zero and Azure out already if they'd really wanted to


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
So I'm currently in the middle of playing Hajimari with the translation spreadsheet overlay and was hopinh to do Kuro soon after, sucks since I didn't download Kuro in advance so unless I want to trawl the internet to find a way I won't be able to.

I wish NISA could at least translate them faster. Seems weird that crossbell games are taking so long when they're already working with a near complete translation from Geofront that shouldn't need touching up in that many places. I get other work needs to be put in and they probably want to do their own editing, but I can't help but think they could've had both Zero and Azure out already if they'd really wanted to

The holdup with Zero/Azure is probably more the port work that needs done rather than any localization work. They look like high quality ports like usual at least.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 11, 2019
Go get that Kuro and Hajimari mod before they get nuked, yall


Oct 25, 2017
I wish NISA could at least translate them faster. Seems weird that crossbell games are taking so long when they're already working with a near complete translation from Geofront that shouldn't need touching up in that many places. I get other work needs to be put in and they probably want to do their own editing, but I can't help but think they could've had both Zero and Azure out already if they'd really wanted to

They had to wait for development of a Switch port for all games. They could've released the PS4 version first and the Switch and PC ports later, but it's been mentioned that marketing wouldn't have been effective if that happened.


Oct 25, 2017
The problem is what argument do the others have? They'd still be doing Kuro without the permission of the original creators.

Pretty much the point that NISA has too actually sign off on it to C&D

Which they probably have tbh, but until then, I'd definitely fight it as the group unless it's falcom.

Then again, probably doesn't buy you very long.

You think, once it has released, more players in the west will have played the fantranslations over the official releases?

Probably, I don't actually know many people waiting for the release outside of my bestie irl who's waiting for it solely to play it on a switch or my online friend who's just playing through CS3 now.


Jul 25, 2021
Man what a garbage company. Can't let anybody (read: the slim section of the fanbase that uses fan translations) have nice things. Christ.

Won't be giving them any or much money in the future. Second hand copies, deep discounts or the originals for me I guess.

Edit: like fuck, the only reason they're able to put out Zero/Ao before the heat death of the universe is because of fan translations.
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Oct 25, 2017
But only the copyright holder can ask for that, right? It's either Falcom or NISA if they've already signed the game.

That's where it gets weird. This is where I have a blindspot as I don't know the specifics. If an international copyright holder is unaware of a copyright violation and unable to defend it, does that mean it's allowed to stay up?

That's why it might be possible that while they have no say over Kuro, the fact they brought it to light might mean it wouldn't matter anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
NISA really needs to speed up releasing these games. The 2023 wait for Hajimari was actually insane, and there's no indication when they would release Kuro but it certainly won't be before 2024.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I don't blame the community for all these English patches. It takes way too long when it comes to the English releases. Not sure if Falcom is still being hard headed when it comes to releasing scripts.


Jan 8, 2018
Yeah this wouldn't be an issue without the long localization times. Falcom needs to work on having scripts for localization teams early enough in development for closer releases.

(Full disclosure I don't know how any of this works. I just want it to happen faster.)

I do know most fan projects like this need to accept that license/IP owners may always do this before even starting.

I'll still buy NISA releases because I want show financial demand for the series in the west.


Oct 28, 2017
Some of y'all also need to understand that even if it was Xseed or a different locization company you'd be getting them faster. In no universe would they release multiple games at the same time or in the same year because the return on that investment isn't going to be there. Things need to spaced out for more than reasons than just translating.


Nov 17, 2017
They most likely already have, and are probably going to announce it at their upcoming event.
They aren't, their own store already leaked the four unannounced games.


Which means Kuro won't be officially released in English until three years after the Japanese/Korean/Chinese releases, and the west will be three games behind again (plus Ys X is releasing in Japan next year).

I don't think you understood me. I'm saying that people now boycotting the releases or not buying them now because "evil NISA" is why the series will die, not the shutting down of these fan translations.
NISA is losing out on money from the hardcore fans who would have double dipped, myself included. I already played the fan translations of the Crossbell and Hajimari/Kuro games and was going to buy NISA's when they eventually came out to support the official releases.


Oct 25, 2017
Are you saying more people play the fan translations than buy the official releases? That seems really unlikely.

In the case of Kiseki I would argue those playing the fan tl isn't really a small group. A lot of people have had years to accept that fan tl was the only way they're playing the games in any time whatsoever, and at the time of Zero's release, possibly ever. I don't think anyone thought we were getting an english release at the time.


Oct 27, 2017
NISA really needs to speed up releasing these games. The 2023 wait for Hajimari was actually insane, and there's no indication when they would release Kuro but it certainly won't be before 2024.
Takes them forever and their Falcom localizations are still really bad.
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Oct 28, 2017
If the series dies in the West because of this, it was likely very, very hard to keep alive in the first place.
I don't think you understood me. I'm saying that people now boycotting the releases or not buying them now because "evil NISA" is why the series will die, not the shutting down of these fan translations.


Oct 29, 2017
In the case of Kiseki I would argue those playing the fan tl isn't really a small group. A lot of people have had years to accept that fan tl was the only way they're playing the games in any time whatsoever, and at the time of Zero's release, possibly ever. I don't think anyone thought we were getting an english release at the time.
I'm sure it's larger than usual, but if the number playing fan translations truly exceeded the number buying the official releases, that'd be more of a jusitifaction to shut them down from the business's perspective.


Oct 25, 2017
They aren't, their own store already leaked the four unannounced games.


Which means Kuro won't be officially released in English until three years after the Japanese/Korean/Chinese releases, and the west will be three games behind again (plus Ys X is releasing in Japan next year).

They could just have a logo ready or something they'll announce afterwards. Otherwise them taking down Kuro as well makes no sense at all if they haven't licensed it.


Oct 27, 2017
How bad NISA's work is with stuff like Ys makes me wonder how much better Disgaea would actually be if the localization was actually good.

And I say that as someone who actually likes Disgaea.


Jun 1, 2022
It's crazy to me to think back to a couple years ago when it seemed like this series was finally starting to catch up and gain a bit of momentum in the west lol
Oct 26, 2017
So I'm currently in the middle of playing Hajimari with the translation spreadsheet overlay and was hopinh to do Kuro soon after, sucks since I didn't download Kuro in advance so unless I want to trawl the internet to find a way I won't be able to.

I wish NISA could at least translate them faster. Seems weird that crossbell games are taking so long when they're already working with a near complete translation from Geofront that shouldn't need touching up in that many places. I get other work needs to be put in and they probably want to do their own editing, but I can't help but think they could've had both Zero and Azure out already if they'd really wanted to
One theory for the delay I have is that the Switch and PC ports (of both Crossbell games at least) had to also be remade by Durante. He confirmed he's behind both in an AMA. So it wasn't just a matter of "copy and paste the fan translation, proof-read, then hit submit" that you'd think it was. There's other parts that needed doing.


Nov 23, 2021
It's selfish but I wish they didn't do the crossbell games and just focused on getting Reverie and Kuro out


Oct 29, 2017
One theory for the delay I have is that the Switch and PC ports (of both Crossbell games at least) had to also be remade by Durante. He confirmed he's behind both in an AMA. So it wasn't just a matter of "copy and paste the fan translation, proof-read, then hit submit" that you'd think it was. There's other parts that needed doing.
Yeah, this is the real issue. Ys IX also may have dragged it out, since they had him work on that and even do stuff like add multiplayer to the PC version (kind of wish he'd worked on Crossbell instead of that, but whatever).


Oct 25, 2017
What I think happened:
NISA decided to release Crosbell games before Hajimari which obviously means Kuro is pushed back even further (plus there's Nayuta). It's been this long bc they have been working on MULTIPLE games at the same time (Zero, Ao and Hajimari). To what extent, I'm not sure. What we know is Hajimari is the only game that will include voice acting. Now that they are finally ready to release Zero the whole process will begin. For all we know Ao might be ready as well or at least very close to being done. They will not release Ao a month after Zero, they have to space it put bc money. They want to make money on these games, we all know that. But bc of that spacing, let's say Ao will come out in February. By that time Hajimari might be ready for release. But again, they have to wait. So Hajimari will be pushed to, let's say July. And after that at some point near the end of the year comes Nayuta. If I'm right then maybe somehow they can start working on Kuro earlier then we might think and maybe Kuro will be late 2024? Personally I expect it to be 1H 2025. Ofc everything here is speculation. Otherwise it doesn't make sense to me why would it take so long to release Zero and the rest of the games.


Jul 2, 2022
In fairness, Falcom and NISA is certainly trying to catch us up considering we're getting 3 games next year (and 1 this year). No reason to think there couldn't be a Kuro 1 and a Kuro 2 localization in 2024 given that pace.

As a fan (if my avatar isnt enough of a giveaway) I can absolutely understand the frustration, but if there's any silver lining here, it could make spoilers easier to avoid for the next 2-3 years as we gradually creep up to being on or near the same release schedule as JP.


Jan 19, 2021
It is what it is.

People need to not treat these games as though they own them, because we don't. I know it's not what people don't want to hear that but it is the truth.

I also know there's a lot of people who end up just not buying the games when they're finally localized because by then they're already pirated and played copies with fan translations, if not importing the JP version and playing them with the overlays. That hurts all Falcom fans in the end just because of a few people who are too impatient, so I don't have much empathy for those specific players, even if I totally understand the frustration from the fan translators to some extent.


Oct 25, 2017
I was considering starting to play the series with Kuro no Kiseki, but that means that a Kuro no Kiseki II fan translation won't happen now, huh?
Which sucks because not only will we have to wait years for the "official" translation, it might also be inferior due to "localization" choices.
I always like to have choices and I usually prefer fan translations.