
Oct 25, 2017
Some random speculation.

4 dots = 4 player?

Someone said there was an ambient mode hidden in the games code? Floating orbs that kind of look like the orbs on the player models on the boxart?


Nov 23, 2017
Easy to find materials. Being able to just grow stuff easily and make money easily...makes the game easier. It gives you the money to buy better ships and multi tools. It means you can travel further, faster. Doesn't that remove some of that isolation?
Yeah, because before you didn't know if a system was occupied until you entered it...? There is no difference.
This is objectively not true. It cost fuel to call a ship. Fuel you can use to walk around the planet. I tested this out last year. You can travel quite some distance and back on 400 fuel.
Unless you use those portals or give your position to other people, how does it make everything feel small?

I'm one of your subscribers. I loved the video where you took a stroll around your planet. What you loved then, it's still there.

I played the game when it was released and loved it. When the first update dropped I carried on loving it. When the second update dropped I still loved it. But when the last update dropped something changed. I no longer felt compelled to play it. I forced myself for a while in the hope my fondness for it would return. Unfortunately it didn't. Something clearly changed for the worse, at least for me. I can't pretend nothing has changed because clearly something has, otherwise I'd still be playing it and loving it.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't wait to play this game in 4K on my One X.

The color palette in this game is awesome. If they have HDR support too, it'll be a space acid trip.


Nov 8, 2017
It was my favourite game, up there with TLOU. I loved the emptiness, the 'not knowing' and the simplicity of moving through the galaxy, but then they added things like having to find materials to open stuff, having to feed growing trays for the farm, filled the galaxy with lots of information to make sure we could never feel alone again, and turned the dog fights into nothing more than an arcade game with busy work and unnecessary visuals. So I stepped out

I understand your feeling. Mine is kind the same. I have been playing since launch, and it is probably the game I have spent more hours on the PS4. But most of the things on the updates were done to satisfy the haters crowdy instead of the players that loved and supported their original vision for the game.

I would like Hello Games to focus on the exploration, with changes and upgrades to the procedural generation, improving planet diversity, ecosystems, fauna, flora, water, dangers, and more. I don't give a shit about he multiplayer and all these RPG things they have been adding to the game.
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017

Right now each solar system instance is capped at 16 players at a time.

Whether that changes or not is unknown.

Thanks to the update, up to 16 players can now exist together in the same space. Fellow pilots will appear as floating blue orbs moving about the terrain, and proximity-based voice chat will allow players to plan their next jump together. That's pretty much it, but Hello Games calls it "an important first step into the world of synchronous co-op in No Man's Sky."


Oct 25, 2017
Right now each solar system instance is capped at 16 players at a time.

Whether that changes or not is unknown.

Thanks to the update, up to 16 players can now exist together in the same space. Fellow pilots will appear as floating blue orbs moving about the terrain, and proximity-based voice chat will allow players to plan their next jump together. That's pretty much it, but Hello Games calls it "an important first step into the world of synchronous co-op in No Man's Sky."
It requires more bandwidth and processing to handle 4 detailed characters doing more than floating around as light. So i can easily see them making some Co-op mode at 4 players.

Brodo Baggins

Oct 27, 2017
The four players on the box is nice, but personally I don't care about MP in this game without a huge overhaul in game mechanics to have some content that actually incentivizes multiplayer.

What really has me excited is the picture of the ringed planet on the box, I really love the Ringed Planets mod. Even if they're just visual pleasers, I really want there to be an official ringed planet type in the game. If they add some way to mine those rings that would be sublime!

I don't care what anyone says NMS is still by far my favorite space sandbox game, so I'm definitely in for whatever is in store with NMS: Next. I'm personally hoping besides MP they focussed a ton of effort on increasing planet variability, and created more grand scale events/quests on planets. I really want each planet to feel like it has a story to discover even if it is a little amorphous.

Different focus, yes. But they aren't orders of magnitude different.

If ED had good planet exploration I would play that game. ED is a space pilot simulator, which is not what I want. I prefer the zone out and planet exploration parts of NMS a hell of a lot more than being a space trucker.

NMS is lacking in many respects, but there's a ton of exponential potential in how their game systems interact given the procedural nature of their engine. Not that they have the ability to execute on it necessarily, but the potential is definitely there.

Brodo Baggins

Oct 27, 2017
How is NMS these days? I didn't feel compelled to buy it in 2016 but I know it has been updated. Worth a playthrough now?

It usually goes on sale for 20-26 dollars. Definitely worth it at that price to me, but I'm guessing if you wait for the Steam Winter sale it will end up going as low as 15 dollars, and at that price it's a great deal. Even people who dislike NMS usually say the glamour of the procedural generation will last you around 10-15 hrs of really solid wonder as you explore planets. If you happen to enjoy it there's easily 100+ hrs of gameplay before you reach the "end game." NMS in its current state excels for mindsets who create their own goals, but hopefully they add some more long term goals in NEXT.


Oct 25, 2017
How is NMS these days? I didn't feel compelled to buy it in 2016 but I know it has been updated. Worth a playthrough now?
might as well wait for the update, which is supposed to be big. Its good now though, but i expect they are treating this more like a re-launch.

Its on sale now at humble bundle site.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully this big updated version they got cooking will breathe some new life into the game.

Good luck NMS and Hello Games!

Deleted member 41931

User requested account closure
Apr 10, 2018
Does xbox still have the release parity thing where unique content has to beadded to a game if it comes later? If so, I wonder what they'll do for that. Maybe an Xbox ship skin or something.


Oct 25, 2017
Some random speculation.

4 dots = 4 player?

Someone said there was an ambient mode hidden in the games code? Floating orbs that kind of look like the orbs on the player models on the boxart?

I haven't been keeping in touch with the game since the last update, didn't know about this ambient mode buried in the code. I wondered what those orbs on the character suits were, might be cameras, sensors or radars (reminds me of those shoulder scanners in Death Stranding).

BTW the first time the NEXT news broke, I thought that maybe those four dots might be related to the four pillars of gameplay (explore, fight, trade, survive), but seeing the four characters on the box art certainly feels like it might be a 4 player party thing.

Either way, I'm always excited to see where NMS goes next.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
Bought it at PS4 release and returned it immediately at my local store because it was so awful. For the first time in 20 years and after a few discussions he even gave me my money back.

But it seems to be a pretty good game now and actually in what it wants to be in his genre, one of the better ones.
Maybe I take a look again on my X.


Oct 25, 2017
Wonder if they are gonna pull an 'out now' at E3 MS press conference, and how that relates with the patch. You would think they might want to get the patch out earlier to test better the bugs for a proper console launch.


Oct 25, 2017
Wonder if they are gonna pull an 'out now' at E3 MS press conference, and how that relates with the patch. You would think they might want to get the patch out earlier to test better the bugs for a proper console launch.

Only if it's out for PS4 and PC at the same time. There would be procedural oceans full of salt in the NMS community if Xbox got NEXT first.


Nov 1, 2017
It requires more bandwidth and processing to handle 4 detailed characters doing more than floating around as light. So i can easily see them making some Co-op mode at 4 players.
You can get more than 16 animals running around on screen at a time, so 16 players shouldn't be a problem. And for all that's happened over the last few years, it's not a good idea to make a very specific statement of 16 palyer coop and then not back that up. Especially when it was originally only supposed to be a few people.


Oct 27, 2017
Definitely looking forward to checking out this update. Already have it on PS4 Pro, but if this game ends up being 4k60 on the X, I think that might be enough to get me to double-dip. Hopefully they don't go the Pro route and force 4k/30 over the 1080p/60 option on 4k displays.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait and see what the next update is like .

I dislike that they're putting mulitplayer in but I'm sure there will be other updates.

Yeah this is how I feel. I'm hoping I won't be forced into multiplayer especially if there is going to be pho. But I'll wait and see how they are doing it. The other stuff sounds exciting, especially the talk I hear about vr?


Oct 27, 2017
After 100 hrs (that's a lot for me) I absolutely adore the game and can't wait to see what the next update provides .

Will hopefully jump in for another 100


Oct 29, 2017
Multiplayer shmultiplayer. the real story is THERE'S A PLANET ON THE BOX ART WITH MUTHAFUCKIN RANGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oct 25, 2017
I need to get back into this game, haven't played it since before Atlas Rising.

I'm not sure where Hello Games is headed with the development of the game though. The last few updates plus the original game seem to suggest a big focus on surface survival gameplay. The original game felt like The Long Dark with space ships, and updates added elements from Minecraft and other survival games like base building, while probably not focusing quite as much on space, economy, and dog fighting. That stuff seemingly has been improved, but probably won't ever be anywhere near what's in Elite, and that's partially intentional, as NMS is supposed to be the arcade game to Elite's simulator.

I guess what I originally wanted out of NMS was something like a more casual version of Frontier Elite II with more developed surface gameplay. NMS basically is that now, but maybe I just didn't sense enough Elite in the game. Maybe I'm still disappointed that planets don't revolve, orbit, or otherwise act like planetary systems (which for me would just enhance the sense of immersion). Maybe I wanted the planet surfaces themselves to feel less random in terms of how content is spread out on them, but again, I haven't played since before the last major update. What I ultimately want might be a middle ground somewhere between Elite and NMS.

My main problem with Elite is there's almost nothing for explorers to do right now. There's no reason for a pure explorer build to buy any of the expansions yet. You just warp into a system, fuel scoop, scan every body worth scanning, and warp out. I heard there will be exploration-focused updates in the future, but when? Maybe at that point and when (if?) Elite gets atmospheric surfaces it'll be the supreme space simulator. Maybe one day Star Citizen and Squadron 42 will actually come out.

I don't know man. NMS's initial reception seems to have really muddied the waters when it comes to procedurally generated space simulator games, because it would've been great for more developers to take a crack at it. The original idea for Mass Effect Andromeda sounded dope.

So Elite is the game for you, not for me. I bought Elite after hearing so much praise about it, and how it was a much better game than No Man's Sky, but I was supremely turned off by just about everything the game had to offer. I found it overly complex for the sake of being overly complex, and way too simmy than the more relaxed nature of No Man's Sky and it's take on space exploration. Wandering around on planets, finding new creatures and materials and lore and beautiful vistas is exactly what I, personally, wanted from a space exploration game. The art style is also very appealing to me, and I spent way too much time just taking screenshots of all of the things I found. When they added a photo mode in one of the updates, that was icing on the cake. Flying different ships is cool, but Elite just wasn't for me. I wouldn't say it's better or worse than NMS and vice versa, just that NMS tickled the right buttons for me in comparison. I can totally get why someone would be in love with Elite and NMS, and for very different reasons. Not every game is going to be for everybody. Gamers need to understand that, and learn to live with it. There are a ton of games that people adore that just don't interest me (like Overwatch, or Fortnite; fun games, addicting games, but not for me; although I did play Fortnite for a few weeks before becoming disinterested). I understand that those games aren't for me, and just move on to the stuff that is.

I think Elite and No Man's Sky are two vastly different games, with some similarities by virtue of them being in a similar blanket genre (Space Exploration). It's the little bits and pieces that really set them apart from one another, and what fans of both dig. Some people are able to enjoy both games, some one game over the other. Nothing wrong with that, I think.

This core of people you refer to are a minority and dont represent all of them. I enjoyed the game from the start and enjoyed the updates. Many of the most prolific YT guys that are obsessed with the game enjoyed the updates. So unofrtunatley for you, HG needs to ensure the continued success of their game by satisfying the most amount of people.

Folks can like NMS! For me, Elite scratched the space itch, not NMS.

Of course nothing wrong with that! Both can coexist. Glad you liked NMS, I didn't hate it, but Elite clicked with me right away (even though its stupidly complicated in some aspects).

I couldn't take my warp drive breaking after the third time in a row after a black hole jump. Drove me insane.

After a bit of NMS and around 100 hours of Elite here is my vary basic advice for anyone still curious about trying out either game:

If you care about exploration and on-surface gameplay, play NMS.

If you mainly care about space ships, dog fighting, trading, or other economy gameplay, play Elite.

If you care about astronomy, just download Space Engine.


Oct 25, 2017
I need to get back into this game, haven't played it since before Atlas Rising.

I'm not sure where Hello Games is headed with the development of the game though. The last few updates plus the original game seem to suggest a big focus on surface survival gameplay. The original game felt like The Long Dark with space ships, and updates added elements from Minecraft and other survival games like base building, while probably not focusing quite as much on space, economy, and dog fighting. That stuff seemingly has been improved, but probably won't ever be anywhere near what's in Elite, and that's partially intentional, as NMS is supposed to be the arcade game to Elite's simulator.

I guess what I originally wanted out of NMS was something like a more casual version of Frontier Elite II with more developed surface gameplay. NMS basically is that now, but maybe I just didn't sense enough Elite in the game. Maybe I'm still disappointed that planets don't revolve, orbit, or otherwise act like planetary systems (which for me would just enhance the sense of immersion). Maybe I wanted the planet surfaces themselves to feel less random in terms of how content is spread out on them, but again, I haven't played since before the last major update. What I ultimately want might be a middle ground somewhere between Elite and NMS.

The trading is definitely improved in Atlas Rises, much improved from the launch version, but I'd still like a more dynamic economy and some much-needed QoL improvements.

Funny that you mention Frontier Elite II, as Sean recently posted a picture of his teenage bedroom and one of the many old school game boxes there is Frontier Elite II on the bottom left.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Did no man sky team promised online players interaction before the game released? They never ever showed videos of two players meeting and doing stuff, i think people just assumed when they said online that it was like an MMO or something


Oct 25, 2017
After over 2000 hours of playing this game and the last abysmal update, this game is dead to me. Hello Games sold out. It's a triumph for the moaners and weak supporters.

I know this post is kind of taking over the thread, but can you confirm that you actually meant to type two thousand hours? I'm convinced this is a typo.