
Oct 25, 2017

Around mid March is was shared by every media outlet that while Epic Games Store has some missing key features they have a roadmap with which they'll implement the key features through this year.

This is an important subject as many people are saying that their main painpoint with the store is that it is too barebone and it misses some really important features. For example this topic came up during the announcement of Borderlands 3 EGS exclusivity. In that case Gearbox president Randy Pitchford told that the game won't release on today's EGS but on September's EGS and according to their roadmap they will implement many key features till that date.

So I thought it's worth checking how EGS was able to keep their short term targets. So I went to their public roadmap which is available here:


Here we can see that they actually had 6 items targeted to be released during April, namely:

  • Search by Genre and Tag
  • Install Management "Under the Hood Overhaul"
  • Improvements to Offline Mode
  • Store Video Hosting
  • Store Page Redesign
  • Improved DLC Support - Multi SKU
While some of these are not precisely defined features or not targeted mainly towards end-users thus hard to estimate whether they consider it done or not what I was able to check are certainly missing. We can't search by genre, tags seemingly don't even exist, install management at least from our point of view is the same as before, preload isn't possible, etc...

If I've missed something and you can find any of these (or any other) improvements feel free to share but according to what I've seen I am afraid that since they were not able to keep even their short term plan they certainly won't be ready with the launcher Randy visioned until September...

Edit: since my post was written they pushed all above items at least 1 month later on their roadmap.

Since the post they've all been pushed to May.

But it's ok it's just another launcher and not a barely functional platform that could best be described as being in early access.
The benefits of the competition will trickle down to us any day now.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
So we're all rioting against crunch but also rioting when they miss a soft deadline by like a month? People really like to have their cake and eat it, too.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Amazing competition. What a strong platform. (Fuck Epic.)

I hope that it's becoming clearer to people that their 12% cut was borne out of necessity and PR strategy, and not altruism or any real desire to create a better environment for developers or gamers.

Epic doesn't give a shit about any of that! They just want you paying Epic a cut instead of Valve!

And so this anemic, feature-clean launcher is all that 12% can barely sustain. And Epic used this cut as a PR bludgeon to convince some of you that certain platform holders, who work a lot harder and spend a lot more of their resources in service of developers and consumers alike, need to meet Epic's cut out of 'fairness' - even though Epic's cut is one that befits this weak launcher, and not anything more ambitious than it, like, for example, every other mainstream launcher and platform on PC.

In conclusion, middlefinger.jpg
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Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
So we're all rioting against crunch but also rioting when they miss a soft deadline by like a month? People really like to have their cake and eat it, too.
Miss a soft deadline while buying out the competition while promising the benefits will trickle down*

The real problem here is capitalism


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If my workplace has taught me anything, it's to expect items pushed back on the Trello board.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
Welcome to why developers don't typically publish these kinds of documents to the public. Development like this isn't an exact science. "Targeting" doesn't imply anything more than that. Trello is where dreams go to die.


Oct 25, 2017
If my workplace has taught me anything, it's to expect items pushed back on the Trello board.

Welcome to why developers don't typically publish these kinds of documents to the public. Development like this isn't an exact science. "Targeting" doesn't imply anything more than that. Trello is where dreams go to die.

Yeah, which is the reason you dont make your Trello visible for your customers, because that would only leed to more pent up frustration. Just give up vague datelines (and normally add some extra buffer time to deliver "on time" or "before expected").

Such a stupid move by Epic.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
Shocked. First Store road map and it ended up garbage like other road maps.


#1 Waluigi Fan! Current Status: Crying
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, there isn't really a need to implement those features when they are the only place tog et the games. You either buy the games or not, it doesn't matter to Epic if they have features the competition have, it only matters to them they are the only place to get the games. If I had fortnite money and could just buy all the games I want, I too would be lax about implementing features to my store because they aren't needed. What? You going to buy Rocket League 2 on steam to get that Steamplay integration? Nah, because you can't. Oh, there isn't any "Epicplay"? So what, only place you can play is Epic Store.


Apr 6, 2019
So we're all rioting against crunch but also rioting when they miss a soft deadline by like a month? People really like to have their cake and eat it, too.
What does comment even mean? What does crunch have to do with this store? We can't complain about the mistreatment of workers and the lateness of software updates. Maybe this Epic store should not have been Casey at the bat


Self-requested ban.
Oct 28, 2017
It makes sense that for the most anti-consumer store, consumer features aren't very high on their priority list. Moneyhatting developers that are popular on Steam is so much easier!


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
So all Epic knows how to do is buy. Could they please buy a company to make their launcher?


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I agree to a point. However, they shouldn't promise what they can't deliver without riding their employees into the ground.

Sure, but a development roadmap hardly seems like an ironclad promise that counts as a betrayal of trust if missed. People are just chomping at the bit to criticize EGS, sometimes deserved and sometimes blown out of proportion.

I mean if they want their store to remain shit then fine but don't make me use it

It's not like they've decided to drop the features they plan to add, they're just delayed. No one's pointing a gun to your head and forcing you to use the store. I haven't even downloaded it yet.

Miss a soft deadline while buying out the competition while promising the benefits will trickle down*

The real problem here is capitalism

You can complain about buying out the competition, but that's not really what this thread is about. Pumping more money into a project, in this case features included on the storefront, won't guarantee that it gets done faster.


Oct 25, 2017
So we're all rioting against crunch but also rioting when they miss a soft deadline by like a month? People really like to have their cake and eat it, too.

Or they could have bought at least one studio or pay enough developers to work on the shittiest part of their software output, you know? It's not like Epic doesn't throw money around on everything these days.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 28, 2017
If they so into buying exclusives, they should pump some of that money towards the damn plataform.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
Clearly, they were too busy planning out which games to forcibly remove from Steam instead.


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
Epic should like hire people with all that Fortnite money.


Nov 21, 2018
So we're all rioting against crunch but also rioting when they miss a soft deadline by like a month? People really like to have their cake and eat it, too.

I agree. That is a very good point. I know everyones hate boner for Epic is strong (and, in some cases, I can understand why) but given the article that came out about insane crunch, maybe we can lay off on this point?


Oct 25, 2017
I agree. That is a very good point. I know everyones hate boner for Epic is strong (and, in some cases, I can understand why) but given the article that came out about insane crunch, maybe we can lay off on this point?

Or maybe they could actually pay enough developers to work on their store front. Throw some money at the problem. Like they do with everything else.


Jul 25, 2018
In another recent topic,

"It's so unfair that they're exploiting their workers. Epic should do updates less often."

Days later,

"They should hurry up with these updates."


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
What does comment even mean? What does crunch have to do with this store? We can't complain about the mistreatment of workers and the lateness of software updates. Maybe this Epic store should not have been Casey at the bat

I'm specifically referring to the recent criticism of Epic's crunch culture for Fortnite, and that the gaming community is hypocritical in demanding that development meet internal deadlines when the reality of the situation is that delays happen. I think it's fair to criticize Epic for launching a store without key features, but I think it's a little less fair to jump down their throat when they miss a development target by a month or two.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
You can complain about buying out the competition, but that's not really what this thread is about. Pumping more money into a project, in this case features included on the storefront, won't guarantee that it gets done faster.
Epic is proof that capitalism sucks equally for developers and consumers.


Oct 28, 2017
Customer's are the last priority of this effort. Amazingly they've managed to become even more untrustworthy since the first month of the store's availability.
With so many amazing games available on PC, Epics "exclusive" games just form a list of ignore-able products. If it was a game I considered, its immediately replaced by the other competing product I was looking at. Even when Epic eventually gets into an actual competitive stride, it will take years for them to demonstrate they actual benefit me in some way and will do so consistently


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Some really shitty takes in here.
Dev roadmaps are made public to show that they're invested into their product and to give a rough outline of priorities and milestones.


Oct 29, 2017
They now seem to offer the most important feature for me: refunds. I'm okay with it when they need more time to improve on other areas.


Nov 21, 2018
Or maybe they could actually pay enough developers to work on their store front. Throw some money at the problem. Like they do with everything else.

I completely 100% agree. But hopefully missing this deadline was a sign of positive change and less crunch (probably isn't tho :-/ )


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
Weird comment. You can hit your deadlines without enforcing crunch.

The two don't go hand in hand.

The difference is when a deadline gets missed, being able to say, "This sucks, but I'm glad they're able to get the time they need to do what they're doing -- hopefully healthily," versus, "They should have done more, faster." The negative attitudes towards the delays in this thread are very much contributory to crunch culture.


Oct 25, 2017
In another recent topic,

"It's so unfair that they're exploiting their workers. Epic should do updates less often."

Days later,

"They should hurry up with these updates."

Unless these statement came from the same people this is a stupid comparison.

Anyhow, both issues can be solved by Epic hiring more people. They have the money to do it. The blame doesn't lie with the consumer here.

Deleted member 11626

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
In another recent topic,

"It's so unfair that they're exploiting their workers. Epic should do updates less often."

Days later,

"They should hurry up with these updates."

This is some disingenuous bullshit. Same people perpetuating the idea that this is just some launcher war and steam fanboys are sore racists about it all. Every discussion on this subject has been a shitshow because people that don't even game on PC keep offering up poorly reasoned takes like this, drowning out people that actually have a point.

For the inevitable Staff Post that's coming, maybe the mods can differentiate who the "don't come in here to argue in bad faith" rule applies to, because it's clearly not being applied to users on one side of this issue


Nov 27, 2018
Software gets delayed, it is not easily predicted.

Welcome to every single software release schedule ever.
Or maybe they underestimated the amount of time it take's to develop and implement the said features on their store, which isn't a problem in itself.
It's that, this roadmap is shown as a way to wave off the criticism that the store will catch up quickly on features it lacks.


Oct 27, 2017
Give them time. I know adding basic search functionality took a lot of time and effort for them. Patience!

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
In another recent topic,

"It's so unfair that they're exploiting their workers. Epic should do updates less often."

Days later,

"They should hurry up with these updates."

No need to disingenuously frame it. The point is that Epic shouldn't promise features they can't deliver. The reason crunch happens is because you promise things that you can't deliver, and then overwork your people in an attempt to deliver it anyway. So they're interconnected.