May 15, 2019
Let's be real, you already gave her a bunch of chances and she refused to take them until you were committed to walking.

Based on what she was telling me, she was waiting to say we're official until we officially said I love you to each other. And she kept saying she needed some time to think about it. But I don't understand why, as she claimed, she told everyone but me that we were official, and yet when I've asked multiple times made it out to be so unsure. I just needed that affirmation once, the L words would come up when they do. She was scared of scaring me away, but I gave her all the signs she needed.

It sounds like you made the right choice here Destiny. Not gonna lie, part of me feels sorry for her. It reads like she actually thinks she screwed things up with you, and might even actually be mad with herself for that. So if she messed up something she valued because of unresolved issues, that sucks for her. And I hope this is a wake up call that she has work to do, because she's getting in her own way.

That being said, it's not up to you to stay by her side when she's doing this, if she makes you feel insecure, unsafe and unvalued. Something was definitely wrong here that made her unable to give you the validation you should get out of a relationship (which would for example be illustrated by saying you're exclusive). And honestly, saying she told everyone else but you, out of fear of scaring you away...doesn't sound entirely honest. It's just too convenient. And even if it was true, it still shows she has issues being open and honest about her feelings.

So, well done break up, and I'd say well done breaking up. I hope for her sake she gets to a place where she can be in a healthy relationship, and I hope you in time will find someone for a healty relationship :)
She definitely was mad at herself for all of this. She told me that I'd be her biggest regret - the one that got away - and that she should have committed to me. I won't lie, I feel internally the need to give her a second chance, because I do care about her and loved the 95% of the time I was with her. She has ADHD and has had some trouble getting her medication, which I think can pinpoint her aggression being a bit more noticeable lately. That and she has sensory related issues.

I talked this over with my sibling who studies psychology and they said that while ADHD could contribute, it does not excuse her behavior. She should actively try to do better for herself, not for me but for herself. Part of me wants to text her - especially since I left the door open - that if she was able to take her meds and work with a therapist that I might give her a second chance, but I don't want someone to change for me, it must be they want to do better for themselves.

op did the right thing, you deserve happiness OP, and that wasn't it.
I hope I did the right thing. I won't lie, I have second thoughts. I loved the 95% of the time with her - the other 5% just stood out and me feel so uncomfortable. She hurt me. And I hated the unknown with whether she was going to commit at this point or not.

But when she was good, she was fantastic. She was incredibly kind towards myself during the 95% of the time. I won't lie, I love her. But that 5% hurt so bad.


Oct 29, 2017
Based on what she was telling me, she was waiting to say we're official until we officially said I love you to each other. And she kept saying she needed some time to think about it. But I don't understand why, as she claimed, she told everyone but me that we were official, and yet when I've asked multiple times made it out to be so unsure. I just needed that affirmation once, the L words would come up when they do. She was scared of scaring me away, but I gave her all the signs she needed.

She definitely was mad at herself for all of this. She told me that I'd be her biggest regret - the one that got away - and that she should have committed to me. I won't lie, I feel internally the need to give her a second chance, because I do care about her and loved the 95% of the time I was with her. She has ADHD and has had some trouble getting her medication, which I think can pinpoint her aggression being a bit more noticeable lately. That and she has sensory related issues.

I talked this over with my sibling who studies psychology and they said that while ADHD could contribute, it does not excuse her behavior. She should actively try to do better for herself, not for me but for herself. Part of me wants to text her - especially since I left the door open - that if she was able to take her meds and work with a therapist that I might give her a second chance, but I don't want someone to change for me, it must be they want to do better for themselves.

I hope I did the right thing. I won't lie, I have second thoughts. I loved the 95% of the time with her - the other 5% just stood out and me feel so uncomfortable. She hurt me. And I hated the unknown with whether she was going to commit at this point or not.

But when she was good, she was fantastic. She was incredibly kind towards myself during the 95% of the time. I won't lie, I love her. But that 5% hurt so bad.

I understand the second thoughts, I really do. But you did what felt safer and what will give you peace. And without peace you wouldn't be able to love-- not for a long time, in the sustained manner a commitment requires. Remember, you did this not for her lack of love, but (among other things) for her lack of commitment, and you already know an felt these aren't things that can be put on a balance.
Oct 25, 2017
Good going OP! Positive vibes your way. I had to have a hard breakup conversation with someone a few weeks ago and it's always better to have that conversation in person and working through the tears, even if it sucks in the moment and you care for the other person a lot. Sounds like you did great and expressed how you felt honestly.


Oct 27, 2017
Good for you Destiny. I was a bit concerned she was going to blow up on you, but I'm glad she didn't and that you did that in a public place.

Take some time for yourself, maybe treat yourself to something you've been wanting to have or do. Everything will be alright.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
She definitely was mad at herself for all of this. She told me that I'd be her biggest regret - the one that got away - and that she should have committed to me. I won't lie, I feel internally the need to give her a second chance, because I do care about her and loved the 95% of the time I was with her. She has ADHD and has had some trouble getting her medication, which I think can pinpoint her aggression being a bit more noticeable lately. That and she has sensory related issues.

I talked this over with my sibling who studies psychology and they said that while ADHD could contribute, it does not excuse her behavior. She should actively try to do better for herself, not for me but for herself. Part of me wants to text her - especially since I left the door open - that if she was able to take her meds and work with a therapist that I might give her a second chance, but I don't want someone to change for me, it must be they want to do better for themselves.
I know lots of people with ADHD and I've never known "screaming at someone" to be one of the symptoms. I suppose it could be if it was lumped in with other stuff, but I would put it more on that other stuff than I would ADHD itself.


Oct 27, 2017
She definitely was mad at herself for all of this. She told me that I'd be her biggest regret - the one that got away - and that she should have committed to me. I won't lie, I feel internally the need to give her a second chance, because I do care about her and loved the 95% of the time I was with her. She has ADHD and has had some trouble getting her medication, which I think can pinpoint her aggression being a bit more noticeable lately. That and she has sensory related issues.

I talked this over with my sibling who studies psychology and they said that while ADHD could contribute, it does not excuse her behavior. She should actively try to do better for herself, not for me but for herself. Part of me wants to text her - especially since I left the door open - that if she was able to take her meds and work with a therapist that I might give her a second chance, but I don't want someone to change for me, it must be they want to do better for themselves.

Not sure I agree with the bolded. If someone is in a relationship with, I want to, deserve to, be treated with kindness and validation. Like someone who is loved and appreciated. If you like me, but there are issues that cause you to lash out at me or treat me in a way I don't deserve to be treated, I would also want someone to change for me. I want to be the best partner I can be for someone, and I also want someone to want to be a good partner for me. I deserve that. And I don't think that is an unfair stance for anyone to have in a relationship.

Aside from that, of course people going to therapy or working on themselves also benefit from that themselves. And that would probably positively impact them for the rest of their lifetime, in all aspects of life, instead of just in their romantic relationships. So...for herself? Also a huge boon. But beneficial for you and beneficial for her aren't mutually exclusive. I'd sooner say they're complementary.

And I get why you might have second thoughts, if she makes you genuinely happy 95% of the time. And you might even see a future with her? But you should really think it through how you see that going. If her behavior really stems from psychological issues she's gonna need to learn how to deal with them in a way that doesn't hurt you (on top of getting healthier for herself). And usually change like that doesn't come immediately. If you decide to stay with, that's gonna mean spending energy on making sure you remain healthy yourself.

Meaning clear and firm communication to guard your own boundaries, and telling her when she's doing things that hurt you, or make you feel unsafe, so she knows when she's doing something hurtful and can try to stop doing that. Can you do that in a way that's constructive for her, and that's not gonna make her blow up or feel hurt herself (which, if there's underlying hurt or trauma involved...pheeew, good luck with that). Even for mental health professionals, your own safety comes first, always. And you're not even a mental health professional, so your safety should be something to be even more careful of, because you probably aren't aware of what unhealthy dynamics you can fall into. Some of which you've experienced, and have hurt you already.

Now, all of this might impact your (future) relationship a lot, or not that much. Depending on her (and frankly your) behavior, how often that makes you unhappy, and how severely it makes you unhappy. Basically if you can live with it without becoming miserable. I think it also matters if she is genuinely willing to get help, without you having to push her. Cause I can see that going smoothly, or being a very prominent source of conflict.

On top of that, you should also keep in mind if you feel sufficiently appreciated and validated in your relationship. You've given examples where you're not, but you also say she shows she cares about you quite often as well. How that adds up is up to you.

So, I can't tell you what to do. Whether you should give it another shot. That's your decision to make. But I know I'm in the habit of thinking people can be better and change so it'll work out...and that has bitten me in the ass on more than one occasion, especially when I was not very mentally secure myself. And that was very much not fun.
Last edited:


Nov 27, 2017
Your love journey isn't over. You found someone that wasn't compatible. That's okay. Much better than figuring that out after marriage, kids, house, etc. You'll be okay. Take care of yourself.


Oct 26, 2017
Dunedin, New Zealand
It's over. Just got back from it and I'm honestly really shaken. For a breakup (I'll consider it one even if it was a situationship-ish one), it actually was one of the more smoother ones....in terms of like no anger, complete respect, and understanding. I was worried coming into it that she might get angry towards me, but that in fact did not happen. I'm fine with sharing information here about it, kind of acts therapeutic for me to let this out:

We met in a parking lot, she sat in my car. I could see that she had been crying like crazy beforehand and I was barely holding it together. I started off by apologizing for coming off kind of cold the past couple of days, but really needed to talk things out in person. I mentioned that I've gotten hurt multiple times recently - the phone incident, during romance, going to the baseball game, all of the emotional outbursts she had towards me. She completely agreed that she shouldn't have done any of those and apologized repeatedly, saying she wants to do better.

I told her that I wanted to go separate ways for the time being and admit that I love her like she admitted to me - but that the anger episodes did a number of my feelings and I couldn't keep going with that. We cried a ton, she asked for another chance and said she'd appreciate having me stick by her side as she works on herself. I told her that I don't want her to change for me - I want her to be her authentic self since that's something I care deeply about with people - but I can't handle emotional outbursts so direct like that. She broke down hard and asked if there was anything she could do that could change my mind; she brought up an example of her last relationship (which lasted 4 years), how all the anger/torment her ex gave her has made her more aggressive and that she wants to change. TBH, for a moment, I had considered giving her a second chance....but then went into my next topic which was relevant.

I told her that I don't think giving a second chance would be fair for me - I've spent months in complete confusion if she wants me or not. She never affirmed to me when I've asked if I'm her boyfriend officially, just always giving more of a not yet type of answer. She told me just a few weeks ago what her friend said about me in the main post, and then proceeded to not affirm that we're officially dating. That hurt me so badly - making me ask myself why haven't I deserved that affirmation. She mentioned saying boyfriend or girlfriend can be childish, but I told her that I don't care what others call us - I NEEDED to know what we were, no more ambiguous.

She then told me that I'm her boyfriend, which I told her it doesn't feel right that we had to have this conversation and me crying so hard in front of her for her to finally say it. She told me she's told her family, friends, and coworkers that I'm her boyfriend, but never me....and is not sure why. She said she equated boyfriend and telling someone you love them as the same thing, and was afraid of scaring me off. I told her I gave her all of the signs possible that I wanted to be told it - I needed that affirmation that we were a boyfriend/girlfriend and not still talking.

I brought that all together as a double whammy I've been having for why I feel so much pain and why I think we should part ways. I did leave the door open a bit, saying that maybe I might come back around but that I don't want her to think that and we just need to move forward with our lives. I do mean that too - my gut decision has been fighting my heart and while the idea is open to going back to her someday, I don't want that because of how I feel now. I shouldn't be scared of someone I trust completely - that's not healthy. She agree with that.

She started bashing herself heavily - saying she hates herself, feels like an awful person, consistently apologizing. I kept telling her she's a beautiful woman, she should focus on making herself happy. She told me she wants to go back into therapy to talk about the anger issues, as she said she's scared friends away and now myself. She referenced me as the one that got away and her biggest regret, which I'm not going to lie, made me cry super hard.

I paid her the trip money back and then some - and we had one more issue occur. She started talking to herself, saying "Oh my god, I can't believe I screwed this up so badly, I love you...." and then accidentally said out loud "I'll get over this soon." That hurt - I pointed it out, she said she didn't mean to say that and I started bawling like crazy because I wouldn't just say something like that since I care a ton about her. That was awkward, we kept crying, and then she said "So there's no going back is there?" I told her no and that I feel really hurt right now and need to be alone to sort my feelings out with my therapist. We said goodbye, she drove off, and I sat in the parking lot destroyed for 30 minutes. I hope she will be okay...what she said out loud gave me vibes that she might harm herself, which I seriously hope she doesn't. She deserves to be happy, and so do I.

That was a lot of emotion, but we were very understanding of each other. Between this event and my cat dying of cancer last month, I feel drained. When my four year relationship ended (the Disney vacation related one for those who recall) before this situationship happened, I was energized to go on dating apps because of how hard I felt I got screwed over. Now....I have the opposite feeling. I feel broken down and honestly just might be with myself for a while. I have a lot going on in life and I'm possibly about to pay off my student loans next week, so I'm trying to remind myself to stay focused on the goals I have. I really hope I find someone who doesn't make me hurt/confused like this - I'm in my mid-twenties, so I assume my love journey is not over yet.

Bruh that's one of the most adult and impressive, frankly, breakups I've ever read. You did wonderful despite the pain, and by all accounts it seems like a very good decision in the long term. You're gonna be alright, even if it feels like that isn't the case right now.
Oct 27, 2017
You can't save someone who doesn't want to save themselves, OP. Proud of you for doing what's best for your mental health.


Dec 15, 2017
Good job OP using your brain not your heart to make the hard decision. Glad it went as smoothly as possible. I hope she gets the help she needs. Just be wary if she pops back into your life in 6 months time claiming she's better and wants to get back together. Bad behaviour is not easily changed.


Apr 4, 2024
Dallas, TX
You made the proper call. Its not easy to do when you want to see the best in people. No matter the reward, the risk is never worth losing your soul, which is what ensues after years of daily emotional, psychological, physical, and sexual abuse.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
OP, I was in a very, very similar situation to you last year (so much so that reading your posts gave me PTSD flashbacks).

You did the right thing. No matter how much it hurts and the yearing for her remains, always tell yourself that you did the right thing.

Because the cold truth is, the alternative would've brought you far, far more pain than you're feeling right now.
Last edited:
May 15, 2019
Bruh that's one of the most adult and impressive, frankly, breakups I've ever read. You did wonderful despite the pain, and by all accounts it seems like a very good decision in the long term. You're gonna be alright, even if it feels like that isn't the case right now.
I appreciate that - it was extremely difficult. One of the toughest conversations I've ever had in my life.

You can't save someone who doesn't want to save themselves, OP. Proud of you for doing what's best for your mental health.
If she is to change, I want her to lead her change forward. I didn't want to force her to do it, and I didn't want to risk getting hurt more.

OP, I was in a very, very similar situation to you last year (so much so that reading your posts gave me PTSD flashbacks).

You did the right thing. No matter how much it hurts and the yearing for her remains, always tell yourself that you did the right thing.

Because the cold truth is, the alternative would've brought you far, far more pain than you're feeling right now.
I'm sorry for the PTSD flashbacks. Part of me wants her again, but another part of me wants to go on the dating apps again just to meet new people (without the intention to focus super hard looking for someone, just letting chance happen on there). There's another part of me that thinks maybe the best course of action is, well, just do nothing.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
I appreciate that - it was extremely difficult. One of the toughest conversations I've ever had in my life.

If she is to change, I want her to lead her change forward. I didn't want to force her to do it, and I didn't want to risk getting hurt more.

I'm sorry for the PTSD flashbacks. Part of me wants her again, but another part of me wants to go on the dating apps again just to meet new people (without the intention to focus super hard looking for someone, just letting chance happen on there). There's another part of me that thinks maybe the best course of action is, well, just do nothing.

Don't force yourself to date yet if you're not ready. It won't do you any good and you might end up in another bad situation out of loneliness/desperation (again, speaking from experience). Take some time to reflect. Think about what you want from a relationship. What do you need a future partner to agree with you about?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry for the PTSD flashbacks. Part of me wants her again, but another part of me wants to go on the dating apps again just to meet new people (without the intention to focus super hard looking for someone, just letting chance happen on there). There's another part of me that thinks maybe the best course of action is, well, just do nothing.

I actually think by getting this breakup under your belt without much issue you're getting past that trauma (and resulting behavior) in a major way. Keep putting yourself out there. Don't go into it looking for 'the one' or to force it to work with someone. Just have fun, and mind the red flags like you did here. It's important for you to discover you're worthy of love from a range of people and it's not as rare as you might make it out to be in your own mind at times. Once you're past that, you'll find a great partner that fits you.


Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
I'm sorry for the PTSD flashbacks. Part of me wants her again, but another part of me wants to go on the dating apps again just to meet new people (without the intention to focus super hard looking for someone, just letting chance happen on there). There's another part of me that thinks maybe the best course of action is, well, just do nothing.

Do you have mutual friends? A simple solution is mentioning to them in what conditions you would be willing to reconsider it, such as "if she's going to therapy and taking her medications and people have noticed her outburst getting better".
And then move on with your life, close that door. Go on dates if you want, or don't. Just focus on yourself and what will put you in a good spot.

You don't know what things will look like in 6 months or a year, and no point catastrophizing how your love life will look in the future right now. It's cliche but give yourself some time to live in the moment.

Also, eat well and exercise. I feel relationships can tank mental health and those have a big impact on it, you have to be proactive.

Good luck OP!


Oct 26, 2017
Good on you, OP. It's not easy, but you'll be proud of standing up for yourself.

As for her, I choose to stay optimistic about people. I choose to believe she'll use this has a positive turning point for her too. Absolutely doesn't mean you should give her another chance, but your actions have hopefully helped two people that day.

Wishing you the best.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
It's a little hard to parse what you are saying or why from just reading your ex's texts, and tbh I think it's pretty uncool to put that stuff on a public message board. Doesn't really reflect well on you to do so. Move on.

you made the right decision but she's in pain, block her on socials and let it go

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Update - she reached out to me and pleaded to get together fully. Here's snippets of what she's said a little of context just to show how she's behaving:

But like idk how real life works for you that you can always be comfortable 100%of the time and never have an off day?

I'm not a bad person just because i have some bad days. I think what you've said was a huge cop out tbh i don't even mean that to be rude i just mean it to be practical
….(Me) I never said she was a bad person.

It should have been. we can work this out. Get over here and suck my dick like you do. Let's go have a fun time together on vacation that's how it needed to end up

Even after all this time? This is insane literally. I thought we were stronger than one fight and it's over. You'll have so much more time coming up with no school. None of this makes sense to me honestly that's my whole opinion I've been going really easy on this whole thing and i don't want to anymore i want someone to fight for me in their life

We need to talk I'm being unnecessarily mean on text I'm sorry

How do you expect to be with someone when you don't have a thick enough skin to get through things?

Fuck you

In all honesty i will never marry anyone unless it's you haha

That i don't deserve to be loved as much as i love and uou know what it's a wake up call. A lot of people are meant to be alone. And I'm definitely one of them

Everyone thinks you're being immature tbh

And that's just a snippet of the convo, almost all of that from her (minus my note). Like literally being as kind of calm with her, but what the heck? And she's spamming me depressing stuff on instagram about heartbreak.

Why include the texts from this person? The last sentence should have been the only thing in this post.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Update - she reached out to me and pleaded to get together fully. Here's snippets of what she's said a little of context just to show how she's behaving:

But like idk how real life works for you that you can always be comfortable 100%of the time and never have an off day?

I'm not a bad person just because i have some bad days. I think what you've said was a huge cop out tbh i don't even mean that to be rude i just mean it to be practical
….(Me) I never said she was a bad person.

It should have been. we can work this out. Get over here and suck my dick like you do. Let's go have a fun time together on vacation that's how it needed to end up

Even after all this time? This is insane literally. I thought we were stronger than one fight and it's over. You'll have so much more time coming up with no school. None of this makes sense to me honestly that's my whole opinion I've been going really easy on this whole thing and i don't want to anymore i want someone to fight for me in their life

We need to talk I'm being unnecessarily mean on text I'm sorry

How do you expect to be with someone when you don't have a thick enough skin to get through things?

Fuck you

In all honesty i will never marry anyone unless it's you haha

That i don't deserve to be loved as much as i love and uou know what it's a wake up call. A lot of people are meant to be alone. And I'm definitely one of them

Everyone thinks you're being immature tbh

And that's just a snippet of the convo, almost all of that from her (minus my note). Like literally being as kind of calm with her, but what the heck? And she's spamming me depressing stuff on instagram about heartbreak.
OP just move on from her.
May 15, 2019
It's a little hard to parse what you are saying or why from just reading your ex's texts, and tbh I think it's pretty uncool to put that stuff on a public message board. Doesn't really reflect well on you to do so. Move on.

you made the right decision but she's in pain, block her on socials and let it go

You're right - just deleted the texts. I'm panicked because she started reaching out, I was politely trying to turn her down and she blew up on me with all of this. Shouldn't have posted it, thank you for keeping me in check.

I would concur with Echoshifting. I would stop updating this thread.
Good point. I think I'll take the hint from others to block her. Just got panicked because she blew up on me a bit and just started spamming these texts my way. I was looking for help on this, but I should of just kept the texts off.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Good point. I think I'll take the hint from others to block her. Just got panicked because she blew up on me a bit and just started spamming these texts my way. I was looking for help on this, but I should of just kept the texts off.
I think you did good by breaking up, and her reaction right now with these texts is just further proof of that.

Time to move on.


Oct 29, 2017
United States
Block her. Never speak with her again under any circumstance. Don't feel guilty about it, because someone else can help her who has a more neutral relationship with her (e.g. family, friends).

My recommendation is to keep people in your life who don't cause you problems.


Oct 26, 2017
You're right - just deleted the texts. I'm panicked because she started reaching out, I was politely trying to turn her down and she blew up on me with all of this. Shouldn't have posted it, thank you for keeping me in check.

Good point. I think I'll take the hint from others to block her. Just got panicked because she blew up on me a bit and just started spamming these texts my way. I was looking for help on this, but I should of just kept the texts off.

I get it. You think you're out and then they suck you back in. Definitely something to look for support for from close friends but maybe you don't have any you're comfortable sharing with so I get wanting to share here.

My read on it is she's clearly going through a lot of emotions but they aren't the right emotions. Almost everything is passive agressive and back handed. This is how it's going to be every time it gets tough. Do you really want a partner belittling you about not being tough or being accepting enough of bad days?

People have bad days but a normal person would just be contrite and say "I'm really sorry I was having a bad day. I will try to communicate that better in the future". If there are things she wants you to do she should be able to calmly discuss these things instead of throw them at you in an insulting way. Chalk it up to a learning experience and move on. Once you find someone who does approach conflict better you'll look back on this and wonder why you ever put up with it. That's what happened to me.