Oct 25, 2017
I hadn't really posted about this in the run up to the election but I am really relieved to see how it has turned out.

Having skimmed over the thread from last night's results I can see how much of a nail biter it was, but yeah I'm definitely relieved.

Some positive news to wake up to in the morning for a change.


Oct 25, 2017
I hadn't really posted about this in the run up to the election but I am really relieved to see how it has turned out.

Having skimmed over the thread from last night's results I can see how much of a nail biter it was, but yeah I'm definitely relieved.

Some positive news to wake up to in the morning for a change.
It wouldn't have been a nail biter if people believed in the needle.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Let's give Jones some credit - He had a very progressive platform considering he was campaigning in fucking Alabama lol. He didn't win by pretending to be a moderate (not that being a moderate is even a bad thing anyways... Northam just got a huge win a month ago and outran most democrats statewide).

I would argue that moderate democrats run too close to moderate repubs on many important issues but, for arguments sake, you raise fine points here, cheers

They aren't the lowest in the world effectively. I work in international tax issues involving countries throughout the world. Please explain how they are the lowest in the world effectively, especially when most developed countries don't even tax foreign earnings.

They are effectively below 20 percent due to the extreme amount of loopholes the rich and large corporations get despite being nominally higher(the GOP always say corp taxes are the highest in the world but even they know that's just a lie)

That is without the tax havens and numerous ways to get out of paying alternatively. Many of these even get subsidies, let alone any sort of taxation.


Oct 25, 2017
Like my comment just above yours lol. I hope things change as the younger generation moves up, but for now it is what it is. Black people saved their state and they had good reason to. Shame more white folks didn't show up to do the same.

Black and Brown voters often save the Democratic party. The Democrats would be fucked if the Republicans ever did substancial outreach to minority voters which they won't because their base are racists. The Democrats really take black votes for granted, something as a black person I thought Hillary Clinton did, and the turnout fell dramatically. Of course voter suppression also plays a part in that but I feel like the party doesn't address "black issues" until it's time for an election if then. Once the election is over you never hear about said issue again until the next election.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
2015: maybe we'll be able to pass universal healthcare

2017: I'm so glad we were able to beat a pedophile in an election


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Black and Brown voters often save the Democratic party. The Democrats would be fucked if the Republicans ever did substancial outreach to minority voters which they won't because their base are racists. The Democrats really take black votes for granted, something as a black person I thought Hillary Clinton did, and the turnout fell dramatically. Of course voter suppression also plays a part in that but I feel like the party doesn't address "black issues" until it's time for an election if then. Once the election is over you never hear about said issue again until the next election.


Relative to his state, Jones is far, far, far and away the most progressive candidate in the senate.

Well yeah, it is alabama, that's why i'm happy. He's good enough.


Oct 27, 2017
This is nuts. I know it's been a damn while before a democrat has won a senate seat in Alabama, but like, how long was from when the more progressive senator candidate won. Has it ever happened?

The last two Democratic senators from Alabama were Richard Shelby (1987-present), who changed to Republican in 1994 and will serve alongside Jones, and Howell Heflin (1979-1997), who according to Wikipedia:

He strongly opposed legal abortion and all gun control laws. Heflin supported prayer in public schools and opposed extending federal laws against discrimination to homosexuals.

So we can easily push the "no Dem since 1990" back to 1979, at which point it may as well be easier to call Doug Jones the first progressive senator from Alabama in modern American politics.


Oct 27, 2017
Did not expect that outcome.
Seems there is still some hope but dont forget without the allegations Moore surely would have won.


Oct 27, 2017
McCain getting flowers thrown at him all the time was the same shit, too. Gross.

Oh for sure but McCain has always been billed as a maverick so it hasn't been as irritating when he's been at it again lately. Flake on the other hand basically rose to prominence this year with his "Republican with morals" bullshit so I can't wait for him to leave now.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
The last two Democratic senators from Alabama were Richard Shelby (1987-present), who changed to Republican in 1994 and will serve alongside Jones, and Howell Heflin (1979-1997), who according to Wikipedia:

So we can easily push the "no Dem since 1990" back to 1979, at which point it may as well be easier to call Doug Jones the first progressive senator from Alabama in modern American politics.

Does being apart of a conservative state mean that he's gonna be a blue dog dem though or an actual progressive in congress? I do like his record on a decent amount of things, so would his constituency still support him despite it being a nail biter

I'd argue that Doug Jones couldn't win a Senate Seat in Alabama had Trump not been president.

So your saying we should be thanking trump for people rejecting the garbage fire the right represents so hard its turning red states blue


Oct 27, 2017
I appreciate that, but my point was that the same thing will or would have likely happened with Moore. In post Trump America, fewer people care about these sorts of allegations. Depressing, but evidently true.

Ah. I see what you mean. Apologies for the misunderstandings. You are right about the allegations though (but at least it has been on an upswing as of late.)


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
doug jones can win a senate seat in alabama but hillary clinton couldnt be president of the united states against donald trump lmao
Trump actually winning was a wake up call for a lot of the country that elections, and their individual votes, actually matter. It's one we shouldn't have needed though.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Not gonna be able to sleep though I need to. Gotta ride this high for as long as possible. My state went blue, y'all.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Does being apart of a conservative state mean that he's gonna be a blue dog dem though or an actual progressive in congress? I do like his record on a decent amount of things, so would his constituency still support him despite it being a nail biter
I doubt he has realistic expectations of another win, so he isn't beholden to voters and I wouldn't call him a blue dog by any stretch of the imagination. Not to mention that the Pubs are so far past blue dogs level of conservatism with their bills right now that even a straight blue dog would vote down anything they put out.

So your saying we should be thanking trump for people rejecting the garbage fire the right represents so hard its turning red states blue

That's how things go unfortunately. People are more likely to vote when they know the last election was a fuck up because they didn't vote.


Oct 25, 2017
You have to run what will win in specific areas. Purity tests are what causes losses. I mean Luther Strange would have likely won in Alabama last night but he was outed with a Purity Test by GOP voters to support Moore. Steve Bannon and his purity tests has handed Democrats 3 Elections in recent years. Progress forward is what matters even if its only 1 step at a time instead of giant leaps. 1 step ahead is better than going to the extreme and losing to cause 2 steps backwards or in the case of someone like Trump a massive leap backwards for America.


Oct 27, 2017
Suddenly I love the United states of America


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I doubt he has realistic expectations of another win, so he isn't beholden to voters and I wouldn't call him a blue dog by any stretch of the imagination. Not to mention that the Pubs are so far past blue dogs level of conservatism with their bills right now that even a straight blue dog would vote down anything they put out.

Some voted for the tax bill tho :/ And considering it was such decided by just a matter of votes, that's also important to note

And the 700 billion dollars in reckless defense spending plus the 80 billion on top of that....and of course the major saudi arabia weapons deals...

Actually looking at it, a very notable number of dems have voted with the GOP and trump in pretty bad ways this year


Oct 25, 2017
I would argue that moderate democrats run too close to moderate repubs on many important issues but, for arguments sake, you raise fine points here, cheers

They are effectively below 20 percent due to the extreme amount of loopholes the rich and large corporations get despite being nominally higher(the GOP always say corp taxes are the highest in the world but even they know that's just a lie)

That is without the tax havens and numerous ways to get out of paying alternatively. Many of these even get subsidies, let alone any sort of taxation.
They are effectively below 20 percent because they can defer taxation on foreign earnings. But most countries don't even tax foreign earnings (examples: Canada, Germany, UK) so the effective rates are much lower. And the tax rate for Canada, Germany, UK and Japan are 15%, 15%, and 19%, so the effective rate is much lower in these countries.

Again, I think you are arguing in bad faith if you ignore this request to substantiate your claim: Please show me how the US corporate tax rate is the lowest in the world effectively.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
You have to run what will win in specific areas. Purity tests are what causes losses. I mean Luther Strange would have likely won in Alabama last night but he was outed with a Purity Test by GOP voters to support Moore. Steve Bannon and his purity tests has handed Democrats 3 Elections in recent years. Progress forward is what matters even if its only 1 step at a time instead of giant leaps. 1 step ahead is better than going to the extreme and losing to cause 2 steps backwards or in the case of someone like Trump a massive leap backwards for America.
Pretty much. Take what you can get and run with it. As time passes you'll find you're able to get away with more and more.


Oct 27, 2017
Does being apart of a conservative state mean that he's gonna be a blue dog dem though or an actual progressive in congress? I do like his record on a decent amount of things, so would his constituency still support him despite it being a nail biter

This is a good question actually. 2020 is so far away that it's basically impossible to estimate his chances at reelection - I think tonight, plus the possibility of a sophomore surge, have taught us that it won't be zero. So Jones could try to play to his Alabama base to prep for that. On the other hand I don't see a chance in hell any Trump/McConnell-supporting Republican votes Jones again in 2020 so in that regard he could probably go for broke and just be a hard Democrat. Ultimately it probably isn't a big difference, since he's gonna be a reliable Dem vote for the major votes.
Oct 27, 2017
doug jones can win a senate seat in alabama but hillary clinton couldnt be president of the united states against donald trump lmao

I hope and think that she (hillary) knows that her defeat to trump will serve as ultimately, a greater impetus to the country's history than her victory would have. Sides needed to be drawn to eradicate those that want to perpetuate evil under their various guises. Glossed over racism, sexism, hypocrisy over religion in addition to other civil rights issues like LBGTQ. We need to get this out in the open now. Tonight, people rightfully thanked who ultimately delivered this victory for Doug Jones. Everyone had a part but some sectors turned up and turned out for him. I hope that this deads the idea of economic anxiety and looking for these poor forgotten souls in all these articles. We will never reach them, our only hope is to reach their sons/daughters before their parents' rhetoric takes hold. We need to address what happened in Alabama and even taking away the sexual allegations, he said all amendments after the 10th should be done away with. Women's rights, slavery, etc all come after that 10th amendment. What tomorrow's and the coming day's periodicals should ask is why are there so many people willing to vote against their own interests.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
False. Zero democrats in the House or Senate voted for the tax bill.

Yeah your right, i actually was thinking of another bill. I have been cross referencing the Bush tax cuts with the current one for a few weeks now trying to figure out the actual possible effects of the current one

This is a good question actually. 2020 is so far away that it's basically impossible to estimate his chances at reelection - I think tonight, plus the possibility of a sophomore surge, have taught us that it won't be zero. So Jones could try to play to his Alabama base to prep for that. On the other hand I don't see a chance in hell any Trump/McConnell-supporting Republican votes Jones again in 2020 so in that regard he could probably go for broke and just be a hard Democrat. Ultimately it probably isn't a big difference, since he's gonna be a reliable Dem vote for the major votes.

Sounds about right.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
The Tax Bill is going to pass regardless, the important thing about his victory is that it enables the Dems to retake the Senate next year without having to defeat Cruz in Texas, and thus effectively block any judicial nominees trump might make in the latter half of his term.


Oct 25, 2017
Once 2020 hits, I imagine most Republicans will just pick the option to vote Republican down the whole ballot. Jones is going to work as another step to a Dem majority in the Senate and one more step to getting in the way of bad Republican legislation.