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One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Criticize Biden before the election? Don't do that, you need to support him now, then try to push him left later.

Criticize Biden after the election? You're just being reductive and shitposting.
What is the criticism then? There hasn't been a single post in this thread criticizing the merits or policy positions of these picks.


Oct 27, 2017
Please don't derail the thread, thanks.



Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait to see who Biden taps to launch the Housing and Urban Development drone strikes.


Oct 27, 2017
Sorry, I'm not inclined to give Biden the benefit of the doubt on any of this. He's been a politician for 4 decades, I'm not going to believe that he's suddenly interested in pursuing fundamental, structural changes when his whole brand is center-right, moderate Democrat who wants to return to a pre-Trump "normalcy." I'm assuming his appointments will follow the same general inclinations.

Hopefully I'm wrong and you get to say "I told you so."


Oct 27, 2017
I'm just most interested in seeing who is going to be AG.

This stream of news is the exact opposite from Trump's four years ago where I absolutely dreaded every single choice.


Oct 25, 2017
Criticize Biden before the election? Don't do that, you need to support him now, then try to push him left later.

Criticize Biden after the election? You're just being reductive and shitposting.

Shitpost before the election? "Hey, stop that."

Shitpost after the election? "Hey, stop that."

Yeah, the hypocrisy is astounding.


One Winged Slayer
Sep 12, 2018
Moderation needs to deal with the ridiculous amount of shitposting that is surrounding the Biden transition moves.

Absolutely agree with this. There's a time and place for everything, but dropping into unrelated threads and trying to criticize these people for drone strikes that they will have no involvement in is just pointless. I hope the mods step in because I actually do want to discuss the positions/experience of these people.


Oct 25, 2017
I blame moderation for continually letting them get away with this kind of shitposting. All the usual suspects ready with their canned responses regardless of who was nominated. And yeah, I'll likely be banned for this post, but it needs to be said because this place is becoming unreadable.
It is as if Joe Biden was a massive piece of shit and that most of his picks were going to be massive pieces of shit that will continue the Democrat mantra of not really doing anything


Oct 27, 2017
I'm fine to happy with all the choices expect DNI. Too much of a CIA loyalist but I guess that's hard to avoid with the nature of that job.


Oct 25, 2017
Criticize Biden before the election? Don't do that, you need to support him now, then try to push him left later.

Criticize Biden after the election? You're just being reductive and shitposting.
In the first five minutes of this thread, the following posts were made:
This reads like an onion headline
We 👏 need 👏 more 👏 women 👏 drone 👏 pilots 👏
Yep. Typical liberal nonsense to make symbolic moves for diversity while bombing brown people and imprisoning black people in your backyard.
Wow, now Hispanics like me can drone strike people in the Middle East! That's really inclusive.
So many little girls are going to grow up believing they too can be war criminals! ♥
This thread is about the head of Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security, which each have little to no bearing on drone strikes. Great criticisms! I would absolutely consider that reductive as fuck and not valid constructive criticism of the topic on hand.


Oct 25, 2017
John Kerry's transformation from milquetoast failed presidential candidate to today has genuinely surprised me. At least John Edwards didn't end up as VP!

Criticize Biden before the election? Don't do that, you need to support him now, then try to push him left later.

Criticize Biden after the election? You're just being reductive and shitposting.
Mindless drive-by shit posts =/= substantive criticism, unless you're on Twitter.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
In the first five minutes of this thread, the following posts were made:

This thread is about the head of Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security, which each have little to no bearing on drone strikes. Great criticisms! I would absolutely consider that reductive as fuck and not valid constructive criticism of the topic on hand.

ok, here's a constructive take. We should shut down DHS, nominating a POC woman to lead it is not likely to reduce its imperialism.


Oct 27, 2017
I legit don't understand how you can care enough about politics to post a thread like this and also be struck into near-wordless confusion about someone suggesting that we reverse George W. Bush's shitty government re-organization that created ICE.
You could restructure or dismantle ICE without dismantling DHS as a whole.

That said, DHS is a pretty unwieldy organization, so breaking it up might not be a bad either.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm just most interested in seeing who is going to be AG.

This stream of news is the exact opposite from Trump's four years ago where I absolutely dreaded every single choice.
Yeah, AG and Department of Ed are most interesting to me personally. I want to see DoE take some big steps in several directions - testing, equity, funding.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm really not sure what some people around here expect. You can't very well lob bombs into these massive bureaucracies and systems and hope for the best. There's too many moving parts, too much on the line, and too many to coordinate and get on the same page. Changing America is like turning a massive trailer. You don't want to jacknife that shit because too much is on the line and that's just not how the system works. You need people who have experience in the systems so that they're credible and knowledgeable about how to even change them in the first place! You need someone that would know the repercussions, and someone credible enough to lead through those. There are too many fires to put out to worry about creating another one.

And that's not even accounting for the fact that these are all senate confirmed positions. Picks likely need to go through Mitch McConnell and even in an absolute best case scenario they'd still need to be voted for by red state democrats.

These look on a surface level like pretty good picks for just that sort of job. They need to regain credibility, rebuild these institutions, and lead to progress.


Oct 27, 2017
It was created in 2002, it was hastily made and poorly thought of, it's not such a hot take that it should be gone.
I personally don't have terribly detailed thoughts about how those government functions are best organized, but I feel very strongly that immigration services need to go back to the DOJ, like it was before 9/11.

Immigration Court should be their own separate entity and treated as Article I Courts. As of now, immigration "judges" are basically just employees of the DOJ. In fact, the DOJ has argued on separate occasions that judges are not "judges," but department employees and thus not entitled to certain privilege's and benefits of being a judge.

Of course pretty much every immigration advocacy group has called for this as well as the Federal Bar Association and American Bar Association:

Article I Immigration Court

FBA Statement on Rep. Zoe Lofgren’s (D-CA) Independent Immigration Courts Legislation February 2, 2022 Media Contact: Stacy King [email protected] OR (571) 481-9103 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Arl…

ABA Again Calls for an Independent Immigration Court

On July 11th, the ABA joined the American Immigration Lawyers Association, Federal Bar Association, and National Association of Immigration Judges in calling for the establishment of an independent immigration court.
Last edited:


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Immigration Court should be their own separate entity and treated as Article I Courts. As of know, immigration "judges" are basically just employees of the DOJ. In fact, the DOJ has argued on separate occasions that judges are not "judges," but department employees and thus not entitled to certain privilege's and benefits of being a judge.

The immigration courts need massive reform.


Oct 25, 2017
Some of these posts are embarrassing. Ignore feature working overtime.

Nice to see qualified people back at the helm.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
ok, here's a constructive take. We should shut down DHS, nominating a POC woman to lead it is not likely to reduce its imperialism.
Someone would still need the lead the agency during the transition period, you would still be nominating someone for that position regardless of what the endgame plan is


Oct 26, 2017
You could restructure or dismantle ICE without dismantling DHS as a whole.

That said, DHS is a pretty unwieldy organization, so breaking it up might not be a bad either.
We can just kill it, it's not that hard.
DHS just took agencies from other departments, we can return them to the original departments, it almost certainly will save some bloat and maybe more importantly, make the government stop thinking about things like immigration though the lens of terrorism.

Immigration Court should be their own separate entity and treated as Article I Courts. As of know, immigration "judges" are basically just employees of the DOJ. In fact, the DOJ has argued on separate occasions that judges are not "judges," but department employees and thus not entitled to certain privilege's and benefits of being a judge.

Of course pretty much every immigration advocacy group has called for this as well as the Federal Bar Association:

Article I Immigration Court

FBA Statement on Rep. Zoe Lofgren’s (D-CA) Independent Immigration Courts Legislation February 2, 2022 Media Contact: Stacy King [email protected] OR (571) 481-9103 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Arl…
100% agreed.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Jesus Christ, are you shitposters just bots? You're not even getting who got tapped for what right anymore.


alt account
Aug 1, 2020
I'm of the mindset that ICE needs to go and that DHS needs to be severely reigned in if not outright dismantled as well. Don't really care for the nominations but anything's better than whatever the fuck Trump put on the table.

Also, wtf does DHS have to do with drone strikes

I love that I've never heard of any of these people. Please fill the whole cabinet with competent non-politicians I never have to hear about in the news!
You don't know who John Kerry is?? Damn that's crazy.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Random question. I'd always assumed that the dropping of nouns from labels was a Trump thing. The use of "cyber" as a shortening for cyber security. Was that not actually his, or is it sticking around just a fun part of his legacy? Not really super on topic, I know and apologize.

It always struck me as an old people thing. Not just Trump. Like how every video game console is a Nintendo.


Oct 25, 2017
ok, here's a constructive take. We should shut down DHS, nominating a POC woman to lead it is not likely to reduce its imperialism.
See, here I agree to some extent. The DHS should be either shut down or re-configured extensively... not sure what it has to do with imperialism still.

For whatever progressive lefties on here care, diversity still does matter. Biden said that his cabinet would look like America and so far he has at least held up the promise. Let's hope he can hold up more of his promises as well.


Oct 28, 2017
We can just kill it, it's not that hard.
DHS just took agencies from other departments, we can return them to the original departments, it almost certainly will save some bloat and maybe more importantly, make the government stop thinking about things like immigration though the lens of terrorism.

DHS was created with legislation. It cannot be killed without legislation -- so, actually, it is hard.


Oct 13, 2018
there is a ignore function you know. if you hate their shitposting, either deal with it, or ignore the user posting it. there are legitimate concerns for many on the left eager to push Biden to be more Progressive.

Deleted member 34169

User requested account closure
Nov 23, 2017
I blame moderation for continually letting them get away with this kind of shitposting. All the usual suspects ready with their canned responses regardless of who was nominated. And yeah, I'll likely be banned for this post, but it needs to be said because this place is becoming unreadable.
Just an FYI, I got a warning for making a Bernie insinuation against a user, so that should give you an idea of where the admin lands.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
Random question. I'd always assumed that the dropping of nouns from labels was a Trump thing. The use of "cyber" as a shortening for cyber security. Was that not actually his, or is it sticking around just a fun part of his legacy? Not really super on topic, I know and apologize.

probably more about fitting everything in one tweet


Oct 27, 2017
lmao Mayorkas was a Cuban who moved to the US in '60. Of fucking course.

He was one year olds when that happened lol. Also:

"In 2015 Mayorkas traveled to Havana, Cuba, as the Obama Administration's highest ranking Cuban-American, to negotiate the first-ever Homeland Security agreement between the two countries. The agreement was signed in May 2016."

So he really came full circle!

We can just kill it, it's not that hard.
DHS just took agencies from other departments, we can return them to the original departments, it almost certainly will save some bloat and maybe more importantly, make the government stop thinking about things like immigration though the lens of terrorism.
Well I'm not sure any kind of organizational change will get the goons in ICE and CBP to ever stop thinking about immigration as a vehicle for terrorism. I do think there's probably value in breaking up DHS. To the extent that it was supposed to be consolidating intelligence and control, it seems to have basically just overwhelmed and bloated the bureaucracy responsible for these functions.
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