The Llama

Oct 27, 2017
Across the United States, many areas with large populations of Latinos and residents of Asian descent, including ones with the highest numbers of immigrants, had something in common this election: a surge in turnout and a shift to the right, often a sizable one.

In particular, Chicago precincts with a lot of immigrants saw more people turning out than in 2016, and many shifted to Mr. Trump.

Almost all of the precincts with a majority Latino population showed an increase in enthusiasm for the president including ones with tens of thousands of residents of Mexican descent. Mr. Trump received 45 percent more votes in these areas than four years ago. Mr. Biden still won, but the number of people who voted Democratic did not increase over 2016.

It was not just Latino areas. In a belt of suburbs north of Chicago — precincts that are home to South Asian, Arab and Eastern European immigrants — there was also higher turnout, and a shift to Mr. Trump.

But even as Mr. Trump lost ground in white and Republican areas in and around cities — ultimately leading to his election loss — he gained new votes in immigrant neighborhoods.

In Philadelphia, precincts in the Northeast — home to a mix of many Asian and Eastern European immigrants — shifted in Mr. Trump's direction, even though a majority still favored Mr. Biden.

The Democratic vote fell 18 percent in majority Latino areas, including in the largely Puerto Rican precincts in North Philadelphia. The president got 15 percent of the vote here, up from 5 percent in 2016.

In majority Black precincts, Mr. Biden still received 95 percent of the vote despite slight shifts to the right. But voting was down 20 percent.

More at the link, including lots of graphics:

2020 is wild.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm curious what the breakdown along men and women is. Seems a lot of Trump's braggadocio and machismo worked to curry favor with men that love that kind of persona even if he was a failure in everything else and even went out of his way to attack immigrants.


Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
The Puerto Rican for Trump vote sickens me. I guess it just goes to show you there's a percentage of absolute fucking morons happily lining up in the slaughter house in every demographic.


Oct 25, 2017
pieces of shits all of them. if anybody in my family were pro trumpers i would have stopped talking to them.


Oct 25, 2017
Yep, I've noticed this myself the last four years, anecdotally. It hurts my brain and my spirit.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess this is what happens when a staggering amount of people vote. it's mindboggling to think covid might have actually helped him in a weird way...

Thankfully it was nowhere near enough.


Oct 27, 2017
maybe the reason things are so bad isn't right vs left as much as its the human race is a fucking disaster lol

....but they voted republican so still happy to ride that train of they are the worst


Oct 25, 2017
We had a few news stories in the past 4 years of Trump supporters themselves who were either deported or had their family deported and their answer was always the same "I wanted other people to be deported"


Oct 25, 2017
There seems to be be large parts of various minority cultures that are very strict conservatives on various major social issues (abortion, marriage, religion) and put those above all else, so even if Trump is calling Mexicans rapists and murderers, for example, as long as he's promising to built a SC to overturn Roe v Wade, that's what some of them are going to vote on.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't speak for all Latinos, but I've seen in some of my family folks falling for a lot of online propaganda and conspiracy theories.

It's like a straight line from Religion ----> MLM----> Anti-Science -----> Trump Support

This is regarding new trump supporters, my abortion single issue voters and fuck-you-got-mine family members have always voted red even though they live in PR.


Oct 27, 2017


Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017
Perfectly expected. Dems have a lot to do to build up charismatic male and female leaders that can be bombastic with one side of their mouth while caring and WONKy with the other.

It's the inevitable outcome of trying to build a big umbrella coalition.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, sure. I bet a lot of these were new voters or infrequent voters that never bothered because GOP candidates don't have a chance in those districts. They wanted to pledge their allegiance to the loud cult.

Turnout was up across the board all around. 75 million came out for death and cruelty.


Feb 7, 2018
Los Angeles, CA
My dad was 100% going to vote Trump until the "Mexicans are rapists" line. That was where he finally decided to say no. It's depressing to think had he never said that my dad (who came here illegally) would have been rocking a maga hat. His reason was 100% based off 'I'm sure he's going to cut the taxes I pay for my business". Essentially the 'fuck you got mine' feeling that other people have mentioned.


Oct 25, 2017
its not a surprise. in major immigrant areas like little village which is basically the first stop for many mexican immigrants in chicago this is to be expected. you have to remember that our cultures are more conservative in some ways than even american culture with how ingrained religion is in our cultures.
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Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
I can't speak for all Latinos, but I've seen in some of my family folks falling for a lot of online propaganda and conspiracy theories.

It's like a straight line from Religion ----> MLM----> Anti-Science -----> Trump Support

This is regarding new trump supporters, my abortion single issue voters and fuck-you-got-mine family members have always voted red even though they live in PR.

A lot of minorites are falling for a bunch of online propaganda and conspiracy theories. I had a friend question me on if I think the COVID vaccine is safe because of all the crazy stuff she read online. I wish we could do something about that shit. All this misinformation at your finger tips is already leading down a path where people are voting against their own interests.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
I just don't know anymore. Being a complete sack of shit is a very appealing trait for a lot of guys, I guess. I'll never understand these people that think Trump is some macho hard working tough guy. He was born filthy rich, drove a bunch of businesses into the ground, whines about people being mean to him, and is afraid of steps and inclines.

I guess being a racist rapey asshole who married a model is enough?


Oct 28, 2017
Very concerning that this happened. The U.S. barely dodged a bullet this election.

Not specific to this shift, but I imagine the thing about turnout is that beyond a certain point you are just digging into people who don't know shit and typically decide not to vote because they don't pay attention regardless. I wonder if part of Trump's power was causing enough spectacle that people who don't normally pay attention at all somehow managed to get the idea that they had a sense of things and went for Trump because they actually believed his shit. Like dredging up the absolute bottom of low information voters.


Oct 29, 2017
My neighborhood growing up with 80% rural poor latinx people, 15% poor rural whites and 5% poor rural black folks.

There are a lot more than 15% of the trucks out there with thin blue line punisher logos and giant Trump flags in their lawn.


Apr 1, 2018
Some Mexicans have gone full-Trump with the influx of central-americans. Doesn't help that Spanish news is non-stop talking about the caravans and crime.


Oct 25, 2017
A lot of minorites are falling for a bunch of online propaganda and conspiracy theories. I had a friend question me on if I think the COVID vaccine is safe because of all the crazy stuff she read online. I wish we could do something about that shit. All this misinformation at your finger tips is already leading down a path where people are voting against their own interests.

instagram is full of that shit, getting hundreds of thousands of likes.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
A lot of minorites are falling for a bunch of online propaganda and conspiracy theories. I had a friend question me on if I think the COVID vaccine is safe because of all the crazy stuff she read online. I wish we could do something about that shit. All this misinformation at your finger tips is already leading down a path where people are voting against their own interests.
I do recall coming across an article critisizing the Democrats for mostly ignoring (or not noticing) that particular problem.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
The Puerto Rican for Trump vote sickens me. I guess it just goes to show you there's a percentage of absolute fucking morons happily lining up in the slaughter house in every demographic.
This is just my personal opinion but I feel like a lot of this can be explained not by "fuck you, I got mine" but by white identity politics. I grew up in a largely Puerto Rican/Dominican neighborhood in Brooklyn and can remember being confused because so many of friends/neighbors from these islands seemed to think that they were white. Trump has defied a lot of conventional ideas about demographics mostly because he the first president in modern times who placed a focus on white supremacy over any real political platform. As we've seen even Black Americans can find that message appealing if they believe that they'll be included in the expanded umbrella of being white.


Oct 27, 2017
I think part of the phenomenon is that Trump is perceived as a "strong man" leader, which is something that is viewed more favorably in certain regions.


Oct 29, 2017
I just don't know anymore. Being a complete sack of shit is a very appealing trait for a lot of guys, I guess. I'll never understand these people that think Trump is some macho hard working tough guy. He was born filthy rich, drove a bunch of businesses into the ground, whines about people being mean to him, and is afraid of steps and inclines.

I guess being a racist rapey asshole who married a model is enough?

I think that toxic masculinity is really dangerous and it cuts through all demographic groups equally. I also think a lot of people across all demographic groups are crass rapey assholes. So being a crass rapey asshole is really appealing to lots of men in every demographic group. Being "alpha" (or appearing "alpha") also appeals to these people. Seeing Trump called out for saying awful shit just makes him more appealing to this same crowd of people. And yeah, white dudes lap it up at really high numbers because the racist shit appeals to them, but it shouldn't shock us that the way we measure ones manhood in our country is a fucking issue and it shouldn't shock us that we saw some knock-on effects from that in minority demographics.

I mean, the Republican party doesn't exactly do anything for poor white men and they fucking eat it up, so its not like its unheard of that people in this country vote against their own interests for identity reasons.
Sep 14, 2019
Fuck you got mine

(I'm pretty sure these are older generations of immigrants)

I know in my neighborhood, the Latinos who are Trump supporters tend to be the ones who own property, regardless of whether they're first or third gen Latinos.

They've literally said the words "if I can do it, there's no excuse why you can't do it" to other Latinos who have less money than them.

I also think it's a machismo thing. Republicans, especially Trump, have a very "fuck your feelings, I'm not gonna be politically correct" mentality, and several Latino men are like that. Any time you point out their homophobia, sexism, racism, etc., they get all defensive. "It's just a joke, relax man."


Oct 25, 2017
Hate to give this views but this was all over Univision around election time. Made me angry they would even air this shit but doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Again though it's important and "Latino" is not a monolith and I can't say I know many if any Mexicans that voted his way. I know many Cubans and Venezuelans get terrified when they hear socialism and get swayed.



Oct 25, 2017
And for east asian anerican, fake news generator like the epoch times running wilds in Facebook, Youtube and Twitter. They are brainwashing millions people into trump supporters and nobody doing anything to stop it.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
I know in my neighborhood, the Latinos who are Trump supporters tend to be the ones who own property, regardless of whether they're first or third gen Latinos.

They've literally said the words "if I can do it, there's no excuse why you can't do it" to other Latinos who have less money than them.

I also think it's a machismo thing. Republicans, especially Trump, have a very "fuck your feelings, I'm not gonna be politically correct" mentality, and several Latino men are like that. Any time you point out their homophobia, sexism, racism, etc., they get all defensive. "It's just a joke, relax man."

Reading this makes me sad. I wish people would realize that Democrats do more than provide help to people in need or welfare. They're the only ones trying to protect your fucking civil rights!

EDIT: Also I have a friend who's like your last paragraph, a supposed "nice guy".
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Oct 27, 2017
Not at all surprising. Many feel that they made it by pulling up their bootstraps, so why should I subsidize those who couldn't make it?


Oct 26, 2017
Defund the police cost some votes among my family members in the state.

They hail from regions of Asia where the police is almost non-functional and highly susceptible to bribery.

The police in their state, by comparison, offers far more security and peace of mind than what they had back home.

Even here in Canada my family and friends scoffed at the defund stuff; it simply doesn't compute for them.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree with some of the quotes in the article. This election was proof the Dems are failing to reach out to potential voters. Dems shouldn't have lost so much ground in the down ballot as they did. This election presented a tremendous opportunity and many of the party organizations failed to capitalize on them.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not so surprising that immigrant neighborhoods, especially those from older generations, have more conservative, male machismo values.

It's like... you're telling me that people that come from patriarchal societies with male-dominated attitudes (especially Asian immigrants, from my own perspectives) voted for someone that voiced those exact same attitudes? And it's considered shocking or somehow a new revelation?


Oct 25, 2017
I agree with some of the quotes in the article. This election was proof the Dems are failing to reach out to potential voters. Dems shouldn't have lost so much ground in the down ballot as they did. This election presented a tremendous opportunity and many of the party organizations failed to capitalize on them.

I guess the issue is how to you appeal to people driven by things like toxic masculinity without throwing out everything they supposedly stand for. Its not an easy answer.


Jan 25, 2018
Incumbency also helps. Clinton, Bush and Obama all did better with minorities during their re-election than their first presidential runs.

Plus, Democrats didn't do very good GOTV efforts in many places of the country due to the pandemic. I'd bet in 2024 without a pandemic, they'll do better with these communities.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
I've seen a lot of generalizing about how different groups of people identify as this or that, like how latinos or asians identify themselves as "white", or how people identify more based on their financial status than ethnicity. Or how certain cultures react to Trump's persona. Et cetera.

But I think the bigger factor here is much simpler than all that: lying works. Period.


Oct 28, 2017
It's not so surprising that immigrant neighborhoods, especially those from older generations, have more conservative, male machismo values.

It's like... you're telling me that people that come from patriarchal societies with male-dominated attitudes (especially Asian immigrants, from my own perspectives) voted for someone that voiced those exact same attitudes? And it's considered shocking or somehow a new revelation?
It should be surprising even if this was the main reason. They aren't voting for action film hero of the year.