
Oct 25, 2017

Rotterdam May Dismantle Part of Bridge for Jeff Bezos’ Superyacht

The Dutch city of Rotterdam walked back earlier comments that the historic Koningshaven Bridge would be briefly dismantled. On Thursday, officials said a decision had not yet been made.
Part of a historic bridge in the Netherlands will be dismantled so that a superyacht built for Amazon's founder, Jeff Bezos, can pass through the river that flows through Rotterdam, the city said on Thursday.

The middle part of the 95-year-old Koningshaven Bridge would be removed this summer so that the sailing yacht could pass, a spokeswoman for the city of Rotterdam said. The bridge, known locally as "De Hef," will then be restored, potentially on the same day.

Mr. Bezos's yacht should be able to fit under all the other bridges in Rotterdam, the spokeswoman said. She did not have an estimate of how much the deconstruction would cost but said that the shipbuilder, not residents of Rotterdam, would pay. There will not be any structural changes to the bridge.

A representatives for Amazon did not respond to requests for comment about the cost or the yacht's destination. A spokeswoman for Oceanco, the Dutch custom yacht company that is building the boat, said in an email on Thursday that she could not comment on projects under construction or clients because of confidentiality reasons.
🎵 Fuck Jeff Bezos 🎵


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Damn that is peak 1%

"That building obstructs my view, remove it"

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Should have done an uncharted



Oct 25, 2017
This is pretty shitty that it has to be done, but you made it sound as if part of the bridge was being incorporated into the yacht.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Is this Rotterdam's pathetic attempt to woo an Amazon warehouse?


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
If you going to bend over, at least get something out of it. Gets them to pay for some public works


Oct 27, 2017
Be a shame if some amateur SCUBA divers accidentally dove under his yacht and drilled multiple holes in it.


Dec 4, 2018
The company that build his yacht and bezos are paying the costs of it. But I won't be surprised if in years come out that a big part of the operation was still payed with tax euros.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
My Dutch two cents:

Cons: its stupid because Bezos is a jerk and superyachts are dumb
Pros: Bezos building his yacht is good for local jobs
Whatever: he is paying for it (appearently..)


Oct 28, 2017
There will not be any structural changes to the bridge, Ms. Kros said, adding that the city had to weigh the economic benefits of having the yacht built in Rotterdam and the jobs that would create. Representatives for Amazon and for Oceanco, the Dutch custom yacht company that is building the boat, did not respond to requests for comment about the cost or the yacht's destination.

As of Thursday, about 500 Facebook users said they would attend an event, titled "Throwing eggs at superyacht Jeff Bezos," where they gather by the bridge to throw eggs at the boat. A person listed as the event organizer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Apr 19, 2020
To be fair it's not like he is asking for bridges to be removed in places he wants to just casually visit. The yacht is being built there, the removal of the bridge is so that the company building it can actually deliver it to the ocean. At least im pretty sure that's how i read it earlier on in a page without pay wall. It's still shitty in a way i guess, but at least to me that doesn't sound that bad after all. This happens kinda often? It's news because its Bezos. If it was the US having some battleship built that then was too big to get to the ocean without removing the bridge for a day no one would give a damn.


Nov 3, 2017
She did not have an estimate of how much the deconstruction would cost but said that the shipbuilder, not residents of Rotterdam, would pay.
While it may be inconvenient to people of the city, your city isn't paying, the rich asshole is paying for it..


Oct 25, 2017
This seems like such a non-story. Yeah, Bezos is an ass but this is to the benefit of the local shipbuilder more than him. The City gets free maintenance on their unused bridge. To quote the councilman in the article, "As a city, this is a great way to take some of his money"


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
To be fair it's not like he is asking for bridges to be removed in places he wants to just casually visit. The yacht is being built there, the removal of the bridge is so that the company building it can actually deliver it to the ocean. At least im pretty sure that's how i read it earlier on in a page without pay wall. It's still shitty in a way i guess, but at least to me that doesn't sound that bad after all. This happens kinda often? It's news because its Bezos. If it was the US having some battleship built that then was too big to get to the ocean without removing the bridge for a day no one would give a damn.

thing is that the local government promised that the bridge would 'never be dismantled' a few years ago. So the Bezos-money talked.

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
fuck you jeff

and shame on rotterdam


Oct 25, 2017
Damn that is peak 1%

"That building obstructs my view, remove it"

How about moving 200 huge fucking trees to make a park for a billionaire?

A Georgian Billionaire And The Park For Traveling Trees

A new Georgian documentary tells the tale of a billionaire's quest to move 200 massive trees, at huge expense and with great difficulty, across land and sea to a private park. Taming The Garden, by the filmmaker Salome Jashi, premiered at this year's international Sundance Film Festival.


Nov 2, 2017
As someone who lives in Rotterdam: couldn't care less. The bridge isn't in use, just an old artifact / 'historic monument' people didn't want demolished decades ago so just a waste of space really atm. They just doing some modifications and restoring it as was afterwards. And it's being paid for so the only real reason for the 'outrage' is a rich asshole being able to do something like this. Which is whatever: Bezos can get fucked so boo him.


The Fallen
So I just looked up pictures and stuff and the superyacht is pretty much a small cruise ship? I still can't believe a single person can own something like this, much less that they would be able to say they would use it enough to justify owning something likes this, much less that a single person would even WANT something this crazy. "Hey guys I just bought a floating 5 star hotel for my exclusive use, I'll probably use it like one week a year"

Rich people live in an entirely different world.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
These super rich people need a better imagination. Why not build something unique like an underwater mansion that can only be assessed by a submarine?


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
These super rich people need a better imagination. Why not build something unique like an underwater mansion that can only be assessed by a submarine?

I'm having a hard time finding it but there is some elite design-bureau out there that designs private custom build 'islands' including underwater areas and stuff. It looked a bit like this but a bit more 'realistic':


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair it's not like he is asking for bridges to be removed in places he wants to just casually visit. The yacht is being built there, the removal of the bridge is so that the company building it can actually deliver it to the ocean. At least im pretty sure that's how i read it earlier on in a page without pay wall. It's still shitty in a way i guess, but at least to me that doesn't sound that bad after all. This happens kinda often? It's news because its Bezos. If it was the US having some battleship built that then was too big to get to the ocean without removing the bridge for a day no one would give a damn.

Why build giant ships in a place you have to dismantle shit to get them to the body of water they'll be operating in?