
Dec 13, 2017
Looks like Sanders is going to be working overtime this weekend, trying to come up with more "alternative facts" to explain away Trump officially signing on to the suit.

Up until now, Trump's playbook has always been to deny, deny, deny, to the point where he never even bothered to sign the agreement.

This case will be an exercise in both contract law, as well as jurisdiction, as Trump will push hard to get this into Federal court to increase his chances of closed door arbitration, while Daniels will want to keep this in CA State court, to ensure everything stays on the public record.

That said, Trump signing on as a party is not without risk to him, as the more officially involved he is, the easier it is to justify depositions and subpoenas, not only by Daniels and Avenatti, but also by other parties in related cases (ex Buzzfeed).


President Trump, weighing in directly on the Stephanie Clifford case for the first time, claimed in court papers filed by his lawyers on Friday that the porn actress who alleges she had an affair with him violated a confidentiality agreement at least 20 times, exposing her to damages of at least $20 million.

Mr. Trump formally joined his legal team's response to Ms. Clifford's suit in a motion, filed Friday, to move the case from state court in Los Angeles, where Ms. Clifford filed her claim, to federal court.

Mr. Trump's reason for asking that the case be moved probably concerns the Federal Arbitration Act, which makes arbitration the preferred forum for resolving many kinds of disputes. Federal courts have applied that law more strictly than state courts, particularly ones in California. Mr. Trump may be hoping that his chances of keeping the dispute in arbitration and out of public view are better before a federal judge than a state one.

The second motion, filed on Mr. Trump's behalf, states that he joins Essential Consultants in seeking the change of venue and ends with the statement, "Mr. Trump intends to pursue his rights to the fullest extent permitted by the law."

Representing Mr. Trump in his case was a new lawyer, Charles Harder, who is best known for bringing the Hulk Hogan sex tape case that effectively put the gossip news site Gawker out of business roughly two years ago. Mr. Harder previously represented Melania Trump in a case against The Daily Mail.

Mr. Avenatti responded late Friday that the president was engaging in "bullying tactics" aimed at moving the case "behind closed doors, outside of public view and scrutiny."

He seized on the monetary damages the president's team indicated it was seeking. "The fact that a sitting president is pursuing over $20 million in bogus damages against a private citizen, who is only trying to tell the public what really happened, is truly remarkable — likely unprecedented in our history," Mr. Avenatti said. He added, "We are not going away and we will not be intimidated by these threats."

In bringing Mr. Trump directly into the suit, Mr. Harder appeared to be seeking to answer a key challenge from Mr. Avenatti that in failing to sign the original deal, Mr. Trump was not bound by it. The new motion makes clear that Mr. Trump now fully considers himself a party to it.

Full story at link:


Oct 25, 2017
is this a way to cancel the interview?

because they are in official lawsuit, they shouldn't talk publicy about it ?


Oct 27, 2017
Can random people just sign on to the suit against Stormy Daniels? People should try to get in on this.

"I, just like the President of the United States, have never had sex with Stormy Daniels, and therefore would also like to personally join the suit."


Oct 27, 2017
Representing Mr. Trump in his case was a new lawyer, Charles Harder, who is best known for bringing the Hulk Hogan sex tape case that effectively put the gossip news site Gawker out of business roughly two years ago.​

Hmmm, the common thread between those two is Trump supporter and Gawker hater Peter Thiel, right?


Nov 26, 2017
Representing Mr. Trump in his case was a new lawyer, Charles Harder, who is best known for bringing the Hulk Hogan sex tape case that effectively put the gossip news site Gawker out of business roughly two years ago.​

Hmmm, the common thread between those two is Trump supporter and Gawker hater Peter Thiel, right?
No, there's a tape.
Oct 27, 2017
I hate Trump and I can't wait for him to be out of the White House (hopefully disgraced and with his name in ruins) but in the future it's going to be really interesting to deconstruct his presidency. It's a stream of constant fuck ups and controversies.


Oct 28, 2017
I was watching porn last night and a pop up ad with Stormy Daniels came up saying something like 'phew it's been a busy week in the news, come and join me on cam'.

Seeing this and realising the current POTUS is using his energies to try and sue this woman to cover up his indiscretions is tragically dark humour


Oct 25, 2017
I was watching porn last night and a pop up ad with Stormy Daniels came up saying something like 'phew it's been a busy week in the news, come and join me on cam'.

Seeing this and realising the current POTUS is using his energies to try and sue this woman to cover up his indiscretions is tragically dark humour

TFW on the edge of glory and then WHAM, dotard slams into your ID.

I would have had to abort mission.


Oct 25, 2017
I was watching porn last night and a pop up ad with Stormy Daniels came up saying something like 'phew it's been a busy week in the news, come and join me on cam'.

Seeing this and realising the current POTUS is using his energies to try and sue this woman to cover up his indiscretions is tragically dark humour
Her old vidoes are probably blowing up. Wouldn't be surprised if she comes out of retirement after this.


Oct 28, 2017
This fucking coward. Hope he burns so hard for this. Let the floodgates open and get every little dirt on him out there. And when you see like someone as Billy Bush who was on Real Time yesterday who lost his jobs and almost his mental health because of a thing that this orange fuck said twelve years ago and he still continues his madness without any punishment whatsoever... it just screams unjustice in every direction.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Does he not realize that if he claims she is lying and she DOES in fact have the proof that she claims to have and she presents it in court it becomes part of public record right?

Or am I wrong on that?



Oct 25, 2017
The scare tactics won't work. I'm sure there's a rich person out there who will gladly cover her if she loses.

Cosmonaut X

Oct 26, 2017
Does he not realize that if he claims she is lying and she DOES in fact have the proof that she claims to have and she presents it in court it becomes part of public record right?

Or am I wrong on that?


...which would be why (if I'm grokking it right) they're looking for a change of venue and a court more likely to have this go to arbitration which wouldn't be public.


Nov 4, 2017
GOP Congress and evangelical scum still won't care even if there is a tape of them having sex in the oval with him calling her Ivanka.

This sadly will get 10X the press of all of the blatant witness intimidation/tampering/reprisals going on. (Not that congress or the GOP base give a fuck about that either).


Nov 20, 2017
User warned: Inappropriate / off-topic criticism of someone's appearance
Is this the appropriate time and place for me to comment that Stormy Daniels has some of the ugliest boobs I've ever seen?


Could someone DM me when it is please?

Thank you.


Nov 1, 2017
GOP Congress and evangelical scum still won't care even if there is a tape of them having sex in the oval with him calling her Ivanka.

This sadly will get 10X the press of all of the blatant witness intimidation/tampering/reprisals going on. (Not that congress or the GOP base give a fuck about that either).

True, but will there be enough progressives and those who sat it out in 16' that will take notice. Irony is, most don't care if a politician is having sex on the side. It's the hypocrisy.


Oct 28, 2017
What are the chances of another woman turning up and making the exact same accusations if Trump survives this mess with an intact marriage and presidency.

Kinda funny if this is how he falls instead of the Mueller investigation.


Oct 27, 2017
If there really is a tape, someone should pay her 25 million for it.

You know someone would be willing

Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
We should just all pitch in and pay off the $20 million in damages so she can just release the pics/videos

Doc Holliday

Oct 27, 2017
If Trump is admitting that there was a payment, doesn't this open himself to campaign finance laws issues?

The only reason Cohen lied about the payment was to keep trump clear of a John Edward's type situation. So why do this now? This is nuts


Oct 25, 2017
This seems strategically poorly thought out and rather petty, so right in line with Trump. I can't imagine any of his advisers think much of this.