
Oct 24, 2017
So dumb that Obi-Wan has thoroughly defeated Vader twice now just to let him live to terrorize/murder billions across the galaxy another day. Bleh, prequels.

The Full Metal Beru side story wasn't interesting at all.
I mean seriously, this fucker deserves the award for being "worst at killing the evil Sith Lord of all time."


Oct 25, 2017
Modern Day Star Wars is a giant redemption arc for George Lucas. I used to think it was him losing his marbles that made star wars bad, but clearly not. In retrospect and in comparison the prequal movies are elevated in comparison to stuff like this (even though his dialogue is absolutely cringe)

I thought him going back to tell more stories was unnecessary but shoe horning in unnecessary stories of Kid Leia and Luke... I mean... why? This is Brian Herbert Dune level of nonsense.
I don't think Disney being bad lets George off the hook for being bad himself.

I don't think that he even was necessarily restrained with regards to fanservice himself, with how many unnecessary inclusions he made to the prequels that were nothing more than references to the OT. Like, if he really wanted Anakin to be an child genius engineer, fine, but Anakin building C3PO was in no way needed and added nothing, but you wouldn't have gotten that dopamine hit of nostalgia if he was just building a new robot.

The main difference is that George didn't slavishly rely on nostalgia references in place of telling an original story, and Disney just recognized "Hey, no one cares if your story is crap so long as it references fans know about" and as a result, we now have very insular Disney stories that aren't good, but they don't need to be to make returns on both money and social media engagement so long as fans recognize stuff they know. And maybe meet some minimal bar of quality occasionally, like Mandalorian.

But yeah, in terms of live action stuff, we basically haven't had a truly good SW story since...the movie that shall not be named (which isn't perfect and has issues). And before then, it's basically the OT.


Sep 18, 2018
The voice threw me off as well. The only other time he had that kinder, casual voice was when he was trying to deceive Ezra in the Rebels series as a gentler man via hologram before reverting back to the growly Palpatine we know and love.

I noticed the difference and made the same Rebels connection that you did. I thought it was an interesting choice, especially since the scene is him very gingerly threatening Vader to never fuck to that bad again.

Ya, I think Obi Wan knows full well that the "Anakin is dead" thing is crap. If that were true Vader wouldn't care so much about getting him. He knows full well that a part of the person he loved is still in there.

What's more, though killing Vader might be a blow to the Emperor, it doesn't really fundamentally change anything. Vader is certainly a far more effective than average tool, but he's still just a tool of the Emperor. Destroying him doesn't bring down the Empire, or save the Galaxy, or really impact much of anything. It actually might have doomed the Galaxy in the end because the only thing that brought down Palpatine ultimately was Vader's betrayal, though giving Obi Wan credit for that level of insight is more than a bit of a stretch.

I dunno. Are they protecting Luke and Leia because they'll be strong Jedi one day or because, as direct links to Vader, they serve a purpose beyond that? Luke defeating Vader isn't what saves the galaxy, Luke turning Vader is. Vader can be manipulated still by the few who know the truth (Obi, Yoda, Bail, and now Reva), it might actually be beneficial to have that weakness around.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I've been down on this series from the get-go, but overall I enjoyed the finale. I'll put it firmly in the "good but not great" category. It wasn;t enough to salvage the entire show for me.

Regarding the fight between Obi-Wan and Vader - I thought it was pretty good, but 1) stop with the freakin' shaky cam and 2) the fight music was super generic.

Seriously, for a show that's so masturbatory towards the prequels, y'all had the chance to bring either Duel of the Fates or Anakin vs Obi-Wan back for that fight and completely flubbed it?


Jun 13, 2018
I dunno. Are they protecting Luke and Leia because they'll be strong Jedi one day or because, as direct links to Vader, they serve a purpose beyond that? Luke defeating Vader isn't what saves the galaxy, Luke turning Vader is. Vader can be manipulated still by the few who know the truth (Obi, Yoda, Bail, and now Reva), it might actually be beneficial to have that weakness around.

A little bit of both perhaps, but I actually don't think either of those is the main reason they're protecting the kids. Oh, Obi Wan in particular certainly sees the potential of what they could become, but I think the main reason they're protecting them is simply that they loved their parents and see them as family. Obi Wan loved Anakin and both Obi Wan and Bail loved Padme, I think protecting and loving their children is an act of love more than anything.


Sep 16, 2020
His face was fresh and swollen in Revenge of the Sith, why would he look exactly like he does in RotJ? lol
That shit has to heal.

But then he looks the same in Episode 9 after he regenerates?

I maintain that the whole explanation behind Palpatine's monster face is because of Force Lightning scarring is terrible. His monster face should be his true face because he's evil and full of the Dark Side. Mace just lifted the mask off.


Mar 15, 2022
I can't wait for the fan edit that puts prequel and OT music into this. Is it feasible to isolate the music and replace it without impacting voice and sounds? Genuinely curious because I think a better score alone would elevate this show by an entire point or two.


Feb 22, 2019
I'd give the whole series a 9/10 after watching the whole thing in one sitting. The last two episodes were really great! Loved Ewan and Hayden throughout the whole thing. Some really special moments in here for the both of them. Child Leia was great too! Really cool to see Bail Organa and Uncle Owen reprise their roles and have some heartfelt moments. Seeing Vader was super powerful throughout the show was what I've wanted in live action since the last ten minutes of rogue one. Obi slowly reconnecting with the force was awesome. The Path sets up a really interesting part of Star Wars that we'll hopefully see more of. The tomb in the inquisitor's palace was rad -- would be really cool to see if that's ever brought up again.

Definitely have a few minor quibbles. I stand by a comment I made the other day: this series was not done any favors be being released weekly rather than all at once. Reva's character especially. It's not until episode 5 that she becomes interesting. It would've been much easier to ignore the 30 second chase scene and all the minor complaints. Some of the cinematography was just off at times, i.e. chase scene/first vader fight. And the lack of the original score being used, or at least something more grandiose was a bit disappointing (I did love Obi's theme by the end of the show).

Overall, I'd happily take more Ewan/Hayden going forward. And I really did like Reva's arch and would like to see her more in the future. :)


"This guy are sick"
Dec 9, 2020
I enjoyed this whole show quite a bit, even if it has some flaws.

As for this episode, I liked it. Plenty of great stuff.

The Lars vs Reva was great. They held out pretty well, even if she was severely injured.

The final scene between Ben and Leia was really sweet with him telling her how she resembles Padme and Anakin.

I thought the "Hello there" was fitting. Generally, I'm not a big fan of a ton of fan service, but this series was really light on it and it was a fun way to show us how he's gotten closer to being the man he once was.

Palpatine trolling Vader with "You seem agitated, my friend" made me laugh.

Vader saying he killed Anakin was an interesting connection to ANH. I never thought about it too much, but it's definitely something Vader would say. Always felt odd coming from Obi-Wan, but reframing it this way worked for me.

Reva's dilemma mirroring Anakin's was good, too. I liked her seeing herself in Luke wanting to kill that part of her like Vader says he did with Anakin.

I liked Qui-Gon teasing Obi-Wan. I thought he'd come in when Obi-Wan was at his lowest, but him needing to be more at peace also works.

The Omega Man

Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Anybody knows of a procedure to make you remember only the OT movies and make you forget the rest of the movies/shows from
This franchise? It was a better time when my imagination had to fill the blanks.
What a disaster of a show coated in nostalgia.


Nov 11, 2017
Eh, I can't agree. I'd put literally every single live action Star Wars project except Rise of Skywalker ahead of Episodes 1 and 2. Including both seasons of Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, episodes 8-9, and this show.

Not to mention, you can't really tell a story of Obi-Wan between episodes 3 and 4 without having Luke involved at least mildly. His entire life during that period was watching over Luke as he grew up, that was well established. So your choices were to either set the whole thing on Tatooine, which people would have killed you for, or to come up with something to get Obi Wan off planet. Doing that however requires you come up with something serious enough to convince Obi Wan to leave Luke unprotected for a time, to risk the only thing he was living for. I can't think of many things outside of Leia that would have done that. Plenty to criticize in the execution but I don't think the actual storyline is a problem.

The best option is don't tell an Obi-Wan story. Or if you do, tell a story of Obi Wan doing something completely different. Having Leia go on Adventure with Obi-Wan and having Luke get attacked by a Light Saber Wielder that everybody, including him is going to sweep under the rug in 10 years as if it never happened and wasn't huge event in his life... where the best you can do is "eh he lost his memory, or maybe Owen and Beru gaslit him" is just silly when you then get to a point of the jedi being a hoky old religion. As if when I'm 20 I don't have clear memories of being 10 years old, especially the ones where I almost got murdered. It's completely silly and unnecessary and even then the way they did it was bad.

George made some bad movies with bad writing, but at least he was mostly providing new stories not sandwiching in stories because he was so creatively bankrupt and so desperate for money and content that he thought "hey people loved Obi Wan, you wanna see what Obi Wan did in-between? HUH? HUH? What about Kid Leia? you Curious about her???"

How you spend billions of dollars on a franchise only to be like "oh these folks just want to see stories of the same 6 characters over and over" I'll never understand. At some point you should just stop or write your own stories. Instead we will likely get "ever wonder what Luke was like as a Teen? What dealings he had with Obi Wan then? WELL HERE YOU GO!"


Apr 29, 2019
He looks like he just woke up.

His voice was also strangely casual. Like, usually he has this evil villain undertone to it, but when he asked "You seem agitated, my friend" it mostly just sounds like an old man asking normally. The next line does have his usual undercurrent of sinisterness, but the first one sounds like he's actually a concerned buddy looking out for Vader.

I actually really like that. It sort of shows he still knows when to slip back into that manipulative "faux fatherly" mentor role a little bit that he used to rely on back before Anakin's turn, in order to better push Vader (mentally) in the direction he needs to be. It felt like we were seeing more of post-Emperor Palpatine in an actual master role, subtly nudging and guiding his apprentice, which was fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Obi the two time champ

Show was pretty bad overall but for me watching Obi beat vaders ass again was worth it

Chump ass


Oct 27, 2017
I always find it humorous when some of you loath nostalgia. I look at it as history which forms the future. When will you all learn that Star Wars is at its best when it leans on the past which is where this entire franchise was made. If you want new in exciting stories and forget about the sky walkers and everything else they just don't watch this stuff.
Oct 27, 2017
RIP fans adherent of canon. Apparently Luke suffered amnesia between this series and when he met Obi-Wan again.

The episode had a few good moments, mainly some of the Obi/Vader stuff, Qui-Gon, but even if hose moments felt very fleeting. Still a waste of a series and a horribly written mess all over.

Reva's character and motivations are an absolute clusterfuck of nonsense.


Nov 11, 2017
I always find it humorous when some of you loath nostalgia. I look at it as history which forms the future. When will you all learn that Star Wars is at its best when it leans on the past which is where this entire franchise was made. If you want new in exciting stories and forget about the sky walkers and everything else they just don't watch this stuff.

You aren't wrong, but there is such a thing as doing nostalgia badly. Good nostalgia is a scene or two of kid luke, maybe he is hanging out with friends talking about space ships, racing speeders. That's fun.

Bad nostalgia is, hey here is kid luke, here is a grown up jedi that survived order 66 and grew up evil so she could allegedly go after the man who messed it all up and now she is going after luke? Why? I dunno, don't think about that, just look at her going after luke. When you take bad nostalgia and do it badly.. just why?


Oct 29, 2017
Vader / Hayden's second "Obi Wan" scream after Obi Wan leaves the scene is excellent.

- - - -

Reva going after Luke makes sense if she thinks Anakin knows Luke is his son, I guess?

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Loved the rematch, we got more wild live-action Force shit. Shame all the Reva stuff fell flat this season. Overall I like this as a part of the larger tapestry, even though the series frequently fell short.

Leia being more excited to see L0-LA than Ben is hilarious.

I'd fuck with that final duo for a full second season, man. Just when I thought I was out...

Oh, and to everyone complaining about darkness: are you watching in Dolby Vision? The show looks fine in regular HDR on PS5, but my rewatch of Episode 5 on my Fire Stick looked atrociously dim.
Oct 27, 2017
Obi-Wan could've saved billions of lives if he just finished the job.

I was loving the final conversation between them until "You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker, I did." And my eyes rolled so far back into my skull I could see my brain. Like, that line in A New Hope didn't need a direct parallel to explain it, good grief.

It was "Han….(here by himself) Solo" all over again.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
RIP fans adherent of canon. Apparently Luke suffered amnesia between this series and when he met Obi-Wan again.

The episode had a few good moments, mainly some of the Obi/Vader stuff, Qui-Gon, but even if hose moments felt very fleeting. Still a waste of a series and a horribly written mess all over.

Reva's character and motivations are an absolute clusterfuck of nonsense.
Luke when he meets R2 in ANH:
"I wonder if he means old Ben Kenobi".


Oct 25, 2017
I think Revas story actually pays off

Anakin dead Reva reborn etc.

Maybe I just watch that Freddie Prince Jr clip too much and I'm always looking for the balance


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Overall I liked it. Quite a lot! The series was worth it just for the Vader fights alone. Ewan did a fine job. Hayden and James Earl Jones combined for a fearsome Vader. Leia was decent. Never liked the Lars' until now. The music definitely needed to be better and more firm direction but it worked well enough.

There were a lot of stupid moments, mostly when the show was banging up against established canon. Because yeah Obi Wan should've absolutely merc'd Vader. But whatever it's fine fine and honestly adhere less to canon if it's slowing you down.

Wonder how they do a season two with as much nostalgia to boot. Gimme Obi Wan and force Qui Gon go and train with Yoda to fight Maul and Grievous why the fuck not


Sep 16, 2020
The Reva storyline was silly, especially towards the end, but her going after Luke totally jives with someone who is bitter and angry and wants to project that onto any target within their vicinity. It isn't rational, but that's the point.


Nov 11, 2017
Obi-Wan could've saved billions of lives if he just finished the job.

But then the force wouldn't be balanced... Never mind that, that doesn't mean anything because the Empire survived and the Emperor survived and we did that shit all over again... but.. yeah gotta balance that force.

I get at this point its silly to care about star wars. It's just mind boggling to me how its handled.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
What's up with the lava throne fortress? Was that in any of the other shows? Kind of reminded me of a villain lair Dr Evil from Austin Powers would joke about.

Retroactively a little bit annoyed by OT Luke having claiming nothing ever happened around his dirt farm.
Vader being able to detect Obi Wan in the spaceship but not under a few rocks (then Obi Wan detects Luke in trouble from a whole warp away) I guess he masked his presence or something?

Something about Qui-gon appearing to be like "its a ways to go, lets head off!" knowing he basically camps out in a cave was really funny to me, as well as all these people on Alderaan who get blown up because Obi just walked away AGAIN.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
RIP fans adherent of canon. Apparently Luke suffered amnesia between this series and when he met Obi-Wan again.

The episode had a few good moments, mainly some of the Obi/Vader stuff, Qui-Gon, but even if hose moments felt very fleeting. Still a waste of a series and a horribly written mess all over.

Reva's character and motivations are an absolute clusterfuck of nonsense.

The canon is certainly a mess but Luke knew Ben, just as a weird old hermit who probably came into town from time to time.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Oh also Reva would've worked better if she hadn't been the most bloodthirsty of the inquisitors from the jump, while also being in constant contact with Vader

I get what they wanted to do with her character but her motivation didn't line up with the psychotic Let's torture folks and drop bodies attitude of the earlier episodes


Oct 25, 2017
The Reva storyline was silly, especially towards the end, but her going after Luke totally jives with someone who is bitter and angry and wants to project that onto any target within their vicinity. It isn't rational, but that's the point.

It's silly but it actually makes some sense - it was her only move left to play to fulfill whatever twisted destiny she thought she had

Conrad Link

Oct 29, 2017
New Zealand
I wouldn't even mind if like, Leia and Kumail Nanjiani for example had an adventure to help grow her 'rise to leader' character - just not her and Obi-Wan. It's too much to now pretend like the Episode IV her and him had this strong a connection.

Or just trash every other part of the show and focus on Obi and Vader because that is where the real money is.


Oct 25, 2017
I think that the show had pretty rough writing, an inadequate budget, a lot of undercooked characters (Sung Kang..look how they massacred my boy), pretty iffy canon-adherance, and some mostly unsatisfying action.


Emotionally, they did right by Obi-Wan, Leia, Anakin, Owen & Bail, which I feel was the most important thing of all.

I mean yeah, it's pretty awkward how far out of their way they have to go to have Luke never lay eyes on Reva's lightsaber, which is emblematic of so much of this show, but at the end of the day, the emotional beats they NEEDED to hit were successful.

Sure, in a perfect world the whole thing wouldn't feel rushed and stitched together, but it's not the end of the world. The way a piece of media makes me feel is more important than how well it aligns with other things. I used to care so much more about perfect continuity, but making the conscious decision to let go and just tell myself 'it is what it is' has let me enjoy this show a lot more.

Like, BOBF didn't really butcher continuity and had a lot of similar problems as this, but ultimately didn't have an emotional high to it(Some mando stuff aside), and that show ended up being worse for it.

The Reva thing felt like kind of a waste of time, especially when compared to the much more important Kenobi v Anakin stuff simultaneously, but that's partially because they did a poor job communicating that her goal was to kill Anakin's son in some form of misguided justice against Anakin for her slain friends. (It being less exciting didn't help.) I think that worse characters have been salvaged in media, so hopefully they pull that off someday.

Overall.. just kind of happy for Hayden Christensen.


Oct 25, 2017
If 'Hello there' is offensive to the point of being worth mentioning above the terrible editing, choreography, cinematography, and Volume framing/utilization, it's gotten to the "look at that bitch eating crackers" territory where there's no reason to even bother with the franchise that has been doing similar things within even the OT itself. Just move on and spend time with stuff that isn't going to be a guaranteed miserable experience.

So with that out of the way, it's quite something that something like the Mandalorian is so well done and a project that started as an intended feature film and had all that anticipatory baggage just feels bargain basement in comparison. Every episode beyond perhaps the first felt like a good quarter or third was chopped in the editing room or shot without transitional material in consideration. The Inquisitors beyond Reva and the GI had little purpose, and even there things weren't great. And while Vader was great and the interactions with Kenobi worked, how things played out felt like going through the motions without caring on making it believable on why either would walk away/let go.

Kudos to them for making kid Leia work out well and in delivering Obi-Wan's internal struggle, as well as bringing Hayden's Anakin and Jame's Vader together wonderfully.
What's up with the lava throne fortress? Was that in any of the other shows?

Vader''s castle was in Rogue One, and had been intended to appear in The Rise of Skywalker in certain script drafts when Kylo Ren was on Mustafar. Can't recall if it appeared in Rebels, but I don't think it did.


Jan 6, 2019
The Leia + Obi Wan story was never interesting to me - just a lot of fanservice, a child actor and Ewan phoning it in.

Reva was so poorly handled - What were they thinking when they decided to only introduce her motivation in the second to last episde? Jesus. I'm not sure if the actor was miscast or the actor herself isn't very good. Prob a combination I guess.

None of the 5 other episodes have worked for me. In this finale, though, about 20% if it was really enjoyable. The other 80% included:

- A Star Destroyer machine-gunning a lone ship, but hitting nothing but empty space
- The empire not dispatching a couple of TiE fighters to take care of Obi Wan while the destroyer kills off the rebel ship
- Reva not being dead after being stabbed in the gut Qui-Gon style and running around Tatooine, for some reason 🤷‍♂️
- Memberberries every 5mins
- Alderaan scenes

I liked

- The convo between Obi Wan and Anakin after Obi Wan cuts his helmet in half - i felt emotions watching it
- The convo between Owen and Obi Wan before he leaves
- Qui-Gon showing up after Obi-Wan finally gains some agency
- The fight scene on the rock planet was quite good too, but Vader burrying him under rocks looked silly

I read that this was supposed to be a film and I think it really shows. All the elements are there for a pretty decent film tbh - if you cut away all the waste, like the Inquisitor base, all Leia stuff etc, it'd have the length of a film.


Oct 29, 2017
What's up with the lava throne fortress? Was that in any of the other shows? Kind of reminded me of a villain lair Dr Evil from Austin Powers would joke about.

Based on McQuarrie sketches, located on Mustafar where Obi Wan fought Anakin/Vader, talked about in Rebels and a bunch of other stuff, first shown in Rogue One.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Reva was so poorly handled - What were they thinking when they decided to only introduce her motivation in the second to last episde? Jesus. I'm not sure if the actor was miscast or the actor herself isn't very good. Prob a combination I guess.

Huh? They only explicitly spelt it out, but it was really obvious early on that she was one of the padawans that somehow escaped the order 66 slaughter, they didn't really make any effort to hide it, and then it doesn't take much thought to work out what someone who survived that and was angling to be Vader's right hand man was after.
Oct 27, 2017
Luke knew Old Ben. Not personally but he knew who he was. Enough to say an awkward 'hello' in the street. I always had the impression they'd bumped into each other several times over many years. That was my feeling anyway.
Luke when he meets R2 in ANH:
"I wonder if he means old Ben Kenobi".

It's more the Reva chase I'm referring to where's he's almost murdered by a saber wielding agent of the empire but he was either asleep (knocked out?) or running away when she actually had her saber out so I guess he conveniently didn't see it. I didn't realize that at first.

Him knowing Ben is more passable, though I still got the impression that they had never officially met, since Kenobi was more of a hermit. But that doesn't bother me really. None of this I take too seriously despite complaining though. Just thoughts.


Oct 30, 2017
Those saying Obi-Wan should have finished the job really don't know anything about the Jedi.

He's not gonna murder anyone in cold blood.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
I just want to say that I really hated the Obi-Wan "super-saiyan" moment.

This might be a bit "he's not my Obi-Wan" and if people like it then I'm happy for them, but I always liked the idea that Obi-Wan was much weaker in the force than Vader, but could win because he is more wise. And even if Obi-Wan is powerful in the force, he wouldn't beat his enemy by hurling a million rocks at them, then smashing them to shit with a lightsaber.
I'm not sure what story it's trying to tell. Vader kinda sucks? Only the Jedi know the path to raw ultimate power? Vader brutally necksnaps kids for fun, but he's actually really merciful with his greatest enemies and never kicks them when they're down?

But some people will like it I guess, so you I should say that it was a great show, FrOm A cErTaIn PoInT oF vIeW. I didn't hate the show, the show hated itself. If you think that's confusing, I'll explain what I mean in another post in about 45 years' time.

I think the show had entirely the wrong arc for Obi-Wan. We know he was a confident, powerful, heroic, swashbuckling Jedi Master. We know he becomes a wise old hermit who uses the force only in subtle ways. I expected the show to tell us about this transformation. But the show started with him as a hermit and ended with him as a total badass who just defeated his nemesis in a swordfight. He literally ends the show as the exact same character that he was before we started.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably a waste of time, but a reminder that Luke recognizes Ben by sight when he comes to after the Tusken attack in ANH @30:33.


Oct 28, 2017
how the fuck is era so miserable regarding star wars holy shit.

like literally miserable.

bitch eating crackers to the max

even complaining about obi wan saying his fucking catch-phrase that everybody fucking knows.
Oct 27, 2017
The Leia + Obi Wan story was never interesting to me - just a lot of fanservice, a child actor and Ewan phoning it in.

Reva was so poorly handled - What were they thinking when they decided to only introduce her motivation in the second to last episde? Jesus. I'm not sure if the actor was miscast or the actor herself isn't very good. Prob a combination I guess.

Ingram is a solid actor. Star Wars just has terrible writing and dialogue that has historically been a pain for actors to navigate. Evan Oscar Isaac couldn't make a line like "somehow Palpatine returned" work.


Nov 4, 2017
That Obi Wan/Vader fight is some of the best Star Wars I've seen in a long time, probably since Force Awakens. I just love how Vader takes great pleasure in telling Obi Wan that he is responsible for killing Anakin. It highlights just how much Vader hates Anakin.

Reva teleporting herself was fucking dumb though and I was really annoyed 5 minutes into the episode, but its whatever.


Oct 25, 2017
how the fuck is era so miserable regarding star wars holy shit.

like literally miserable.

bitch eating crackers to the max

even complaining about obi wan saying his fucking catch-phrase that everybody fucking knows.

I think that online fandom or 'nerd' fandom has become about two things:

•Over-focusing on tiny details. Look, I'm cool because I can point out and explain the easter eggs! Look how smart I am that I can point out a minor meaningless inconsistency!
•Hyperbole. Middling reactions/emotions don't get noticed or responded to, so people have to turn every feeling up to 11. Things like 'I can't believe he said Hello There. The entire fucking show is ruined! Worst show I've ever seen.' Every discussion thread is just an arms race to the most exaggerated take.