
Oct 25, 2017
These rumors hinted at potential trouble behind the scenes, and while we're hearing the show isn't cancelled, we are hearing that it's been delayed.

Two independent sources with knowledge of the situation tell Collider that the Obi-Wan series has been put on hold, as the crew that had assembled at Pinewood Studios in London was sent home. A timeframe was not given, but the crew was told that the show would be down "indefinitely."

We're hearing that Lucasfilm president and Obi-Wanproducer Kathleen Kennedy was not happy with the scripts. Sources tell us that what will most likely happen next is the scripts will be reworked with the hopeful goal of reassembling this summer, but there's always the possibility that that timeframe could shift.

Via Collider. Lock if old

Hollywood Reporter backing up the report and adding

Sources tell THR that the scripts – only two were written – and story became an issue and that the entire package has been jettisoned. Lucasfilm is now on the hunt for a new writer to pen the series. At the same time, sources say the series is being reconfigured from being six episodes to four episodes.

It is unclear why scripts became an issue so late in the process. One source said the Kenobi story treaded similar ground as Mandalorian, seeing the Jedi master lending a protective hand to a young Luke and perhaps even a young Leia, perhaps mirroring how the Mandalorian took Baby Yoda under his protective custody.
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Oct 25, 2017
To be honest not interested in it. So much material available for this character already. I'm just not interested. Do something else.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Good. What the fuck was it gonna be about? Ewan sitting in the desert and jerking off for an hour?

Move on from the PT/OT era, FFS.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This is what I posted on the Star Wars OT:

Um ok?

I'm calling BS on this as they say the reason was that KK was not happy with the scripts. Pretty sure we've known that the scripts have been done for months, probably since back when this was announced at D23.

Now it's a problem?

So in other words:


Oct 25, 2017
Kathleen Kennedy was not happy with the script?

Then the script was fucking great.


Oct 27, 2017
God damnit. This is literally the only thing on the horizon of Star Wars I am interested in. I'd rather get this than another season of The Mandalorian.

I mean, how much can you do with Obi-Won on Tatooine?

Well plenty. He could encounter travelers. It seems Tatooine is kind of a popular hub planet. Maybe extended universe characters viewers aren't expecting. He also doesn't need to remain on the planet. He could have a spacecraft stashed near his hovel and go on travels for one reason or another.


Oct 27, 2017
If the fact that she wasn't happy means it would have been really good

edit: beaten like luke in a tusken raider fight


Jan 8, 2019
Just give me creative control of Disney. We'd have Trevorrow's Duel of the Fates, Lord and Miller's Solo, Obi Wan and the Lizzie MacGuire reboot would be back on track.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
ALSO, and this is important (from the article):

Sources tell us that what will most likely happen next is the scripts will be reworked with the hopeful goal of reassembling this summer, but there's always the possibility that that timeframe could shift.

Even if this is true it was always said that Obi-Wan would start filming in the Summer.

So right now, this article is nothing but clickbait trash.

Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
Not enough fan service. Rewrite that shit!
Dec 2, 2017
Get George in there to consult. Just do it.

Oh well, we'll aöways have the last season of The Clone Wars.

But didn't they say they had the scripts ready for a while?


Nov 1, 2017
Kathy Kennedy is probably shell shocked with Last Jedi, Solo and TROS all having the issues that they have had. Really think it's time Disney replaces her with someone fresh who has a better chance at a better working relationship with Iger.


Oct 25, 2017
Kathleen Kennedy approved the sequel trilogy scripts so I have no faith in her decision making at all. The scripts have a higher chance of being good than the article implies IMO


Oct 27, 2017
I will fight each and every one of you who doesn't want more Ewan Obi-Wan

Now with that said, I do not really take much stock in KK's assessment these days, so I wonder what the scripts were like


Oct 25, 2017
ALSO, and this is important (from the article):

Even if this is true it was always said that Obi-Wan would start filming in the Summer.

So right now, this article is nothing but clickbait trash.

The show was supposed to start filming this summer, but they need to build sets months in advance. The crew was supposed to be doing that right now; now that's been pushed to summer, meaning the start of filming has also been pushed.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The show was supposed to start filming this summer, but they need to build sets months in advance. The crew was supposed to be doing that right now; now that's been pushed to summer, meaning the start of filming has also been pushed.
Ignore that post then.

I'm still not buying the delay though.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
I'm trying to restrain the knee-jerk, petulant fanboy response, but I'll just say this... if they can't make this series happen, then the current regime at LF is absolutely hopeless.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
God damnit. This is literally the only thing on the horizon of Star Wars I am interested in. I'd rather get this than another season of The Mandalorian.

Well plenty. He could encounter travelers. It seems Tatooine is kind of a popular hub planet. Maybe extended universe characters viewers aren't expecting. He also doesn't need to remain on the planet. He could have a spacecraft stashed near his hovel and go on travels for one reason or another.

I like how Tatooine has gone from the armpit of the galaxy that one can hide and escape to the Bright Center of the Universe where everything happens and everyone famous and important is from/visits at least once.


Dec 19, 2017
If she has final say on this show, doesn't that mean she also had final say on Mandalorian? A show almost everyone loves?