
Oct 25, 2017
Having never heard much on Objectivism, I found this story of one reporter's trip to the Objectivist Conference hilarious. It seems they're having some problems in the movement.

This was the grim setting for a nearly week-long celebration of Rand's genius that coincided with the fiftieth anniversary of her clarion call for a capitalist-aligned cultural and aesthetic movement, The Romantic Manifesto. Thrumming in the background was a related, similarly unnerving trend for Objectivists: The romance of the movement has lost a good deal of its cachet in an unequal, austerity-battered America—particularly when it comes to pulling in the young recruits who were once the backbone of the Rand insurgency. All the kids these days are becoming socialists and communists. Only 45 percent of young Americans view capitalism positively, compared with 51 percent who profess a fondness for socialism

An odd recipient for a reward.

We were interrupted by some timely welcoming remarks by the Ayn Rand Institute's president and CEO, Tal Tsfany, who had the honor, he told us, of announcing 2019's Self Made Man award. The crowd gathered close with excitement as the winner was announced: Leonard Peikoff.

Everybody clapped, and though there seemed to be a strong case that the inheritor of Rand's fortune and founder of the group that was hosting the event might have serious eligibility issues for such a distinction, I didn't hear any grumbling. His award, we were told, would be on display in the third floor art gallery all week. Someone else accepted it on his behalf

Objectivist speaker tackles climate change and fossil fuels, with predictable results:

The moral case for fossil fuels, it turned out, was a Steven Pinker–esque tribute to the bright side of human progress. "The world is better than ever," Epstein declared, thanks in no small part to energy derived from fossil fuels. Environmentalism is thus anti-humanist. "People are just looking for negatives about fossil fuels," he lamented. "They're not looking for positives." He then drilled the crowd on some useful rhetorical flourishes that he has passed on to policy-makers. ("To paraphrase Atlas Shrugged," he said, "I want them to have the words they need.") When he pulled up the famous "hockey stick" graph showing a dramatic spike of atmospheric carbon levels after the industrial era, he told us that it actually charted a great saga of "human flourishing."

An exuberant question-and-answer session followed. When someone noted that his peers were alarmed by a rapidly warming climate, Epstein took a dig at the Green New Deal championed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, saying, "I think she should be called Venezuela Ocasio-Cortez!" When another audience member invited him to respond to accusations that his acceptance of fossil fuel industry dollars might preclude him from being objective, Epstein steamrolled the question with a John Galt–style show of brio: "I'm that superhero who's coming to help this industry tell the truth."

Epstein's talk drove home the perverse incentives the Objectivist dogma offers to on-the-make intellectuals: Selling out to the highest bidder is not merely condoned; it's deemed a positive moral virtue. It didn't even matter if Epstein really believed his own advocacy; maybe he did, maybe he didn't. What mattered above all is the belief in the sanctity of the transaction. "That was very interesting," one of the young Objectivists murmured to me on the way out.

It seems being an Objectivist is a lonely lifestyle

Still, there remains something notionally rebellious about hardcore Randianism that continues to captivate young followers even through these dark days. But the challenge is keeping them hooked once they've come down from their first Galt high. Even Brook admitted that it was a tough sell. "It alienates you from so many people," he told me. "The people around you think you are crazy." The socialists have weekly happy hours at hipster bars in Brooklyn, and conservatives have Trump rallies, but the cult of the individual has nothing comparable on offer. "It's lonely," he admitted

The article reads like a surreal comedy, it feels like Wes Anderson could make it into a film.


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't surprise me. Objectivism is a laughably bad.

The good news is that it seems to be dying off, I was mildly impressed that even some of the people who did show are asking questions about climate change, I figured only true believers drinking the Kool Aid would show up to something like this.
The most amazing thing I ever read about Objectivism is that an associate of Ayn Rand herself later made a small industry of counseling distraut Objectivists who couldn't understand why being a sociopathic, self-centered asshole was making them miserable.

The guy literally had to tell them that having compassion for other human beings wasn't evil.


Mar 14, 2019
You know your "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" club is a giant con when you give a "self-made man" award to the organization's head who inherited his position.


Aug 17, 2019
Objectivism is a very myopic philosophy and their epistemology is woefully incomplete and laughable.

To be fair, the same could be said about socialism and many of the other fringe "-isms" out there. They tend to be very pie in the sky with little real world abilities to be implemented.


Nov 30, 2017
Good. Hopefully it dies out. Objectivism is a self-indulgent joke of a political philosophy that is predicated on callous disregard for your fellow man.


Oct 25, 2017
Why would people who believe in "fuck you, got mine" want to come together at all?

The whole conference is a grift.

Maybe I was being oversensitive. I was a first timer, after all. I had tried to talk to James Biller—at 23, an adult alumnus of the Objectivist student conference—on multiple occasions, to see whether experience rubbed away Objectivism's rough edges. We first met in the merch room, where he was selling 3-D-printed busts of Ayn Rand's head, into which one could screw a lightbulb. Later, I ran into him after a lecture, where he told me he'd been doing the lights for free, with the hope that ARI might hire him to do the conference's lighting in the future


Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017
Anyone who thinks that the point of good social policy is the unfettered freedom of the individual is a fucking simpleton.

Deleted member 7130

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The ideology of "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't trying. By hook or by crook, get money. Avarice is the highest virtue."

And the US legitimizes this dangerous, horse shit, clown philosophy.

(Ayan Rand BFF, Alan Greenspan, Former Chair of the Federal Reserve, economist, promoter of shit US economics)


Prophet of Regret
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I honestly find many of these comments humorous. I can picture many of you typing on a mobile Apple device saying that the self motivated greed of capitalistic endeavor is outrageous. Show of hands. How many of you have read Atlas Shrugged. I may not agree with everything Ayn Rand has stated, but she is a genius.
Oct 28, 2017
I honestly find many of these comments humorous. I can picture many of you typing on a mobile Apple device saying that the self motivated greed of capitalistic endeavor is outrageous. Show of hands. How many of you have read Atlas Shrugged. I may not agree with everything Ayn Rand has stated, but she is a genius.
found Ben Shapiro's era account

Deleted member 7130

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I honestly find many of these comments humorous. I can picture many of you typing on a mobile Apple device saying that the self motivated greed of capitalistic endeavor is outrageous. Show of hands. How many of you have read Atlas Shrugged. I may not agree with everything Ayn Rand has stated, but she is a genius.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Most libertarian, alt right, or even plain republican types are all trying to sell their grandpappy's ideology with a fresh hip wrapper. They all want the veneer of new radical ideas without actually ever proposing anything not from last century.
Oct 25, 2017
People who identify strongly with objectivism are just utter scum. Fuck them
Fucking ugly ideology that is completely out of step with what it takes to make a positive contribution to a modern society.


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly find many of these comments humorous. I can picture many of you typing on a mobile Apple device saying that the self motivated greed of capitalistic endeavor is outrageous. Show of hands. How many of you have read Atlas Shrugged. I may not agree with everything Ayn Rand has stated, but she is a genius.

A world without Reagan, Thatcher, and Rand would be a western paradise. Having to live in a world where they're physically dead but their ideas and beliefs aren't is part of the reason we're in a hellworld.

Don't even care if that post is in jest or seriousness, I wanted to make it clear her thoughts have contributed to a mental disease.

Deleted member 431

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I honestly find many of these comments humorous. I can picture many of you typing on a mobile Apple device saying that the self motivated greed of capitalistic endeavor is outrageous. Show of hands. How many of you have read Atlas Shrugged. I may not agree with everything Ayn Rand has stated, but she is a genius.
Genius how? Please explain.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Man. Who knew a generation that is deliberately getting fucked over for trying to build lives like the previous generation did- the one doing the fucking over, by the way- isn't receptive to the idea that asking the game to be less rigged in the rich's favor is tantamount to fucking social oppression????


Prophet of Regret
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
A world without Reagan, Thatcher, and Rand would be a western paradise. Having to live in a world where they're physically dead but their ideas and beliefs aren't is part of the reason we're in a hellworld.

Don't even care if that post is in jest or seriousness, I wanted to make it clear her thoughts have contributed to a mental disease.
YouTube search Ayn Rand and Regan and you will see that she vocally advocates against his brand of capitalism.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The good news is that it seems to be dying off, I was mildly impressed that even some of the people who did show are asking questions about climate change, I figured only true believers drinking the Kool Aid would show up to something like this.

It's the problem with having a notionally rationalist movement, I guess. If A is A, then climate change is climate change. It may not have the same social-justice implications that it would have in other movements, but it is still an undeniable problem unless you veer into corporatism (not my problem as I'll get the government to bail me out) or hardcore Christianity (whatever happens is God's plan).


User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, the same could be said about socialism and many of the other fringe "-isms" out there. They tend to be very pie in the sky with little real world abilities to be implemented.
Objectivism is a self contradictory ideology, it doesn't work on any level.
I honestly find many of these comments humorous. I can picture many of you typing on a mobile Apple device saying that the self motivated greed of capitalistic endeavor is outrageous. Show of hands. How many of you have read Atlas Shrugged. I may not agree with everything Ayn Rand has stated, but she is a genius.
Of course no one reads atlas shrugged, the book is Fucking awful.


Prophet of Regret
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Man. Who knew a generation that is deliberately getting fucked over for trying to build lives like the previous generation did- the one doing the fucking over, by the way- isn't receptive to the idea that asking the game to be less rigged in the rich's favor is tantamount to fucking social oppression????
Rand views on capitalism are very contrasted with the Koch brothers brand of capitalism, or state capitalism if you will. You may not agree with either, but Rand views are not being depicted fairly from several posts. As I said, I do not agree with everything she states, but she does deserve to be depicted accurately. I'm not an official Rand source, but have read much of her writings and interviews, as I do all philosophies I may not agree with. She still deserves their annals in philosophical history.


Nov 8, 2017
I honestly find many of these comments humorous. I can picture many of you typing on a mobile Apple device saying that the self motivated greed of capitalistic endeavor is outrageous. Show of hands. How many of you have read Atlas Shrugged. I may not agree with everything Ayn Rand has stated, but she is a genius.

Yeah she was such a genius that she died sucking on the government tit, the antithesis of her life's work.
Dec 13, 2018
Atlas shrugged was fun to read in college, but time gives perspective, and I'm always amazed at people who don't grow out of objectivist phases in their life. One's existence must be pretty lonely to make deep into adulthood and not realize it's fantasy


Oct 27, 2017
Climate change, and pollution in general is such an obvious violation of the NAP. Objectivists and libertarians should be up in arms but they're not because they're just selfish pricks hiding behind a contradictory philosophy.

didn't she argue that government safety nets were immoral then turn around and get social security?
Yes she was a massive hypocrite for those reasons and others


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Rochester, New York
I honestly find many of these comments humorous. I can picture many of you typing on a mobile Apple device saying that the self motivated greed of capitalistic endeavor is outrageous. Show of hands. How many of you have read Atlas Shrugged. I may not agree with everything Ayn Rand has stated, but she is a genius.
I have read both Atlas Shrugged and the Anthem.

They're bland books with ham fisted "morals" shoved at the reader with no subtlety