
Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
It is really disappointing to see how many developers are so afraid of standing for anything, while their games actually do so on their own! There's no need to even make a statement, your game does it for you!


Oct 30, 2017
you can have a story that's political In the story world and not reflect the real world, but I would say many stories.. fictitious as they may be reflect what's going on or what has gone on in the past as good stories are often relatable to the reader in some form.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm starting* to get the feeling that when people say "it's apolitical" they refer to some wishy-washy centrism bordering on both sides-ism. Something like Boogie.

Actually I think apolitical in the current landscape, where many things are so heavy handed and preachy, simply means "co-director Boyarsky said the studio has been "very careful" not to "lecture" players with the themes featured in the game ". Let people think for themselves. And personally I think it's the right way to do it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm starting* to get the feeling that when people say "it's apolitical" they refer to some wishy-washy centrism bordering on both sides-ism. Something like Boogie.

*: not really, it's an old trick here in Chile. People say "nah, I'm apolitical, neither left nor right" and yet they constantly spout right-wing ideas, replicate right-wing talking points and celebrate right-wing figures. So... yeah

I edited my post but whatever, I'll just add this in a different post:

Yes, the actual Boyarsky quote is different. That changes the context, but my point still stands despite not being particularly relevant to what LB said, so... I'll add something different too: I disagree with him about the current state of our world (and he's obviously entitled to his opinion), but at least I appreciate that he's not going full "apolitical" when the setting and themes are obviously very political at its core. The tone might be humorous, but there's a critique in there.

I think there's a difference between "it's apolitical!" and "hard-hitting politics aren't at the front of our story", tbh.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Im like confused; I didn't know nazi money was that prevalent, LOL. What's scary is some of these 'non-political' game's politics are often themes and ideas that even traditional conservatives wouldn't find offensive, but I guess since we in the era where nazi gamers are a thing we can't lose those sales?

Nazis were mad with gender options in Mordhau, so they gave them a toggle off option. The world sucks.


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anyone really thought too heavily about it until he said it.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Wow, the quote has some nuance, title doesn't reflect that...

Era: F you obsidian you gutless wonders!

It is really frustrating to see someone complain about nuance and in their next statement, lump everyone's opinions together and discredit them.

I don't think anyone really thought too heavily about it until he said it.

Exactly. I haven't heard a peep about it. They could have let their game speak for them. Many games poke fun at megacorporations.


Nov 2, 2017
The worse thing is the gaslighting. The straight pissing in people's faces and telling you it's raining. If you are scared of the Alt Right just say you scared and move on.

What did he say in his interview that sounded scared of alt right?

"The Outer Worlds' story is less a critique of modern capitalism and more about "power and how power is used against people who don't have it."

I reject the notion that if you're not full on an anti-capitalist then you are an alt righter. People can believe in capitalism and still support individual rights. People can believe in capitalism and say the way it's been implemented currently is an abuse of power, a bad trend and doesn't respect those who don't have power.

I see too many comments in here responding to the OPs thread title and not responding to the actual interview.


Apr 21, 2018
i don't really understand the problem. everything he said could apply to the wire, which is a very political program. it just expresses a desire to depict political ideas in fiction with nuance. do people actively want to be beaten over the head by strawmen characters and political lectures in long monologues because it validates their worldview? that's the calling card of embarrassingly bad fiction.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
People pick up patterns and context and when folks say they don't want to get "potlical" it 9.999/10 it is usually some fuck shit.
I feel you but when reading the full text, I really don't think it's about both-siding nazis or whatever.
It's really not. Saying that he doesn't want people to think it's heavily political isn't the same as being apolitical. The game can simply not delve deeply into this stuff.
What? He literally says the game is about "power and how power is used against people who don't have it (his exact words). His quote says he doesn't want the game to be preachy and lecture the player, but I have no idea how you go from "the game is about [theme]" to "the game doesn't delve deeply into [theme]".

I strongly believe that the word he meant to use is "preachy", not "political".


Oct 25, 2017
Actually I think apolitical in the current landscape, where many things are so heavy handed and preachy, simply means "co-director Boyarsky said the studio has been "very careful" not to "lecture" players with the themes featured in the game ". Let people think for themselves. And personally I think it's the right way to do it.

I edited my post a bit, tbh, but I think Boyarsky's original phrasing changes the context, because to me there's a difference between "it's apolitical" and "hard-hitting politics aren't at the forefront". The second one doesn't deny the existence of political themes and developments, while the first one does. And the first one wasn't actually said by LB, it was just an improper headline.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
I reject the notion that if you're not full on an anti-capitalist then you are an alt righter. People can believe in capitalism and still support individual rights. People can believe in capitalism and say the way it's been implemented currently is an abuse of power, a bad trend and doesn't respect those who don't have power.

Yes, but this is political. Why say it's not?


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Actually I think apolitical in the current landscape, where many things are so heavy handed and preachy, simply means "co-director Boyarsky said the studio has been "very careful" not to "lecture" players with the themes featured in the game ". Let people think for themselves. And personally I think it's the right way to do it.

Can you name a game that's preachy about politics? I'm struggling to think of one. It isn't really something games do.


Oct 26, 2017
Co-director of company that has been acquired by a trillion dollar company says new game is not a critique of modern capitalism. Hm... lol.


Oct 29, 2017
Seems pretty in line with what they've shown. The game is about corporations with too much power, but they didn't write it as a manifesto to the overthrow of capitalism nor could they have forseen the political shifts that have taken place in the last several years.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
What did he say in his interview that sounded scared of alt right?

"The Outer Worlds' story is less a critique of modern capitalism and more about "power and how power is used against people who don't have it."

I reject the notion that if you're not full on an anti-capitalist then you are an alt righter. People can believe in capitalism and still support individual rights. People can believe in capitalism and say the way it's been implemented currently is an abuse of power, a bad trend and doesn't respect those who don't have power.

I see too many comments in here responding to the OPs thread title and not responding to the actual interview.
How many times have seen this rollercoast ridden in context of some evil shit? Forgive me if i don't take the millionth time at face value. Especially in an industry that almsot always carters to just plain evil shit.
"There are people in this game who have philosophies that I don't agree with and I take pains to make those people very likeable, very sensible and very believable. Then there are people in the game who say things I agree with, who are perhaps not very nice to hang out with.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Why would you start a discussion about Politics if the game isn't politic?


Oct 26, 2017
I like that he said humorous. I'm hoping that there's tons of satire in the game.
Oct 25, 2017
What? He literally says the game is about "power and how power is used against people who don't have it (his exact words). His quote says he doesn't want the game to be preachy and lecture the player, but I have no idea how you go from "the game is about [theme]" to "the game doesn't delve deeply into [theme]".

I strongly believe that the word he meant to use is "preachy", not "political".

Well, yes, he said that. The thread and article title says that Obsidian doesn't want it to be a "politically charged game". Both don't really correlate.

How many times have seen this rollercoast ridden in context of some evil shit? Forgive me if i don't take the millionth time at face value. Especially in an industry that almsot always carters to just plain evil shit.

Treating evil stuff with nuance so it isn't black and white shit is bad storytelling now? What the hell do you want from an actual fictional story, then?


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
So basically the game will be "not politically charged" in similar ways Fallout New Vegas was "not politically charged"; that is, it IS a heavily politically-charged game, with heavily political themes. But it doesn't beat the player over the head with its "message" which is what I think the dev meant.

But man... words have meanings my dude.

Well, yes, he said that. The thread and article title says that Obsidian doesn't want it to be a "politically charged game". Both don't really correlate.
Yeah exactly, it's flat-out contradictory which is why I keep saying, he must have used the wrong word.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
The game is obviously political, and he knows that. He is saying its political, but its not gonna beat you over the head about it, which is a good thing.

Deleted member 8468

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I'm not familiar with that website, but it's an awful article title compared to what was said in the interview.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Bioshock Infinite. But it's preachy in a "both sides" kind of way and comes across as pretty dopey overall. I'd imagine that's the sort of game he's trying to avoid.

Hmm I unfortunately never played BioShock Infinite so I can't comment on it. I'll take your word for it.

I'm just surprised that this even needed to be said, no one expected the game to be BioShock. I always thought it was like a mashup of Borderlands/Fallout.


Nov 4, 2017
People pick up patterns and context and when folks say they don't want to get "potlical" it 9.999/10 it is usually some fuck shit.

I'm not sure what "some fuck shit" means, but my guess, based on the context of the interview and history of the developers here, is that they created a scenario based on ideas that were divorced from what would be politically construed.

For instance, most games create scenarios that come from a design standpoint primarily, not a messaging standpoint. So they want a villain, they think of big, evil corporations. They think of wacky characters that populate their worlds and allow them to create missions with twists and turns and surprises and, mostly, lots of fodder to shoot with a gun. A lot of times, these missions are created to move a plot, not a message.

That doesn't mean that the message can't exist, but it's entirely secondary to the laugh, the surprise, the reveal, or the chase.

Also, things can be designed with a generalized message, but due to iteration, limitation, multiple hands on it, all that gets muddled to the point of near-nonsense, even if the structure is basically the same.

So 4 years on and 200 people working on it, the person gets asked "is it political", and in the back of their head they know that it wasn't created with intentionality towards some message, and even if it was, it was touched and altered by so many hands that they don't even know what that message would be (or maybe they know, but there might be 2 major quests that aim at that message and 12 side quests that completely undermine it) so the answer is....."errrr, it's not political". Insofar as it wasn't created or followed through with any sort of intentionality.

So the game uses political elements, and undoubtedly presents something about something, but it wasn't created to, especially in a holistic sense.

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
People saying that the title makes it seem worse than it actually is: the creators of the game are intentionally sidestepping a critique of capitalism, which conveniently ignores one of the core issues with society. Yeah, people use power to exploit others. But how do they do so? They use their capital and take advantage of those with a lack of capital.


Nov 7, 2017
I can't really fault him. This is Capitalism in a nutshell. The bottom line, and this is true of every company, they are not trying to turn away money, not even from people who are reprehensible and again, companies only do that in so much as they think it will help their profit margin more. Art and Capitalism are inherently at odds with each other and its a very strained relationship.


Oct 25, 2017
It reads to me like it's going to be political, like any game with themes and stories to tell, but instead of beating you over the head with those themes they expect the player to form their opinions on them.

I personally enjoy stories that are ambiguous and not so cut and dry this is good and this is bad. It allows me to use my moral compass and have some moral reflection on some stories.


Nov 27, 2017
To me this is kind of a bizarre statement. They're making a statement on the way that systems of power, of which capitalism is one, can be used to oppress people. Isn't that, by its very nature, a political argument?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This is so fucking cowardly.

The best response is to tell shittrolls that you don't need their business.
But even a more realistic response would be to say that they stand by their work and that the message is reflective of the problems they see in society today. Let the trolls reveal themselves by taking umbrage at things in the game, but stand by that you're sending the message that you intended to.