Kaz Mk II

Oct 27, 2017
I know misrepresenting a game is kind of his thing, but it honestly felt like he was trying to hard.


Oct 25, 2017
The Danger Zone
Hes 100% right about some of the dialogue, the lack of interaction and the structure of the chapters.

And dunkey already said how he felt about turn based games in his Game Critics video so im not surprised.

The combat is fun but it starts off way too slow and if you dont get 2nd jobs immediately youll be frustrated with it. I also cant imagine playing this game without a mage in your party at all times since that class significantly lowers random encounters.
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Shinra Employee of The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Pokemon meets Inception; good way to describe Persona.

He really doesn't like monotonous grinding or random encounters.

I agree with him about the dialogue. It's pretty cliche/boring.

Deleted member 5491

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I know misrepresenting a game is kind of his thing, but it honestly felt like he was trying to hard.
Still don't know where you need to grind in the game to complete the chapters... like at all?
And the part with the "Level 1 Snail" was even harder. It had one shield point and he used the wrong weapon on purpose.


Jul 14, 2018
How many posts before someone tries to discredit the entire video because he didn't break the enemy I wonder.

I enjoy Octopath but I agree with some of what he said. The writing is average at best, a lot of the story arcs feel really, really similar. And random encounters suck ass.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
Why the hell would Dunkey even play a game like this? He's said numerous times that he hates the genre, it just seems pointless to make the effort to shit on a game that there was a 0% chance of him liking to begin with.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 23, 2017
Totally agree in characters having little to no interactions in custcenes, and the random encounters and combat that gets boring at the start.

But those are, usually, nitty picks from a great game, and no game is perfect. I just wish i could in some places, get rid of random encounters and let me explore like Bravely Default did.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I can agree to the battles being too slow in the start. I'm 4 hours in and it feels annoying long to kill bunch of the small fry. Also the character interaction feels really awkward.

Lmao at XBC2.


Dec 22, 2017
Still don't know where you need to grind in the game to complete the chapters... like at all?
And the part with the "Level 1 Snail" was even harder. It had one shield point and he used the wrong weapon on purpose.

Eh, I don't really trust ERA's opinion on grinding after seeing multiple people say that Persona doesn't have any.


Oct 27, 2017
He seems to be mirroring what Jason Schreier has been saying from the beginning about the repetitive nature of the game, so seems it's an actual problem.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Lol, I was waiting for this.
Dunk doesn't enjoy turn based RPGs in general (I think P5 was the big exception), so I was expecting this. Great video as always.


Oct 25, 2017
I was bothered by the random encounters until I unlocked Cyrus. Now I buff his magic damage with Therion as a dancer and Cyrus can wipe out a group or come close enough to it with a boosted tier 2 magic attack. He also unlocks an ability to reduce random encounters.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree about the dialogue, it goes from mediocre to awful (H'aanit & Friends, seriously, fuck that whole village). I'm still enjoying the game, but the script leaves a lot to be desired.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 5, 2018
Eh, he admits he doesn't like the genre. Octopath Traveler is basically a love letter to the genre itself, so if you don't like the genre, you will definitely not like Octopath.


Oct 25, 2017
Haven't watched the video but I'm on the fence about Octopath so can someone tell me what's wrong with the dialog

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Also, on the whole, it seems like Dunkey and Jason Schreier like and dislike similar kinds of JRPGs.


Jul 14, 2018
Eh, I don't really trust ERA's opinion on grinding after seeing multiple people say that Persona doesn't have any.
It doesn't if you understand how to fuse properly. Fighting battles you come across from the start to the end of dungeons isn't grinding. Going out of your way to fight after you have reached the end is grinding.

I cannot think of a single Persona where levels mattered more than being able to fuse the right Persona for the fight.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Why the hell would Dunkey even play a game like this? He's said numerous times that he hates the genre, it just seems pointless to make the effort to shit on a game that there was a 0% chance of him liking to begin with.
Gotta fit the weekly upload quota with something or else YouTube algorithms bones you. I don't think he'd make the video if he had better material, this was definitely one of his most phoned-in videos to date.


Oct 27, 2017
Kinda just feels like the schtick he did for Xenoblade 2 Part 2. Don't get the point of him releasing videos for every big name JRPG he's not gonna like. I basically knew what he was going to say before I even clicked the video.


Oct 25, 2017
The Danger Zone
I can agree to the battles being too slow in the start. I'm 4 hours in and it feels annoying long to kill bunch of the small fry. Also the character interaction feels really awkward.

Lmao at XBC2.

The first 10 hours might as well be one huge prologue as you gather characters and 2nd jobs. You wont cover weaknesses or have good skills until that 10 hour hump.


"This guy are sick" and Aggressively Mediocre
Oct 25, 2017
Before I watch this, are there any late-game spoilers? I'm still fairly early on.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
He seems to be mirroring what Jason Schreier has been saying from the beginning about the repetitive nature of the game, so seems it's an actual problem.
Not really. Like, 20 hours into the game, so far repetition has categorically not set in for me. It's no more or less repetitive than any other JRPG.
Of course, if you don't like JRPGs, then it's probably grating on your nerves.


Oct 28, 2017
his criticism is on point, I kind've like the Random encounters though, reminds me of all the JRPGs I used to play as a kid.


Dec 22, 2017
It doesn't if you understand how to fuse properly. Fighting battles you come across from the start to the end of dungeons isn't grinding. Going out of your way to fight after you have reached the end is grinding.

I cannot think of a single Persona where levels mattered more than being able to fuse the right Persona for the fight.

Eh, my playthroughs of 3 and 4 both definitely featured grinding. 5 doesn't need you to repeat floors nearly as much as 3 and 4 did, but it still required you to do way too many incredibly similar battles just to get through the dungeons.


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
People who don't like JRPGs definitely won't like Octopath Traveler. The game is pretty formulaic, but it isn't grindy at all. I'm more than halfway through and have spent zero time grinding experience or gold.


Oct 25, 2017
Expected this going on since I don't think he particularly loves JRPG as a genre.

Octopath in particular seems to be geared towards core fans of the genre as well.

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
if you just cut and paste that one line into a video its going to sound ridiculous. I did not even notice it that much.

Kaz Mk II

Oct 27, 2017
It's clear he might have only played the demo or got a couple hours into the full game.

I expected some light ribbing on H'annit's old timey way of talking or something. I dont see how he thought a member of the church referring to an important figure by their title was worth pointing out. Hell he gave Assassins creed more playtime before he started shitting on it.

With the Xenoblade video and this one, it's clear he plays them less than other types of games just to throw a quick video out. I generally enjoy his content, I just wish he at least put more effort into the JRPG ones (or just not play them if you dont like the genre).


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, Dunk's complaints are the same complaints I see from most people, and that generally revolves around not liking old school rpgs.

This game isn't for everyone and it's CERTAINLY not an introductory RPG by any means. It's hard, it's unforgiving, it doesn't hold your hand and it lets you do what you want to do in the order that you want to do it in.


Oct 25, 2017
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Not really. Like, 20 hours into the game, so far repetition has categorically not set in for me. It's no more or less repetitive than any other JRPG.
Of course, if you don't like JRPGs, then it's probably grating on your nerves.
Idk, I'm having a ton of fun with the game and even I think it's structure is super repetitive. I'm half way done ch. 4s and there has only been a single chapter that hasn't been town > dungeon > boss looped. There's no puzzles in the dungeons, just pretty straightforward find the hidden path for extra items, follow torches for the right path. The combat and choice of strategy is what's carrying this game for me.

Game critics also called it grindy, which I haven't found to be the case. Levels hardly matter in this game it seems unless you are like 10-15 over/under.


"This guy are sick" and Aggressively Mediocre
Oct 25, 2017
I like the game a lot, but one thing I do agree with in his criticism is his complaints on combat speed. It's especially odd considering that Bravely Default (made by the same team) had a system that helped with this. It would've been nice to see the fast-forward system make it into Octopath, as It would've definitely helped to lower the monotony on lower-level encounters.


Oct 27, 2017
This is more a case of him just hating random encounters and turn-based combat. Yeah if you're not into that, don't play this, the combat is probably the main selling point of the game anyway. That said, the game has its fair share of issues, repetitiveness being the main problem. I suspected as much whe I played the demo, but really if you've played one chapter, you've played them all, they all follow the exact same structure: go into town, hear the problem, go to dugeon, defeat boss, next chapter, repeat ad nauseum.

I like the game well enough thanks to the wonderfully diverse soundtrack, great battle-system, cool visuals and oldskool jrpg vibe, but as an actual game it really doesn't compare very favorably to the better 16-and 32-bit rpg's, which offer so much more in terms of variety. Here you just walk and fight. The environments and towns are incredibly samey and you don't even get to ride a chocobo equivalent or ride a boat or fly an airship. There's no puzzles to solve, no minigames to play nothing, it's quite straightforward and dry. There's also precious little interactivity and the sidequests are generally a joke too.

Again, I like the game and I'm already 40 hours into it, but this is not the savior of jrpg's like some say it is, it's a solid 7/10 game for fans of the genre. If you like this, I implore you to go and play games like Suikoden II, Chrono Trigger and FFVI to see what real masterpiece rpg's are like.


Oct 27, 2017
Completely agree with him. The stories are so so shallow and uninteresting, and the amount of fights are extremely tedious. Wish I never bought it..