
user requested ban
Sep 10, 2019
Let's recap each of the playable newcomers that were introduced in SFV, as well as my personal predictions on their chances of returning:


- The hero of Street Fighter V, Rashid has a pretty sizable fanbase and a very welcome addition to the Street Fighter universe.

Chances of returning: Very High


- The sister of veteran Sean, Laura brings her own unique fighting style to the Street Fighter series, utilizing a mix of projectile attacks and command grabs.

Chances of returning: Mid-High


- The first newcomer revealed for Street Fighter V, Necalli is power incarnate, bringing a fierce and deadly playstyle that's straight to the point. Also, he's a pillar man from Jojo, so that's cool.

Chances of returning: Low-Mid


- One of the most unique characters in the Street Fighter roster to date, FANG is one of new four kings of Shadaloo replacing veteran Sagat. Last we saw him the story, he was training a pupil. For this, as well as being the least played character in SFV, I don't see him returning.

Chances of returning: Slim


-The right hand woman of big baddie Gill, Kolin has one of the most unique mechanics in SFV; the ability to freeze an opponent's stun gauge. Given her recent growth in popularity and her story significance, it's safe to say we might see her again

Chances of returning: Mid-High


- Arguably the Rock Howard of the SF universe, the protege of Boxer and the clone of Dictator, Capcom has been setting up Ed to be a big player in the coming story of Street Fighter. For that alone, I see him coming back.

Chances of returning: Very High


Chances of returning: pls no


-Another next-generation protege, this time of veteran Rose, Menat has possibly the single most complex moveset in all of Street Fighter. She's a fantastic design and absolutely deserves a second chance. Plus, her having story ties to Ed also ensures her return.

Chances of returning: High


- Guy's master as well as canonically the very first Strider, Zeku has a long going on for him in the street fighter universe. I personally believe that Capcom will opt to bring Guy back as a playable character and have a new Strider pupil be playable so we get both movesets fully fleshed out.

Chances of returning: Mid


- Another potential host for Dictator, Falke acts as a surrogate sister for Ed, but other than that she isn't very fleshed out. I see her taking a back seat in VI.

Chances of returning: Slim


-PRESIDENT. OF THE WORLD. PRESIDENT. OF THE WORLD. G is SFV's lightning in a bottle character, he oozes charisma and style, and his air of mystery gives his character the potential to go anywhere they want him to.

Chances of returning: Very High


- Originally appearing in Final Fighter 3, Lucia makes her first appearance in nearly two decades in SFV. Receiving a massive overhaul in design, she made quite a positive impression with her return by having a simple, straight to the point playstyle.

Chances of returning: High


- Evil Ryu, but not exactly.

Chances of returning: Slim


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
  • Popularity
    • Rashid
    • Laura (Maybe)
  • Story
    • Ed
    • Kolin
    • Falke (Maybe)
  • Both Popularity & Story
    • Menat
    • G
  • Maybe as DLC (They have a decent amount of popularity)
    • Zeku
    • Lucia
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Oct 25, 2017
Rashid, Menat and G are god tier character designs, I'd love to see them returning, and think the chances are high.

I can only imagine Rashid making the cut for the base roster, though, for some reason.


Jan 12, 2018
Menat and rashid for sure
Laura has a chance
Really hoping for Lucia because I love her play style

Laser Ramon

Oct 28, 2017
I understand cutting Abigail even though I'm against it, but if he's gone and Ed is in, imma be pissed


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Rashid is actually 100%. Same for Colin and Ed, it wouldn't make sense to cut their stories short plus they're popular. Once again same for G and Menat.
Laura and Zeku are big ass maybes, and I don't see anyone else returning.
Oct 26, 2017
Rashid makes it in on the power of his theme song alone.

Ed and Falke make it in because Neo-Shadaloo.

All the others are iffy, in my opinion. You could argue that Laura gets in because sex appeal, but C.Viper never returned in SFV.

rusty chrome

Oct 25, 2017
Laura, Rashid, and Menat are the obvious ones. I think we'll get Rose in SF5 after Seth. I think we'll get Hugo instead of Abigail and Guy instead of Zeku next time.

Hoping for Lucia because she's really, really fun to play.
Oct 28, 2017
Kolin, Menat, & Rashid have the best chance imo.

G, Ed, & Falke depend on where they want to go with the story.

I legitimately don't think F.A.N.G. or Necalli will be in another SF unless it's because of an "everybody's in" roster. Then again I thought the same thing about Seth.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Rashid, G, and Menat are locks

Ed should be but I'm not sure where they're going with Neo Shadaloo

This is all assuming SFV doesn't have another story in their pocket.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
Rashid, G, and Menat are all very popular so I'm sure they'll come back eventually.

Zeku is rad so he should come back.

Ed is important for the story so he'll probably come back.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
G needs to come back, he hasn't transitioned into Q yet and he's too precious to go.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 28, 2017
At launch?

Rashid, Menat, Laura

I think everyone except abigale, fang, Nicali and Falke will return eventually.
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like apart from Falke and Necalli all the SFV designs were winners. So much better than the crap from SFIV (Even SFV Juri is miles ahead of the IV version)


Mar 10, 2019
I really hope G and Zeku come back. Other guess would be Rashid and Menat with a less difficult gameplay to make her the "new" Rose. If Ed ever reappears I hope he will have a revamped gameplay cause he is basic as hell even for an accessible character.


Oct 24, 2017
North America
Going by series tradition, only a handful, if that, will make it into 6. V saw a grand total of 1 of the newcomers from 4, Seth, and they haven't even come out for it yet. It took years for 4 to bring in some 3S newcomers, and we ultimately only got 4 out of that mix too.

On the flipside, I think we are liable to see a lot of new takes on SF3 cast members in 6. Of the SFV cast, I think the only ones that may make it are G (he's being setup to be a boss character in several of the story updates going back years), Menat, and Ed, although Ed was technically introduced in SF4, but the whole Neo-Shadaloo storyline really got setup in SFV.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
Personally think Rashid, Menat and Zeku are the big three I want to see day one in Street Fighter 6.

Dark Ninja

Oct 27, 2017
Some will definitely be back in SF6 lifetime but not from the start.

She's too popular sells skins and merchandise. Rose ain't coming back as long as she's in.

For storyline purposes he will probably be back.

He adds diversity, popular, cool design and got pushed alot in their story mode.

Popular and merchandise mover. Skins, Statues, art prints, easy she's coming back.

I bet he comes back with a new look sorta an in between G and Q

They will put in a different member of Eds team. Falke will just be background or a drawing.

I bet she becomes just her assistant roll for Gill. Hasn't gotten as much attention as the other characters in their marketing or even available skins. I think they kinda messed up her design from 3.

They will use Hugo instead.

Probably use Guy instead this time around.

Given no attention got like 4 skins in the whole lifetime of SFV and most of them mandatory ones. Probably becomes a background character or drawing in story modes.

probably wont comeback till late in the game if at all hes so low effort though he might be back as a bonus.

People hated this character from day 1. Gone.

Hopeful they bring back
fun to play as but so late in the game hopefully due to how much of a redesign and investment they put into creating a moveset for her she comes back. But in the end she's just a Final Fight character where they might opt to use someone else like Maki or Carlos.
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One Winged Slayer
Jan 24, 2018
I hope none but if I had to pick it'd be G, he's got that perfect amount of panache I want to see from a SF character.

Garrod Ran

self-requested ban
Mar 23, 2018
FANG got a protege in an official side story
he's fuckin' gone, Phantom is taking his place

Rashid, Menat, and Ed feel like easy street to me. Menat and Ed even got that 3rd Strike-y "successor to an old character" deal goin' on

G, Laura, and Kolin got good chances. G especially.

Zeku is 50/50, I feel like Guy returning in his place is just as likely.

Falke deserves a redemption and a better design.

Lucia is hard to pin down. They might leave her out for the sake of other Final Fighters like Maki or Haggar. Or even make SF6 the Street Fighter of some other related series like Rival Schools

Abigail is too good for this world, he's needed back in muscle heaven.

Kage and Necalli are fuckin' DEAD


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
High Chance in Base Roster:
- Menat (High character Popularity)
- Rashid (High character Popularity)
- Ed (Story Reasons)

Maybe as DLC:
- Falke (Story Connection, but could just be left at that)
- Laura (Literally only because of her recent resurgence as top-level play)

- Lucia (I have no idea about this character)

Not Coming Back:
- Abigail (Typically the big guy of a SF game is replaced)
- Fang (LOL)
- G (Will be replaced by Q)
- Kage (Some other form of Evil Ryu)
- Necalli (Whack City)
- Zeku (Likely replaced by someone else)
- Kolin (Not really needed after SFV)

This is my take, but I always fully expect Capcom to surprise me. The only thing I fully stand on is with G not coming back, I truly believe G was made as a middle-man approach to give something Q related (and to explain part of his origin) while saving Q himself since that has been a long requested character that would sell SF6.
Oct 25, 2017
I want Kolin to come back because her moves are completely unique. Vanity Step, Her counters and the raindrop projectile don't really have anything similar to them. That and I like her.


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
Menat & Laura are great. Definitely want them to stick around.

I like most of the newcomers honestly.