
Oct 25, 2017



Based on these videos, I think it's looking like a good port.


Oct 28, 2017
Hard to believe it's been five years since this game originally came out.


Oct 27, 2017
London, UK
Honestly such a weird choice of game to port. Testing the waters maybe?

Looks decent though.

EDIT: Forgot they were doing other remasters at the same time... Duh!
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Oct 28, 2017
Looks good, but man this game fell apart in the final act. If it had ended at the 60% mark it would be held in much higher esteem.


Nov 6, 2017
Looks good to me.

I didn't even like the game originally, but I'm compelled to give it another go. I'll watch for a sale and then pick it up.

Stone Cold

Oct 27, 2017
GTA V would sell boat loads on the switch, and I have a hard time believing that they aren't already aware of that. I would be surprised if they didn't cash in on the switch craze with a GTA port and a little bit surprised if they weren't at least considering spending resources on porting the new Red Dead to it as well.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, they are also releasing the game on PS4/X1 as 4K versions. I'd guess it is a test, but they were already working on it anyway.

I feel like maybe they want to do a sequel to the game, and are testing the market to see if people would still enjoy this type of game. Personally I really liked LA Noire and I think a switch version would be amazing, but I really like detective games so I don't know if the general populous would enjoy a slower paced game like this.


Oct 30, 2017
GTA V would sell boat loads on the switch, and I have a hard time believing that they aren't already aware of that.

GTA V would struggle to run on the Switch due to the weak CPU. The demographic of Switch owners (children and adults who like Nintendo titles) isn't very similar to your typical GTA V audience. I doubt Rockstar would make a profit on such a port.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area
Looks really good, smoother than I was expecting and the pop in wasn't as noticeable as I thought it would be. This is going to be a good port I think.
Oct 27, 2017
GTA V would struggle to run on the Switch. The demographic of Switch owners (children and adults who like Nintendo titles) isn't very similar to your typical GTA V audience. I doubt Rockstar would make a profit on such a port.
Misinformation. It ran on PS3 and X360. Also, Doom is basically Top 3/4 on nearly all region eshops, and that is a far more "Mature" title than GTA is.
Oct 27, 2017
GTA V would sell boat loads on the switch, and I have a hard time believing that they aren't already aware of that. I would be surprised if they didn't cash in on the switch craze with a GTA port and a little bit surprised if they weren't at least considering spending resources on porting the new Red Dead to it as well.
This. Maybe I'll buy this down the line to play it with GF, but GTA V and Red Dead would fall in a heartbeat no doubt.
This uses RAGE too, right? Could be a tech test for the engine, and they already have a sunk cost of remastering this game for the other consoles.


Oct 25, 2017
GTA V would struggle to run on the Switch due to the weak CPU. The demographic of Switch owners (children and adults who like Nintendo titles) isn't very similar to your typical GTA V audience. I doubt Rockstar would make a profit on such a port.

Nintendo is clearly trying to change that and releasing games like this is a big step in that direction.

This looks great and only makes me crave a 'real' open world city game on the Switch.


Oct 30, 2017
Six and a half years, actually.

Looks like a solid port, but due to the physical version shipping on a flippin' 8 gig cart, I'll be waiting for a deep price cut.

Yikes... i was okay with the mandatory install, because I thought "well, it probably is a huge game"... But this information changes this.
Inexcusable imo, since they really could've gone with a 16gb card, since the game is already 10 bucks more than on the other consoles.

Regarding the game itself, it is one of my favourite games of last gen. All the hate completely flew over my head last gen and also my favoutite open world game.
1940's LA is beautifully realized and yes, the story/writing isn't Shakespeare, but then we have huge fanbases of games of the likes of Mass Effect or Uncharted and I'm like what?


Oct 30, 2017
I don't think this is made for testing the Switch waters, though that will be a secondary function. This is a multiplatform thing and it's main raison d'etre is to try and earn some more money back on this game that went way overbudget and was only moderately successful the first go around.

Question: I played this on 360, I recall doing some dlc, mainly one about someone who was drugging up starlets and one about the Spruce Goose. I think maybe one more. I missed out on the PS3 exclusive one about an ambassador's car or something.

Was there any more dlc than that? I platinumed the game so I think I basically have done all the content except maybe that PS3 exclusive one.

Deleted member 18161

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
GTA V would struggle to run on the Switch due to the weak CPU. The demographic of Switch owners (children and adults who like Nintendo titles) isn't very similar to your typical GTA V audience. I doubt Rockstar would make a profit on such a port.

Stop spreading misinformation. GTA V would run fine on the Switch as the game would be downgraded and optimised around it's hardware from the PS4/XB1 version. Remember it was a PS360 title first and the Switch has a much more modern GPU and 8x more memory than those systems.