
Oct 27, 2017
Like holy shit.

Everything keeps getting more expensive, it seems like every company is trying an approach of "MAKE ALL THE MONEY RIGHT NOW OR EVERYONE IS FIRED!", and just the general quality of shit keeps degrading because all these shareholders are trying to get as much blood from a stone as possible for no other reason than "number go up".

When is this shit going to calm down already??


Oct 28, 2017
I will say, without being all crazy about it, it really does feel like all the elites got together recently and said "this shit is gonna crash …. Forget the future, extract everything you can right this moment."

Feels like every exec at a public company has finally realized nothing three quarters matters or is guaranteed. Sacrifice long term health for line go up this quarter.


Oct 27, 2017
It spiraled out of control longgggggggggggggggggg ago.




Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
Like holy shit.

Everything keeps getting more expensive, it seems like every company is trying an approach of "MAKE ALL THE MONEY RIGHT NOW OR EVERYONE IS FIRED!", and just the general quality of shit keeps degrading because all these shareholders are trying to get as much blood from a stone as possible for no other reason than "number go up".

When is this shit going to calm down already??

Been this way for a long while now with no end in sight.

It's a shame so many people without much to their name support a party who is determined to increase income inequality as much as possible.


Apr 4, 2024
Dallas, TX
Yes, we are currently mired in a hyper-capitalistic nightmare, and it's only looking grimmer for the lower/middle classes.

Been this way for a long while now with no end in sight. It's a shame so many people without much to their name support a party who is determined to increase income inequality as much as possible.

It's so sad how easy people are to manipulate. Pander to their worst fears, create a scapegoat and make promises of a return to some fantasy golden age. That's all it takes.


Oct 25, 2017
Climate change has elites speeding up because they know shits gonna boil over once real effects start being felt by large swaths of populations. They're making money while they can.


Oct 27, 2017
The sheer size and power of companies like Microsoft and Google is definitely approaching the dystopian / late stage capitalism phase. Multi-trillion dollar corporations that keep getting bigger and more powerful and have control over a significant portion of your life.

Throw uncontrolled inflation and ever advancing AI into the mix and's going to get scary.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
the top 1% or 10% control like 90% of the world's resources? it's not sustainable


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
It was out of control when it was founded upon wholesale Indigenous genocide, four centuries of African slavery, and aggressive land theft and economic disenfranchisement.

But yeah, now that farm-raised eggs are $6, there's advertisements on top of advertisements, and global warming in general keeps getting worse, the Westerners are finally panicking.

Dr. Benton Quest

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
It's a smart move if you're a bloodsucker.

Everyone over 30 has seen this before. Squeeze as hard as you can before the fall. Then we get 8-10 years of truly horrific carnage where people become homeless at staggering rates, millions come out of retirement, or you end up in lifelong crippling debt.

And the political arm of these hemomancers will continue to convince their millions that as long as you're better off than the people of color you work next to, then you're actually winning. The gold toilet owners have your best interest at heart. Just believe, and maybe one day you'll be the boot.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
It was out of control when it was founded upon wholesale Indigenous genocide, four centuries of African slavery, and aggressive land theft and economic disenfranchisement.

But yeah, now that farm-raised eggs are $6, there's advertisements on top of advertisements, and global warming in general keeps getting worse, the Westerners are finally panicking.

Like every other problem in the world, it wasn't a problem until white people were affected.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's the sheer aggressiveness of basically every company at this point that's tipping people off. That and the volume of marketing we're all being subjected to all the time is telling us we're the product and people are just selling us to each other. It's either going to get really bad or it's going to be changed for the better soon because this can't last.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, we're in the era of Zombie Capitalism. Capitalism hit severe snags in recent decades in particular, and those in power are being super brazen about how they're trying to keep it chugging along until shit gets REAL bad.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
Spiraling out of control is definitely not what is happening, it's just fighting against the protections against exploitation and continuing to benefit from the exploitation it is allowed. Capitalism has always fundamentally been about exploiting the lower class for the profit of the capitalist, and the worker has fought and died for the protections we have today. Except today we have tools of scale. But it's a mistake to think that it is especially bad now. We have to always keep in mind the fights for better hours, better benefits, safety regulations, socialised services that claw back from the hands of capitalists basic human rights.

The fight against capitalism is long and storied and bloody and it's our heritage and weapon.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
I talk all about it on my podcast but only for my Patreon subscribers on the Premium tier.

Edit: this is a joke.
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The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
it's a system predicated on infinite growth in a finite world so this was always going to be the result. regulations can only serve to slow down what is inevitable.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
Late stage Capitalism doesn't even follow the theories of Capitalism anymore.

It's now about making ALL THE MONEY AT ALL TIMES!
Having too much wealth and influence makes someone completely delusional. Human beings are not built for it.

The wealthy actually are "insane" by any conventional standard of a human being simply wanting to live and feel the world will be here tomorrow.

Of course they're going to throttle the world until they choke it to death. They believe they'll fly away to mars or live on pleasure yachts served by slaves in shock collars.

In a sense, we are post capitalism. This is no longer about owning the means of production to preserve a hierarchy where the majority stay powerless and poor. Now it's a mad dash to stuff cash into suitcases and run out the door.


Oct 26, 2017
These corporations are making record profits, laying off workers and jacking their prices up. Yayyyy

Dr. Benton Quest

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
…okay. Thought I was on topic to discuss how we're monetizing everything from printer ink to our hobbies and social media (where my joke came from) but if it's weird to you I apologize. I suppose.
It's an issue of perspective. In my mind there is no "we".

Podcasters ain't making eggs expensive. They aren't running my rent up.

Do you have bills? Honestly?


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know if I'd call it spiraling out of control, so much as the inherent nature of capitalism. The upper class in control of resources and wealth attempt to maintain perpetual economic growth and momentum of acquisition, as is a fundamental of capitalism, which cannot happen even at a basic level without exploitation of a 'lesser' class, which will inevitably be 'exhausted' or no longer provide the growth expectations, resulting in capitalist reach extending futher.

What we're seeing is, in the later stages of capitalism, that 'lesser' class impact extending to classes and societal groups that aren't condition to or traditionally experience this level of capitalistic pressure, namely what we'd once call the "middle class". Everyone outside of the upper class sees some pressure from capitalism, as that's how a classist hierarchy works. Classism is the bedrock of societal divisionism and hierarchy. But capitalism is all consuming in its pursuit of greed, and when the lowest classes are bled dry, and the pursuit for wealth must be maintained, other classes begin to feel a pressure they aren't entirely used to.

It's how you end up in a situation where the concept of the 'middle class' basically gets eroded as the cost of living and average wage disparity no longer fits a proportional trend. It's why previous generations are a combination of willingly ignorant and also genuinely confused at how someone today working an okay-to-good job can't just, you know, afford all the things in life or just save a bit, because that's what they did in their day. It's what results in the housing market crashing in so many 'developed' countries, like Australia, where the cost of living and availability/price of properties in a city are just so fucking outrageous that people in excellent careers cannot afford to buy a home, and even the rental market is oversaturated.

Because all of these things have already impacted and destroyed minority and poverty groups, historically the lowest of classes due to the symbiotic nature of racism and classism, and capitalism's eternal growth must now extend its reach further.


Nov 11, 2017
There is a large scale boycott of Canada's largest grocery chain (Loblaws) that is picking up traction due to their unfettered greed and lies.

Miracle Ache

Oct 25, 2017
We are in the "smash and grab" portion of this capitalistic nightmare. The people at the top know the system isn't going to last much longer so they're taking in as much as they can before it all collapses.

Dr. Benton Quest

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
We are in the "smash and grab" portion of this capitalistic nightmare. The people at the top know the system isn't going to last much longer so they're taking in as much as they can before it all collapses.
I disagree. The system will persist. This is just a strategic moment. Labor got the smallest leverage for the tiniest second. This is a lesson. A "correction". Crush labor as hard as you can so they go back to begging and stop with the demanding.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not even sure we can call it capitalism anymore. We are increasingly living in a feudal state where everyone must pay to merely exist in society to an increasingly smaller number of richer and richer hands. There is no market, only monopolistic entities occupying each facet of your life engaging in rent seeking behavior.


Oct 27, 2017
Few things:

- CEO pay ratios have increased by nearly 1500% since 1978 (this is from 2022, and the numbers haven't improved since then).
- Generally, CEO and high level executive compensation has transitioned away from base salary and to stock options, which incentivizes a company to prioritize stock buybacks to inflate both shareholder value (and the value of their own stocks).
- Job cuts, bonus elimination, reduction in merit increases are top of mind for improved TSR when organic growth doesn't exceed expectations.
- More than 90% of corporate profits go to shareholders, 30 years ago more than half was reinvested in the company.
- ~90% of traded shares are owned by the top 10%.
- Job security laws in the US are the weakest of any developed nation.

It has always been this way, yes, but there are a bunch of different variables and trend changes that have been happening the last few decades that have gotten us to this point.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not spiraling out of control.

This is the normal, predictable disintegration of a Capitalist system.

The "control" is nothing more than a handful of social safety nets that Republicans have been chipping away at for decades.


Oct 25, 2017
I will say, without being all crazy about it, it really does feel like all the elites got together recently and said "this shit is gonna crash …. Forget the future, extract everything you can right this moment."

Feels like every exec at a public company has finally realized nothing three quarters matters or is guaranteed. Sacrifice long term health for line go up this quarter.

It seems like covid taught companies what is important to people and how much they'll pay. Most restaurants weren't on food delivery apps before and now they see exactly how much customers will pay for convenience. Now they need to raise prices to deal with customers who don't come in and buy drinks.

Learning what landlords can charge, how much to see a movie, or what to charge for streaming services. All the data collected has been used to squeeze every spare dime out of people.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm just making a joke about how people seem to be monetizing everything including opinions.
I appreciated the joke. I saw some comment recently to the effect of...are you truly a white guy if you don't have a podcast? Made me chuckle.

The ironic thing limits on the ultra wealthy to produce a healthy middle class probably means higher number of rich people overall. But the moderately wealthy people think they're going to be that ultra rich class so they'll support their own destruction. Much like the poor people voting against their own interests.
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