Is The Last Jedi a good movie?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not mah Star Wars proceeds to let out a Chewbacca cry

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Oct 27, 2017
Is it though? Its almost certain that avengers: end game will make close to infinity war, and theres a chance it could even make more. The hype is insane and people wont shut up about thanos. Both ended on cliffhangers, whats the difference? Seems like people just arent invested in star wars as much now and care wayyy more about the MCU.
This is a weird line to follow. Like, yeah people are HELLA into the MCU. It is the biggest deal. It is this generations massive pop culture thing. Star Wars is still up there, and TFA was a big deal as was TLJ, but Star Wars may occasionally be beat out by the other MASSIVE thing that has 10 years of deliberate buildup to a pair of films.
Oct 25, 2017
The whole thing about Rey's visions do not make any sense after The Last Jedi.
What's the point of having visions of Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader on Bespin? Why see Kylo Ren and his Knights during the Raid of Luke's Temple? Or ... whatever it was. Why hear Obi-Wan? Darth Vader's breathing ... the Emperor and Yoda? What is her connection? Why not some random Jedi/Sith?

Alof of the answers we got in The Last Jedi are just fucking lazy. They add nothing to the story. Nothing. It took The Force Awakens and it's mysteries ... and shat on 'em. After TFA I was really intrigued to find out more about these new characters ... but after The Last Jedi, I couldn't give a shit anymore.. I'm glad J.J Abrams is back ... but he's gonna have to pull a couple of things out of his ass to wash the sour taste away that is TLJ.

God, just thinking about it makes me angry again.
Having Luke's/Anakin's saber became a totem of the force because it has been at the center of so many moments shifts of the balance of the Force was a really interesting element introduced in TFA....That just gets dropped or rather tossed aside in TLJ. It's one of the ways that was set to expand our understanding of how the Force interacts with worldly objects able to call to Rey and give vivid visions. Same with Vader's charred helmet being a totem of the dark side for Kylo...which also is never mentioned again.
It even goes as far as destroying the saber ending that avenue of exploration of the Force through physical objects.

There are so many details just left flat and not touched on in favor of retreading old ground to try to lazily subvert expectations.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Is it though? Its almost certain that avengers: end game will make close to infinity war, and theres a chance it could even make more.
Yes, a film that surpasses TFA when it comes to revenue is an anomaly, even Endgame surpassing Infinity War would be like the MCU itself, a HUGE industry shattering anomaly, not an indication of a rule. We're talking about films that're literally making more revenue than any other film has in the history of the medium. "Oh, you're only of those how disappointing." is an aggressively idiotic armchair businessman argument.

TLJ tossed a lot of the more interesting parts of TFA's mysticism
Like what?


Oct 27, 2017
Having Luke's/Anakin's saber became a totem of the force because it has been at the center of so many moments shifts of the balance of the Force was a really interesting element introduced in TFA....That just gets dropped or rather tossed aside in TLJ. It's one of the ways that was set to expand our understanding of how the Force interacts with worldly objects able to call to Rey and give vivid visions. Same with Vader's charred helmet being a totem of the dark side for Kylo...which also is never mentioned again.
It even goes as far as destroying the saber ending that avenue of exploration of the Force through physical objects.

There are so many details just left flat and not touched on in favor of retreading old ground to try to lazily subvert expectations.
This is such a weird argument. The saber is still right there with Rey, front and center with our main character looking at it in the penultimate scene of the film. It was still an important object right in the middle of major shifts in balance (uniting Luke and Rey, bissecting a big bad and bringing Kylo and Rey together, being the literal physical center and breaking point of their conflict). Sure it's busted, but I'm not sure why you think that's the end of that. I don't think them not exploring the mechanics of the visions is lazy, it's an interesting but ultimately incidental detail and the saber is still clearly an important thing.

Edit: I removed some lines of argument that didn't make sense based on my initial misreading of the post.
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Oct 26, 2017
It's hard to do that when there was no plan for all three movies, each one has been written specifically open-ended so the next writer had freedom to do whatever. And now we get this mess with wildly different tones.
Personally I loved this. It's how sequels and trilogies were made in the old days. Where each movie really was a stand-alone film, sequels were actually sequels having to come up with a new story direction and tone every film, and the plot twists were all little retcons of their own made in the midst of a single production, rather than long planned out story beats that they slowly checked off on a list. (That's how Vader = Anakin happened. It wasn't planned from the first movie.)

I always found the planned out post-2000s movie franchises to be more like TV shows of a single tone cut into parts. The movies don't so much have "endings" as they do cheeky previews for where they already know the next film picks up. Many of these were based on books so I can't fault them. But I preferred the spontaneity of the old 80s trilogies that went in wildly different directions each time.

The worst part about the new SW movies imo is the ending of TFA where JJ and RJ did collaborate to lead into TLJ. At least the follow up was played for a stunned laugh.
Oct 25, 2017
This is such a weird argument. The saber is still right there with Rey, front and center with our main character looking at it in the penultimate scene of the film. Sure it's busted, but I'm not sure why you think that's the end of that.

I'll give you them not exploring the mechanics of Vader's helmet as a totem. I mean that's an incidental detail that is not important to this leg of the story. It may even come back. That's not "lazy" though.

In TLJ it's a symbolic item of Luke's legacy, not a mystical item in TFA. In TFA it calls to Rey, gives her visions of stuff she knows nothing about. You can even argue that the saber chooses Rey over Kylo as light vs dark. It's connection to the Force is something we've seen a bit the TCW and Rebels but never really explored to how and why objects like that exist. The visions in TLJ come from Snoke, Rey never mentions her TFA visions to Luke and the idea of the saber being an item of the Force is not implied or mentioned. It is shown as symbolic to Luke's legacy and having him toss it, Rey to train with it and ultimately gets broken by Kylo and Rey fighting over it is just symbolism to Luke.


Oct 27, 2017
This is one of the most disappointing aspects of TLJ ---- they set up a whole host of fresh ideas and possibilities, only to shy away from carrying them to completion. Every single time, they settle back into their cliché comfort zone. Examples:

- Jedi vs Sith.......maybe that is not the you describe above.....but instead of a 3rd path, or Rey & Kylo uniting against both factions or some sort of Grey Jedi-esque storyline, nope, it's do-no-wrong Rey who flatly and boringly rejects Kylo and preserves the Jedi texts, and we're back to Jedi vs bad guys again.

- War profiteering --- they introduce this extremely relevant and important concept, but instead of carrying it further, they just use it for small motivation for Finn & Rose to break out some animals. That concept should've been a major aspect going forward --- should've been brought to the attention of the Resistance leadership, but nope, it had its 5 minutes of fame, and now it's gone.

- Kylo Ren, deep character, passes up the opportunity to kill his mother, extremely complex guy, right? NOPE ---- by the end of the film, he's just the cliché screaming baddie who doesn't care at all whether his mother lives or dies. His character development took huge steps backwards by the end of the Battle of Crait.

- Poe and his shenanigans ---- he spends the whole movie making terrible decisions that cost countless Resistance lives ; then in the end, because Leia has to pass on the torch to someone, he gets the keys to the kingdom from her, as she unbeleviably tells everyone to follow him instead of her. Sorry, what good decisions did he make to earn such an honor?

- Rey's "cave" scene ---- so many directions to take that mysterious segment and how it explains her past.............but NOPE, Rian's gotta "subvert expectations", and guess what, Rey is just some random castaway. Cave scene imagery? Don't think too hard ---- this is a kid's movie.

- Holdo instead of Leia hyperspacing into the flagship ---- huge missed opportunity. Sure, they didn't know that Carrie Fisher would pass away, but of all the acts that should have been Leia's grand finale, that was it. Resistance/Rebellion on its last legs, down to just a few survivors and needing a last spark ---- she should have been the one to sacrifice herself and go down in the biggest blaze of glory that we've ever seen in the saga. Instead, they decide to keep her around and give that huge finale to Holdo, a character that we've seen for a fraction of 1 film and could care less about.

There are more moments, but the above stick out as significant ones.

I'll just respond to a couple of these that caught my eye. Kylo doesn't just go back to being a screaming angry baddie at the end for the sake of it. Watch the scene again in which he tries to bring Rey over to his side. It's pretty heartbreaking watching this kid get rejected by the one person he feels connected to. He's basically begging Rey to join him and she refuses and even tries to steal Luke's lightsaber in a probable attempt to kill him. Watch the last scene we see of Kylo. He's on the ground, on his knees, utterly alone. I can't wait to see where they take the character next. He is certainly not just a one note screaming baddie at the end of the movie, far from it.

The Rey cave scene complaint seems to illustrate that a lot of moviegoers wanted mystery, revelation, shocking surprises, etc. SW has never really been about that save for one huge reveal (maybe the Leia sister reveal too). The entire point of this movie for Rey, and that cave scene, is to show that she is really just a random person in the galaxy who happens to possess this gift. She doesn't need to have some elaborate past, some bloodline connection. Why would she have to be connected to someone? What for? That would just be silly. If it's revealed she's the secret love grandchild of a Kenobi or whatever, that would mean nothing to her and would be a big "so?" from the audience. She is seeking belonging and direction for so long and finally realizes she has to look forward, not backwards, to find that. That scene didn't subvert expectations at all, it's just a plot point that actually made sense.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
TLJ tossed a lot of the more interesting parts of TFA's mysticism
Having Luke's/Anakin's saber became a totem of the force because it has been at the center of so many moments shifts of the balance of the Force was a really interesting element introduced in TFA....That just gets dropped or rather tossed aside in TLJ. It's one of the ways that was set to expand our understanding of how the Force interacts with worldly objects able to call to Rey and give vivid visions. Same with Vader's charred helmet being a totem of the dark side for Kylo...which also is never mentioned again.
It even goes as far as destroying the saber ending that avenue of exploration of the Force through physical objects.

There are so many details just left flat and not touched on in favor of retreading old ground to try to lazily subvert expectations.
Think you're putting too much importance on the saber calling to Rey. That's highkey a super standard jedi thing.

Like needing a whole map instead of coordinates
Rey was still the only person who went to the planet. Snoke read her mind.

A)How is a Kojima easteregg mysticism B)There's was literally EU material released after the fact that explained how this happened

Like R2D2's ability to sense when the plot needs him to wake up
BB8 tapping him powered him up.

Like the economy of scrap metal-to-portions
Like the ready bake muffins
Like why Rey never started an action-figure startup
Oh I see what you're doing.


Apr 14, 2018
My family usually sees a movie together around Christmastime. It's a democratic process but Star Wars was becoming a sort of tradition since we'd seen Force Awakens and Rogue One together the previous years. Naturally, The Last Jedi was the obvious choice last year.
Suffice to say I know 6 people in real life who hate this movie and who don't want to watch Star Wars films anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't need the internet to read magazines or newspapers as I was growing up.
You know ... read? On paper?

The whole "ESB was just as divisive" is revisionist history by TLJ fans.
And... my opinion is just my opinion?
No kidding?
So glad you could come up with that!

Today I learned that a 9 year old in 1980 can gather up comparable information/opinions vs. an adult in 2018 with 1 billion internet websites, tv channels, youtube videos, etc.
Oct 25, 2017
Think you're putting too much importance on the saber calling to Rey. That's highkey a super standard jedi thing.

Rey was still the only person who went to the planet. Snoke read her mind.

A)How is a Kojima easteregg mysticism B)There's was literally EU material released after the fact that explained how this happened

BB8 tapping him powered him up.

Oh I see what you're doing.

Kyber crystals having a relationship to the force user who finds, and even calls to them isn't new. Was also touched upon in R1.Luke's saber calling to Rey giving her visions of the saber's history implying a sort of memory written with the force is definitely new, and something that could've been explored.


Oct 27, 2017
My family usually sees a movie together around Christmastime. It's a democratic process but Star Wars was becoming a sort of tradition since we'd seen Force Awakens and Rogue One together the previous years. Naturally, The Last Jedi was the obvious choice last year.
Suffice to say I know 6 people in real life who hate this movie and who don't want to watch Star Wars films anymore.
Yeah but for all I know you have like 100 family members.

And this just reminds me about the time I took my family to see Tree of Life. Why does nobody ever let me pick the movies anymore?

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Kyber crystals having a relationship to the force user who finds, and even calls to them isn't new. Was also touched upon in R1.Luke's saber calling to Rey giving her visions of the saber's history implying a sort of memory written with the force is definitely new, and something that could've been explored.
Memories written within the force isn't new either. Rey experienced visions of the past, but then it very quickly shifted to her own past that she was blocking out as well as the very near future, the vision told her about Kylo's turn and that she'd face him in the snowy forest. Funny thing about that is that in the TLJ novelization Snoke literally calls force visions the most dangerous power because they're so goddamn vague.


Oct 25, 2017
Today I learned that a 9 year old in 1980 can gather up comparable information/opinions vs. an adult in 2018 with 1 billion internet websites, tv channels, youtube videos, etc.
Today I learned that an Era poster do not comprehend the words "as I was growing up".

We all get to learn things :)
Oct 25, 2017
Memories written within the force isn't new either. Rey experienced visions of the past, but then it very quickly shifted to her own past that she was blocking out as well as the very near future, the vision told her about Kylo's turn and that she'd face him in the snowy forest. Funny thing about that is that in the TLJ novelization Snoke literally calls force visions the most dangerous power because they're so goddamn vague.

Like I said in my first post elements have been the past but we've only seen these totems as ancient relics of long gone Force users. Now TFA presented Luke's saber and Vader's helmet as two of these totems forged so recently while the people who interacted with them are still around. How and why the force cam implant itself in a physical object and that object can impact the world is another aspect of the Force not touched upon.

IIRC even the first drafts of TFA were about exploring these items from the fall of the empire.


Oct 27, 2017
In TLJ it's a symbolic item of Luke's legacy, not a mystical item in TFA. In TFA it calls to Rey, gives her visions of stuff she knows nothing about. You can even argue that the saber chooses Rey over Kylo as light vs dark. It's connection to the Force is something we've seen a bit the TCW and Rebels but never really explored to how and why objects like that exist. The visions in TLJ come from Snoke, Rey never mentions her TFA visions to Luke and the idea of the saber being an item of the Force is not implied or mentioned. It is shown as symbolic to Luke's legacy and having him toss it, Rey to train with it and ultimately gets broken by Kylo and Rey fighting over it is just symbolism to Luke.
Sure it's symbolic from a story perspective, and I'd argue that Rian working in the symbolism is the opposite of lazy "subversive for the sake of it" writing. I might even argue that Rey touching an object and it quickly cluing her in to the conflict might even be lazier storytelling, but I actually like that stuff too. Just because it doesn't explicitly give her visions in TLJ doesn't mean it isn't still an important force object. Rey clearly still has reverence for the thing, given the way she cradles it's pieces. But it did it's job as a conduit of the force by hooking Rey up. Now she's got a working relationship with the force. I fail to see how that would classify as dropping or tossing aside this story element. It served it's purpose.

I can see why you think it's an interesting thing to explore, I think it's interesting too. But I don't want a film to get bogged down exploring that when they have a lot of interesting things to explore. I like when they hint at deep mystical things without ever going into detail because it makes things feel richer beyond what is seen.

To Kylo, talking to his magic grandpa helmet it's a part of his every day life, but the helmet itself isn't as important to what happens next as the fact that he was trying to emulate grandpa. I'll happily take a deeper exploration of the side details in the supplementary books and shows.
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Oct 27, 2017
The movie as a whole was solid. (3rd overall movie i mo) At its best (aka Rey and Kylo) it had some of the best moments for the IP. I loved Fin, I just wish he had more relevance overall. John Boyega absolutely crushes every scene he is in. I thought Rose was just fine, though I question her actions in her final scene.

I'm not gonna touch the Holdo vs. Poe scenario since the internet has poisoned any view I could possibly have into some agenda.

Captain Goodnight

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
My family usually sees a movie together around Christmastime. It's a democratic process but Star Wars was becoming a sort of tradition since we'd seen Force Awakens and Rogue One together the previous years. Naturally, The Last Jedi was the obvious choice last year.
Suffice to say I know 6 people in real life who hate this movie and who don't want to watch Star Wars films anymore.

The data is real. My wife and I.......both lifelong Star Wars fans, HUGE fans..........both now could care less about Star Wars and feel that Disney has ruined it.

I'm not just talking about TLJ (though that was the final nail in the coffin --- an emphatic nail) --- I'm talking:
-the complete erasure of all prior Extended Universe, including the Thrawn trilogy
- the terribly weak Rebels and Resistance series, with either lazy animations, terribly cliché and boring characters, horrible stories and insane additions to the lore of Star Wars (considering they are canon),
- the unbelievably weak Aftermath book trilogy by Chuck Wendig that had the most painful style of writing ever put to page
- the uninspired ANH reboot that was TFA, which singlehandedly doomed the sequel trilogy to an unsatisfying path from the very beginning
- the selling of all Star Wars game rights to EA and dissolution of LucasArts, and we all know what that has gotten us: some weak-ass mobile money-maker games and one and a half Battlefront pay-to-win games............oh, and a handful of cancelled or severely delayed games that actually showed some promise (1313 etc.)
- Solo
- the meddling with directors and other aspects of the film-making process along the way ; eg: the firing of Lord & Miller, and hiring of the terribly bland Ron Howard to fill the void ; the canning of composer Alexandre Desplat from Rogue One just a few months prior to the film's release, and the subsequent hiring of the mediocre Michael Giacciano to fill the void --- giving him only weeks to churn out an uninspired new Star Wars score....the first non-JW Star Wars film score that would grace the stage.......yeah, knew that that was a mistake from the moment that they canned the intro Star Wars scroll (and theme song) and had that terrible transition into the title screen and music for Rogue One.

Even before the Solo debacle, it was TFA that left us concerned but hopeful and then TLJ that left us completely hollow for the direction of this "New Star Wars" and left us both caring less about what will happen in Episode IX.

It's a very sad circumstance --- sort of like what Mark Hamill once said in an interview: "There's a saying that goes 'you can never really go home again' ", meaning that once you leave your home and childhood hometown, and stay away for years (let's say 10 or more), you can never really return back to what you had before. Times change, people change, definitions of quality change etc. You can never quite recapture that magic, no matter how hard you try.

The unfortunate part is that it feels like they didn't even genuinely try to recapture that magic. JJ Abrams' job was to reboot (copy) ANH and spin it uninspiringly for a new era of kids. Rian's job was to subvert expectations at all costs. Both of their job was to utilize the original Big Three, but make sure that their character arcs panned out such that they didn't take the limelight away from the new characters at all......even if it meant doing uninspiring or frustrating things with the character arcs of the Big Three that so many fans have grown to love.
Oct 28, 2017
such as???

do you realize that nothing in star wars would have happened if they had shot the escape pod?

WHY WOULD THEY LEAVE THE ESCAPE POD GO? because it didnt have signs of life???

just make sure and blow it up

Even the SW Radio Drama had to retcon that scene with some explanation for why they didn't shoot it down.

OT but the radio drama is amazing. Every fan should listen.

Captain Goodnight

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
GTFO Rebels is great

Yep, time travel and all, right? Gotta-eat-to-live, gotta-steal-to-eat Aladdin light as main character, Solo-light Jedi mentor, Pink mandalorian, Chewbacca ripoff, annoying killer robot sidekick that pales in comparison to the likes of HK-47, the shoe-horned return of Filoni's favorite character (OF COURSE), the cheapest animation that Disney could pass by, the most cliché and silly storylines (that become canon!!!) that Dave Filoni could churn out, and the lamest, worst handling of John Williams' Star Wars score that Kevin Kiner could muster. Rebels is truly a masterpiece?


Alt Account
Oct 28, 2018
Any person with a functioning brain would see that it'd literally be impossible for TLJ to make as much as TFA

But no one said that. Nice strawman.

On top of that if you're argument is that it's ONLY one of the highest grossing films of all time instead of THE highest grossing film you've already taken the L.

No the argument is, TLJ has done poorly compared to what a recent Star Wars mainline title should do. The short legs, nearly getting beaten by a spin off and mixed public reaction are evidence of this.

The only comeback you've offered is but the Blu ray sales (they are half of TFA) and it still did 1 billion, something that is expected of one of the biggest movie franchises to ever exist.


Oct 28, 2017
Yep, time travel and all, right? Gotta-eat-to-live, gotta-steal-to-eat Aladdin light as main character, Solo-light Jedi mentor, Pink mandalorian, Chewbacca ripoff, annoying killer robot sidekick that pales in comparison to the likes of HK-47, the shoe-horned return of Filoni's favorite character (OF COURSE), the cheapest animation that Disney could pass by, the most cliché and silly storylines (that become canon!!!) that Dave Filoni could churn out, and the lamest, worst handling of John Williams' Star Wars score that Kevin Kiner could muster. Rebels is truly a masterpiece?

get help

is a kids tv show


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

Ehhh, Zeb was made first


Rayman not Ray

Self-requested ban
Feb 27, 2018
Just rewatched the original with my partner, who'd never seen a single Star Wars movie. It made me realize a few things about the series that help explain why I loved Last Jedi. The main one is how much Star Wars doesn't explain things, and how that vagueness is a huge part of the appeal, at least for me.

For example, I feel like the Last Jedi did a good job at keeping the Force vague. It's a force that binds all life in the universe together. That's all we need to know. The more the series digs into the Force and how it functions, the less interesting it becomes.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Like I said in my first post elements have been the past but we've only seen these totems as ancient relics of long gone Force users. Now TFA presented Luke's saber and Vader's helmet as two of these totems forged so recently while the people who interacted with them are still around. How and why the force cam implant itself in a physical object and that object can impact the world is another aspect of the Force not touched upon.

IIRC even the first drafts of TFA were about exploring these items from the fall of the empire.
The force has been established to implant itself in physical objects since the OT.

But no one said that. Nice strawman.
Unless you're playing armchair businessman there's no way in hell 1.3 billion is a disappointing box office.

No the argument is, TLJ has done poorly compared to what a recent Star Wars mainline title should do.
Ok so you're still playing armchair businessman.


Alt Account
Oct 28, 2018

Captain Goodnight

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Ehhh, Zeb was made first


I get where his inspiration came from, but it was still a cliché character choice for the Rebels ensemble. Typical of Filoni. Would have been nice if we had any other shows out there that were more original, and also if it were much better animated.

get help

is a kids tv show

That's the excuse for every shitty product that Disney puts out for Star Wars.

It wouldn't be a problem if it:
a) wasn't official canon
b) if there were actual other high-quality tv shows (animated or otherwise) that could satisfy the rest of the huge fanbase out there.

Since this is all we've gotten for the past 6 years, it is inexcusable.
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Oct 25, 2017
Glad to see that ERA thinks both TFA and TLJ are good movies, as heavily debated/criticized they have become over the years online.


Aug 27, 2018
I've never loved or hated Star Wars, and this movie didn't push me further toward one or the other, it's just another Star Wars. That said, it has quite a few cheesy moments, but that's just par for the course as far as I can tell.

People also like to talk about it's structure like it's bold and daring or something to flip the heroes journey on it's head, but it only became somewhat noteworthy because of the era of cookie cutter blockbusters we live in. Go outside the genre/medium, and it's old hat.

I give it like, a B, because for some reason I've found myself throwing it on for background noise a number of times, and it's good for that purpose.


Oct 27, 2017
ERA math ---- 50.9% approval........certainly a passing grade, LOL!!!!!
Considering the poll was added more or less to determine which side gets to use the worst "most" in their defense, it counts. It's narrow, and I'd personally be wary to say most here think it's good lest I end up like some of those who were calling it earlier in the thread. But for now the goods have the upper hand.


Oct 28, 2017
Lancaster, CA
I loved it, much more than TFA. I thought it was well-paced, but the casino portions could have easily been cut IMO.

I personally understand just why Luke was the way he was in this film compared to his more optimistic self back in the day.

Just wish more of Benicio del Toro's character in the future.

Wished the wouldn't have killed Captain Phasma. We didn't even get to see her helmetless lol!

ESB is still probably my favorite of the series, but I will keep TLJ on par with ANH.

Oh and can't forget to mention how awesome the team up between Kylo and Rey was!